The amount of spiritual attack he had used have actually surpassed that of average Envoy, and the intensity alone was more than enough to incapacitate three Lieutenants had one Martial.
The Lieutenants crumpled to the ground.
The Martial felt blood trickle down his nose... He resisted for a bit and launched another attack. But, Rann paid the approaching attack no heed and he simply vanished from his initial position.
The three Lieutenants and the Martial could no longer dictate his exact location. He seem to have escaped from them.
"How can you three not hold him up for three long hours, if Akeem comes now what do we tell him?" The Martial scolded the three Lieutenants who's head slightly lowered.
However after a moment, one Lieutenant spoke up.
"He's very powerful. Even you could not hold him off on your own, let alone with us attacking together."
The Martial's face darkened.