Chapter 18 - chapter 18

(Some time before an outside siege on Kyozetsu hideout)

Kamijou Touma was looking at the group of girls in front of him. He walked away discretely, and leaned in on the wall in the shadow of the nearby building to ponder upon what Hamazura told him not so long ago.


"Boss, listen." Hamazura's voice through the phone was focused and determined" I know very well that you want nothing else than rescue those mothers. As for me, I have my interest in helping out, so I will do my best to bring them down. We will conduct an attacked on the enemy base."

"Wow, that's great!" Touma let out a surprised comment" You actually know where it is?"

"Well, this is just a theory... but a solid one. According to Kyozetsu, Misaka and Kongou-san were supposed to go to the certain spot near District 22. And this actually raised a few questions. Are you familiar with District 22?"

Kamijou nodded to himself. District 22 was an underground district, spiralling deep below the surface of the earth. He was there before with Index and Itsuwa... and his body still hurt after he was wrecked around by Acqua and his giant mace.

"Yeah. What about it?"

"Apparently, the construction of district 22 was an ambitious task, even on the scale of Academy City. So when it came down to it, prototype underground constructions were made near the borders of the neighbouring districts. They were meant to test various engineering details I don't really understand. What matters is that some of those prototypes were abandoned after actual district 22 got built. Do you get what I mean?"

Touma's eyes widened in realization.

"You think that they are hiding in one of those prototypes?"

"It is a perfect base. It is an inconspicuous place above the ground, but real deal below it" Hamazura confirmed in a knowledgeable tone" If one does not know the building's secrets, they would be lured to the over ground part like a prey to the some fish from the depths."

"I am honestly a bit jealous that you managed to figure this out so quickly."

"Hah! Don't be. It comes from my Skill-Out days and it's rather embarrassing. I am just happy that my knowledge about how such gangs operate can be useful. If you want to thank someone, thank Accelerator. He was the one that confirmed the location of the prototypes for us, which supported by idea of where they might be hiding. That guy has greater reach of influence in this city than any of us, given his position"

For the next minutes, Hamazura told Touma about the preparations he, Misaka Mikoto, Sogiita Gunha, Shokuhou Misaki, and others made on his side, some specifics regarding synchronization and attack, and many other details. Touma also added his side of the story, and finally asked the most important question

"So... what do we do now?"

"Time is important, but we need to be careful. If what Maidono-san said is true, we might have a way to completely disrupt everything and change the outcome in our favour... but for it to work, we need to ensure the safety of the hostages. And because we are rather conveniently split up right now..."

"You want me and the girls to infiltrate it, and secure Misuzu-san and Kongou-san, right?"

"I doubt it will be easy. The thing about Kyozetsu is while they do plan things, they are not always completely rational in their measures. We are talking about broken hearted after all. So, be super careful. Also, given that you will be under the ground, the reception will not work, so you need some way to contact with us when your goal is reached."

Touma sighed. It was already becoming rather tedious.

Then again, whether he liked it or not, he had a support group, so maybe the situation wasn't completely hopeless.

"Okay then. That's more or less everything I needed to know. If we don't contact you in 2 to 3 hours, start your own attack."

Hamazura didn't answer at once, but finally relented.

"Fine... boss, one more important thing. The Kyozetsu boss... I have a strong leads to believe that he is a faker"

After Kamijou was thrown into a confused silence, a sound of facepalming could be heard

"Oh right, you wouldn't known. In Skill-Out slang, a faker is a gang member that joined as a level 0, but developed an ability while being in the gang."

"That sounds... strange"

"Not all Skill-Outs are stupid, you know. It is not that unbelievable. Some of the members could develop an ability if their access to resources was better"

"No, what I meant was... Skill-Out is primary level 0 organization. Those... fakers... were probably not very popular. Also, wouldn't we heard more of them if they had abilities?"

"The thing about fakers is that they hide their powers from others and fake their power level, hence the name. When somebody learns of it, they usually manipulate and blackmail that person into keeping the secret"

"Why would espers with powers even want to be in Skill-Out?"

"Oh, number of reasons. Skill-Out wasn't technically designed for level 0s, but for all of those oppressed by the City's hierarchy. It just so happens that level 0s are usually, and by definition, most oppressed and ostracized. But as for fakers... they could seek manpower, and after gaining trust of other members, they could use their powers to put pressure on weaker members... damn it...

"Hamazura? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just... Skill-Out was meant to battle level oppression. To think that the very thing we were meant to oppose woven itself into our ranks... it's sickening."

Touma didn't know what to say to console his friend, so he got to the point instead.

"So basically, you're telling me to watch out because the leader of those guys can have an esper power."

"Yeah, I strongly suspect so. No, I am almost sure of it. The thing is I have no idea what kind of power he has or on what level it is. It may not be a problem for your right hand, but... stay sharp. That's about it for now. Let's stay in touch"


Touma contemplated this and more, while he felt something tugging onto his pants.

He looked down and froze.

"What, did you enjoy your life so much that you already forgot about me?"

He reached down and picked something... or rather someone, up.

The miniature fairy was tapping her foot at the inside of his hand.


"What, surprised? I have you know that the travel wasn't pleasant. And I am more than eager to hear an explanation of what is going on here! Who are those girls anyway?"

"Othinus! You are really here!"

"Yes, I am indeed, human, don't tell me you being my Understander has such-"

In the next moment, Touma took Othinus and placed her next to his cheek and side of his head.

"Wha... human?"

"I can't exactly hug you... but if I put you close like this, we can feel each other's warm as if we were giving each other a hug..."

"That's not really how it works... but... this is very pleasant" the chibi ex-god mumbled. Her poker face actually melted away, as she embraced the feeling of closeness "I missed you."

"I missed you too. Very much."

They remained there for a moment, sharing a special feeling only those who forged an understanding beyond life and death could comprehend.

"It's not like I am not happy... but how are you here? And why?"

"I flew here with a few... setbacks... along the way. But ultimately... as I said before, I am not at home when I am at your shoulder. I was concerned about you. But also... this... that little egyptian... den grĂ¥tende tispa!"

