In one of the streets behind the artistic venue for Academy City's aspiring singers, a group of young women were crowding around black haired girl in a creamy dress and blue berette.
"P-Please, what do you want from me?"
"Just a quick chat." the oldest girl, in a very expensively looking clothes, stepped forward" Me and my friends have some complaints to fill, you know"
"Oh, I am very sorry to hear that... ah?!"
The other girl slammed a hand on the wall next to the brunette's head.
"You know that we have boyfriends? We came here to the concert to spend time on some quality dates"
"Oh, did you? Good for you then..."
"I think you are missing the point! Tell me, what is the point of date when the keep staring at you when we just wanted to have fun at the festival?! You think that just because you look good you can do whatever you want!"
"I don't really see how is this my fault... I mean, I am flattered but..."
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU FLATTERED ABOUT?! We are positively pissed!"
"Also..." the surrounded girl squinted her eyes and gasped, upon seeing the big clock displayed on one of the venues in the distance. "Oh no, it's almost 7 PM already?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"No, no, no!" the raven haired beauty panicked, shifting her weight from one side to the other" I...I really should go..."
"Oh no you won't" the third girl lifted her hand, with sticky pink emulsion secreting from her skin" Not until we have a little... chat, to get your boyfriend-stealing vibe under control"
"I didn't intend to steal anyone! I..." the girl blushed coyly" I... I am already in love with someone I hold dearly. B-But more importantly, please let me go! The shift is coming... and she is usually very punctual..."
Suddenly, she staggered slightly, with a look of tiredness in her eyes.
"What are you talking about? What 'shift'? Are you working overtime? No one is coming for you to this remote corner!"
The girl did not answer but instead took out a small voice recorder and pressed the button, before speaking towards the device"
"We are in district 9, after my concert. Those 3 girls got mad for... emm... me being supposedly a boyfriend stealer. This a misunderstanding, so use minimum necessary force. I-"
"SHUT UP! You are freaking me out!"
The voice recorder was knocked out of the girl's hand when the patience of three girls reached its end. But at the same time...
The singer with glossy black hair smiled softly.
"W-Well, I am sorry that I can't talk longer but... my time is up..."
There was an electronic sound of bell tolling as brunette's eyes closed, leaving her oppressors baffled.
"O-Oi, what gives..."
But only 10 seconds later, the girl's eyes opened.
"What the hell... where did she took us this time?..."
Even those random attackers knew something was off, and involuntary took a step back.
"She changed the clothes... and took out most of my gear... for the love of god, seriously, what does she expect in that scenario? She was lucky that we switched in a situation like this!"
The way in which the mysterious girl kept her posture, her facial expressions, and tone of voice.
They were all very different from before.
The girl lifted up the recorder that was knocked out to the ground earlier on, ignoring the stunned girls, and checked the records, before nodding with a sigh.
"So... minimum necessary force? You never fail to be soft even if the enemy is literally breathing down your neck. So then, to be quite frank, I really have no time to deal with delusional crap of some misguided girls. This fight is stupid and pointless anyway"
One of the girls swung her arm, possibly attacking because of confusion and fear. But the mysterious young woman was faster.
In the blink of an eye, something was tossed in the air. It was a very small disc-shaped object.
"Being in such proximity, I don't really need wires for the effect I am looking for"
There was an explosion, not big enough to actually hurt the girl but sufficient to blow her back from the force of detonation.
With confidence completely absent two minutes earlier, the girl who detonated the small disc leaned over the dazed girl, while also glancing at her companions.
"If you still want to fight, do a smart thing... and let someone else try first."
Apparently, the will for actual fight was as short lived as the reason for it was stupid. The girls fled while screaming.
"Tch, what a way to wake up..."
The girl exited the alley, looking around. Then she blinked, before groaning in frustration and pulling out the recorder.
"Arisa, remind me why I allowed you to be taught how to drive our mobile weapons... would it really kill you, just once, to remember to tell me where you parked?!"
Such situations occurred sporadically throughout the city. Girl that suddenly changed her demeanour. A talented singer of incredible mirth and kindness that suddenly changed into someone strict and serious. An efficient leader and warrior suddenly disappeared, becoming confused and bubbly. Not many people could witness it, even less properly explain it.
But it was someone familiar, especially to the hero of this story.
With a miracle occurring on the top of Space Elevator, Endymion, two young women fused into one body.
Yet... this miracle was not as harmonious as it could appear.
But maybe the supposed failure could be actually a blessing in disguise...
In one of Academy City's bars, Shutaura Sequenzia woke up with her head on the table. Not only that, but her luscious raven hair was almost in the plate in front of her. Groaning, she lifted herself from the chair, to notice a barkeeper staring at her while polishing the glass.
"Hello..." she sighed, getting up" Where... am I?"
"You really don't know?" asked the barkeeper" You had quite a party here, lady"
"Well, I didn't have it" the Black Crow leader said, walking by the counter" Wait, should I pay you something? I honestly don't know..."
"Oh, that's fine. That young man you came with already paid when you gave him money earlier on"
"Young... man? Was it someone in military outfit?"
"Not at all. He is waiting for you outside"
Shutaura raised an eyebrow.
"Huh? He's waiting for me?"
She scavenged the recorder and played the last position while marching outside the bar.
"Hi Quen, I am sorry that you woke up outside and about in the city..." the cheerful voice of the miracle idol Arisa Meigo, that almost entire world considered missing or dead, sounded through the speaker.
"You think?" Shutaura knew that arguing with a recording was pointless, but she still made her opinion vocal" And don't think of new nicknames. I know my full name is hard for casual conversation, but shortening Sequenzia to Quen is just..."
"I know that you might be confused" Arisa's happy stream of words interrupted Shutaura's rant" but I assure you that it is worth it. I had so much fun because I reunited with someone very special. This reunion is in the past for me, even if I am still relishing it, but for you it's in the future, at least from the point of making the recording. But I am so happy I can dance and sing and hug everyone arou-"
Shutaura paused the recording and sped up her walk.
"She is all happy-go-lucky, but to this degree... who could possibly..."
In her contemplation, she didn't notice that she already went outside. She would probably carried on with her thoughts, if not for her to be stopped by a voice.
"Are you... Shutaura now?"
She froze.
Voice... that voice... his voice...
She slowly turned right.
Of course. Of course, who else could have be to entice such excitement and glee in Arisa? Who else, if even usually stern heart of Shutaura sped up a little when she finally see him
Kamijou Touma smiled at her from under the streetlamp.
"I was told you would change, but... wow, it really is you."
"You... you found me..."
"Well, yeah... me and Index were kind of looking around for you. For both of you."
Shutaura's face was probably way more confused than she ever let out, because the boy smiled at her.
"Now that's a rare sight. From what I remembered, you are that warrior ice queen type, so it's rare to see you so shocked"
Shutaura sincerely hoped that her cheeks didn't change hue, as she smirked back
"And who's talking? Took you long enough!"
"You were rather evasive. But, like I said, me and Index were rather intent on finding what happened to you after Endymion. so we kept our eyes... and ears... open"
"So you went here today to look for me?"
"Well, not exactly. It all started this morning..."
Touma opened the door, suspiciously eyeing living room.
"Index? Are you coming for breakfast?"
That question should be rhetorical... but it was not, for some reason.
The living room was quiet. It was morning, but no one was up. Did everyone slept in?
Finally, Touma spotted a familiar figure in an elegant dress sitting in a chair in front of TV.
"Kaibi! I knew that you will be up by..."
The girl's head lolled to the side in a limp fashion and Touma's smile fell.
"Kai... bi..."
As he walked in front of the girl, he shuddered.
Her eyes were blank. And there was a red trace on her neck...
At the same time, descending terror caused Touma to register Rikuri covering in the corner of the room. She was bleeding and her clothes were slightly torn in many places.
She was covering Amazora and they looked as if they fought someone earlier on.
"Girl's, did someone attack you? What is-"
They backed away. Amazora was shivering and Rikuri had such look of fear and broken-hearted repulsion that Touma's heart froze solid.
"What... What..."
"How could you do this? How could you?"
"What... what happened here?"
"I don't under-"
"Why did you kill Kaibi-chan?!"
Touma stood there, before laughing nervously.
"What are you talking ab..."
He suddenly noticed something on his hand.
It was a smear of lipstick. For some reason, he knew to whom it belonged to. Not only that, but his hands were smeared with something... red...
