Chereads / Begin Again In Marvel / Chapter 73 - A Wish And Plans

Chapter 73 - A Wish And Plans

I sent the Dimeterium to Tex to be tested with the other metals we have aboard the Aura's Revenge. I also sent over control of Loki, ARCHIMEDES II, and the UNSC ship. Lastly, I left him with the Trifighter Schematics. After that, I sent Universal Translator and Anti-Gravity Shoes to Lex. Then I sent the Minecraft game to Seto with some notes on suggestions.

'Next, I need to head to Sanctuary.'

I entered Sanctuary and flew to the Dryad's residence as I put her in charge of defending and caring for the Tree of Harmony. I came here to leave the Maxim Tomato's with her. She is the only druid or green mage at my disposal.

Dryad: "Ah Rio you have come to visit. I hope you are doing well. The tree is doing great."

Rio: "I am doing great thanks for asking. I am glad to hear the tree is doing well. I came here to leave some important seeds with you. I hope you don't mind."

Dryad: "As long as they aren't as powerful as the last seed you gave me. While the tree doesn't require too much upkeep it is still a magically potent plant. I often have to shoo away the others from disturbing it."

Rio: "These are special but not that special. These are Maxim Tomato seeds. They can be seen as a very nutritious and healing plant. They need magic to grow but once grown I imagine many will love to eat them."

Dryad: "Sigh. So I will have to protect them from all the beings in this realm? Anything else you want to give me or should I get to making a garden for these?"

Rio: "Sorry. That is all I have. I just want to see how the tree is doing."

The Dryad waves me away and takes the seeds. I walk over to the Tree of Harmony seedling. I try to sense where it is in its growth cycle and I also see if it has developed a consciousness yet. Once I see it hasn't I decide to leave. I check to see what is next on the to-do list.

'I need to place the Space-Time Towers in the area I have made as my castle here. I then need to use the dragon balls as I have decided on the wish. Then it's the planning for the heist and the coming invasion by Kingpin.'

I fly over to the area I set up as my castle area. Once I arrive I look around for a good spot to place the towers. I find the perfect spot and place the towers. Once I place them I go inside and look around. I stop at the mural.

'It's even more beautiful in person. Humans are truly wonderful when they want to be. I should keep going.'

[Image Here]

I went to each tower to see the massive instruments in them. Then I used the lift to reach the control room. Once there I checked the mechanisms to try and understand how they worked. It didn't take long to understand. I put Oracion in the center music player and started the machine.

(Start Playing Pokemon The Rise of Darkrai Soundtrack - Oracion on YouTube)

As the music plays the towers start to glow gold and golden dust begins radiating from the towers. All the creatures of the land look at the towers in wonder and they are transfixed on the beautiful music as massive golden wings form from the extending metal. I even see Lucy not too far away staring at the tower. I sit down and just listen to the composition.

'Sometimes it's nice to just sit down relax and listen to such beauty. Ah, the song has ended I suppose I should let everyone know of the towers and tell them that they can play music whenever they want. I think Lucy and maybe Sendak would like to move in here as it has very nice living areas. I guess I could hold some events in the contest hall as well.'

I fly down and let everyone know what happened and what the towers can do. Once I ask everyone if they are fine with music playing once a day at noon I then move to ask Lucy and Sendak if they want to move in.

Sendak: "I would love to. Such a work of art! I would be a fool to say no."

Lucy: "I want to move in as well or at least until I move into your mansion."

Rio: "Let me show you around then you can choose a room for yourselves. Make sure you let each other know which room you choose so you don't disturb each other. Oh, and I am putting both of you in charge of the music. Some of the residents will likely come here to request a specific song."

Sendak: "I should have no issue doing that."

Lucy looks a bit uncertain.

Rio: "It will be good practice for when you enter society. Also, I assure you the residents here are very friendly. Even the scary-looking ones are just outcasts looking for a better life."

Lucy: "I will try my best."

Rio: "That's all anyone should ever ask of you."

Sendak: "Very true now let's get this tour on the road."

I show them around and once I finish I send a Shadow Clone to Venus to summon Shenron. I didn't want to risk summoning him in the Astral Realm or in Sanctuary as my wish was quite specific but wide-reaching. I bought the remaining Dragon Ball for 1 Million and placed all the Dragon Balls together before sending them to the clone. I then moved to my mansion to watch from afar.

Clone: "Shenron I summon you!"

The sky grows dark and a massive beam of light comes from the gathered Dragon Balls. Out of the light comes a massive dragon.

Shenron: "I am Shenron. I shall grant you any wish. Now speak."

Clone: "I wish for all current and future Inhumans to become normal humans and all knowledge and research on them to disappear."

Shenrons eyes glow before he speaks again.

Shenron: "Your wish is granted. Summon me again when you require my power."

In another beam of light, Shenron vanishes back into the Dragon Balls and then the Dragon Balls disintegrate. The Clone quickly dispels as to leave no trace behind as to what happened. I continue to watch to see if anything happens and sure enough, I see the Ancient One appear with several dozen sorcerers. I watch as they spread out and look for anything but they find nothing.

'Hmm, I think it's about time I moved the timeline again. The Ancient One is becoming a nuisance. System summon Meridia in the Dark Dimension.'


[Summoning, Deducting Points.]