Kamijou blinked, hearing something that he could swear was a curse in a foreign language. If he didn't know better, he could swear that Othinus' tone sounded jealous

"I-If you are talking about Nephthys, this is actually a funny story-"


"Ow! You bit my hand! Is Index's habit transfering to you as well? God no, I won't take it like this!"

"Hmph! Speaking of the nun, she is fine with the saint of Amakusa, although they are bound to notice my disappearance by now. Well, I am sure they will assume I will be back after a while. It's not like she kept a watchful eye on me at all times"

"So Index is fine... that's good news" Touma exhaled with a relief and also a little bit of guilt" I will contact her soon. It is too early for her to go back, but I owe her a talk. My dorm still needs a check-up before we could live there again. Also..."

"There is something going on with those females you now live with?" Othinus asked, shaking her head "Seriously... why am I not surprised..."

"D-Don't glare at me like that! This was completely accidental. Also, they are not so bad. There is actually a deeper reason and-"

"I know" Othinus sighed and gave a small smirk to the boy" I already figured that out when I snuck to hide in their clothes. As always, you gather interesting company around yourself"

"Othinus-sama! Thank you so much for being here and understanding me! I will give you head rubs!"

Touma started rubbing the small blond head of Othinus with his index finger.

"Tch, do you think some petty rubs will placate my discomfort..."

Rub, rub, rub...

"I-I am a god of w-war... and I shaaaaaah... shall not..."

Rub, rub, rub...

"Although if I were enjoying it, I would say to move your fingers nearer my nape... aaaaaah, that's the spot..."

It seemed even ancient god wasn't immune to the charm of Kamijou's massage.

"So..." Touma continued, after finishing the rubbing, to the subtle displeasure of the girl in his palm "How did you get here? I assume that you heard about the situation with Kyozetsu"

"Indeed. I got onto that voluptuous one... Rikuri, was it... and later switched to her younger sister. And later, that purple haired one ran and..."

Othinus became slightly green on the face. It seemed she too wasn't very fond of now infamous Hokaze Taxi.

"Othinus, can I count on your help here?"

"I couldn't just leave you alone like this, human. You have unparalleled ability to get yourself in trouble and as a benevolent god, I refuse for you to part with your life for some stupid reason while I could do something about it."

With Othinus hiding in his pocket, Touma returned to the girls and drew attention to himself.

"Everyone, I want to say this once more: we are going to be venturing within the territory of the enemy. We are going to infiltrate it and rescue those taken from us. Can I count on you?"

There was an applause from the girl's side.

"Right, we are going to enter the sewers..."

Kaibi groaned, and got elbowed by Rikuri.

"Kaibi-chan, don't taint our pride as assassins! This is not the hardest or most gruesome thing we faced."

"I am well aware, but being able to go there doesn't mean I have to enjoy it!" Kaibi wrinkled her nose, as if imagining all the possible impurities at her favourite dress.

"Then we are going to search for secret underground passage, infiltrate the building, search throughout it, defeat the enemy, and rescue Misaka-san and Kongou-san" Touma clapped his hands" Now, here are the specific details. I think that there won't be any issues with this..."


As usual in cases like that, Kamijou thought wrong.

The division of roles seemed simple enough. Firstly, Youen and Kaai were to cause a distraction ahead of actual entry of the rest of the group. That caused small, yet heated discussion between Youen and Touma, as small biochemist absolutely refused to leave him alone, as all she wanted was to "stay close to him, so she could experience the side of Touma that she did not know". Kaai did not particularly care, but she liked the prospect of wrecking havoc and melting the hell out of everything. Touma gave both sisters an important assignment of figuring out the way to inform Hamazura if their rescue goal was completed. He did not know it but Youen was pacified merely by the fact that the boy praised her and confided in her for an important task.

However, the real problem began with the roles for the rest of the group. Three small groups, separate yet moving in close distance and coordination, were to be formed. Front group was scouting group that would look for threats and actively search for Minako, Misuzu, and Amazora. Naturally, the central role in that group was given to Rikuri and her drones. Middle group was supposed to be actual fighters which would be main focus of the action, and this was where Touma put himself. Back group were supposed to support the rear, secure the escape route, and prevent ambushes.

The trouble started with girls not being able to decide which one of them belongs to which group. Junko innocently volunteered to protect Rikuri in the front group, but Kaibi, Kongou, and Rikuri herself were having a rather heated argument over who is going to be in middle group (read: who is going to move alongside Kamijou) and their reasoning was above the mind of the high school boy. Finally he decided that since that they will meet each time they clear a floor, the girls could as well switch positions after some time.

And thus, they were about to enter the sewers in the search of a certain underground passage. Kaai and Youen lead the way, humming in that eerie, disturbing, and strangely harmonious manner. They were using their vermin tricks once again, this time to find any possible routes to a places taken over by humans in the depths of the earth. Behind them was Rikuri and Junko, then Touma and Kongou, and closing the group was the pouting Kaibi. Othinus, who stayed awake for a few nights and suffered from severe jet-lag, decided to doze off in Touma's pocket for a time being.

Sure, they all draw straws and such, but ever since the events of the previous night, Kaibi longed to have a moment with Touma. She decided she needs to be perfectly sure that the moment to confess her feelings was right. She was an elegant girl with liking to esthetics and style. She was also patient. But how was she supposed to seize the right moment when she was lacking alone moments, damn it! She was going to stay in the role of the main heroine even if she was to sacrifice a lot to retain that role. Once she felt what love was like, no way in hell did she let that go. Kamijou was infuriating, reckless, and irritated Kaibi in the number of ways. But she could not imagine the life without him anymore.

It could be just the sudden spur of hormones, but the truth was that the border between life of her and her sisters started to blur in her head, including Touma. Since when? She had absolutely no idea. However, she knew that Touma was someone she could trust, someone who would not abandon her, someone who would stay by her side!

Thus, she swallowed her pride and instead used it to stay focus and alert. She will do a good job, and that moron will see who is the obvious alpha female here!

Just before they were about to go down, Touma's phone rang out again.

It turned out to be a video call from Maidono and Hasako, who were practically pressing their faces to the screen on the other side.