His reflection in the mirror standing in the corner of the room turned its head with a smile.
"Now, isn't this quite the sight."
The reflection that actually wasn't a reflection smirked through the glass that rippled as if it was made of liquid silver.
"How long will it take, huh?" Kamijou No Touma spoke quietly.
"Is this your doing?!"
"Oh, on the contrary. It is yours and yours alone. I merely showed you one thing that is causing all the pain. How many nights did we repeat that? How many possibilities I will have to show you before you understand. Even someone like me has limited patience"
"What the hell do you wish to say to me by showing me this? I will never harm any people I love!"
"Sophisticated people such as myself often use metaphors" the Imagine Breaker emanation scowled from behind the mirror" It's quite simple, really: you are fundamentally incompetent. You are not strong enough, you are not clever enough, you are not good enough to play the role you think you should play"
"I don't want to hear anything from you! I will protect Kaibi-san and everyone else with my life!"
"But you see" the green and purple eyes narrowed" That's the problem. Sure, you won't actually kill them. But sooner or later, your presence will bring the unhappiness of every single person around you. Will it be because of some accident? Will it be because of your lack of foresight? They will be caught in it. And they will suffer because of your existence. Because of your resistance to my offer to take your place."
"Even if it kills me, I will save them! I will not let anyone die!"
"Such pretty words... that would make your mouth bleed if they were turned into actions. We of all people should know how many forms of death are there. You, mere human, a normal high school boy as you are so intent on calling yourself, dare to dream that you will stop them all?"
To Touma's further horror, his body moved on his own, raising his fist over the terrified girls.
"Let me think... I will not. It will not come in this scenario or form, but this... this is my ultimate form of victory. I will show you... yourself. And of course open her eyes once and for all"
"Don't you dare bring Index into this!"
"She was already brought into this by your actions. Besides, this whole thing... it was always about her. She is the beginning of it all, the beginning of my conviction, the very core of the reason through which I must cast you away"
"Index will always be in my life, as long as she wants it. The presence of Kaibi and the others does not diminish that!"
The cold gaze of Touma's counterpart got even more chilly.
"Oh... I see...let's fight fate then. But I warn you... if you and your new friends make that girl suffer through any means... then physical damage would be the least concerning brokenness you will have to deal with"
Touma's fist came down and...
Kamijou Touma awoke.
Taking irregular breaths, shallow and deep in rapid succession, he scrambled to his feet just as his doors slowly opened and Kaibi's head peaked inside.
"What's going on? We heard some-"
Touma opened the doors wide and practically crushed her into a hug, and not by the force of the embrace, but it's vivacity and passion.
"Kaibi... you are fine! Thank god!"
The stunned and flustered girl stared into space with a flushed face, before pushing away with an irritated expression.
"D-D-Don't just hug me like that! Of course I am fine, why wouldn't I be? Let... go..."
"Onii-chan, what is..."
"Touma, is everything alright?"
Touma suddenly let Kaibi go, and looked at the rest of the residents of their household, curiously watching as Touma looked at them with relief.
What followed was overwhelming wave of happiness, very rich breakfast and other gestures of kindness towards everyone in the apartment.
"What was that?" Kaibi asked, still just as confused as when she was hugged.
"I honestly don't know... but... it was rather lovely" Rikuri touched her cheek with a smile, before poking Kaibi a few times" Equally as lovely as the colour of your face when he hugged you"
"S-Shut up! Don't take any advice from that annoying cousin of ours or one of these days I swear..."
Meanwhile, Index and Othinus were having their own micro-conversation.
"Did you notice? I think Touma's having nightmares" Index said worryingly" he made such a good breakfast, but I know something is bothering him"
"You may be right. I just hope it's not... kind of nightmare involving me" Othinus added sombrely. "We probably should talk it out with him. He might need us if it involves something those girls cannot be brought into."
Meanwhile, on the balcony, Touma sighed, massaging his temples.
Four nights. Four nights of nightmares in a row. It seemed that aside from waging a war in a physical aspect of body possession, his darker half wanted to torment and wear him down psychologically.
He was progressing and he was a step away from grasping Mitsuari Ayu, who was somehow an element in this puzzle. And yet he couldn't help but dread the possibility of Kamijou No Touma getting what he wanted.
"His actions seemed justified, but it's so warped that... I just cannot allow this! I must-"
Touma turned around to see Amazora with unusually concerned expression.
"Onii-chan, is everything alright?"
Touma smiled and waved his hand
"Yeah, I just woke up early because I was too hot and-... OW!"
Amazora, expressively pouting, stomped on Touma's foot.
"Onii-chan, I am not dumb! I know that you are upset! And when you are upset, I am upset too. Because you can't be with me, not really, when you are sad. I hate it!"
"This is why I want to use my right of favour now! Because I need onii-chan to have fun and don't focus on bad stuff!"
"I... I honestly don't know if I can do it easily in this situation. And are we talking about the right of favour from... that time?"
"Fufufu! I am glad you remember, onii-chan!"
Touma breathed out, as his armless body was covered in shimmering wave of golden-yellow energy. He was standing in the industrialized area surrounded by magazines and reservoirs.
The power of golden dragon allowed to tap into the ability to generate and influence various types of energy. Or rather, to create energy that was multi-aspect power which manifested various characteristics, normally separated in nature.
The lighting-like power that this dragon's ability could produce could easily be treated as similar to Misaka Mikoto's Railgun, but it also shared some aspects with Mugino Shizuri's Meltdowner.
His body felt as if it was brimming from swarming and crackling power, as he slowly raised his hand to aim and-
The beam of pure energy discharged, slashing nearby water cistern in half.
The reason it did so was that Gokusai Amazora spoke from behind him, nearly causing him to have a heart attack.
The aura of power dissipated as Touma turned around smiling nervously
"E...Eto... Amazora-san... did you..."
"I saw everything, onii-chan"
"Why are you even here?"
"I was out to shop secretly" small girl put a palm of her hand close to her mouth, partially shielding it as if conveying the matter of greatest secrecy" Because Kai and Riku onee-chans didn't want to buy me new dress fit for thigh flash seduction, I wanted to show them that I can make good choices, like them, but then I saw you. And I remembered that Yume wanted to invite you to her birthday party, so I followed you... and I sort of got here... saw as you started glowing and... shooting lasers?"
Touma stared at her for a moment, before sighing
"Amazora... you see... I have this very important secret training to do... it's very complicated and I would really like you to keep it a secret..."
Amazora's lips stretched into a small smirk.
"Heh heh heh..."
As lovable of a sister she was for Touma, she was still a cunning little devil of a little sister.
"I may not tell my sisters about this if you promise me something... or else I will show them... this..."
She proudly lifted...
"My arm!" Touma screamed, looking around, and noticing that the arm was gone from the place it dropped after separation." Amazora, wait... you can't just... wait..."
What ensued was almost 10 minutes of surreal chase in which Amazora was waving at Touma with his own detached arm which, no matter how one looked at it, was rather disturbing.
At high speed, they passed Himegami Aisa who was eating early lunch at the cafe.
After a few seconds, the girl blinked and stared at the cloud of dust in the distance
"Was that... and was she holding..."
After a moment, she shook her hand and returned to the meal
"Can irrelevance to the story of life cause hallucinations, I wonder?"
Finally, Amazora slowed down, and Touma shouted.
"Stop! I didn't say no to your request so stop running away with my arm."
Amazora stopped abruptly
"Oh... that makes sense! It just seemed like a fun thing to do"
"Fun? I will die of blood loss! Toss it to me"
Amazora nodded and threw the arm as far as she could, and when it got close to Touma.
Somehow, in some way, it just reconnected. Nerves, bones, muscles, everything. Touma flexed the arm, clenching and unclenching his fingers, before turning to absolutely amazed Amazora.
"Onii-chan... are you some sort of alien?"
"What? No, no, no... it's just... my right arm is... it seals... that's really complicated, but I need to remove my arm for training to be able to go against some really bad guy."
"Does it hurt?"
"Usually yes, but as sad as it is, I kind of got used to it. More importantly, Amazora..."
Touma crouched down to the girl's eye level.
"I don't know if you listen to me, but I still have to try. What I am doing now has to stay secret, at least for now. I promise that one day I will explain it not only to you, but to your sisters as well, but that time is not now. So I must ask you to keep it to yourself. It will be our secret, for us only. Can you do that for me?"
