Chapter 60 - chapter 60


Touma was awoken by the strain of his right arm. He opened his eyes, noticing that the girls were still on their places. Kaibi slept with her lips on his lower neck, while Amazora rolled over (as she had habit of doing) onto his chest and upper belly, snoring without a care in the world. Although at the very least she was light. Compared to Rikuri mumbling something in her sleep while crushing his face with her chest, and Oriana nibbling his ear (seriously, was that sleep habit engraved in Gokusai bloodline's DNA?) and making a bit too graphic sounds upon attempts to pry her off, it wasn't nearly as messy for his hormones.

However, he managed to get his attention to his right hand. It seemed like something was pulling it from the outside. And when he peered beyond the edge of the bed...

He noticed Ladylee spread on the floor and holding his hand to her face in such fashion, that her cheek was practicully within his palm. She looked up and smiled



Similarly, Ladylee seemed to still retain the habit of scaring the hell out of him upon his awakening.

In the next couple of minutes, Lucia, Orsola, and Mugino, whose rooms were the closest, appeared in the door. Lucia hauled her wooden wheel of St. Catherine, presumably

"What is it? We heard scre-"

Lucia's concern died down as she looked at the chaotic pile of limbs and bodies trying to get up.

"Oh my" Orsola put a hand on her cheek" When we were in Venice, I said three was too many, but I guess I was mistaken"

"Hey, this is not what it-"

"Huh? Drop dead"

Lucia and Mugino both said in the same flat, irritated manner, albeit for two different reasons.

'Shit! I postponed going to him because I didn't want to give some half-assed performance due to tiredness. That blond bimbo really drove like crazy, and even I needed rest. But I see they wasted no time. Shit, shit, shit!'

However, Mugino didn't have time to unleash her wrath outwardly.

"You... you..."

Because in that moment, trembling and flustered Lucia smashed her wheel to the ground, causing an explosion of sharp wooden fragments.

"You indecent heathen!"


It took quite a bit of apologizing for Lucia to reverse her magic and regenerate her wheel, which caused all the wood to be (painfully) removed all at once from Touma's arm, Ladylee's entire body, and Oriana Thomson's butt, which was, rather curiously, sticking outside of the sheets through entire time. The blond wanted Touma to remove it by hand, but this actually convinced the fuming nun to revoke the punishment herself.

At the very least, Touma didn't get bit or had to pose an embarrassment to Rin. Both of them awakened after everything was done, as their rooms were further away from his and so they only met at breakfast.

"Good morning Touma-kun"

And another person on the breakfast was also Arisa.

"Orsola-san prepared truly an amazing breakfast. Can I seat by you?"

Well, first come, first served, Touma spent breakfast near Arisa's side, with other's quickly gathering and taking free seat around.

"How was she?" Touma mouthed to the girl, when the others went to take food.

"According to Shutaura's log before we switched after midnight, nothing happened out of ordinary. I might have dozed off a little bit... b-but I can assure you she didn't leave her room"

"Arisa, we have to be extra careful. Sukemi-san's alternative self can manipulate sharpness. She can cut through walls with ease. Luckily, I think I have a skill that can counter her ability"

"You do?"

"Yes. I think she will switch soon. That's why I want you to have this..."


As much as the cliffs, beach and ocean were charming and beautiful, there was one major disadvantage. The steep stairs in the cliff, leading to the beach from a small herb garden on the convent's grounds, were very, very long. For the first time, Touma really wished he could levitate like Maidono or create wings for himself like Kakine Teitoku.

Finally, he arrived at the bottom.

"I don't want to imagine going up..." he panted out.

He was also carrying the things of his roommates, so he let them down to rest for a moment, when...


Touma instinctively jumped to the side, when something fell with high speed and splashed itself into red mush.

Touma looked in bewilderment and then facepalmed.

The messed up body twitched, the blood that was in the vicinity returning inside. Bones joined together, limbs and neck re-aligned, muscles and ligaments fixed themselves, internal organs filled up and reattached as the skin began to cover the fallen corpse. Fully naked Ladylee gasped, and raised up, her skull and head being the last thing to regenerate. She stretched out, checking the mobility of her joints, while looking around.

"Mmmm! So that's our beach?!"

"Don't change the subject. You nearly crushed me! Unlike you, I can't revive like it's nothing" Touma said, covering the remaining blood with sand.

"I warned you to step aside, didn't I?"

"Would it kill you to... okay, that's the wrong way to put it in your case... would it be such a problem to just go down normally? And why are you naked?"

"Dropping myself was more efficient and faster. When you are immortal, you stop bothering with risky manouvers. And why would I stain my swimsuit with blood? Of course I plunged myself from the cliff naked, are you mental?"

"What do I have with you..."

"You got here fast" came voice of Mugino Shizuri, prompting the two to turn back.

With tea-coloured hair fluttering in the wind, look of superiority, and the elegant crimson panties with black stripe, combined with royal burgundy bra, Mugino presented elegance and charm befitting some otherworldly being of great beauty.

"You look amazing, Shizuri"

"You had any doubts?" she asked with confidence.

"No, I suppose not"

"Good answer. As a reward, I will allow you to cream my back"

Touma gulped.

"T-That sounds like a risky idea..."

"Oh, come on, I know you want to. Be a good boy and rub it on" Mugino said, spreading a blanket on the sand.

"Is that what it is? Because to me it sounds more like you are the one who want to get felt u- UWOAGH?!"

Ladylee's quip was broken by prosthetic fist colliding with her face.

In the end, Touma managed to somehow manage to put cream on Mugino before the arrival of others. Although this wasn't actually all that helpful, considering that Oriana and Rikuri also wanted cream put on, which ended up in everyone getting very vocal about it, alongside Kaibi and Index getting irritated because of the swarm of attention around the boy.

However, finally, there was time to engage in something more relaxing.

Mugino stretched out on the sun. Arisa and Kaibi prepared cold drinks for everybody. Amazora made sandcastles with Ladylee, and from the looks of it, they were achieving some absurd architectonic details. Rikuri were floating on a small inflated mattress, splashing her feet in the water. Orsola was also present, finding refuge from the sunlight and reading an old book and taking a muffin from the small box on the portable table she set up close to her.

That left Touma and Rin, who decided to go alongside the shore for a stroll. Touma did so to gather the seashells, in hope to make the matching souvenir necklaces for Hasako and Maidono, and also to spend some time with the girl, who was the main reason for them to be there.