"Oi! We finally connected! Where have you been?! We were trying to reach you for so long!"

"Well, there was good reasons for my absence-"

"What Maidono tries to say!" Hasako managed to get her voice, almost deafening Touma, as she screamed into the speaker. She was still one of the few rare cases of espers not good with technology" Is that she was very worried. We where worried something happened to you"

"Yeah, seriously" Maidono grumbled" You are the worst. I wanted to be there for you if you get involved with dark side affairs. No, for that matter, I can just go to you-"

"No, I need you with Hamazura and the others. I count on your power to turn the situation around when time comes. Only you can do it"

"Don't think you can sweet-talk me like this" Maidono made a half-baked attempt on angry retort, but Touma's answer clearly made her happy, as she started grinning on the phrase I need you" Whatever happens, you're coming back to us. Hasako was so worried about you that the entire flat turned into a swamp."

"Maidono-san! T-This is so embarrassing!" the Beginning Child blushed in a deep crimson hue, perfectly visible against her lithe cheeks" K-Kamijou-san... I... ekhm...I wish for your safe return... please come back... I... I... want..."

She hid her face in her hands, the emotions proving too much for her.

"She missed you a lot. She is also jealous of Kongou-san..."

"Maidono-san! I-I am not jealous... a lot..."

"She said 'I am the only ojou-sama Kamijou-san needs in his life. What do those youngsters even know-"

"One word more or I will turn your head into a perfect environment for mosquitos!"

"I am also going to be pretty pissed if you do something stupid." Maidono tried to sound cocky, but Touma swore that one of her lips trembled" So come back in one piece! Stay in touch!"

And thus, the call ended and the group entered sewers.

With Youen and Kaai searched for the routes and guided them using various animals, Rikuri was tapping on a small portable computer (which Touma guessed was used in drone control), Hokaze surrounded in electric glow as she used her power to scout for dangers up ahead, Touma and Kongou walked behind, and Kaibi was closing the group with her gun at the ready. It was quite unusual group, but Touma found its diversity quite reassuring to be honest.

'It will all be fine as long as we stick to the plan.'

Yet, of course, their plan didn't quite go as they anticipated.

Firstly, after some time of walking, they encountered a group of teens with guns. Hokaze swiftly dealt with them, dashing forward before they could actually scream.

Hamazura told Touma estimated location of the exit and they were supposed to treat everyone around that area as the enemy. Apparently, Kyozetsu had black-and-red incorporated as their symbols, which seemed a little stupid to Touma, because it seemed that this made it easy to pinpoint the members. Then again, they were underground and it wasn't like Kyozetsu wanted to actually stay hidden for real.

Touma found the fact that Junko apologized to the Kyozetsu members before knocking him out rather adorable.

"So, Kamijou-san, what are we going to do now?"

They were in front of the wall. Kamijou could only stare dumbly at it, but Kaai slid her finger across the surface and licked it.

"Mhm. Boy, it seems that wall was artificially erected. They put those guys here and sealed it off"


"What she means" Kaibi explained in an annoying tone" is that they have some type of earth manipulator. Do try to follow, please"

Touma tilted his head. On the side note, he didn't want to know how Kaai figured out that the wall was created by esper power. Does it left a lingering aftertaste?

Everything was possible with those twins.

"But... Kyozetsu is primarily a level 0 organization..."

"You said yourself that the boss can have esper power. Besides, they could pay some guy from the outside to work for them. In this city, you can buy almost anything if you pay enough"

'Yeah, but not everything. For all my time of being a rental girlfriend and accompanying the clients, I could not buy myself a true love'

Kaibi looked at Touma and slid her gaze down, at his empty hand.

She thought with discontent that this mission was a waste of perfectly good time during which this hand could not be empty, but clasped on her own.

She coughed lightly, deciding to speak up, to do something before her newly discovered feelings drive her to do something irrational.

Not that she minded that kind of irrationality when it came to Kamijou Touma. As she still could remember the taste on her lips...

In contrary to rationality and poise she upheld all her life, she did not mind it whatsoever.

"I assume you creepy twins know some method to make the way?"

Youen looked at Kaibi with lifted brow. Kaai mirrored that glare seconds later.

"I don't like the way you talk. Show some respect" they both said in unison.

"Respect? You are 4 years younger than me, you booby-"

Kamijou crouched down and touched Youen's shoulder, who jumped slightly on contact.

"Youen-san, Kaai-san, please don't fight when it is not needed. We really need to get to the other side of that wall."

Youen and Kaai looked at each other.

"Well, since some of us knows the true genius..." Youen smirked haughtily "Sis, do the honours"

'Those two are seriously weird as the siblings' Kaibi thought. Although...

"Kai-chan! I can't believe I am gonna see Carrier and Decomposer at work. Isn't that exciting?"

"Yeah... super exciting" Kaibi grumbled while being squeezed to her sisters assets.

She couldn't say that her siblings were any more normal.

They both linked hands and stepped forward to the wall. Kaai threw something in the air and the wall started to melt down, forming a gooey tunel that widened as the twins stepped into it.

"Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm..."

"Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm..."

That ominous humming was the subtle sign of the genius of those little villains and their undeterred, tainted wisdom.


"How the hell did we even got so far like this?" Touma asked, exasperated.

After they crossed the wall, they got inside the proper hideout building. The building, according to the estimations of Maidono and Misaka, who could sense its underground shape, had 40 floors. The tunel they came through had emerged more or less in the middle of the structure, which meant that they would have to split to search upper and lower part. As they crossed the first floor, Youen and Kaai were chosen to head upwards. Thus, at least for now and with strong conviction on Youen's part to rejoin the group when their mission from Touma was completed, the group partially separated.

The corridors were clean and white, with only ceiling being painted in the shade of grey. Everything looked sterile, calm, and...

"It's too quiet" muttered Kaibi, breaking the formation, dragging Touma backwards, and stepping closer to whisper to his ear" I don't like this at all. Where are all the enemies?"

It seemed very suspicious to Touma as well, but he could not give the definite answer. Instead, he reached for Kaibi's hand and gave it a single squeeze. This made girl blink rapidly, as if she suddenly awoke, with a rather funny face, given the situation.