Amazora's eyes widened as she felt warmth in her chest. She realized she practically forced Touma to take this solution, but him asking her to be a confident in his secret made her somewhat giddy. That was because her sisters always avoided telling her secrets (they tried to not make it obvious, but Amazora was not that oblivious).
So now, she wanted to do her best to not let her brother down.
"I agree... under two conditions"
"Firstly, I will have the right to ask something of you once a... week, and you won't turn it down"
"Once every two weeks? And it must be something I can do"
"Deal. And secondly... if there is anyway I can help onii-chan... you will tell me. I want to spend time with you always"
Touma smiled and made a fist, which Amazora bumped with her own.
"Alright then, I promise"
"So, you want to use your right of a favour." Touma sighed. He was still rather exhausted. "The thing is, there is a lot going on and-"
"Onii-chan! You said you won't refuse it"
"Oh... I did promise that, huh... fine. What do you need from me?"
Amazora clapped her hands.
"Actually, I want to do something that will help you relax. Which is why we should go..."
They were at talent show venue in District 9. It hosted various entertainment-related events, when aspiring artists, actors, idols, or musicians could try to master their craft.
Alongside Amazora and Touma was Index (with Othinus in the hood) and, to Touma's surprise, Sakuragi Naruha.
"I didn't know that you like the idol concerts" Touma spoke to her.
The paper manipulator shrugged.
"Well, I do have a soft spot for a cute stuff, so why not? Hmm, I wonder if Yakkun follows us..."
"Itsuki-san? Why would she go? She likes idols too?"
"Not really, she likes someone though..." Naru shook her head in disbelief, before muttering to herself" Seriously, when will she realize that she is actually sending you those undressing gazes every 5 minutes..."
"What was that?"
"Nothing. Wait... in fact, why does Academy City invest in such entertainment venues in the first place?"
"Oh, oh, I know this one." Index did not miss a chance to show her perfect memory skills" Apparently, city can test new inventions related to sound and light, while also providing entertainment for the masses."
"Something... like that" Touma nodded" And we are here because... well, Amazora apparently wants to see some concert a lot, and also, because me and Index... we had a friend. A really, really good friend, one of the best. We didn't know her for that long, but she really made an impact on our life"
"So we come to search for her... we really miss her, you know" Index said solemnly.
However, her sadness lasted only for a 10 seconds or so.
"Index onee-chan" Amazora, clearly excited with the outing, pointed at the food stalls" Let's go grab something-"
Later on Touma heard that the vendors got the case of extreme hysteria caused by their supplies being reduced to almost nothing.
"Can you please have a look on them? I will reserve our seats for the show-"
"Fine, but I will charge you for babysitting duty!"
Touma went into the impressive dome that had several small stages. Only one was occupied and surrounded by a group of people, mainly young guys.
Then, for once, something akin to a good coincidence befallen Kamijou Touma.
He heard the voice before seeing its owner.
It was different, yet so hauntingly the same. Different in sound, but similar in a way the tune mesmerizingly flew across the space in an enchanting and touching fashion.
He lifted his gaze and focused it on stage.
There was a girl he recognized. It wasn't the one he was expecting, but it was a girl he knew. Even if acting peculiar, it was the girl he didn't know he will ever see again.
And, as the girl in a creamy-beige dress and raven hair sang, he moved forward as if in trance, not looking away from the stage.
It took a moment, but after finishing a particularly beautiful crescendo, the girl scanned the audience... before noticing Touma, and pausing next note in mid-breath.
The microphone dropped out of her hands, sending an echoing feedback, as her mouth opened and eyes widened.
The rest of the audience was confused, as the singer took a few steps...
Before both her and the boy running towards one another.
"Sh... Shutaura?!"
And then, the girl did the unexpected. She leapt into the air, grabbing the back of his neck and making herself swing around him in a movie-like fashion before landing in his arms.
"It really is you, Touma-kun! Oh, I wanted to see you again so much, but we had a disagreement whether or not we-"
"Shutaura? You act... strangely"
"Oh" the Shutaura (?) in question smiled shyly" You wouldn't know. I am actually-"
The two of them slowly turned to face the group of fans not very pleased with the idol suddenly snuggling with some guy who just came inside the venue.
After rather taxing and adrenaline filled chase, Shutaura (?) and Touma peaked from managed to hide themselves from angry pursuit.
"Okay, we are safe for now"
"Yes... we are finally back together! I can't believe it..." the girl grasped Touma's hand" It's been so long..."
Touma tilted his head.
"You are not Shutaura, are you? Earlier you called me... Touma-kun. The only one who called me that was... Arisa?"
The girl smiled softly, bringing his hands closer to her own chest.
"You're right. I know that it's confusing that I look like this. My old body is no more, but... it's still me. And I am so happy to see you again, I just can't get enough of it. Do you believe me?"
Touma blinked, before slowly exhaling and nodding.
"Well, I got to know you well enough to get to recognize some of your habits. I would never mistake the way you sing for anything, and also your mimics are the same as they were back then... even if you have Shutaura's face. Which is, in a way, rather terrifying"
Arisa giggled in a cute way that would probably make Shutaura die in embarrassment.
"I can only imagine. It's probably not what you would expect, but I am glad I got to meet you again"
"Wait... if you are here and you look like Shutaura... then were is Shutaura herself?"
"That's a bit complicated, Touma-kun. For some reason, our fusion at the top of the elevator left us with a bit of an unexpected result. But I think I owe Index an explanation too, so I would love to find her and say hello. Is she with you?"
"Yeah, she is... in fact, I have to find her too, since I left her with a colleague of mine."
Arisa smiled and looked at his hand.
"May I..."
"Since you know the way... is it okay if I hold your hand?"
"O-Oh..." Touma stuttered a little, before composing himself" O-Of course, sure, go for it."
"Thank you. That means a lot" Arisa smiled gently, intertwining her hand with Touma's own, as they walked back in the direction they came from earlier on."It's just... our departure was so sudden, and I don't want to let go just yet. You know, even though in that moment... when we were about to become...I was feeling completed, but at the same time... I was scared. I was really afraid, Touma-kun"
"Afraid? Of what?"
"I felt like I was going to disappear forever...which I guess was a good thing, since I was a miracle existence to begin with. But... as much as I rejoiced to make Shutaura complete, I felt scared and sorry for not being able to spend more time with you as myself, or at the very least say goodbye. Shutatura theorized that this wish could have interfered with fusion and left us in the state similar to dissociative identity disorder. I can only speak of myself, but I think Shutaura yearned to see you again too, and this caused our identities to be maintained"
"Onii-chan! You should have told me that you knew idols! That's so cool!"
"Leader was right, you keep throwing those connections out of the blue and onto the table as if it's nothing. Sheesh..."
But Touma wasn't really focused on what Amazora and Naru were saying, instead happily watching the display of happy reunion, with Arisa and Index hugging each other, both of them crying and sobbing with smiles on their lips.
"Ooooh! Index-san, did you grow from when we last see each other? Oh, it's been too long! How did you recognize me? Because of what happened, I have a different body, one that you never saw before. Everything besides my personality changed."
"I... you smile and walk in the same way as before, even if your face is different." Index explained" I never forget anything, and when Touma said who you were... that look of gentleness and kindness in your eyes, and everything about the way you walked up to me... it told me all I needed to know"
"Onii-chan..."Amazora's eyes lit up as she tugged at Touma's clothes" Does this mean that we can spend a private time with an idol? Meigo-onechan, pretty please, can we have a party with you? This is even cooler than regular concert"
"I...I am not officially an idol anymore" Arisa tried to bashfully wave it off, but Index chimed in too
"Arisa, please, I must hear your voice after so much time! I won't take no for an answer!"
"A-Are you sure?" the shy blush dusted Arisa's cheeks and Touma almost fell over because of the look this gave Shutaura's face" L-Like I said, I have a different body from the time I performed for you. Different vocal chords too"
She tapped Shutaura's throat with a finger.
"I remember idol Arisa Meigo. Leader and Yakkun didn't want to admit it upfront, but they were your fans" Naru's paper swirled around and changed structure and colour, shaping itself into fans and T-shirts with Arisa's name on it" I am actually willing to listen what they were so excited about. It can't be bad"
Arisa breathed out through the nose, and then slowly exhaled, before smiling
"Right. I will give you a performance. A performance fitting this great reunion! Now, go ahead to that bar on the other side of the road. I will rejoin you shortly. Touma-kun, I need to show you something"
Amazora put hands on her hips
"Meigo onee-chan, no kissy stuff or showing thighs. That's my thing, you can't have it!"