It was honestly easy to dismiss Sukemi Rin's presence, given how shy and unassuming she tended to be in her regular self. Right now, she was wearing a slightly frilly, blue bathing suit, that was more on a 'cute' rather than 'sexy' side.

The rift that unintentionally happened between them actually made Touma quite sad. Did that neglect caused her to fall prey to his own darkness and caused the bothersome personality split?

"Kamijou-kun... I am really thankful that you brought me here... I-I never imagined you would spare me a moment... you seem distant those days..."

What did they have before? Were they friends? Sure, they still were ones, but maybe there was something more than that involved in the past than being just two classmates. Touma's heart genuinely felt like he wanted to reconnect with those feelings and memories of the past, feelings and memories he knew were forever lost, among so many others.

"Rin-san... there is an explanation... you see, I..."

"I already know" Rin smiled, fiddling her fingers" Don't worry, it's alright"

"You do? But..."

"Hasako-san told me. She is really nice and I know your reasons now"

"Oh... t-that's a relief then..."

Maybe because of the desperate need to reach the bond that once was lost, both teens didn't question what exactly each of them 'knew'. That would prove a possible seed of heartbreak... or would it?

"I know that I am not pretty or smart, just an average girl from an average town, being averagely talentless... but I still couldn't help but admire you... n-not that I was watching you... well, I was watching you, because you were so inspiring, but... j-just because you were always busy, I couldn't bring myself.."

Rin turned herself into mumbling, blushing mess, as she quickly covered her face with her hands. However, Touma only smiled and shook his head

"I am sorry for not noticing that you were feeling left out. But if you don't mind me asking, what do you like about me?"

"H-Hwah? W-What do I like..." Rin lowered her head, blush reaching her ears" I-I guess we never talked about it outright when we were younger, did we? W-Well, I lo... l-like your acceptance a lot. You are tolerant, but you also won't stand for injustice in front of you. You don't see yourself as a hero, but you are still just as brave and courageous. You are so friendly to everyone and genuinely want to see everyone smile. There are so many things I could... talk about... eeep!"

It seemed like the girl's confidence reached the breaking point and she became silent.

"Sukemi-san, I am sorry that you felt so invisible."

"I-It's fine. I am thankful you are here trying to help me fight my illness..."

"But that's not enough. I don't want it to end at just that. You are not forgettable, Sukemi-san."



"Please... call me Rin. Like you used to"

"Oh, I am sorry. Are you... were you feeling lonely, Rin-san?"

The girl was silent, as she and Touma bent down to reach for couple shells.

"Not really. Unlike in my early years, people in our class are being nice to me. Plus I can always reach out to Kazari if I wanted to. I didn't see her in some time, but I heard that she is doing great as the protector of the city..."

"Wait? Kazari? You mean Uiharu-san?"

"Huh? You know her?"

"Yeah, she is my good acquaintance of mine, friend of a friend. I met her couple of times by now. How do you know her"

"She is my family. Our grandmothers were sisters, so were second-cousi-Ah?! Kamijou-kun?!"

Touma partially covered Rin's headband with his hand and narrowed his eyes.

"Hmm... yup. Some things are different, but I can totally see it. Add flowers and change the hue of hair and we have Uiharu-san. Man, in recent times, I am constantly reminded that the world is not such a big place when it comes to people and their bonds, but this is just amazing. We should go meet her together"

Rin wanted to comment on that, but a gentle cough broke the moment.

"Excuse me, miss Sukemi, but could I borrow him for a moment?"

"Oh, Aquinas-san, o-of course"

"Please call me Orsola, miss Sukemi. You are my guest and deserve all the hospitality. Which reminds me, please come with me to the caverns before dinner. Would that be agreeable?"

"Yes, Aqu... Orsola-san"

"Well then..."

"Rin-san, we shall catch up later, I promise"

And so, Touma walked away with Orsola, who innocently looked at him with question in her eyes.

"Why do you look up?"

'Because even though it's not nearly as extravagant as Mugino's, you look absolutely sexy in that one-piece and I can't concentrate in a million years'

"Is the heat getting to you? Maybe you won't to lean on me..."


The pressure of breasts on his body from Orsola yet another innocent but hormone-boosting action caused the boy to break contact immediately.

It was partially due to this gentle innocence that Orsola had such an effect on Touma each and every time. She was akin to the incarnation of long-searched dorm manager onee-san virtue, and few women could have said to have such effect on Touma's psyche... and body.

He didn't break the contact because he wanted to. He did it because he felt like he was about to self-combust from the overload the oblivious nun just got him into.

"O-O-Orsola-san, in what this poor Kamijou can help you with on this fine day?"

"First of all, I hope you and your friends have fun."

"Well, I think they do. I will spend some time with them now."

"Splendid. Of course, I would also like to speak to you about the situation that transpires with your troubles. We have some catching up to do"


He was a little bit too enthusiastic in that exclamation. Orsola giggled.

"But before that, there is one more person that I want you to talk with."

"Someone I should talk with? Who?"

"Sister Lucia"

"Lucia? Why?"

"I realize this is a bit of an off-track errand compared to this important issue you have at hand, but it is important when it comes to Agnese Sanctis. You see, word is that you caused a huge shift in Agnese Force's political standing and ideology, their fanaticism mellowing down. One can even say that among non-catholics, you are certainly Agnese Sanctis' favourite. Other nuns in her force also changed her views and uphold respectable opinions of you. But Lucia..."

"Doesn't want to warm up, huh?"

"Well, I think it's quite the opposite. If she simply hated you, then she wouldn't be... well, so vehement in hating you. Apparently, she is quite vocal in slandering you"

"Wow, it makes me real motivated to talk to her"

"No, that's not as you think about it. Lucia is confused what to make with the fact that he actually appreciates your doings. She doesn't know how to react, so she copes with it by venting the frustration in the way she knew before. Except, right now it's not what the other members of Agnese Forces think and sister Agnese is actually... quite annoyed with people who badmouth you. That created a feud with sister Lucia."

"Agnese really defended me? I didn't know that she had it in her heart. I could so hug her right now! Wait, so what you are saying is... Lucia actually likes me?"


Thousands of kilometers away, in the silence of the mass, Agnese Sanctis sneezed, right during the pause between chants. The attention she gathered caused her to blush and quickly focus on her prayer book, as if the letters suddenly gained completely new, alien meaning.


Much closer to Touma and Orsola, in convent's laundry room, Lucia sneezed loudly, before looking around with eybrows knitted. For some reason, she felt like she was an object of greater attention than usual.