"S-Sorry. I just thought that you are worried. And that... often helps"

"W-Worried? Well, the sudden ambush is very low on my list of things that I want to experience-"

"No, that's not it. You are worried about Amazora, aren't you?"

Kaibi's face confirmed Touma's suspicion, as she tried to deny it

"I am more pissed than anything. How did she even get here? I just want for all of us to go back to our home!"

Now it was Touma's time to be surprised.

"Wait... our home? As if, mine and yours? As if, Me, Amazora, you, and Riku-"

"I know what I said!" hissed Kaibi, elbowing Touma and reddening a little. She fidgeted slightly, trying to find right words" Y-You might not realized it, but our contract for that apartment is about to expire any moment. And I thought... if you want... you could... you're not as annoying as I expected... so if you wanted to s-stay... we could..."

'Damn it, why is it suddenly so hard. Being in love is such a challenge, especially since I can't control him. Damn iiiiiiit!'

Touma suddenly exhaled in relief.

"That's great! My dorm is actually still not good for actual usage, so I thought of talking about this with y- ow!"

Kaibi stepped on his foot, while crossing her arms in anger.

"Isn't there any other reason you want to stay, you idiot?!"

"Darling! What are you doing, we weren't meant to be split right now!" came Kongou's voice from 10 meters in front of them.

Touma started to walk forth, but before he distanced himself, he spoke

"Kaibi-san... that time I spent with all of you... was hectic and crazy... but in truth, I had much fun. I am grateful that I managed to meet all of you again after losing my memories. I wish to see more of what the future has in store and I don't mind you being a part of it."

Kaibi knew Touma enough to know that he didn't really mean for the wording to go as romantic. But it made her giddy and strangely relieved. She dared not show her face to him, instead only answering with ever so slight inflexion of happiness

"I am looking forward to it as well"

Once again, being in love was hard. But who could say that it wasn't rewarding, even if it was little by little, and step by step?


Kongou Mitsuko, without knowledge of it, was having similar troubles to Gokusai Kaibi.

Namely, she wanted to speak to Kamijou Touma. She desired to thank him for coming to the aid of her family and friends. She wanted to demonstrate her resolve and keep him from harm.

But could not bring herself to speak. This situation was very unorthodox, even for her.

Her pride was as big as ever, and she was confident in her own power to fight with the enemy. But she was not so sure about her ability to protect others as well.

'Darling's desire... I start to understand it now... Misaka-san mentioned it before, but it sounded surreal' The world where everyone can smile was something very beautiful, to the point that Kongou was surprised that it came forth from the mind of what she used to consider a primary example of a commoner.

Maybe it was a universal dream. Or maybe Kamijou's presence already broadened Kongou's mentality.

Nevertheless, Kongou looked somewhat anxious when Kamijou returned to her side in their so-called "mission formation".

Right now, Misaka-san, her best friends: Wannai and Awatsuki, but also the first man who genuinely captured her heart and interest, Kamijou Touma, were heading towards the danger. Even if it was willing on their part, even if they had some interest in doing so, even if Kongou matured enough to realize that she couldn't possibly take on all the foes by herself...

That didn't mean she felt comfortable with that.

And so, she wanted to express some of her more positive emotions, like gratitude, to Touma.

There was only one problem. Kongou was not really well versed in speaking to the members of the opposite sex. It's not like she was shy. It's just for the very first time, she was trying to make a good impression on a boy.

Also, Kongou Mitsuko had a rather bad habit of slightly bending the truth for her convenience. In this particular case...


"Kongou-san, did you ever dated anyone?" asked Awatsuki Maaya, when they were sunbathing together at Tokiwadai affiliated spas.

"Oh, they tried to date me. There were entire crowds!" the black haired girl replied haughtily, changing the position of her legs, and allowing herself to smile.

"Oh, I am so jealous. I get so nervous around the boys. They are so... peculiar" commented Wannai Kinuho" Kongou-san, I am sure you could probably charm anyone with words alone"

"But of course" Kongou did not even hesitate" I am the Kongou Mitsuko. I am an heiress to one of the biggest airline companies in the world, with unparalleled beauty and skill. Those males will eat from my hand in a blink of an eye. That is the only possible outcome!"

"Such maturity! It could only be expected Kongou-san, you are so far ahead compared to us"


'It felt so good when I told them that but... that was obviously a lie!'

She walked very close to Kamijou Touma. The girl known as Kaibi remained back, and she could see that those strange twins, as well as older girl known as Rikuri, accompanied with Hokaze-senpai, were also relatively far away.

There was no time like the present. She needed to say something or else she would not be able to concentrate on the important task that laid before them.

'Deep breaths, Mitsuko. This is nothing for you. Firstly, show him that you are in control'

She could try that. She spread her fan and assumed her regular, somewhat haughty look, while watching Kamijou in the corner of her vision.

'Good. Secondly, look even more beautiful than usual!'

She had no space to check, but she ran her hand through her silky smooth her, and checked if all the elements of her hairstyle were in place after hellish Hokaze Taxi.

'Excellent. Now... thirdly, find a normal topic for conversation. That way you would be able to get closer to him.'

She took a deep breath

"Kamijou-san, I have an urgent question for you and I plead for you to answer with sincerity"

"Kongou-san? What is it? Everything alright?"

Kongou could do this. She would present a completely normal conversation topic.

"What do you think of women with bigger foreheads?"

Silence. Touma blinked, as he processed the question asked.


Kongou was considered one of the most articulate and straightforward of Tokiwadai students, but the sounds that came out of the mouth of the shocked maiden resembled somewhat along the lines of:

"Bwah... hah... ho ah... fuah... heh iyyyah..."

She quickly turned around, touching her cheeks with tips of her fingers in maximum embarrassment.

'That was not natural at all. I skipped 50 levels of casual talk, or something along those lines. Is this so called freudian slipping?!'

Maybe it was because Kongou was nervous about how her looks impacted Touma. She liked the way she styled her hair, it was her trademark style, but it doesn't mean that she wasn't teased in the past because of it. It was a sensitive point for her.

"Well? What is your opinion?"