"W-Wha..." escaped from the lips of flabbergasted Arisa.
And with that said, Amazora and Index marched towards the bar. Naru looked at Touma's pleading eyes, and nodded, following two younger girls.
"Such a lively girl"
"Yeah, lively is certainly a word to describe her. And that's only one of the sisters... I will be sure to introduce you to them... emm, will you actually be around for long? I mean, I guess Shutaura and you-"
Arisa raised her hand and pointed to her pocket.
"This is exactly why I wanted you to stay for a moment. You are right, she will show up in some time. Before we go have fun with others, I think it's best to let Shutaura explain this...
She browsed through the phone, finally finding the video she needed and playing it.
On screen was a neatly organized room with the girl identical to the one Touma was standing by right now behind the desk from polished metal.
Even though the body was identical, the focused, determined look, and the presence that was felt even through the phone's screen, gave Touma the idea that this was Shutaura Sequenzia.
'Shutaura Sequenzia speaking. I am doing this recording for Kamijou Touma's ears. If it is played in the way it is supposed to be played, and I hope it is, then it means that you already reunited with Arisa, but didn't meet me yet. Thus, I believe that I am better in giving you a rundown of what's happening here better than this scatterbrain... oh well, I guess that's a bit on me, since she is part of myself..."
Arisa made a rather cute pout at that, especially contrasted with the identical face on the screen, which wore a rather serious expression, as she crossed her fingers while looking at the camera.
"As you probably deduced by now, me and Arisa are stuck mid-fusion. We made it to one body, but our minds didn't integrate. Thanks to this, instead of being one people in two bodies, we became one body with two minds. Just like in the cases of DID, we switch in control of our body, so if you hang around Arisa for a while, you will eventually meet up with me. Usually, one shift in control occurs every 4 to 5 hours, unless one of us is knocked unconscious or falls asleep, in which case the switch will occur straight before awakening. Each of us doesn't retain the memories of the other one, which means that while we both have the same body, my body, our minds have two distinct timelines, with memory gaps between them. Because one of us can only be awake when the other is dormant, we cannot meet up simultaneously. This is why we communicate through recordings or videos, like the one you are viewing right now. The reason why our fusion wasn't complete and what can we do from now on are still under investigation by me. This is it for now, so if you understand, keep an eye on Arisa. I can't save her each and every time when we don't switch, and if she dies, we both die. Shutaura out."
Arisa blushed at that last remark.
"I... I got lucky a few times, and she switched in time to save me. B-But she is clearly exaggerating!"
Touma smiled warmly at her.
"I understand. Well, let's go inside and hear this song!"
The Black Crow commander took a sip of a cold drink and sighed, before pinching Touma hard, as they sat on the bench.
"If you listened to the recording, I am happy. But I told you to keep Arisa from doing something stupid. What is this?"
Shutaura wrinkled her nose, looking at the clothes she was wearing.
"If you want me to recap the events again... we went to the bar, you... I mean Arisa... she sang a really beautiful and fun song for us, other customers were enchanted too. They started to throw Arisa some money, but she instead bought drinks for everyone, and then everyone went dancing... I danced with Amazora, Index, Naru-san... and also with Arisa herself. Then Arisa and Index had eating contest and they both great deal of food...then there was more dancing... then everyone went homes. Amazora and Index wanted to stay, but they were getting sleepy, so I asked Naru to take them home. When I returned to the bar after sending them off, I heard you from the inside... and here we go... owowowow! Why are you pinching me?!"
"Why did you let her dance and sing in front of all those people?"
"What's wrong with that? Since when you are so prone to embarrassment?"
"Because that's my body and my reputation being tarnished. I.. don't do cute! Good grief..."
Shutaura fumed at him for few seconds more, after which silence reigned for almost two minutes. Before...
Touma looked at the brunette.
"Did you say something?"
"I said... it's good to see you" Shutaura finally faced him properly, with her gaze mellowing down a little" I know that we really didn't know each other very long, but you have my gratitude. That alone is the reason for which I wanted to know you a little bit better. Don't interpret it in any strange fashion, but... I did miss you, despite the brevity and abruptness of our initial relationship, I wanted to see you again"
"It's good to see you too" Touma replied, happy that Shutaura, someone with whom he had a different bond than the one he had with Arisa, also wanted to preserve their connection.
"You made me whole" Shutaura said absentmindedly, before realizing the double meaning, and furiously shaking her head" I-I mean that you literally helped me to rejoin with part of myself! Which means you also make me whole, but not whole in that sense... ugh, I am always more clear with my speech, what the hell is happening?"
Touma subtly asked a question that was interesting him for a while
"Is it... hard? To share a body?"
Shutaura stopped her somewhat flustered defence, and frowned.
"It's... manageable. Although it is similar to sharing a house with a roommate. A really messy roommate."
"Arisa is problematic?"
"She is carefree and too trusting. Although we share our time relatively well, our interests, personalities and hobbies are different."
"Huh... is there anything you have in common? Any thing or person you both find interesting?"
Shutaura became silent, glanced at him, before s coughing slightly into her hand.
"N-Nothing comes to mind, no shared interests. She is a pacifist, I use force. She does cute, I don't. She is like day, I am like night. Like oil and water, like dove and a crow. But nonetheless, it's somewhat reassuring that she is with me. Even if... *hic!*"
Shutaura's speech was interrupted as a sound escaped from her mouth.
She wanted to speak, but instead, only another *hic!* was heard.
"That glutton!" Shutaura spoke through hiccups" I always tell her that she can't just guzzle down food and water, or this will happen. Excuse me..."
"N-No, it's fine!" Touma spoke, turned away.
The reason he was not showing his face was...
'That's absolutely adorable. I don't want to die, so I won't say a word, but that was so cute!'
When Shutaura managed to get her hiccups under control, she spread her arms.
"As you see, there are some issues with not having memory of what your body was doing for past 4 or 5 hours. Usually when I get hit on a mission, it hurts more later on, and it's Arisa that has to deal with that. She never tells me when she parks. And I guess waking up in the middle of the antiterrorist action is not a good experience for her. That's why we have a tight schedule to control our switching. This whole thing changed us as well."
Apparently, although their minds remained separated, the semi-fusion affected the two girls, with both acquiring strengths and weaknesses of the other one in random areas.
Some things were positive.
For example, Shutaura regained the ability to recognize music. Arisa gained better physical condition and eyesight. Shutaura was evidently lucky in everyday life, while Arisa gained some confidence.
But there were also negatives.
What started as Arisa's innocent sneeze turned into allergic reaction to daisies she didn't have before in 'singular' life. Shutaura's favourite drink suddenly stopped to taste good. Arisa had slight insomnia. And...
"Why did my breasts got bigger too? That's highly impractical! Oi... be honest... you stared at my butt earlier on, does it look fatter?"
"W-What? But I thought you didn't remember time when Arisa was in control!"
"Ah, you just admitted you were staring!"
"I wasn't staring...I glanced, once! Arisa smiled at me when I apologized! She was dancing and my eyes just accidentally landed there"
"Pervert. I am not showing you mine. Just answer the question"
"That's literally the same butt! And there is a huge difference between fat and... not-small"
"You are trying to be diplomatic with a solider?!"
This discussion lasted for a bit more, before Shutaura changed the topic.
"Anyway... something is changing with us. I don't know exactly what, but I can't help but feel weary. Did you ever consider it, Kamijou? What actually makes a human constant and identical with himself across his life?"
Some people could claim that people remained the same person across their lives thanks to some physical factor. One could argue that identical bodies, bodily consistency, continuing vital functions or same brain in different moments of life made many stages of a person's life a part of one person's identity. However, bodies were not identical through lifetimes thanks to cellular replacement. Dead body wasn't the person even if body consistency was retained. There were people who were in a coma or whose vital functions resumed after being stopped. Finally, if the brain was source of identity, wouldn't the hypothetical transplantation of brain hemispheres resulted in one people being in two places at once, even though he was obviously a singular existence?
