As I charge the thing, I lower Blitz and, when in range, swing under Drog and pierce the bird's neck. The head and Drog fly off as the body falls to the ground. I reach over and separate the beak to free Drog.
"Are you okay?"
Drog says, "Yes, master. Thank you, master."
"How did you get away?"
Drog says "I don't know, I didn't feel it until it attacked."
"Well, if you're going to explore, be careful. There may still be more of them."
Drog grunts and says "I hope there are!"
"If you kill any, bring the bodies back."
As Drog wanders off in search of revenge, I set about butchering the one at my feet while Ruby keeps watch. When I pull out his beast core and clean it up, I hand it to Ruby along with two others from my bag.
"Here, absorb these if you can."
Ruby looks at me quizzically as I give them to her. She absorbs them with no problem and I sigh.
Ruby says "What?"
"I can't absorb beast cores anymore."