Right now, her pride only allowed her to carry on with her question. Besides... she was also curious. This question was an excellent opportunity to further see certain things about Kamijou Touma.

It was a slippery thing to ask. Usually, people either denied that her brow was big (which was an obvious lie, even Kongou knew that) or, after admitting that her brow was rather big, tried to console her or suggest alternative hairstyles. Everyone assumed that having such a look was a bad thing.

So, how would Kamijou Touma going to get out of this?

"Well, that's really a question out of nowehere. So if I am gonna be honest here, your forehead is big, that much is obvious..."

Kongou's face fell a little. Now she was going to hear some consolation and suggestion for change. It wasn't bad, but she kind of expected something more out of-

"But..." Touma added after a moment" while I never really thought much about it, I think I can say in all honesty that I like bigger foreheads. It doesn't really change who the person is, I have a few female friends who have hair styled similarly to you and they are awesome. I think this suits you as well."

Kongou opened her lips in a silent "O" when the answer of Kamijou took unexpected turn. Her cheeks reddened faster than ever before.

But what Kamijou said next delivered a final blow to her lovestruck heart.

"I know that many people think that wide forehead is strange, but I think it's nice. W-Well, if I had a girlfriend, bigger forehead means more place for... ekhm... kissing, and stuff. It's nicer to kiss skin than hair"

Kongou Mitsuko felt as if she accidentally created her air jet under herself and was blasted straight into stratosphere. She could not focus, she felt dizzy... and more filled with endorphins than ever in her life. She beamed in a state of merry giddiness.

Without much of a thought and with sincere, straightforward manner, Kamijou managed to deliver a sublime compliment.

'If I ever needed any more motivation for all of us to make home safe, there is no questioning it now. Rules be damned, I need to marry this guy! Oh, surely the wedding would be glamorous occasion...'

Touma contemplated quizzically the grin on Kongou's face, when he heard the shout.

"Enemy! We are getting ambushed!"

Kaibi zoomed into his vision, and turned around with her gun at the ready.

Touma's eyes widened. Kaibi was right. They were suddenly surrounded.

"What the hell? How did they do that?!" Touma shouted to Kaibi, who looked just as confused.

"I don't know. I thought I was being careful. But they simply appeared from behind the corner even when there were no doors in sight. I also did not see them approach in the corridor earlier"

"Kamijou Touma, Kongou Mitsuko" one of the attackers, a young girls with a black hair with blue stripe and red bandana said, stepping forward." We were requested to keep you alive. There is still time to uphold our deal, Kongou-san. As for you, Kamijou Touma, our boss wants to speak with you."

"Huh? With me? Why?" Touma could not think of any reason why a boss of organization he never heard about before would like to speak with him.

"We do not know ourselves. Now, surrender yourself to our terms and come peacefully."

"I am afraid that this is not an option" Touma clenched his fist while looking at the enemy" We are still going to save Misuzu-san and Minako-san. There is nothing you can do about this"

"This is something we can't allow you to do. No one said you have to be in mint condition when you arrive"

"Oi, can you clam it? You are really getting on my nerves!" Kaibi stepped in front of Touma, with her brows furrowed and gun at the ready" me and this guy have an important things to carry out in our daily life when this shit is over, so I would like to have a small fries in the trash where they belong!"

Her eyes glowed with magenta light. But the girl in a bandana commenced the attack with no delay. Kaibi's face laced with shocked, but only for a moment. In one swift motion, she jumped high and twisted her body over the running girl. As she landed, she caught her gun and fired it at the girl's legs, causing her to collapse.

Touma himself jumped forward, attacking few of other gang members. He did a well job in knocking them out, but there was still 4 or 5 walking from the opposite side of the corridor.

"Kongou-san!" Touma shouted, grabbing the girl's cheeks and basically shouting into her face" Stay focused, we are under attack!"

Air-headed Kongou finally snapped out of her romantic fantasy and noticed extremely close face of Kamijou Touma. As her mind was trying to comprehend the high pace of events around her, she reacted as any lady would react in such situation.

In the next moment, Kamijou was hit by a reflexive slap on the face. But not just any regular slap. This slap was followed by an immediate activation of Kongou's level 4 ability, Aero Hand, with gust of pressurized air ejected from Kamijou's left cheek.

What followed was the first ever human bowling in the history of Academy City, as Kamijou Touma was ejected into space and hurled with might at the attackers. The weird attack was actually too effective, as the boy stroke them hard and sent them flying in various directions just like bowling pins.

"Darling! I am so sorry! I will avenge you by defeating everyone else!

With a little bit more of effort and teamwork, the group of attackers was compromised and dealt with. Touma, still a little bit dazed after his not so wondrous flight, locked them in a small storage-like room.

Seemed like the danger was pushed away for now.

However, it only seemed like it. Because...

"Touma" Kaibi whispered, moving closer to him. If it wasn't for the tension, both Touma and Kaibi, who uttered it subconsciously, would notice that it was the first time Measure Heart used Kamijou's name while addressing him." Where is Rikuri?"

"What you mean where is she? She is right-"

No. Toum realized it already.

He knew it for a few moments now, but admitting it was quite hard.

The front part of their grup, Rikuri alongside with Hokaze Junko, was nowhere to be found.

Touma simply assumed that they would appear, alarmed by the commotion of fighting. The stirring in his pocket and small pinch told him that Othinus was already well rested and was also startled awake by the fighting.

Yet there was no sight of violet haired girl and oldest Gokusai.

"I don't know. Kongou-san, have you seen them?"

"No... I am sorry..." Kongou was also distraught, as she looked at the corridors in front of them with a suspicious glare" I think you two also realized that something strange is going on with this place"

Touma agreed on that one. There was indeed something strange going with this place. Why didn't they notice the approach of the enemies? How did they even approach them in the first place? There was no actual passages that they didn't take into account. For that matter, shouldn't there be elevator or something in a building like this? They did encounter a stairs before, but right now, Touma began to doubt if they were actually making any actual progress.

Right now, he, Kaibi, and Kongou were on their own. Although each showed signs of weariness, they were now more focused and determined than before. Kaibi, even if visibly worried about her sisters, bore a look of cold, focused determination, which spoke volumes of her dark side history heritage.