Others could argue that memory made people the same entities across their lives. But this was problematic in its own right. To measure the consistency of a memory, one already needed a constant person those memories would belong to. Furthermore, as Kamijou's own case suggested, people lost their memories due to accidents or aging, but it didn't fully strip them of their identity as a specific human being.
Magic Side, especially christians, could probably argue that people could be identical with themselves through the virtue of possessing a soul. But it was rather mysterious how would a soul create this identity and how it could be discovered by other people.
"We are in flux, and the reason is..." Shutaura resumed" that there is someone else"
That got Touma's full attention.
"Someone else? You mean... besides you and Arisa? But how?"
"I don't know, and it's merely a hypothesis. I wanted to be the one to tell you this, and I didn't say it on the video because Arisa would get overly sappy over this. But there are time frames which both me and Arisa don't have memories of. We can't fathom what our body is doing at that time, and that someone made no effort to communicate with us until now. This... this is honestly rather unnerving."
Touma looked at that disciplined young woman who was trusting him enough to confide her feelings of discomfort, and put a hand on her shoulder.
"It will all work out. Now that I reunited with you, I won't let your problems go unnoticed. I promise"
Shutaura stiffened for a moment, before relaxing once more and saying only a small
"Oh my..."
While Shutaura's earlier reaction could be due to sudden contact with Kamijou, the fact that a pair of people suddenly appeared before them could contribute to that.
One of them was Gokusai Rikuri, in a very fashionable evening dress. And the second was...
Indeed, his classmate, identified by a large forehead and a very ample bosom, stared at him.
"Ho... quite a lovely evening you have with your... friend"
Fukiyose spat the word friend as if it was the curse of the worst calliber.
"Fukiyose, I can expl-"
"We had a very nice talk, we made progress, so you should have at least have courage to not do a crap like this"
"Sorry, but..." now it was Shutaura that flared up and rose from the bench" What the hell is your problem? You are here with a friend too"
"Oh yeah, I went out to meet with my friend, that shares my interest with health products. The only problem is that some of us have no courage to admit that they spend time with some knock-off instead of coming to me and speaking what he wants straight up"
"Excuse me, what?!" growled Shutaura.
"Did... they know each other?" Rikuri whispered to Touma, who watched in fascination as irritated Shutaura faced equally miffed Fukiyose.
"No idea, but I don't think so"
The amount of feminine, overwhelming pressure was so intense that it was strangely attractive to observe...
No, there was no time to be enchanted. Touma noticed what probably pissed Fukiyose off, besides that she saw him with Shutaura at all. It was the fact that, especially in the light of the streetlamps, Fukiyose and Shutaura were strangely similar. Same big breasts (although with advantage on Fukiyose's side), same big brows, and same athletic type of physique.
"Who are you calling a knock-off?!"
"Who else? It's obvious who wears this style better!"
"I like how cocky you are. What's your name?"
"Fukiyose Seiri. I am his classmate. You know, the girl who he sees almost everyday. The girl he thinks about when he thinks of someone in his everyday life. The-"
"Alright, I get it. Kind of sad that you have to explain it. Let me guess, you were too hard on him for some time and you got insecure?"
"I did not... maybe a bit... but it doesn't change a thing now. Who are you to judge it?"
"I am Shutaura Sequenzia and I been through some things you wouldn't believe"
"I didn't ask for your sad life story, what the hell do you want with Kamijou Touma?"
"Nothing, but it can quickly change if I feel like it. What are you gonna do? You are not his girlfriend, are you?"
"You really piss me off!"
"You think you really had this look as an original! Your eyebrows look as if you could use them as shelves!"
"Says the girl who obviously doesn't sleep enough. Get something done with your skin!"
"My skin is perfectly alright! Do you compensate for something with those breasts?"
"Girls, maybe we should-" Touma tried to speak, but...
"SIT DOWN, I WILL DEAL WITH HER ALONE!" both of them yelled at the same time.
Apparently, they were similar in more ways than one.
"Oh, you two are so similar. After meeting Oriana, I hoped to one day see this from an outside perspective and it's as funny as I imagined it would be." Rikuri giggled, which caused both girls to turn to her with flushed faces.
"There is nothing funny about it!"
"And I am not like her in no way!"
"Idiot, it's obvious who looks better in this style!
"ME!" both girls pointed at themselves, before giving each other cross looks. "ME!"
"Maybe we should just let fists do the talking-"
"Pfft, as if you could ever-"
"GIRLS!" Touma, despite earlier command, shot up and got between Shutaura and Fukiyose" I know your similarities in style, but there is no reason to fight."
'That's actually not the real reason why they are fighting' Rikuri thought to herself, amused by the situation. She knew already that depsite her harsh exterior, Fukiyose cared deeply for Touma, and with quite a vigorous feeling. Although she didn't knew the girl who introduced herself as Shutaura, she suspected she was having similar feelings.
Meanwhile, Touma continued to speak
"As a friend and honest man. Shutaura, I know Fukiyose for a long time. She is not only dependable, but also very charming when she wants to, and cares deeply for all of our classmates. And Fukiyose, Shutaura is super badass. She's also a leader, has a super strong punches, and can be sweet on occasion. You are super alike in all of the amazing things that I love about-
Two fists collided with his head.
"That's super embarrassing, you idiot!" both girls, whose faces turned red, yelled in synchronization, before looking at each other, and for the first time flashing small smiles at each other.
"Fukiyose-san... I don't actually know why you're so mad, but if it makes it any better..."
Touma leaned over and whispered something to the ear of his classmate.
Fukiyose looked at him with shock.
"Did you just..."
"It... I think it appears so"
"Are you serious?"
"I-If it's what you want..."
"Hmm, hmm" Fukiyose hummed, with her mood improving momentarily" You are on a good way to rehabilitation if you can keep up this promise. Or do you want to see me in that dress again?"
"Hey" Shutaura muttered, stretching Touma's cheek from the side" What did you say to her?"
"You promised to go out with her or something?"
"W-When you phrase it like that, it suddenly appears very imposing..."
For reasons not fully clear to her, Shutaura suddenly felt stinging fire in her heart. Moments ago, Touma's attention was on her and her conundrum. She was going to spend more time with him, without intervention.
"Hey, Kamijou. That guy over there... doesn't he have the same uniform as you?"
Not only Touma, but even Fukiyose looked in the given direction.
Of course, there was no one there. But it was all Shutaura needed to secure her grasp on Touma, who in the next moment found himself over the shoulder like a bag of flour.
Even though Shutaura grit her teeth, the fact that she managed to support Touma's weight spoke volumes of her strength gained through various combats.
"What are you talking about, there is no one the-"
Fukiyose's comment turned into a scream of outrage when she saw Shutaura running away, exceptionally fast for someone carrying a person.
"W-Where do you think you are going?"
"Ah, jealousy is so fine when seen from the outside" Rikuri commented.
Ever since she confessed her love, she gained distance to the feelings of envy, contrary to her younger siblings. That didn't mean that Touma would be spare the talk when she returns home but for now, she was more invested in watching Fukiyose's reaction.
"I am not jealous!"
"Oh, your ears are turning red, so adorable!"
"Please, just don't say anything!"
Meanwhile, Shutaura didn't actually have to run far.
"Finally, I found it."
Touma yelled as he was suddenly thrown into what seemed like a thin air... only to land in a mobile fighting vehicle.
Shutaura followed suit, clicking something on control panel and making the machine come to life.
"I finally found it. Arisa always leaves it in stealth mode. I swear, I would choke the life out of her if that didn't mean that I would also hurt myself..."
"Shutaura-san... there is only one sitting place."
She looked at him. Touma weakly pointed to her posterior.
"I swear I have the best intentions, but if you sit on me... I-I am a guy after all and-"
"What are you talking about? You sit between my legs"
"Got a problem? If you are still being prudent, don't worry. If you mention my chest or thighs, I will slaughter you for a good measure"
"T-That's also a part of it, but... I can't ride like that. My male pride will absolutely-"
"Damn it, my cheek still remembers that punch, Mr. Gender Equality. I am invoking said equality right now, so shut up and get in here."
And so, slightly flushed Touma was sat between Shutaura's legs. The embarrassment also came from the fact that the girl rested her head on his shoulder so she could see the road and her glossy hair was tickling Touma's neck.
"Let's go!"
And so, Miss Shutaura "Steal Your Man" Sequenzia launched the mobile vehicle through the street and onto the nearest building, where it glided perpendicularly on its multiple legs.
