Chapter 25 - VICTORY IS OURS

Looking behind lay a site of incredible devastations, the towering trees were brutally uprooted, trashed on the ground like match sticks. The carrion birds feeding on the corpse of the fallen ones. As some vultures linger in the sky and the flies crawling in the dead bodies.

The battlefield was filled with blood, gore, and amputated limbs. The stench was awful, not only there was a smell from injuries but also the content of stomach and intestines from belly wounds were stinky.

Looking at this the she warriors walked away and left the bodies to the wild animals and some would turn into fertilizers for the trees.

Carrying five fallen warriors of Ngora and two from Morungatuny, with a sad face they were taken for proper burial to honor them for their bravery.

Carring them, they matched slowly Up to where the camp site for Ngora warriors was, then they she warriors also proceeded to the village with their slain warriors.

Upon hearing what had happened to Maria, the prince hurriedly rushed to where she was.

Looking at her tears welled up in his eyes, a single tear rolled down his cheeks. He felt his throat closing up as more tears streamed down even the pace changed after witnessing Maria's unconscious state.

Few hours later she gain her consciousness, opening her eyes slowly, was Odeke whose face had turned pale, eyes were red bloodshot and dozing which showed his over stay next to her.

" Hey! Better get some rest.

The torpid Odeke opened his eye and embraced Maria so hard that she could hardly breath." I was so afraid that you will not open your eyes so soon, he said as tears roll down his cheeks.

" Your choking me. Said maria. Immediately he realized his arms happily as a clam, filled with joy of the spring he smiled jovially.

Looking at Odeke who was over the moon, Akello wouldn't stop it but to stare at him.

Slowly Maria rose from the bed weakling, since to used the goddess sword, it drained her internal energy. But nevertheless she had to get up and cheer the people.

With Akello supporting her, they slowly went out were everyone was awaiting for her recovery. Upon seeing her they were all on cloud nine like a dog with two tails but it was no time for jubilee for they had lost five great warriors killed in action and five warrios from ngora who last their lives to save their kingdom.

Among which was one knight three male warriors and one she warrior . It was a great loss for them.

Waking towards the corpse of her warriors, filled with grieve she said looking at the the people wailing and mourning.

" The kingdom is free, because of the brave".

We shall forever remember you in our hearts for it's agreet loss to us , she said as a farewell as they lay them down to rest.

After she went to meet the Ngora warriors in their camp asides the village. Carrying the sword with her, she went.

" Am so over whelmed to see you all come to help us in time of need. But am also so grieved that you lost your warriors for our peace. Tell your king for we shall pay him back in future. She said while showing sympathy for the fallen warriors.

Stretching her hand forward, she presented the goddess sword to them.

" Take this, for it doesn't belong to my kingdom.

Coming forwards was the head warrior of Ngora kingdom, he stretched his arms to lift the sword from Maria , for it was ponderous.

The clumsy sword couldn't be hoisted by the chief warrior of Ngora making him to call for help, two more warriors come to help. But it become more unwieldy.

Maria though that it was a prank for not taking the blade, forced to call Akello to come and check if what they were saying is true.

Slowly she come forwards, sending her hand in front to pick the sword, for it was hefty to heave.

Then maria lifted it up so lightly, for she become so perplexed as to why others couldn't lift the sword.

"It's your destiny and you can't run from it, goddess! Said the chief warrior and quietly they embarked on their journey back with the five victims of war for appropriate buriel.

Looking at them afar as they slowly fade, then they treked back to the village bewildered of what the warriors said.

" Destiny! What destiny, she thought.

Meanwhile Getom kingdom was on fire as one of the survivors narrated the happenings to the king who was so enraged after hearing the chagrin. For it was atrocious for the kingdom especially the incarceration of Ocen his great warrior.

It was a bitter pill for the king, for Ocen is the strongest pillar of his kingdom and his voiding is a threat to the kingdom.

The loss of one of the knights was a hug deficit to the group . Whenever a knight succumbs, another is replaced from the academy of Knight.

Every year one volunteer is chosen to join the academy at athe age of four to five years. And as time elapsed there were only twelve young knights. The eldest was eighteen years old.

There always forgotten by their families for once you join you loss your family identity and the only thing their are tought is to kill an enemy as the she warriors theirs is to protect the land.

And that's the reason the knights are well skilled in all aspects and few in number.

It was time for the challenge, the fastest to accomplish the five missions given will be the knight to replace the departed one.

Five of the young older knights from the academy were chosen to participate, unfortunately the youngest of the five knights passed and was welcomed to the knighthood.

Maria, l think we should consider taking the eldest one too though she was surpassed by just few minutes to complete. Akello suggested, for she saw that it would be unjust for the first knight to join the academy not to be chosen.