"We need to think this through. Reckless rushing forward is only going to get us into trouble. We need to believe that they are okay and think of further plan of action. And most importantly, don't separate"

"Wasn't it your idea to do so in the first place?" Kaibi muttered, somewhat bitterly.

"I was wrong in that. Someone here is messing with either people inside the building or the structure of the building itself. To find out where Rikuri and Hokaze-san disappeared to, we need to figure out why."

"Also, let's stick close. We don't want for it to repeat again." Kaibi said solemnly.

The trio sat down, their backs touching in triangular-like formation.

Touma frowned, staring into space

"This is strange. I felt that separating ourselves in smaller, close-by groups was a right call, because it would give us higher reach of information in case of an ambush. Yet this place does not seem to follow the rules of regular spacetime. Something is messing with us"

"What could it be? It doesn't seem to be a mind control" Kongou added her bit of thoughts " I am no expert though. What about teleportation?"

"It would have to be a pretty powerful teleporter. And speaking of mind control, something strange happened when I tried using my ability on that girl earlier" Kaibi twisted her neck slightly to get a glimpse of Touma's own eyes" It couldn't get through. Like... as if they were in such a hazy state that emotional distance couldn't be regulated. A seriously creepy feeling!"

The questions just kept appearing instead of being answered.

"What we assume we know..." Touma resumed slowly" is that something or someone is messing with this place. We are walking in loops, our enemies ambush us out of the blue, and most importantly, our friends disappear out of nowhere. Option A: Reality is being tampered with... yet..."

Kongou and Kaibi looked at him in confusion. Kamijou glanced at hidden Othinus, who shook her head.

"... that's not likely. Option B: Someone is swapping and moving people around the building. But there is no teleporter who could do it on such a scale..."

"Actually, there is someone who could pull it off. She is quite infamous in more shady areas of this city..." Kaibi spoke out "She is the teleporter who is with no equal when it comes to range or limits."

She was right. There was in fact one girl who might be able to pull something like this off. In fact, Kamijou met her after stumbling on her being badly beaten. Many months later, they accidentally met at Komoe-sensei's place, which the girl was using as temporary home. She actually treated him to a ramen as a thank you for helping her out. Turned out that besides shared bond with Touma's sensei, they actually had shared acquaintances that belonged to her group. Overall, Touma thought that the redhead was definitely strange, but nice enough when one got to know her. He didn't know if they were friends, they knew each other rather shortly and briefly, but they were definitely in peaceful relations


Musujime Awaki, visiting Tsukuyomi Komoe and cooking a dinner for her, felt the need to sneeze for some reason.


As she swished her arm while bending away from the soup during her sneeze, she heard familiar sound of her power displacing something away. She opened her eyes, only to find the pot gone.

There was a loud scream of fright, and even louder "CLANG!" coming from the living room.

Running there, she deduced what happened from one look.

Luckily, pot rematerialized high and spilled everything before it reached its unfortunate target. The one struck with it was another past inhabitant of teacher's dorm, who also came for dinner.

Poor Himegami Aisa was laying on the ground with a pot still vibrating on her head.

Musujime teleported the pot away with a flick of her hand, and sighed awkwardly. She didn't really understand this miko girl, but Komoe liked her, so Musujime was trying her best to the same. Himegami wasn't bad, she was just hard to read and notice.

"Good, she is not actually burnt. What the hell was that? For such a random thing to happen to me... such misfortune..."

She smirked slightly, looking at the distance through the window.

"Misfortune, huh? Makes me wonder how that nutcase of a hero is doing."

Kamijou Touma was kind of a special case for her. Out of 4 GROUP members, she had least amount of interactions with him. But with Tsuchimikado telling some wicked stories, and Accelerator and Etzali cringing as if they eaten something sour (yet in the meantime agreeing with Touma's exploits all the same), Musujime couldn't help but be intrigued.

He called the ambulance for her, where she was in state in which many people would ignore her. For that alone, she found herself thinking of him well. That was what drove her to welcome him back to the city, and later, invite him for something to eat.

Curiosity and connection through shared companions. In some respects, Musujime's relationship with Touma wasn't unlike Hokaze Junko's.

However, Awaki definitely lacked purity displayed by ringlet curl girl.

"If what other told me is true, he is probably in some trouble. But he will probably be fine, he is pretty cool, I have to admit that." she sighed, and waved her hand to get Himegami onto the futon and get a compress on her head" I hoped he could introduce me to any elementary schooler friends of his. He surely must have some..."


"No, she has no reason to do something like this. Besides, Kyozetsu is focused on teenage heartbreaks. She usually seeks someone of... lower age. Then, we have Option C: The building itself is being changed.

"But that would require an enormous amounts of power! Who is the foe that can do that?" Kongou dramatically called out the thought they all had in your heads.

"I don't know. But I am sure that Rikuri-san is safe as long as Hokaze-san is with her. I believe her and I know she will stay strong"

"What shall we do now?" Kaibi slowly got up and gazed at the corridor in front of them "There is no telling where the ambush may come from! And we may even be stuck on this floor"

Before Touma could answer, a sound came from above and foul stench invaded their noses.

"Everybody fall back!" Touma shouted, just in time for the ceiling to part and a small girl to drop down, sliding on something that looked like a thick spider thread.

To everyone's surprise, the area quickly closed back up, as the girl got up.

Touma couldn't be more surprised.

"Youen? But you and Kaai should-"

"I know, I know. I was supposed to go. But I think you realized that something is wrong with this place just as much as we did."

"How did you manage to get to lower levels?"

"I melted my way down. We didn't really want to separate, but Kaai said that Kamijou..." the small villain paused, the faint blush spreading across her cheeks" Well, let's just say that I thought that something is off and if you die here, you won't be able to realize your promise. Kaai is still heading upwards to expect the signal. Listen, we have to go down as fast as we can. Chemical dissolution is more of Kaai's area of expertise, although I probably could work something out with some kind of venom. I borrowed this enhanced acid, but I pretty sure we will only be able to get down few floors. And there be someone waiting for us"

The trio nodded. The sudden arrival of the little prodigy gave them hope. And so, the preparation for descent and heading into the heart of Kyozetsu were made.