"She certainly appreciates your action during the Regina Del Mare Adriatico incident. You saved her and sister Angelene back then, and she was forced to re-evaluate her opinion on you. Ever since, she is struggle to admit she has degree of admiration for you. It is more than just a mere denial. She was the most extreme and devout of Agnese Forces. And if my theories regarding her heritage, this sort of thing is in her blood."

"Her heritage?"

Orsola took of a book she was reading earlier and salvaged few photos.

"Lucia, as well as Agnese and Angelene, was left in the care of the nuns as a child. Agnese's parents were killed, Angelene's left her mid-trip, but as for Lucia, she was a mystery for a long time. I was taking care of them when they were small, and as they started to grow, I began to have my suspicions..."

Touma looked at one of the photos.

"Why is there an age-progressed photo of Lucia here?"

"That's not her. It's someone with who you are indirectly familiar with. She was the one who once hired Oriana Thomson and threatened Academy City... a nun specializing in converting the unconvertible... Lidvia Lorenzetti. You are familiar with her comrade, Biagio Busoni"

"Yeah, I heard that name before. But she and Lucia... it's as if someone took Lucia-san and maxed up onee-san factor... especially that look in their eyes when they are mad..."

"Similarities don't end there. I have strong suspicions that there is a link, meticulously hidden, between those two. Lidvia is very high-ranked clergy member. Her having a daughter would create a tumult within the church. I was acquainted with her in my earliest days as a nun-in-training. We both shared a passion for preaching to the ones on the edges of community, but our ways diverged when her more extremist tendencies manifested. Although, with the chance of some relation existing between Lidvia and Lucia, that covers some ugly secrets of the church..."

Orsola paused, zoning out a little. After a few moments, she resumed

"...I like to think that Lidvia did so not only to protect her reputation, but also to protect her child as well. Lidvia had countless enemies who would hurt the child in many ways to get to her, constantly endangering it. Disposing of it before birth, especially in the view of such a conservative member of the church, was out of question. Lucia, in contrast to Agnese and Angelene who we found, was delivered straight to my doorstep. Maybe someone knew where to put her to keep away, but still close enough..."

Orsola then shook her head and waved her hand

"But I am getting off track here. It's Agnese and Angelene's plea for you two to try to get along. Now, please go to your friends, I won't bother you until we manage to speak alone later."

"You never bother me, Orsola-san"

"Hmm hmm, thank you"


"So the idea is to play volleyball. Isn't that cool?" Amazora tugged on Touma's swimming shorts.

"Are you sure those teams are well balanced?

"We have commando onee-chan, me, you, and Kai onee-chan against midget, Riku onee-chan, scary looking onee-chan, and Ori onee-chan"

"Well, sure, it doesn't look bad at the first glance but..."

"Oh no, Touma, we shall have this match" Kaibi spoke with a fire in her eyes" Let's show that stuck up elitarist where is her place"

"Bring it on! I will take anything you throw at me and return to sender. Touma, don't you dare to hold back!"

"Did those two manage to get into fight when I was gone?"

"To be fair, there was a lot of wonderful time too. Although right now the intensity is... a bit..." Rikuri stumbled on words.

"And I will be the judge" Index waved at them" I already received the offers of feeding me two lunch courses if I give a team victory. Who can go higher?"

'And the fairness of the judge went to hell! Well, at least Othinus is there to keep things relatively fine'

The game began and Touma quickly realized that some of them were playing just a regular beach volleyball, while for the others...

"What's the matter? Can't go all out against your best friend?"

"Stop using that annoying ability of yours, damn it!"

Kaibi served strongly, but Ladylee managed to reach the ball in time and counter it, sending it straight for Amazora. Luckily, Touma managed to also direct the ball on the other side of the improvised net.

Mugino was clearly done and Touma instinctively sensed the battle spirit roaring within her moment before the girl slammed the serve so strongly that it zoomed past the net and to the far reach of their playing field.

But one person opposed it.


The idol in the body of a soldier was pushed back against the mighty spin of the ball. But...

"In this body, even I can prevail such an attack!"

And she served back, putting all of the strength of Shutaura's muscles into enduring the force of the spinning ball...


And serving it strongly back across the field, straight onto Gokusai Rikuri.

The poor girl paled at the sight of high speed projectile.

"Oh n-"

She was hit in the stomach, causing her face to contort as the ball drilled into her body


In the honour of Rikuri's valiant, unathletic effort, let's do an instant replay...



... from two different perspectives.

Arisa's serve was strong enough for the ball to rebound from Rikuri's body, into the air.

'Fuck! I won't reach it!' Mugino said, dashing desperately to the ball, which reached its greatest height, about to fall down.

However, someone beat her to it.

"Don't worry cousin, I will avenge you" Oriana jumped confidently in the air, placing the hands with insides of palms out on her breasts" Also, you have to use our genetics to the fullest like this"

She pushed the hands back mid-flight, causing her breasts to slightly squish under them. And when the ball hit them, she relaxed the tension of her muscles, causing the stored energy to be released and her bust rebounded slightly, catapulting the ball forward.

"She used her chest as a catapult... what on keijo is tha-"

Touma was hit straight on the face, falling backwards. Although it hurt, he could forgive, given he was hit by such a technique.

As he fell down, Mugino groaned

"We are each down by one, it seems"

"Does that mean onii-chan was indirectly stuffing his face into Ori nee-chan's boobs?"

As always, Amazora seemed to pinpoint essential questions.

"Rikuri-san, Touma, you can rest on the side. I will go in your place" Index said, getting Touma up.

"And I will keep an eye on the actual score" Othinus offered.

"Rin-san, would you be a dear and play in my place too?" Rikuri wheezed out.

"O-Oh? Alright... I don't have much of an experience though"

"Don't worry, Index doesn't have it either"


Touma spent his recovery massaging Rikuri's stomach and diaphragm, to the girl's warm gratitude.

"I know I told you that many times, but your hands are incredible. If I could sell my soul for being massaged like this all day..."

"You don't have to go that far."

"Oh? Is that a promise?"

"W-What? I... I don't..."

"I am just teasing you. I don't mean it like that, this time at least. I just... ever since we started to live together and ever since I started to truly fall in love with you, I can't help but marvel at your ability to make the three of us felt loved and cared for... you intoxicated my heart more than any poison I could make... oh? It's still adorable that your big sis can make you so flustered through my teasing... and on the more serious note... mom contacted me again"

"Yua-san did? Why?"