'It may take Meridia a bit but since she can't be slain under normal circumstances I think she should be able to destroy the Dark Dimension or at least weaken it enough that I can send something else to finish the job. Once the Dark Dimension is gone Yao will age rapidly as her source of unaging disappears. She will only survive another 2 years at most if she doesn't use the Time Stone to slow the process. She also won't be able to use much if any of her power without aging faster.'

After looking around for a bit the sorcerers find nothing and retreat as the area on Venus is not conducive to life. Once they retreat I wait for a bit before I stop watching and move on to the next thing on my to-do list.

'Okay, so the heist. I have already located Jotunheim and I have my fake persona ready. I just need to find the right Frost Giants for the job.'

I looked over the list of candidates I got from Laufey's wife. Officially Laufey was not involved but I knew he was. It was given to me after I approached the Royal Family discreetly with an offer of a secret passage into Asgard. The plan was simple. An upcoming birthday celebration celebrating Frigga would cause the guards to be lessened around the vault. I would give them an undetected entrance into Asgard and several Frost Giants would attempt to steal the Casket of Eternal Winters. If they succeed I would ensure they escape Asgard undetected and if they fail or try to betray me I would leave them to die. Neither me nor the Frost Giants trusted each other highly but what I offered them was too good to pass up. Moreover, my true identity was never revealed and they would have no way to tie it back to me.

'Hmm, I think these 3 can be added to the probable pile. Stupid and very patriotic. That makes 12 candidates that made the first cut. Now I just need to reduce it to 4-5 instead.'

I spent the next couple of hours spying on the possible candidates and checking the info I got until I reduced it to the 4 best candidates.

'That should do it. Now I will send the selected list to Farbauti. Now I need to check on our plans against the coming invasion by the Kingpin alliance.'

I moved to the command room where Tex was reviewing the data.

Tex: "Excellent. I was about to contact you. I have built a comprehensive battle plan for our defense of Hell's Kitchen."

I look over the plan and check to see what we are up against.

Rio: "Really they bought tanks?"

Tex: "Yes, I found it interesting that they bought such dangerous weapons for what amounts to a turf war."

Rio: "Do we have confirmation on Hydra's movements?"

Tex: "Yes, we confirmed they will not be getting directly involved. Moreover out strikes against 12 of their remaining bases have made them unable to do anything other than defend their bases and the hunt they have for the escaped subject."

Rio: "So besides pulling strings they will be avoiding direct confrontation. That's good. I would rather not fight Hydra or Shield directly at this time. Are the supplies we liberated from the criminals enough for the defense?"

Tex: "Yes sir. We have more than enough spare supplies. So much that we have sent most of it to Reznov to fuel his war. I calculate we will regain what we lose and then some after this battle is over. What do you plan to do with Kingpin."

Rio: "I think wiping out the allies he has brought together and then having him as our puppet to control North America for us is the best course of action."

Tex: "Wouldn't it be more efficient to replace him with a fake or a puppet loyal to us?"

Rio: "Yes and no. It would be more secure if we placed our own candidate in the position but we don't have anyone to fill that role right now. Moreover, Kingpin is quite a connected individual. If we kill him most of those connections will go with him. Once we break everything he has we will give him a carrot and he will fall in line. Or at least he will for a while. While he remains loyal for a time we can divert resources elsewhere. And if he tries to rebel we will have had enough time to have a suitable candidate ready that will replace him easily enough."

Tex: "I see. Besides that, I wanted to ask what our current plans for Hydra are."

Rio: "They are currently crippled but they will recover eventually. I plan on having Shield realize what is happening in their midst and let Fury try to fight them. Right now the ratio of Hydra to Not Hydra in Shield is 8:2. If a war breaks out right as Project Insight is finishing we can have Shield destroy itself and steal the Helicarriers while we are at it. Most likely Hydra will win but be exposed causing them to do something drastic. My guess would be attempting to usurp a country. Likely France, the U.K., Or the USA. They might succeed or might not. Either way, Hydra will be weakened and Shield will have practically ceased to exist. 3 Birds one stone."

Tex: "What of the Space Stone?"

Rio: "Right now Shield owns it and even if Shield ceases to exist Hydra will continue down the same research. If they do then the Chitauri Invasion will still occur. When it does we can steal 2 stones at once. Speaking of which I need to take the Power Stone before anyone discovers it. I also need to head to Vormir to brainwash Red Skull."

Tex: "Should I have a ship prepared for you?"

Rio: "No I will use Gate. It is easier and quieter. Any other questions?"

Tex: "That was all sir."

Rio: "Good. I will study these plans and make sure my clones are in position for the battle."


Authors Note:

I decided on the wish when I was reading up on the MCU and figured that the Inhumans got a bad hand so I wanted to fix that while also not just outright killing them. This also means Hive is not going to survive much longer as he lost all his powers. I also wanted to elaborate on the plans Rio has. By the time the Chitauri Invasion happens, Rio will have at least 2 Infinity Stones and possibly 3. I figured it made no sense to just let Thanos get any stones as he is already strong. (Though he is really lazy.) As for why the Ancient One is being removed in such a roundabout way, it's because Rio sees her order as an outdated and pointless relic. But most importantly the Ancient Ones have a history of making bad calls and doing morally questionable things. That and the Vishanti are not trustworthy. Next, I wanted to give a tiny preview of the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and until next time Ciao.