Gokusai Rikuri was stunned. One moment she was walking through the corridor, the next sliding down some kind of tunnel. The travel ended as quickly as it began. Now, massaging her butt, she was in some kind of dark hall, almost as wide as an olympic pool.

She was not alone. There were two other girls. From which one was the enemy.

In front of Rikuri, in a battle stance, was Hokaze Junko. Sparks danced around her and slightly brightened the dark space of spacious room. Rikuri could see that the Tokiwadai student was also tense, but her face was focused and determined.

"Don't worry Rikuri-san. I will not let her harm you"

The other girl had long brown hair and cold blue eyes, which was a unique phenotype combination, long legs, and wore black shirt with a few red stars on it, as well as indigo jeans.

She looked quite beautiful, but there was something in her face that seemed rather alarming.

"Well, well, well. Hokaze Junko" the girl took a few steps forward" We meet again, at last"

"Oh..." Junko clenched her fist, also taking step forward" You... YOU... YOU!..."

Then she tilted her head.

"I have... no idea who you are".

The brown haired girl blinked, and stomped her foot on the ground. Rikuri didn't notice this before but the girl was barefoot.

"Seriously? I do an epic introduction, and you didn't even recognize me?"


"I am Hanamiya Kaira."

"I am... sorry?..."

"We've met before. I was going to your class before I left Tokiwadai"

"I think... there was someone like this..."

"Oh for the love of-... I tried to get your attention hundreds of times, but you were always busy with your precious Queen" the girl named Kiryo spat out the epithet as if it was a curse of worst resort.

"If you are from Tokiwadai, what are you doing here?" Hokaze's question seemed to only anger the girl.

"Hokaze-san, I respected you. No, I... I admired you! But you were so busy with the clique, I was always invisible. It was how it always been. I was always in the middle, a perfectly balanced, perfectly invisible one. I was there during kindergarten, I was in a project IDEAL, I was there when we enrolled at Tokiwadai. But through it all, you always evaded me, Hokaze Junko. And ever since Shokuhou Misaki came into picture, your attention was stolen altogether. The only one who understood me or even saw me was Mitsuari Ayu, but she disappeared from my life as well. I couldn't care less about her status as a level 5, but the fact that she taken all the people from clique I wanted to form... and the girl I admired for so long... it's unforgivable..."

"I don't quite understand" Junko felt lost within stream of feelings enveloping her from the girl she felt she should remember.

"It might not hold the same meaning to the grand scheme of things or for you and me in the same way that it did for Shokuhou and Mitsuari-san... but I am your spare plan, Junko-san"

Rikuri stopped her attempts with the computer at that. This was getting intense and strangely interesting.

Certain espers, particularly level 5s, were considered valuable to the grand plan of the higher ups. When deciding on the investing, researchers would put money in the development of one individual and stagnate the development of another. The spare was kept in case something happened to person of the original plan.

Rikuri heard something about Hokaze having a huge chance to advance to level 5 ranking. Was it because of that potential it was now revealed that she actually had a spare plan in the form of that strange ex-Tokiwadai student?

"Ever since we were little, I looked up to you. You were so gentle yet so strong, so beautiful yet so fierce, so feeble yet so determined. That determination shone through and made me excited. You levelled up 2 levels in space of 2 months. It was amazing! But Shokuhou Misaki ruined it all. The most beautiful thing of all was all the struggle, all the passion in between! Yet ever since you became her servant, you always play second fiddle."

"Wait a second! What do you mean by all of this? Why do I have no recollection of this?" Hokaze pointed a finger at the brown haired girl.

"Why else would someone associated with the strongest telepath lose their memories?"

Junko's blood froze cold.

"No... the Queen would never..."

"Abuse her ability to get her satisfaction? Erase the unwanted memories so she could keep someone to herself?"

Hokaze went silent. Rikuri actually forgot to breath for a moment. Who would have know that the mysterious attacker would have such a convoluted backstory?

"I yearned to see you again, Hokaze Junko. Tonight, before I find Shokuhou Misaki, I wanted to face you and crush my feelings for you."

"Huh?!" Hokaze Junko blushed and waved her hands around" I-I am sorry that I ignored you. A-Also, I am no expert in this, but did you confess to me and reject me in the span of a few minutes?"

"Oh, I am certain that your memories were altered by this bitch. Hokaze-san, you were absolutely amazing in your conviction to overcome your overwhelming weaknesses. But Shokuhou Misaki made you stagnant. She made you into a servant, and stopped your progress! To get back Hokaze I know, I will simply erase all that blocks my way and restore my inspiration again!"

"That's incredibly selfish!" Rikuri couldn't help but cry out. " How did you even join with this group?"

"I found the announcement at the wall on one of the city's streets. They looked for powerful esper, and I wanted to lure Hokaze-san and Shokuhou Misaki in here. Well, it worked half of the way. But I knew you will get involved , Hokaze-san, once one of your friends is in danger."

"Leave it to ojou-samas to gullibly follow without using their minds" Rikuri muttered.

Kaira glared at her.

"Outsiders shout keep quiet. In fact, I don't want you here. I am only interested in Hokaze-san. Well, I do messed up this building for the purpose of those guys but... I have no reason to keep you alive"

In the next instant, the ground moved. It looked as if earth itself shifted and exploded with spikes to skewer Rikuri.



A blur of lightning and flurry of fists crashed against the shifted earth.

Rikuri gulped. In less than a moment, the threat was thwarted.

Hokaze looked at her hands. They looked as if they were slightly burnt but the Rampage Dress was slowly healing external injuries on her palms.

"Kaira-san..." Hokaze announced, once again assuming a martial arts pose" I am deeply saddened for all those emotions I simply did not see. I don't say I understand everything that happens in your heart. And I swear I make an attempt. But..."

Her gaze hardened, as she looked into the eyes of enemy esper.