"She is always very persistent, I believe Amazora takes after that characteristic the most... but what was most unusual, is that she requested the talk with you specifically. If Kaibi heard about this, she would probably tell you to make mom go to hell. But since it's me... can I ask you..."

Touma put a finger on her lips with a smile of his own.

"I already promised myself to make your family too. After all of this is resolved, I will go meet with her."

Rikuri nodded, wiping small tears that formed in her eyes.

"Thank you. Nothing would make me happier than 6 of us as family, alongside our new friends"

"6 of us?"

"Me, Amazora, Kaibi, mother, Oriana nee-san... and you, silly"

"Oh, right..." Touma smiled sheepishly" Thanks"

Afterwards, as Rikuri stated she felt much better, Touma walked away.

The volleyball game lost more players, but Kaibi, Oriana, Mugino, and Amazora didn't seem to slow down.

"You found yourself quite a lively company" spoke voice next to him.

He turned back to notice Arisa...


That wasn't her. Her eyes changed, having pink halo around the pupil, similar to a luminous nebula in the darkness of space.


"That's right"

"Since when?"

"I switched with Arisa... 5 minutes ago, I think. Got to say, that was one hell of a game. Those girls don't pull punches"

She smiled at Touma.

"By the way, I love the name you given me."

"Even Shutaura side within you loves it?"

"It's bold of you to assume I... Shutara's part of me... doesn't like anything cute"

Firmly believing that calling the girl a 'fusion' simply wouldn't do, Touma thought of a name, although in his opinion it wasn't really anything all that special. He simply took the kanji for "Three" and "Mind" and put them together, using traditional japanese and name-stylized reading. Thus came Mitsumi, literally meaning 'Third mind'

"I still love it. Would you mind coming behind this cliff for a moment?"

As the fusion of two dragged him beside the rocks, she exhaled and turned around, twirling before Touma.

"How do I look?"

"Black bikini with blue flames... but with frilly swimsuit panties..."

"I understand your confusion. I am still... forming, so to speak." Mitsumi pouted, deep in thought" Sometimes I get contrasting urges. A little bit like having to indulge those weird food cravings during pregnancy."

"Nevertheless, it looks really good on you"

"Thanks. I want to look good for you. Not just because of Shutaura and Arisa, but as myself too."

"So... I think you didn't get to me here to talk about swimsuits"

"Touma-kun, are you disappointed by chance? But you are right, I want to tell you... that I think it will happen tonight. Call it an intuition, but I think Rin-san's dark self is bound to awaken"

"Are you keeping the gloves in safe place?"

"Yes. Thank you by the way, that felt like a proposal."

"T-Those are a failsafe. I am pretty sure it's a good counter, so..."

"Don't worry. You can leave Rin-san to me. I am sure it will work out, one split-minded to another"

"That's good then. I still... have to talk to her when she is in that state though... Mitsumi-san? Why are you..."

"Oh, what can the girl possibly do with a boy while they are hidden from view like this? You thought that I will be too timid, like I was when I was Arisa, or too prideful, like from my past as Shutaura? Hah, you are too short-sighted, Touma-kun. In this case, those characteristics mixed together and formed a perfect equilibrium. Kind of like chemicals do, ask Rikuri-san about it. And having three minds in one body gives me a perfect excuse to do this..."

She planted a gentle kiss on Touma's left cheek.

"From Arisa...

She then moved and placed a stronger, more fierce kiss on his right cheek.

"From Shutaura..."

Finally, she positioned herself in front of shocked boy, and kissed him on the lips, combining two styles in the span of 10 seconds.

"And this one's for me... that is, from all of us"

Even though Mitsumi was the new quality with all the combined memories and experiences of Arisa and Shutaura, and she assured to have achieved some form of equilibrium in romance, the blush he saw in front of his eyes was unmistakably an Arisa-like characteristic. It was still strange seeing it on Shutaura's face.

"See you!"


Kamijou Touma floated, allowing his thoughts to drift freely like the water around him.

There were many things he needed to take care of.

His own darkness, Sukemi Rin's split self, their shared past, Gokusai Yua and her interest in meeting him. Additional cases of Lucia and Izumi Riita, as well as couple of others.

He needed to protect the future and ensure that it would come to be the way he wanted to. If he could be selfish in something, if he could reach out and seize even part of this happiness through his own power, he would do it.

He also wondered how his friends were doing. He didn't see Enka-san. Were he and his girlfriend happy now? He didn't think he would miss fart-smelling, stalker-turned- ally but overall, he was a really nice guy. Touma wished him well.

In his dreams, he sometimes conversed with emanations of his abilities, the group of dragons lurking beyond his arm. Despite the differences between each of them, and between himself and them as the group, he thought that he bonded with them as well as he could. He was still surprised just how much of a diverse bunch they were.

Out of 8 dragons that supported him during Daihaseisai, one seemed to be gone, the rest could not tell if permanently or not. And from the remaining 7, only one ability was left to be trained. The one eyed cobra dragon poison manipulation. Besides shadow ability of fear induction, this particular skill was not resonating well with Touma's nature.

But something was telling him that in times to come, he might need absolutely everything he could get. Maybe he could get the help of Rikuri or Hanatsuyu twins with this particular power.


Suddenly, he felt a cold pain in his chest. He clenched his heart and splashed in the water, as terrifying cold grasped his heart and shot through body like a chilly wave of agony.

He noticed a glow in the water and noticed that his right arm shifted in form.

It became composed of flames that were burning even under water.

Then it shifted again, turning into ice-like crystals.

Then again, becoming cloud of living darkness.

Again, forming a self-contained, liquid appendage, that caused water around it to steam.

Again, crackling like lighting, and gleaming with golden energy.

The shifts became faster and faster, and with them, the pain intensified. And just when Touma was about to pass out, it stopped. Everything returned to normal.

'What... what on earth was that?'

While saying that everything returned to normal, the omission was the fact that Touma lost strength in his body and was now drowning to the bottom of the ocean.

'Damn it... I will think about this later, I don't have strength to move... I have to get out of here'

The water was impossibly deep, but still enough for someone to drown themselves, shall they lose the ability to swim for some reason.

Touma heard a splashing sound in the distance. And few seconds later, small shape loomed around him.


The small girl swam closer and locked lips with him.

But this time it was not due to any shenanigans.

'She shared her air with me... Amazora, you... wait'

Touma made few gestures at the girl who still didn't make any attempts to go back up. She replied. If deciphered, they would mean something like this

'Amazora... you can't still swim well, can you?'