Touma actually screamed once they left the ground, never experiencing this sort of travel before, which caused Shutaura to actually let out a chuckle.
"There they go."
"How are you so calm about this?" Fukiyose asked Rikuri" Apparently, you got to know Kamijou too."
"I just know that I must to do something better to impress him. That's what it means when the love is war" Rikuri winked at Iron Wall Girl."Which reminds me... did you get invited on a date?"
"I-I guess so. I am surprised he actually suggested it"
"Well, nothing motivates a guy so much than a perspective of his friend pummeling him down with her fist"
W-Why are you asking? Aren't we supposed to be rivals here?"
"Maybe, but we are friends first. So... tell me all the juicy details of what you want to do with him"
"I don't-"
"You are turning red~"
It was almost daybreak when Kamijou Touma began to wake up on an unfamiliar sofa.
Slowly, he remembered that Shutaura took him to apartment over Black Crows HQ. They spent the rest of the evening chatting and catching up to speed with the recent events.
Shutaura proposed for him to spend the night over, since it was really late, and as much as Touma didn't want to be a problem, the stern girl did not want to hear it. So he ended up on the modified sofa and was out like a bulb. Four nights of bad sleep really caught up to him.
And now he was woke up by... lips?
Yes... someone was undoubtedly kissing him.
At first it was a strong, firm kiss, that later dissolved into couple of gentle pecks on the lips.
Touma's eyes shot open to find a gently smiling face over him.
"I am sorry, but they both wanted to do this for so long... even Shutaura wouldn't say it outright... that I just followed my shared feelings and did them a favour"
"Yes... but mostly no"
Still shocked, Touma crawled upwards and got a good look at the girl in front of him. Or at least as much as he could get in the greyness of the early light.
Albeit body of that person was like Shutaura's, there were two noticeable differences.
The ends of her hair were lighter, almost pink, with the colour changing in one third or fourth of their length.
Her eyes were also a mixture of colour. Even if they were black, they had pink halos around the irises that made it seemed like nebulas in the dark.
"You are not Shutaura... so who are you? Wait... are you that third party that Shutaura was scared of?"
"Looking at what I said back then makes me want to laugh. But answering your question, yes, I am the so-called third party. Do you have an idea who I am? Hint: You already know me"
Touma tilted his head.
The girl sighed
"Both of me"
Then facts connected in Touma's head.
"That's right" the girl smiled warmly" I am the true result fusion. I am both Arisa Meigo and Shutaura Sequenzia, and at the same time, someone completely new. I am the union of their bodies and minds, which combined formed an unprecedented new quality."
"You... you can't be..."
Girl moved closer to him
"Then how can I remember this? When we first met, Arisa fell onto you, and then Index-san give you a biting. And when we were talking by the fountain, I said that as long as I had my songs, I wouldn't feel so lonely anymore and that I could recover what I lost, to be whole again. And then you replied that..."
"... that I understand what you were going through more that you might have realized" Touma whispered in astonishment."
"Right. And when we met for the first time the other time, you foolishly went to save me from the rubble. Even though I was a professional combatant, you, a civilian, went on to protect me. And we were on the top of the tower, you said that I should believe in the miracle my father allowed me to experience"
"It's... true. You are her... them..."
"I do have all of their memories, but they don't have mine. It's an asymmetrical memory assimilation. But I have no bad intentions. I am them, I am literally them, I am what that union on top of Endymion should result in. And I just want to live my life surrounded by those I cherish, doing the things that makes my life brighter"
"So... I do not have to be weary of you? And neither should Arisa or Shutaura?"
The girl sighed and shook her head.
Taking out her phone, she handed it to Touma.
"I think the best option is listening to Arisa. She has something to say to you"
"Arisa? But I was talking with her before..."
"She didn't want to complicate the reunion. Shutaura alone has no knowledge of this recording. Now, I will go to the toilet"
The fusion of two girls left the room
Touma went to the chair and played the indicated video.
It displayed image of Arisa sitting on the bench.
'Is this thing on... hmm... I think so... hope so too... okay... Touma-kun, if you receiving this, there is something that I must tell you about this third party in our body. Yes, Shutaura thinks I don't know, but I actually do and I've been thinking about her for some time now. If what I suspect is true, then she might be the combination of myself and Shutaura. I don't know much about how she acts and what she wants, but Touma-kun, I want to ask of you one thing. One thing only. Help her. Because she will need your help. She suddenly popped into existence, with all of the conflict and confusion from our merging selves. She is someone old, and yet brand new. If you are with her right now, if you are with that girl right now, believe me, she is more confused and alone than anything you can fathom. She will need someone that she can rely on. And I cannot think of anyone I would rather give my life to than you. So don't be scared, because I will always be there for you, and I am pretty sure that Shutaura will too.
There is something else. I think I understand why we didn't fuse till the end. We were too attached to our own ways with you, even if they lasted for a short time. And this situation we are in right now... it's a way of compromise. Because the fusion was not stopped, it was merely delayed. I think... I think our times in control will get progressively shorter. I don't know how I am aware of that, but... I can feel it. It may be a second shorter from the last time, but there might come a day when we will completely blend in with this fusion of ours. So this is an opportunity. To say a very long goodbye and even longer hello. Touma-kun, remember, that even in this situation I will be there if you ever need me. One day we will reunite and then we will talk even longer. I don't know if that's in the past or the future from your point of view, but anyway, I can only wish that this day comes soon. I miss you"
Touma finished the video and was so deep in thought, that he jumped when the fusion girl asked him a question from the entrance to the living room.
"She asked you for something. Will you... help me, Touma-kun?"
"W-Were you eavesdropping?"
The Fusion smiled and shook her head.
"I wasn't, I had no need to, that was me talking."
"Oh, right..." Touma got up and walked over to her" In that case... how can I help you?"
"Well, what I said as Arisa stands true. I am both Arisa Meigo and Shutaura Sequenzia, but that's all I know. I am both of them, with all memories and experiences, but I am also more than just a sum of two parts. So many contradictory things got smashed together that I have to realize who I am as a whole. It's all mixed up. Am I funny? Serious? Honest? Sarcastic? Flirty? Prudent? Hardworking? Loveable? Pragmatic? There are so many things I have to discover... and I hope we can discover it together"
"Will you... assimilate them both into yourself?"
"Yes, in the future. In the rather distant future from this perspective, but it's ought to happen. But don't worry, in that time, I will become more like them. And even if I form new quality, they are both here, right in front of you"
"Why... didn't you tell them?"
"I wanted you to meet me first. Now I will communicate with them. Although I am them, so there is nothing they can't tell me that I don't know already. But the same can't be said about them, so... I guess there is a point in doing this"
The morning sun rose , illuminating the apartment.
"Kamijou Touma, I am in your care, all of me. But if you need some help in a fight, do let me know"
"How should I call you?" Touma asked as they basked in the rays of the sun.
"Honestly, I didn't thought of that. I will go with anything you want, unless it's something really stupid"
"Then... Meitaura?"
"Pffft... really?!"
"Calling you Fusion would be weird! Also, how did your body change? Does DID work like that?"
"I am a half-miracle and you are focusing on something like this?!"
Did you ever cooked while having a martial arts training?
Kamijou Touma sure didn't. However, it was the concept introduced to him by his companion, who recently began to visit more and more.
Kumokawa Maria, an admittedly cute maid girl in yellow-black uniform and black, drill-styled hair was humming merrily while chopping the vegetables.
Maria was a younger sister of Touma's senpai, Kumokawa Seria. Albeit they didn't have history in the past, they did got to know each other a bit after events of Baggage City. After death of Kihara Kagun, Maria's beloved sensei, she came into Touma's life through the ever helpful third party of Tsuchimikado Maika, and it became the start of their friendship.
Now, Maria was visiting with greater frequency (for some reason, she showed great disdain with Naru's maid skills, even if Touma didn't have anything in particular against it).
He didn't mind it at all. Maria was polite, diligent, and an excellent cook. In fact, she was one of the few people that managed to spark the competitive spirit within him when it came to cooking. In other words, they worked like a good team, whether together or against one another.
"They are almost done, senpai!"
"Great, the broth is almost done too, so you can give them to me"
"You got it."
"Alright, now we wait for them to soak in the soup"
Think fast!"
In the next moment, Touma was almost hit in the head by an inverse roundhouse kick known as armada.
