Unbeknownst to Maria that not only will chanting the spell affect only her but rather the three of them. Her, prince Odeke and primordial spirit of the goddess inside the crystal gems in the sword.

"With the blood of my forefathers, that flows inside my vines, l summon all the power of nature betrothed onto our lineage, to come and possess my body and spirit. As soon as the chant was almost half way, Odeke who headed to Abela kingdom with Epiru and other guards leaving the she warriors alone to fight their battle become unease. Suddenly a sharp pain pierced his chest.

His heart weighed so heavily on him that he could barely make himself move, much less feel." "The whole ordeal made his miserable heart feel even heavier than before. Pondering why all of the sudden, but he felt like some heavy spark of a magnetic force, was pulling him backwards to Maria.

At only prince Odeke even the goddess sword began shaking so fast in a highest speed from where it was. Knowing that some disaster was about to befall to Maria, which it won't allow cause it had waited for decades for her to be born into human.

As soon as she was about to say the last words, aloud and fast hissing sound of the sword come towards her and fell Infront of her the force at which it come with was so powerful that it bursted all living creatures around it cousing fog of dust.

It's burst cause Maria's spell to be broken as she got distracted. Which wasn't supposed to occur while chanting the spell.

After witnessing what occurred fear filled Ocen's heart the he shivered yet he was still confident with his weapons.

Slowly she pulled her self from the ground with so much hatred, with a scrunched face filled with terrorr, pulling the sword from the ground and snarled, raised her hands up and swang the sword, one clash was enough to split a tree.

The foes were scared apart from the notorious Ocen whose pride and ego has covered his eyes and mind. Jumping up into the sky, pursued by maria from be hind as the knights and she warry were busy slaughtering the enemies on the ground.

Flying high in the sky, he suddenly stoped and looked behind, waiting for Maria. " Our battle will occur up here, he said while cracking laughter's and mocking maria on how she was so confident of her she warriors.

"Surrender to me, and l will spare your life or get ready to die ..

All those words didn't scare maria who was already half dead, Her face was scrunched up in anger. She slowly drew a bright sword from its scabbard slowly, the blade made a hissing whisper as it was removed from the sheathe. All the while, maria was holding Ocen firmly in her gaze

She e turned hee neck from left to right and popping it with a series of clicks in rapid succession from Ocen's blade, Then, she proceeded to do the same with the rest of his body as she loosened up the rest of his body.

"Don't hold back or I am going to break you." maria snarled at Ocen.

Ocen shrugged his shoulders, smiled, and slowly brought one foot behind his back. He put his weight on it and brought an open palm up, "Wait." he said and put his hand up to say "stop"

Ocen turned his head in curiosity.

It turned out a meteor was passing by in a blazing flames.. It's in their beliefs to bow heads down whenever there's meteors.

Ocen rushed at the Maria. He dipped and weaved right as he was about to reach him and slashed downwards with the sword. Maria parried with one of his gauntlets and the blade clashed against the the vabrenium sword strapped near ocen's arms with a shriek that sent sparks flying into the air. The swordsman was quick and uppercut slashed at the hand to hand warrior, attempting to catch Maria from stem all the way to stern.

Maria sidestepped to the right just enough and the blade passed a hairs breath from his face.

Quickly, before ocen could respond with a follow-up, Maria swiftly punched Ocen in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of the swordsman, and stunning him for a brief moment.

The fight had taken maria and Ocen dangerously close to the edge of the arena and Maria had his back almost to the wall, despite his counter offensive.

Ocen was still open for more attacks though and Maria was not done.

The quick blow had opened Ocen up for another attack and Maria obliged him, putting a simple sidekick into the swordsman's stomach, doubling him over. Mary followed that up with a quick rising uppercut.

The fight become of both swords and combat, it was not favoring Ocen's side was a woman was almost defeating him again.

Taking the opening and using the environment to her advantage, she back flipped onto the the leaves of the tree and pushed off towards Ocen The maneuver sent her front flipping towards Ocen and just before she reached the swordsman, Maria flattened her body out, feet first. Instead of colliding with his adversary though, she opted to wrap his feet around Ocen's neck instead.

The maneuver caught Ocen off guard as he was recovering his wits, once again Maria didn't give him an apologetic shrug, mid air. As to say, "sorry" for what was going to come next.

Maria used her momentum in a creative, by piling into her opponent and pullihim down to the ground, she then jerked to the right and swung around Ocen. Then, when she was directly behind her opponent, She curled her legs into his body and angled his body towards the ground, changing the direction of his fall, putting the weight of her jump into a powerful throw.

Unbeknownst to them Ocen had aback up plan just Incase he fails to defeat maria.