'So... you are stuck here too?'


'Why did you jump in if you can't swim?'

'I wanted to save you, onii-chan. Don't be mad, I just jumped before I thought.'

It was clear that they couldn't stay there. But just as Touma strained himself to reach the girl, someone picked him up and slowly raised, painstakingly so, to the surface.

They resurfaced, gasping for air. Rikuri, with her long hair sticking to her face and floating on the water, panted heavily, gritting her teeth.


"Good... news... is... I managed to got you up..."


"And the bad is... I don't have strength... to support two of you at oncaaaagghhh..."

The fell back to the water and disappeared into the depth


"What the hell?! Why the fuck did you jump in if you couldn't save him to the end?"

In the end, it was Mugino who had both skills and strength to pull everyone out, as three of the nearly-drowned lied down on the beach.

"We are sorry..." muttered two sisters.

"You okay?" Mugino, wringing out the salt water out of her hair, looked at Touma" It's not like you to just drown like that"

"Yeah, just... felt queasy, but it's fine now. Thank you, a lot"

"Tch, don't mention it. Just don't kill myself when I am not around"


They later moved back into the convent. It was the time for rest and recreation and it was in that time Touma attempted to break ice with Lucia, as she was cleaning the dinning room.

'Well, there is one more reason Lucia may be wary about you, given your reported bad fortune. As proper and strict as she is, she has a small secret. You see...'

Touma shook his head. He shouldn't worry in advance.

"Hey, Lucia-san."

The nun slowly looked at him, before stiffly nodding.

'Wow, this is awkward...'

"So... how is Angelene?"

Lucia sighed, polishing the plates.

"She is alright. Still needs a lot to learn and is painfully often swayed by sinful distractions. But she is of good health and has promising future in front of her if guided right."

"Oh... in that case, please tell her I said hi when you go back to her"

"You know, if you are going to just awkwardly stand here, you can at least help me out with tidying up"

"Yeah, sure..."

They worked together with silence for a moment, before the blond clicked her tongue and faced him.

"Actually, Angelene wanted me to say 'hi' to you too... and also... I-I..."


The nun clenched her fists. She was only minimally shorter than him, so when she approached him, they were almost looking eye to eye.


'Is her body physically refusing for her to thank me? Also, with that blush of frustration and exaggerated expression, it looks more cute than threatening, if anything'

"Arrrgh! Fine. I am... sort of... grateful. When I was saved by you, I never really had the chance to talk. I am one thing, but you also saved Angelene... I may be strict when it comes to that girl, but I love her like a little sister. My mother abandoned me, so Agnese Forces are my family, especially sisters Agnese and Angelene So, for that alone, you have my... my gratitude..."

"Lucia-san... there was no way I could just leave you..."

"You could and I wouldn't be surprised. I... as much as I devote myself to the teachings of the gospel and as much as I still see you as a menace who needs discipline... I admit that I wronged you. No, in my blindness, I trampled over the commandment of love and forgiveness and treated you worse than pile of faeces. When you came to rescue us, I simply couldn't believe it."

"Why? Why can't you believe in my good intentions?"

"I couldn't accept you because I couldn't stomach the fact... that some foreign heathen was better at embodying christian virtue than me, a nun who spent years practicing it"

"Huh? I certainly didn't act to realize some virt-"

"Yet in the end, you did. Even sister Agnese admitted that. It was hard for me to think I could learn something from you... it took time, but I finally accepted it. That our group changed through you. It was just hard to admit... and talk to you about it"

"So... that's this mean we are cool..."

Lucia was silent for a moment, before there was a silent 'swish' sound.

She extended her hand, while looking away in other direction.

Touma looked at it warily.

"Can I take it? Last time I touched you, you looked as if you were going to explode... and you did blew up your wheel in front of me..."

"J-Just take it and shake it, that was then and this is now. Don't make this any more awkward"

And so, Touma took Lucia's hand and shook it.

The nun coughed and moved back

"J-Just so we are clear, I still think you are impossibly-"

And then, Lucia tripped on the rug, falling backwards to the floor. She hit the plate on the edge of the table, which was sent flying high into the air.

"Watch out!"

Touma tried to catch Lucia, but failed to do so, instead landing on her, and...



He accidentally grasped the material of her habit and as they fell, the pressure from his hold stretched it to the point that it ripped on her chest level.

Lucia went pale and began to get up, lifting Touma alongside her. But as she did, the plate from above smashed on Touma's head. The boy blacked out for a moment, his head misfortunately landed in the torn place on Lucia's chest. As the girl was already getting up, the weight of Touma's head and gravity did their work, the material tearing all the way down, finishing with Touma falling to the floor.

The habit split in two, leaving the girl almost naked, excluding white panties, black stockings, and a headpiece.

And then, to put a cherry on top, Touma, with blood from the collision with the plate trickling down the face, got up, being straight between Lucia's legs.

'Sister Lucia has a secret. Ever since she was small...'

The nun exploded in red hue, pronouncing her blue eyes.


'... she had a tendency to fall prey to double-entendre accidents... just like you'

When the alerted Index came over, even Touma had to admit that it would be rather difficult to explain red-faced Lucia running away almost naked, with red around her bottom half (not from her own blood), while he stood with the fragments of the plate in his hair, blood (his own) on one half of his face, and red hand imprint on the other.

Even with all the mercy and tolerance Index seemed to develop recently, he was unable to escape the bite of wrath this time around.


"It seems like they are having fun" Orsola smiled, looking at the convent above, before walking inside and submerging herself in the water" Are you comfortable, miss Rin?"

"Yes, thank you... that's a very nice place, Orsola-san"

Two of them were alone in the entry of the caverns near the beach they were on hours ago. The cavern contained 5 pools of warm water, coming from underground and infused with calcium, bromine and iodine salts, as well as magnesium and sulphates. According to Orsola, when tides changed, cooler oceanic water got in, creating curtains of mist and steam.

"I agree. We can look at the ocean and the rising moon, the water caresses your body with just the right temperature..."

Orsola inhaled deeply through her nose, and exhaled with glee, shifting in the water

"... the smell of the water pleases your sinuses, and sounds of the waves sooths your soul."

Even if Rin was slightly nervous about being alone with Orsola, she felt that the effect of the springs were incredible.

Said enjoyment lasted throughout couple of minutes in silence, before Rin asked


"Hmm? Yes, miss Rin?"

"Why... why all of this is done for me? By Kamijou-kun... and by you?"

Orsola opened her eyes, looking at the moon.