It would be crucial to mention that Kumokawa Maria was not only a maid, but also specialized in a breakdance forms of martial arts, particularly in a slightly modified form of capoeira, a brazilian dance-like martial art focusing on kicking, attacking with legs, fluid evasions, and complex, almost acrobatic manouvers.
The spinning inside to outside kick that Maria executed, armada, was one of the parts of her training. She was apparently so thrilled that Touma had such good reflexes and precognitive skills that she insisted they trained together. Touma was not really all that exasperated because of the trainings alone, because contrary to some people (ekhm, Misaka Mikoto) Maria knew to stop when asked. However, she was a real fan of surprise attacks, that could come in almost any situation.
Right now, she was moving in a rocking dance-like stance known as ginga. As Maria's fighting style involved using legs while supporting hands on the ground, she either washed them regularly while they were cooking or used attacks that could be airborne while they prepared food. She also insisted to cook while she was attacking, but that part was mostly limited, when one of the knives was accidentally launched into the wall, which ended in head-chop and lecture from Touma.
As for now, Touma managed to shift himself and block the attack with his right hand, causing Maria to smile.
"You are as impressive as always, senpai! How do you manage to take full force of my Violence Donut is beyond me. I honestly love it!"
Capoeira kicks relied on spins and centrifugal force, through which potential energy turned into kinetic one. This was perfectly tailored for Maria, whose esper power, Violence Donut, could amplified the effects of centrifugal force upon hits. So while normal capoeira techniques could easily daze or knock someone unconscious, used in conjunction with maximized Violence Donut, they could crack bones and shatter skulls. That's why Touma always evaded completely or blocked it with Imagine Breaker, which decreased power of the hit.
"Be careful! I could spill the soup!"
Nevertheless, Touma decided to humour his guest, and launched an attack of his own, a right hook, throwing the apron to obscure Maria's vision.
The girl shrieked quietly and performed esquiva lateral, or side dodge. With feet in parallel, she brought down her torso, twisting it to the left, while shielding her face, the hook barely missing her.
"Oh? Should I take it for the invitation?"
"Huh? Maria-san, no need to..."
"Think fast!"
Shifting herself so she supported herself on her hands planted on the floor, she kicked backwards over the head, performing an EscorpiĆ£o, scorpion kick, with Touma barely managing to catch her foot with both hands right before his face.
Maria already demonstrated array of techniques when they met for cook&fight earlier on. Now, she returned to ginga stance, and executed Meia-lua de Frente, half moon crescent kick. Using her hips, she twisted her body to kick Touma's chest, which was first swatted away, and then caught by the boy.
"Why do you think tha... bwahahahah?!"
Maria usually wore small yellow heels, but because they were indoors, she was left in black stockings. Now Touma, having caught her foot, simply traced his finger across stocking-laced sole a few times in a fast pace, causing the poor girl to burst into fit of giggles.
"How can you fight with your feet and have ticklish soles?"
"B-Be quiet, senpai! Usually, they can't be caught and my enemies certainly don't think to tickle them! Very smart of you, but I am far from done yet"
With her hands on the ground, she launched another attack with the remaining leg, planting it on Touma's chest and attempting to do a cartwheel to force Touma to let go of her other foot. However, the boy didn't let go... which in turn caused the pair to tumble to the ground.
As in many other instances, fate wanted that in said moment there was a knocking on the door and Index, who was napping on the couch with Sphynx, came to open them...
Revealing none other than Kumokawa Seria whose sight slowly fell onto the two teens on the floor.
"Here I am to pick up my dear sister after she failed repeatedly to answer the phone. I didn't realize that the maid appointment she had was here, in this place... seems like you two have a lot of fun..."
As Seria closed in on them, Touma couldn't help but hear the ominous theme of movie Jaws in the back of his mind.
Although beautiful and classy as always, Seria's steps and aura did not match the smile on her face. It was similar to the way Touma's own mother, Kamijou Shiina, smiled at his father sometimes. It was a "I can break all of the bones in your body, and I am smart enough to name them all while doing so" kind of smile. In other words, predatory and terrifying in its cold beauty.
And to increase the similarity to the famous film, that Amazora made them watch few nights earlier, there was actual shark in human skin that followed his beautiful upperclassman, with teeth bared and eyes gleaming.
"TOUMA! You promised lunch half an hour ago, but instead you seem more interested in your help."
Touma wanted to say something before the chilliness of Seria's gaze could drop to absolute zero, but to his surprise, Maria was the one to speak first.
She rose up, dusted herself off, and looked at her older sibling with arms crossed.
"You are early, onee-san"
"I am always precisely on time when I need to be. And it seems I was needed more than ever"
"Oh yes? We had it perfectly under control"
"Just you saying that demonstrates why I am the older sibling here"
"Careful. With that bitterness you might spoil the excellent soup our skills produced"
"Oh, on the contrary, given my cute kouhai's actual preferences, my presence can only enrich it"
"You sound a bit desperate. I know you are older, but it's a little early for a mid-life crisis"
"You are not ready for the soap-opera mode, sister"
"Oh really? Is that so?"
"It really is, indeed"
As the two sisters smiled at one another, Touma was facing a problem of different nature, as he tried to prevent the snapping jaws to bite any part of his body.
"Index, I thought we moved passed this"
"Touma, any psychological development I might experience is reversed while I am not well fed, so this one is totally on you"
After backing away, Touma hit the kitchen counter. That caused the salt shaker to overbalance and fall down, only to fall on the quickly extended leg of Maria.
This meant that as the girl balanced the glass container, Touma was face forward to her thigh and lower skirt. However, he couldn't really see anything more because-
"My eyes!"
The grumpy Kumokawa Seria poked her fingers almost directly into his eyes before swishing her raven hair aside and picking up her younger sibling by the sleeve.
"I heard that there was a pipe failure in the Ryouran. I suppose their star maid should be there to set an example"
"Such a greatly convenient accident that you happen to have knowledge of"
"I know lot of things, sister. And there is no such thing as convenience in the life of adults"
Maria gave her sister a flat look, before sighing and making a maid-like bow in front of Touma, holding the edges of her yellow dress.
"It seems I am needed elsewhere. Thank you for your hospitality and... nee-san! I still have something to say... okay, okay, I am going!"
When Seria closed the door, she sighed, pulling back one strand of hair fallen out of place.
"Good grief" she muttered" I can't believe she fell for it too. And after all the trouble I went through the keep her away..."
"What was that last part?"
"Nothing" Seria sniffed the air, before cringing slightly" Is something burning?"
After saving the soup, and handing one of the bowls to Index (who began to consume it even though it appeared to be scalding hot) Touma turned around to face the windows to the balcony and-
... almost got a heart attack while he saw Kumokawa Maria standing outside. He jumped, spilling the contents of the bowls. Apparently, she was going to have her saying and went through the balcony of her neighbours, Hanatsuyu twins, to Touma's own.
"I have a guest tomorrow who really wants to meet you. So please, come in front of Ryouran in the morning. I will send you details, so I can't wait for tomo-"
Seria unceremoniously walked forth and closed the curtains on the waving maid.
Touma looked at her and only now noticed that Seria's clothes were stained by miso sauce that was supposed to be added to the soup. It must have happened when Touma was startled by Maria.
"Senpai, your dress..."
"Oh, that? Nothing happened, don't trouble yourself with it."
"I've been meaning to ask, but why do you wear such... risque clothes? It's like begging for you to get in trouble. I know you are strong, but"
"Maybe there is some dependable underclassman, that could help a poor me if I get in trouble"
"A-Anyway...senpai, get out of those clothes, we should have something for a spare"
"Oh, that was so close to the perfect sentence~"
In that moment, Kaibi entered the room, before looking at Kumokawa and slowly taking a sip of dark coffee.
Two girls were not enemies, but for some reason, if they could help it, they avoided each other, while making sure Touma spent time with one rather than the other.
"No, I think I will take my leave for now. This is one of my favourite dresses, so I will have it washed right away" Kumokawa said, giving somewhat irritated look to Kaibi" But we should meet tomorrow. I am also curious what my dear little sister planned"
She moved towards the corridor to the door.
"I will walk you..." Touma suggested before noticing Kaibi's glare"... to the door. Right"
However, just as Seria was about to leave, Touma mustered up his courage and spoke up next to her ear.
