Chereads / Begin Again In Marvel / Chapter 122 - Strategy Meeting

Chapter 122 - Strategy Meeting


It had been a few weeks since I finished the trial and everybody had passed the assessments. Now I gathered all the military members for a strategy meeting.

Rio: "Thank you for gathering. Now let us begin."

Thrawn: "I have done an inventory of the Chimaera. It contains 96 Tie Defenders, 20 AT-ATs, 30 AT-STs, 2 Lamba Shuttles, an MCPS, a Cloaking Device, and a Computerized Combat Predictor."

Rio: "The Chimaera is estimated to be out of service until late January correct?"

Thrawn: "Indeed."

Rio: "I also would like to remove the AT-ATs and AT-STs as they are terribly designed vehicles. I don't see much tactical value in keeping them around other than for research purposes. Have you decided on a crew?"

Thrawn: "Not yet. From what I have learned we don't have enough organics to go around and I am not confident in using the B1s."

Rio: "What about using the BX series? They have been tested and found to perform as well if not superior to organic crew members. Commander Rex has given them glowing reviews."

Thrawn: "I will review the data. The large issue is the massive crew requirements for my ship."

Rio: "I just recently finished making and improving the Precognitive Interface which is a ship combat AI that will reduce the crew needed by 90% or more for almost every ship. Combine that with the massive downsizing of the Hyperdrives and reactors and it lessens the crew requirements drastically. Venators now only need 400 Crew members and in a pinch can be reduced to 300. For the Providence, they only need 1350 Crewmembers. The Munificents need only 50 crew members. A Lucrehulk needs only 20 crew members. The best thing about the AI is they aren't sentient and can't be hacked as they don't operate on a normal plane of existence."

Dao: "If they are installed we will immediately solve all our crew shortages."

Rio: "Exactly. I intend on splitting your experienced crews to the numerous ships in our Navy. They will be paired with inexperienced or new crews of clones. I will also switch 45k BX Commandos into Crew Droids and Pilots. Then I will let any clones that want to remain in the Army stay there. These numbers should allow us to expand the Navy for a time without needing to recruit more crew members."

Yularen: "Speaking of new technology what is the current progress of the shields and dragon scales."

Rio: "I assisted directly in getting the Psionic Barriers and Shields working with our tech. Combined with the Dark Matter Deflectors I can safely say we have the greatest shields in the universe and possibly beyond. They have been tested and they can survive several minutes in a Neutron Star with no damage. We have named it the Crystal Shield. The Artificial Dragon Scales have been postponed while we finish working on the new Hyperdrives. We combined the Hyperspace Gates, Psionic Jump Drives, Quantum Catapults, Hyperdrives, Slipspace Drives, and Magical Propulsion. The end result is a drive of 20th the size and 200% more efficient and powerful compared to our current Class 1 Hyperdrives. The first prototype will be put on a ship tomorrow. We have gone over the math 23 times and we believe it will work and be ready to be installed in all our ships."

Yularen: "That sounds like we will have to wait for some time to get our ships retrofitted and fully operational. Removing the Hyperdrives on the Venators will take time."

Rio: "Yes it will but the performance upgrades will be well worth it. Working at top efficiency we expect all ships to be fully retrofitted by mid-2008. This includes the addition of the Artificial Dragon Scales. Not all ships will be down at once so we can continue to train. Moreover, the Munificents and Dreadnought will not be upgraded as they will be the face of the BCA."

Thrawn: "So I can expect my ship will not be operational until mid-2008?"

Rio: "Yes, your ship requires the most work as the Empire was not the best at building ships. Especially to handle smaller threats. Any other questions?"

When no one asks any I move on to assignments.

Rio: "For assignments. Trench you have experience serving the Corporate Alliance and as such I want you to be the public face of the BCA. You will operate out of a Munificent for the time being while your ship is being worked on. Sakaar is in a perfect position to become a massive trading hub. We will continue to collect whatever scrap turns up but I want to create a massive city like Knowhere. It will be a perfect place to gather intelligence and make Black, Grey, and White markets. You have a no offense but frightening face to most species. That will make you more intimidating. You will be the public face while the Imperium controls it secretly."

Trench: "Hmm, I have no issues with this assignment. When would I start."

Rio: "At the start of the new year. A city has already been mostly constructed and we have made a device that directs all the beings or trash teleporting to Sakaar to the southern pole. I will send you the B2s we have since there are already rumors about them. I have changed them so if they are captured they will explode. From the Sakaar Revolt, we know that the B2 armor is tough enough that the average weapon will take 6-12 shots to put down a B2. Do you want any other droids or soldiers to support you?"

Trench read over the info and thought for a moment.

Trench: "Some MagnaGuards would be very helpful."

Rio: "I will send 4 to protect you."

Trench: "That is all I need."

Rio: "The next assignment is for Thrawn. I want you to take over the leading of all Naval assets of the Imperium to help free up Tex."

Thrawn: "I will perform to the best of my ability."

Rio: "Good, Tex and I will be occasionally asking for your advice. So if you can please study our foes in case you are called upon. This goes for everyone but if you have suggestions at any time let me or Tex know."

They all nod.

Rio: "The next assignment is for Admiral Dao. I want you on anti-piracy patrols. Ima-Gun Di will assist you."

Dao: "Yes sir."

Rio: "Yularen I want you to shift most of your focus to the CIB. You will keep tabs on Earth and, more importantly, the greater universe. This means you will be reducing your work hours as Admiral."

Yularen: "As you command your highness."

Rio: "When you are serving as an Admiral, you will assist in the training of new crew members. Thrawn, this will also be your responsibility."

They both nod in acceptance.

Rio: "When we get new members for the Navy you will be assisting Tex in finding the proper position for them."

Thrawn: "Yes your Highness."

Rio: "Rex you are now a General and will be in charge of training new troops, making new strategies, organizing the troops, and assisting in the Spartan training program."

Rex: "I won't let you down, sir!"

Rio: "I would expect no less. You may get promoted to Grand Admiral or General depending on how everyone performs. Tex is currently placed as the Grand Leader as he is the head of the Navy, Army, and Spec Ops. If any of you need assistance or help reach out immediately. There is no shame in asking for help and I will not punish you. If anything I will punish you for not asking for help when you needed it."

They all nod and I move on to fleet breakdowns.

Rio: "Dao you will lead Providence Fleet 1. TI-99 will lead Providence Fleet 2. Yularen will be in charge of the Gaia Defense Fleet. Thrawn will be in charge of the Olympus Shipyards. Trench will be in charge of the BCA Fleet. Rex will be in charge of the Gaia Garrison. Tex will lead from Earth. Any questions, comments, or concerns?"

Thrawn: "Since most of the ships at Olympus will be being worked on what would be my standard response should I detect an intruder."

Rio: "Report it immediately and attempt to capture them. Olympus will have over 600 Droid Trifighters to defend the shipyards. We should hear or see an attack coming but if we don't and the attack is large then I will teleport the Malevolence to annihilate the enemy."

Thrawn: "Understood."

Rio: "The same goes for Gaia but the fleet at Gaia combined with the Hypervelocity and Ion Cannons should be able to fight off any attack. Still don't underestimate any foes you face. We still don't know where the enemy that wiped out the Covenant's home worlds is. If they do appear you are to begin evacuation procedures immediately. Learn what you can but get out if you can."

Everyone nods.

Rio: "If there are no more questions this meeting is adjourned."


Authors Note:

I wanted to give an explanation of the areas where the Crystal Imperium is and who is in charge of those areas. That and I wanted to show the new tech that they have made. The next chapter will be Gacha. Until next time Ciao.