"Because Kamijou Touma is worried about you. Because you are aching. And because I sense similarity between you and me"

"H-How so? We just met!"

"Yes, and in this sense, I can't say I know you. But looking at you... and the way you look at everyone else... I can sense the desire to belong. To exist. To be needed."

"N-No, I don't... I mean, it's not really all that impor-"

"Do not speak little of that" Orsola shook her head" There is nothing wrong in desire to be seen. If it was a bad thing in itself, then it wouldn't make difference if were dead or alive. We could live our life without anyone else..."

"I don't think I understand..."

"You don't need to think about what others need of you. What Kamijou Touma needs of you to be. You love him, don't you? The look in your eyes is years old, it didn't happen overnight."

Rin opened her mouth but then closed it again, sinking into the water.

"I just want to say that it's okay to desire closeness. If you come through the life with no witness, it makes you think that you could not ever be alive in the first place. But you live for yourself. So please, ask yourself this: what is it that you want to be for him?"

"What I want to be?"

"If you scared that you can't give him what others can, making others go away or changing oneself will not solve the problem. Because what you would like to give him something that speaks of you. You are not 'the other one', you are you. You are gifted with more beauty and talent than you see in yourself. It's just that moment in which those are seen didn't come yet"

"Why... why are you so sure of that, Orsola-san?"

"Because you are yet to accept who you are. And when you do, you'll become as beautiful as I see you can be."

"You said we were similar. Did you also... thought that you had to be someone other than yourself?"

"Some time ago, during a conflict of great scale, great peril was posed and threatened to befall ones I cherish. Everything were expected to oppose the threat in combat. Yet my weapon is word and teaching of the Lord. I do not possess skill nor strength necessary for such fight, it is also in contrast to the virtue of peace I choose to uphold. But back then, I was so desperate that I discard my own capacities, things that were truly my own, in the name of someone who wasn't really me. But a very brave, reckless, and truly kind person managed to reach out to me despite danger I posed to him and make me realize what truly mattered to me and that all I really needed was my own part to play, however it could be judged by others. He touched my heart, and felt it with light. This memory will never leave me."

Orsola got up, moonlight coming through the entrance to the cavern reflecting the water on her skin and bosom, as her short hair fluttered slightly on the breeze that blew from over the ocean.

"Due to certain circumstances, that boy has trouble forming a 'fated bond' with a single person. It can be even said that due to his ability, he transcends and negates fate itself. That's the reason, besides his own virtuous actions, through which he gathers so much attention. But one can always imagine that this fated love is out there, somewhere..."

"So I should... believe? Even if I am not chosen, wasn't one, or never will be?"

"No one knows the fate's course and one shan't put a limit to will of the Lord. You don't know if he will never find you, and never love you. But as a consolation, even though you don't have certainty now, you do have a possibility to change."

"And I have to put faith that something, that can be, is?

"Nunc autem manent fides, spes, caritas, tria hæc: major autem horum caritas est." Orsola quoted, before stepping outside and dressing herself" Faith is only one of three theological virtues. Two remain: hope that what might be, will be. And love towards the one, that came to be and is."

Before Rin could continue, a sharp pang of pain reverberated in her skull.

"My head..."

"Oh dear, I shall escort you to your room. Is it alright?"

"Yes, thank you for the talk. You are really nice, Orsola-san"

"I am always glad to speak with those open to listen. Now, come out, you should get some rest"

"But I promised, Kamijou-san to inform him when..."

"I will do so in your stead"


Sukemi Rin awoke in the darkness of her room.

Her lips stretched to their limits as she jumped off her bed.

"Those fools... they didn't even chain me. Not that it would do shit against my ability"

She smiled and looked in the direction of the door, raising her arm.

"Now, let's cut some way out and arrange a little bloodbath"

However her arm collided in something in mid-swing, causing her to muffle the cry of pain.

'I hit something... that I didn't cut? Impossible! But... it hurts!'

"Hello there!"

The lights switched on, and Mitsumi appeared over Rin.

"It's actually rather exciting to meet someone with split personality, like me. I even overstayed myself, I will have to apologize to Shutaura later on. My name is Mitsu-"

"You bitch! What did you do to my ability?"

"Nothing. I just had someone make me a very useful tool..."

The fusion of two girls was wearing black gloves that had a whitish-blue shine to them.

Kamijou Touma used one of his newly found abilities to coat said gloves in thin, almost translucent layer of ice-like crystal that was many times harder than diamond. And just like her predicted, not even sharpness manipulation could best it.

"To be honest, I am even more in love now. Who needs ring when a boy gives you such a fine accessory?"


Rin executed a kick, causing Mitsumi to jump back. For a couple of minutes, girls sparred in risky match, with raven haired beauty either blocking hits with the gloves or evading them by twisting or sidestepping.

"You can sharpen your entire body, correct? This is quite problematic ability if it touches me anywhere but on the hands. I would be in much trouble."


"Oh, really?"

Suddenly, someone grabbed Rin by the legs.

It was Ladylee Tangleroad.

"Why, you-"

But that distraction was all Mitsumi needed.

In the next moment, fist connected with Rin's jaw and her consciousness was blown away like a candle.

Apparently, she was unconscious only for 5 minutes. When she came around, she was sitting by the wall, observed by two girls.

"You bitches, I am gonna-"

"Careful. I placed couple of mini-bombs on you" Mitsumi pointed forward" My ability can activate them faster than you can cut them. It will only slightly wreck the room, but it won't be pretty for you. So sit still. We are not here to fight, only to talk"

"Why do you think that you will get anything out of me?"

"Oh, I don't think we will get anything" Ladylee chuckled, crouching down" We will be getting lots and lots of things out of you"

Rin spat on her face. Ladylee smiled thinly and wiped the saliva off, as dark alter ego snarled at her

"I do not know how are you still alive, but I am going to kill you. I am going to do this even if you blow my body up"

"You can try, don't expect good results though. I am immortal, you see"

"Are you seriously mocking me, even now? When we fight again, you will learn what pain is. Fear me, because I can torture you in the ways that will make you beg for death"

Ladylee stared at her before laughing heartily and narrowing her eyes.