"Senpai, since the eventual reunion with Ayu-san is almost upon us, and it is a really big deal... I have to talk with you before we begin all of the actual action, I need to discuss something really important...in... in private"
Seria raised an eyebrow, while putting one hand on the doorknob.
"You know, it is hard to truly intrigue me, but you are heading in the right direction. Fine, we shall see each other tomorrow evening, in the place of my choosing, away from prying eyes and ears"
Apparently, Maria's guest had the clearance to visit the city from abroad. Touma, along with Kumokawa sisters, awaited said person under Ryouran Maid School.
When he saw a woman with a suitcase, there was some inkling of a thought in his mind, that he saw her before.
"Maria! You must be miss Seria... and you are... Kamijou Touma, yes... I remember you. This is the time when we meet properly, so I will exchange the greeting..."
Upon seeing blond hair, blue dress, and hearing that voice, his brain began to connect the dots.
But it was only after the mature woman sent a punch his way, that his mind realized who she was. He shielded himself in the last moment.
When the punch connected, Touma felt the enormous strength behind it, before being repelled backwards with great force, stumbling a couple meters before falling to the ground.
The young woman in blue flashed him a brilliant smile.
"Yes, that's exactly what I would expect from someone who saved my life. A decent block, very good one, though not perfect. I was holding back and if I went all out, your arms would break"
"Excuse me?" somewhat shocked Seria motioned towards the newcomer" Maria, who exactly is this supposed to be? And you, why are you attacking him?"
"I know who she is, senpai. At least, I heard about her" said Touma, accepting the extended hand of blond woman" She was with Maria-san and me in Baggage City".
"I am Saflee Opendays, martial artist extraordinaire." the blond woman slammed fist into the open hand, bowing slightly" My passions are a clear fight with strong opponents and usage of my body to create controlled destruction. I am Maria's friend and on her invitation I travelled to this city for a few days to search for the strong opponents, whether they are esper or not. As mister Kamijou said, I was in Baggage City because of Natural Selector. As it turned out, we were trapped in a big illusion, and I was on the verge of death, but Kamijou's arrival saved me."
"Oh, so that's how it went" Touma scratched his head" I didn't really do all that much. My presence just happened to destroy that illusion..."
"But that weird heart-stopping sword lost its effect thanks to you! So I am able to continue to fight thanks to your intervention. I would love to fight you some more if you don't mind."
"Hmm? Well, maybe I began with the wrong end of the stick with that motivation talk. Here, big sister's thank you... mwaaaaaaah!"
Touma lost at least dozen seconds from his consciousness after Saflee kissed him on the cheek, and was snapped back to reality by loud cough from Seria, who was looking at them with eye delicately twitching.
"Saflee-san, didn't you have a question for him?"
Although it was a completely normal thing to say, Maria's voice also carried a twinge of irritation.
"Yes, yes, sure" Saflee looked at Touma" as I said, I am looking for the formidable opponents in the area of hand-to-hand combat, or the users of the power that relies on physical body. Do you know someone like this?"
Touma thought for a moment, before snapping his fingers.
"Yeah, I have an idea"
"She did what?!"
Saflee stepped outside of the gym room, while stretching and cracking her fists
"Hmm, nothing too exceptional, but it served as an excellent warm up"
"W-W-Warm up?! How?! Those were... those were some of the finest Skill-Out combatants I've known!"
Touma managed to summon Hamazura Shiage, Sogiita Gunha, and Hokaze Junko. Because Saflee mentioned that she likes to fight using only her physical prowess to demonstrate how people without abilities could battle as equals with the talented ones, Touma figured that Hamazura would appreciate it. Thus, he asked him to gathered as many good fighters from his Skill-Out days as he could find.
However... simply put, Saflee absolutely obliterated all of them. And apparently, that was only a first course for her.
"That's... she's absolutely incredible! If I only knew her during my Skill-Out time, our gang would..."
The former thug got silent as the grip of Takitsubo Rikou on his arm became upsettingly harsh.
"I-I was only talking about fighting, Takitsubo, only about that!"
It seemed density of jealousy in Academy City was spiking that day.
Hamazura and Junko both brought guests with each other. For Hamazura, it was of course his girlfriend Takitsubo, while for Junko, it was Shokuhou Misaki.
Who was currently...
"Oi, what's with senpai and that girl?"
"That's Mental Out of Tokiwadai. I knew sis and her had a rivalry but... wow..."
If looks could kill, everyone would probably drop dead from the amount of haughty malice two young women emanated at each other, arms crossed, eyes narrowed, and standing almost face to face.
"I know that it could be obvious, but lot of girls in this town antagonize each other. I wonder what is the reason..."
'Not what, but who. Boss, seriously?!' Hamazura thought with a deadpanned expression.
Meanwhile, as for Gunha...
"Fantastic! So cool! What beautiful guts you have, lady!"
"I can't understand you, is that a japanese slang? You're funny, you know! Wow, Kamijou wasn't kidding when he said your punch is good!"
... for the first time since Kamijou knew him, he actually was interested by a company of a girl. Of course, it could be more of an appreciation of a fight spirit that Saflee was emanating, but nevertheless, the enthusiasm and passion that Gunha proudly displayed in front the foreign marital artist made Touma think that maybe there was a part of the chunni boy that wanted to impress the blond. It was something good in the making. In fact, Gunha was rarely that engaged, except with...
He walked towards Misaki and Seria, who stopped their deathglare contest to face him.
"Sorry... emm..."
"I am Shokuhou Misaki" Mental Out gently suggested. Touma nodded and continued
"Do you know where is Junko-san?"
"Oh, now that you mentioned it, I don't. I am sure she is around here somewhere, do you want me to locate her?"
"No, it's fine, I will be back soon"
As he exited the room, Kumokawa frowned, looking at Misaki, unsure if she should follow the boy or not.
'What was that about? I know that cow and him had a history, and a meaningful one at that. So why would he not remember her name? I definitely should investigate deeper into this, because there is no way that she will just tell me.'
Meanwhile, Touma found Hokaze Junko sitting outside of the fitness complex.
"Oh, there you are. I realized that you weren't inside and I wanted to check on you. Is everything fine?"
"Yes, of course it is"
"Then why are you facing away?"
"Come on~"
When Junko turned around, it looked as if she wanted to demonstrate that humans are made of water in 70%. In other words, it looked like her face was absolutely drenched in tears.
"Saflee-san is absolutely amazing! We didn't fight that long, but she praised me so much and said that I can do so many amazing things with my Rampage Dress if I handle it properly and enhance it with wider array of martial art techniques. I am so touched, I am just so happy"
"So that means that you're crying because-"
"B-But... Gunha-san is completely amazed by her too! I never saw him watch any girl like that before. And I am happy that he found someone who can be inspiration and partner when it comes to fight... but we fought well together... and even though I am happy and smiling, my chest feels tight and queasy. W-What if Gunha-san won't like to hang out with me anymore? A-After all Saflee-san is a professional. I can't bear to think that I am not of use and-"
"Junko-san!" Touma gently interrupted the girl" Can you please wait a moment?"
"O-Oh? Of course..."
Touma went inside the fitness complex and after three minutes, came back with a small package of tissues and a can from the vending machine.
"You will feel better once you tidy yourself"
"T-Thank you..."
As Junko put the tissue over her nose and blew into it, Touma opened the can, offering it to the girl after she finished drying herself off.
"Ah? What a peculiar taste! What is it?"
"This? It's just canned ice tea. Oh, right, you ojous probably have fancy tea ceremonies. Something like this is like a blasphemy to you"
"No, no, on the contrary, I am very open to the new experiences after meeting you and Gunha-san. It just surprised me, that's all"
Touma cleared his throat and resumed
"Hokaze-san, it may be true that Sogiita is taking a liking to Saflee-san. But that does not mean that you will not play lesser role in his life. I am pretty sure Sogiita has a special place in his heart for you, regardless of who you are to him. I know I have it such spot and I am sure your Queen has too. You just have to work hard and be yourself, and it will be absolutely fine. Saflee-san has all the good intentions and she won't make us stop needing you. We don't need you in our lives because you can be of good use. We need you because you are great, because you make life better for all of us just by being you. That's why there is no need to compare yourself with others. But if you need to do it, if you really feel that it must be done, then show determination. Challenge the obstacles and win. I know that both you and Sogiita are good in this sort of thing."