"That's it? Did you really think that one meagre form of torture will phase me? Was that your attempt to intimidate me? Good job, keep trying. But I doubt that I will be the one afraid. You want to know fear? Then fear me: because lived through all the torture. Begging for death? I beg for death in each moment of this wretched life! You want to slice me? I already know that too well"

Something akin to uncertainty for the first time flashed in Dark Rin's eyes


"Let me rephrase that... I was sliced countless times. I was also shot, I exploded, was poisoned, drugged, cut to pieces, hung, burned, frozen, melted away, shredded, sawn, torn, ripped apart, crushed, cut, stabbed, diced, decapitated, bled out, hit by bats and clubs. I tried to contract pneumonia, tuberculosis, malaria, cholera, VD, give myself a heart attack, clog my airways, I was disintegrated, I smoked, I drank, I induced the indigestion, I jumped off the plane, I drowned, drank contaminated water, exposed myself to radiation, poison gases, viruses, toxins, I was buried by avalanches and earth, crushed by crowds and animals, fell confined in the elevator, was exposed to vacuum, suffocated by smog, blown to bits by a cyclone, consumed by lava, swept by the flood, encountered black death, experienced several airplane accidents, I was smothered to death, devoured by wolves, ingested poisoned toothpicks, drank mercury, swallowed burning coal, fell to the pit of snakes, swallowed knives, even laughed to death,... and did many, many more. Yet, to my anguish, nothing in this world can kill me. I carry with me 8 centuries of memory, loss, torment, an everlasting and unchanging point in every changing reality. At the edge of sanity and madness, an immortal finds refuge. That's who... and what I am. And I found interest in Kamijou Touma, so I am not leaving his side, certainly not because of you"

She sat down with a smile and flexed her fingers.

"I would rather avoid any unnecessary unpleasantness, but know that when someone dies so many times, that someone certainly knows what can bring most pain. With that in mind... let's talk"


Mugino Shizuri was sitting in the convent's chapel.

She did not know what she was doing there during the hours of the night.

In this time, many people did not like silence. But to Mugino, silence and darkness weren't always bad things.

Silence made her mind focus. And quite often, darkness allowed her to cover things she did not want to see, both in reality and in her mind.

She tensed up when she heard footsteps. It was an instinctive reaction, honed through her years on the Dark Side. She only partially relaxed when Orsola appeared in the portal heading to the chapel, with candle at hand.

"Ah? Mugino-san. What a surprise."

She took a sit next to Mugino, even though all the rows were empty. A candle flickered but illuminated everything around in the yellowish-white halo of light.

"I sometimes come here to pray before sun rises" Orsola spoke, smiling to Mugino" Are you here for that reason too?"

"Do I look like someone like that to you? Really?"

"You look troubled. Your eyes are much older than they seem"

"Yeah, no shit. I did things that your God would send me down to boiling pit for"

"Yet you contemplate. And cry?"

Mugino quickly wiped her face.

"Don't fucking stare..."

"Isn't that a sign that a path of grace did not close for you?"

"Stop with your preachy talk, it won't work!"

Mugino half-shouted last part, turning away from Orsola.

"It's not my intention to preach to you. However, it saddens me to see your suffering"

"What suffering? This is not suffering! Why would I suffer?"

"Can I try to guess something?"

Mugino glared at the nun.

Orsola was still looking at her with unyielding, gentle look. It almost made Mugino sick. This woman could not be more different from her.

"Fine, stop with the damn puppy eye look. Humour me, what keeps me awake?"

"I do not have talents of strength or fighting prowess, but I humbly assume God granted me some insight in human hearts. I think that you became attached to Kamijou Touma..."

"Another girl got attached to that guy? Well, stop the fucking presses!"

"... and because you did, you became scared. You look and act like someone who experienced a lot of cruelty in life. And because of that, you are closing your heart now and you are hurting because it is not what you are really desiring"

"Why the hell would I close my heart because who I was in the past? What does it have to do with what happens now?"

"Because of what happened in your past, you are scared and guilty to experience goodness given to you. Today's been a good day. Watching that made you feel anxious. That anxiety stems from the innermost of human fears, the most primal solitude of man. Because in truth, reality is lonely in itself, miss Mugino"


"At the most basic of levels, all humans are alone because they are themselves, and not anyone else. They try to overcome this feeling through many means. You know that feeling, don't you? And you think Kamijou Touma could be..."

"No! That's not true!" Mugino snapped, standing up" I am Mugino Shizuri. I command death to come to people on a whim, I am not dependent on anybody"

"You are not, or you don't want to be?"

"I... there is no reason for me to be scared. I can't destroy anything-"

"Even if it means destroying yourself?"


"You close your heart to protect Kamijou Touma from seeing yourself. You may indulge in physical intimacy, but you are scared to actually go on with it. And most importantly, you fear being hurt yourself. And that fear is based on the dread and despair of rejection you expect from others and from your own self as well, because of what you did"

"Are you a god damn soothsayer or shaman?! What the hell-"

"In other words, you don't think that you can be truly forgiven. And even if you can, you cannot allow yourself to be forgiven. You still think you will hurt, yourself and others. But Kamijou Touma is not the type of people to condemn."

"He didn't see me back then. He doesn't know what things plague me at night"

"Yet he would still extend salvation to you"

Mugino was silent for a moment, before speaking silently

"You know why I can't believe in your god? He is supposed to be omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent, right? Then where was he when I had to go through pile after pile of shit that was my life. I had everything, but also... before my group, I never had anyone but myself. So I tried so hard to make it so I didn't need anyone. I wanted to be the one who others would fear... the one who could never be hurt... so why did it all went so wrong? In my pursuit to never get hurt, to gather ultimate strength to fortify my heart, I crushed and vanquished everything and everyone who could stand in my way. And I was left with pools of blood, corpses, and ash. What kind of god would allow one to suffer so much? What kind of world do we live in if one has to kill in order to love? What kind of loving god would let one do such atrocities? Are monsters part of his great plan too? If he knew what I can or might do, why did it happen? And if I was free to decide, why the fuck would I be created like this? Why did I have to be so screwed up to choose like this? What kind of being would allow a monster who murdered her own friend to be ever born?!"

Mugino's bitter lament echoed through the chapel. Orsola listened in silence, before walking in front of Mugino.

"I told you what I felt and saw within you. There is a limit of what I can do, without your belief. But I can tell you this..."

She looked at the sky, which was becoming grey in the promise of daybreak.

"Murder is a sin, yes, but not beyond redemption. However, it's you who must take steps towards it. And I am sure Kamijou Touma will be there to support you"

"Yes..." Mugino whispered, her voice slightly hoarse" He said that. But how can I even... achieve that? I am evil, simple as that."

"What you were upset about earlier... is called theodicy. The question about why God allows evil's existence if he is all-good. Quite frankly, no one knows for certain. But Augustine of Hippo, as well as Thomas Aquinas, the Doctor of Church from whom I take my name, said that evil may not exist on its own. It may simply be the absence of good."

Orsola took the candle and gently blew on it, extinguishing the flame.

"Just like shadow may be seen as the absence of light, depending on the perspective."


"Meaning that you have all the good you need within you, miss Mugino. Because of your environment and actions shaped by interactions of yourself with the world, you never had the chance to develop virtue needed for walking in the light. But it's not too late. Not with him by your side. But you can't do it without allowing yourself the forgiveness. The only way to peace is for someone to be able to forgive oneself"

She smiled at Mugino, just as the rays of the sun flooded the chapel, reflecting cascades of rainbow colours.

"Even the most beautiful of stained glasses mean nothing without the chance for light to pour through them"

Mugino did not even remember leaving the chapel.

But as she walked through the stone corridor, a voice spoke from the shadow.

"Mugino Shizuri, isn't it? We need to talk..."


Kamijou Touma awoke.

He was laying on something soft, looking at the sky. By the looks of it, it was 6 or 7 in the morning. And even though he woke up, he felt really tired.

"Crap, did he got out again in my sleep?" he muttered, trying to get up.

But a female hand stopped him and placed him back on the...

Lap? Yes, no mistaking it, he was laying on thighs covered in nun habit.

Over two rather big masses obscuring his view he saw a face with blue eyes and gentle smile.

"O-O-Orsola? Why am I here?"

"I found you here. Please, don't be alarmed. I was the one who offered my lap to you"

"I feel like I can die happy now"

"This was a compliment, wasn't it? Don't die though."

"Okay, I will try not to. But Orsola, did I... is anyone..."

"Everyone is fine, I checked with sister Lucia. Now, you must rest. I bet you still need some sleep. But before you do so... do you remember that I said to you that I wanted to talk to you, back on the beach?"

"Yes, of course I remember"

"Would you mind if I took a moment and said a few things. It's rather important"

"Like I said before, Orsola-san, you never bother me"

The nun closed her eyes and sighed.

"There a couple things that I tried to think through since the time in which we last saw each other. Firstly, I want to thank you. Not only with the matter regarding Isis-Demeter, but also your earlier rescue. In both cases, you substantially risked your own safety and life for me. I feel like just saying it is not enough, yet..."

"Orsola... there was never any alternative to the actions I took when it came to you" Touma said, both boy and a girl looking at the sky" So there is no reason for you to thank me"

"No, there is much more to it than you might think. Your actions... they made me feel that the path I follow is right. You may not think of that much, but what you did to me helped me believe in myself and reignite the passion I have for this world, the very passion I felt upon first missionary efforts. Through you, I feel the same kind of happiness that comes from encountering Lord's miracles."


"Although I believe in the words of the Bible, I also see the divine in many things. I see God in beauty of nature, I see Him in our desperation to make sense of life, in our imagination. I see Him in mending wounds, in caring for ... and I see Him in the light of your soul"

"Light of my soul? What do you mean?"

"I don't know if it's fully proper to my faith... but you inspire me and your kindness brings me light and salvation. Whenever I was in doubt or starting to stray from the path of my own heart, you bring me back with only your words and presence. Whenever I see my reflection in your eyes, I just feel... like things are within the hands of providence. And that everything will work out in the end. What I think I mean to say... and... oh my, it may sound a little strange... but if I could be forgiven my arrogance in assuming the will of the divine, and pick one person he put on my path... I don't doubt it would be you. Thanks to you, I have faith for goodness of the world not being lost. I have hope that whatever shadow or tragedy may befall on us, we can conquer without hate, violence and bloodshed. And thanks to you, I also feel newly seen love"

"You feel love?" Touma would not be able to hide the blush on his face even if he wanted to.

"Towards God and world he created. And towards every gift put on my path..."

She was smiling at him in a very enigmatic way. It was similar to her smile whenever she made a mistake or let her airheadedness get the better of her. But there was also something else within her eyes. Touma never saw anything like it from those eye. It was more than her usual care, but there was not a trace of any lust or perversion. Just eyes of filled with care, admiration, and quiet joy.

"Thank you. It was thanks to your action that I could feel that love"

And honestly, in that moment, Touma did not care if he was included in Orsola's affection or not, nor if he had a special place in said affection. Whatever Orsola felt, and whether or not it included him, it clearly made her happy and fulfilled. And if she was happy, that was more than enough for him.

But the nun probably saw something change on his face because she ran her hand through his hair.

"I wish... I could see that light, that kindness, and feel those feelings... that I felt because and thanks to you... as much as I can. So I want to be able to share this kindness and charity with you, if you ever feel chained down by your sorrow or plagued by your ill fortune..."

"Orsola... whatever makes you happy, makes me happy. Don't change what you have for someone like me"

"I will not change anything. You taught me that I am worth all that I need as myself, isn't that right? So I will stay as I am. But if you ever need me, and anything I may offer as me, if you ever want to share your light with me... I will come and aid you. Now, sleep. I will wake you up later"

"Won't others be worried?"

"Don't worry, they know you are resting. One more hour or so won't make so much of a difference. Please, steady your breathing. You are safe with me, I will watch over you when you sleep... oh, are you crying? Why? Did I do something wrong?"

Touma smirked at her.

"No, I just... feel like even if that used all of my yearly good luck for this, it's so totally worth it!"

His 'pillow' shook slightly as Orsola let out a chuckle.

"Aren't saying things like that considered to bring bad luck? What was it called? Jinxing something?"

"Oh, screw jinxing, nothing can beat this moment!"

"I may not fully understand the vivacity of your enthusiasm, but can only congratulate and be happy with your happiness. Now, close your eyes"

"With all that is happening, I have certain doubts about my capacity for sleep right now"

"Oh, is that so? But you must be tired... oh, I know. My mother had a charm for good sleep. Would you like to receive it?"

"Charm? Sure, although Imagine Breaker will probably get in the-"

Orsola leaned over and softly kissed him on the cheek. The kiss lasted 3 or maybe 4 seconds, before she straightened herself.

Touma would never expect it. And probably never would anyone who knew his inner thoughts regarding the nun.

But instead of getting him aroused or excited, that one, completely innocent kiss on the cheek blew away the storm in his mind into complete clarity, allowing his muscles to relax.

And he didn't want to question it, as slowly, but steadily, with Orsola singing something quietly in language he recognized as italian, he drifted back into blissful, restorative sleep.

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