"I have a mission in my heart. Along the way, I met a wonderful girl, whom I will protect with all my power. Not because I am ordered, but because I wish so. Not only that, but I also met two wonderful gentlemen. Gunha-san taught me importance of strength and bravery. Kamijou-san moves my heart and inspires me to take a step forward towards saving someone. Even if I have a long way to go, I am honoured, happy, and proud to call myself their friend. I am fighting not only for them, but for myself as well. Kaira-san, whatever you want from me and however I wronged you, I will not allow you to trample on attempts my friends are making!"

Kaira uncrossed her arms

"So be it. Let's fight Hokaze-san. Let me overcome my own emotions!"

"Before we do, release Rikuri-san. She needs to go, so we can focus on fighting"

"No, Hokaze-san, I can't just leave you-"

"Sssh!" Hokaze leaned closer to Rikuri" I will be fine, senpai. This battle I must fight alone. Besides, I know you are worried about our friends and your little sister. We need to move or else those we are supposed to save will be in even greater danger. In my role as the protector of the one who will locate our missing people, I will oppose the one who obstructs our way"

Rikuri wanted to argue, but stopped. Junko was looking at her with a warm gaze. And even Rikuri, 4 years older than violet hair girl, felt better while looking at that gaze.

Junko believed in Rikuri's strength. And she was determined to stop the threat messing with the way of Touma and the others by defeating it in a fight.

Rikuri gulped and nodded.

"Thank you, Hokaze-san. I owe you for this."

"So, Kaira-san, was it? Do we have a deal?"

"Of course. This woman would only get in a way of a personal affair"

In the next moment, the earth beneath Rikuri's feet parted and she once again fell into the darkness.


They managed to get down 5 floors, before acid supply ran out.

"I think that thanks to my nosy little sister, many fighters on enemies side were taken down" Kaibi said with a small tinge of pride in her exclamation, as she kicked one of the attackers with roundhouse kick.

"You must have a capable sister." Kongou screamed back, while activating one of her ejection points.

Surprisingly, the girls found themselves fighting efficiently, with Kongou being the main attacking force and Kaibi covering her weak spots when she was creating new ways of attack.

But the worst part for the attackers was caused Youen. Inconspicuous thanks to her small size, she brought forward stinging, biting, and itching chaos to the attackers. Touma did not really see what she did or what creatures she used, but looking at her smile, it wasn't anything that was pleasant.

Touma found himself fighting with at least 4 people at once. But he wasn't all alone!

"Human, on your right. Dodge! There is a good spot on your ten. Roll over. Then dropkick. Left, another left, slide, right..."

In an authoritative commentary, Othinus gave Kamijou commands, serving as an extra pair of eyes. Normally, Touma would run instead fighting so many, but with his Understander by his side, he felt much more secure. Also...

"There is an elevator there. If only we could reach it..."

When the last enemy on the floor fell down, all four were panting loudly.

"I am through with this place!" Touma yelled" On the count of three, let's run to that goddamn elevator. One, two... three!"

Of course, that strange power changing the building had to interfere, causing the wall to grow in the middle of the corridor and making all 4 rescuers collide with it. Then they comically slipped down, with Kaibi cursing and Kongou massaging her forehead (now, slightly red)

"This is ridiculous! We will never reach them!"

Kamijou kept thinking about something.

"If only there was some way to contact Rikuri-san..."

"Oh, I gave her a communication pager earlier on" Kongou suddenly spoke.

"And you just realized that?!"

"No one asked before. I-It slipped my mind in the heat of battle..." The Kongou heiress tried hard to cover her embarrassment.

Kamijou took a device from Kongou and activated it, praying for it to work.


Rikuri officially hated travelling by tunnel-like slide. Was that the ability of Kaira girl? How did that work? She was able to achieve almost frictionless travel and landed back on some corridor.

While she was worried about Hokaze Junko who was left behind with strange enemy, she was also grateful. She was tired of being treated as a simple information gatherer. She could put up a fight if it meant one thing. A thing that many yearned for in Academy City's dark side. Reclaiming or retaining a small fraction of peace she could call her own.

That peace contained her sisters, who meant a whole world to her, as well as Kamijou Touma. Even if Rikuri needed to come terms with her feelings, she knew she could not simply let go of this wonderful sentiment.

Each of them made her happy. But it was thanks to Kamijou she began to smile and laugh again. Before, she was alright. But now? Now she was happy.

She felt something in her heart. It was longing. She longed to see him again. It was merely less than 24 hours, but she felt like it was longer.

Rikuri never felt so grateful to anyone in her life. That gratitude was a formless, overwhelming feeling that she wanted to envelop Kamijou Touma with.

He took time to talk to her. He knew and accepted her with her passions. He simply was there with her, giving her time to rest with him. The fact that he considered her beautiful was a bonus to that, being genuine because of all the things listed above. All of this made Rikuri's heart flutter uncontrollably, and all scientific theories be damned, she was hopeless against it. In better moments, she wanted to go on a date with him or do something fun. In 'worse', she wanted to pin him to the wall and kiss him until they both pass out from the lack of oxygen or energy. Or maybe even...

She shook her head. Now was not the time and place for it.

The point was... Kamijou Touma and Gokusai Rikuri both wanted to protect Gokusai family with all of their strength. Even if Touma was living with them only temporary, she wanted Kamijou to be a part of their small, broken family longer than that.

She, Gokusai Rikuri, had a dream.

It could be selfish for someone tainted with darkness, but all she wanted was to pursue her interests in peace, watch her cute little sisters grow up safely, and share time with her true love.

If she could help it, those loud and noisy days would never end.

Rikuri was not a hero. Nor did she need to be one. Kamijou Touma said so himself: no matter who she chose to be, protecting what one loved was all that mattered.

Not unlike number 1 esper sometime in the past, Rikuri wanted to make her mark not being bound by classification imposed by life. She wanted to define who she was, not be defined by it.

Her musings were interrupted by a "beep" sound. It took a few moments for her to realize that it was a communication device.

"Rikuri-san? Do you read me?"

"I-It's you, Touma-san. Yes, I read you loud and clear."

"Great. Rikuri-san, take Junko-san and try best as you can to search for Misaka and Kongou-san, wherever you are. Which floor are you on?"

Rikuri bit her lip. She could not bring herself to tell Touma that Hokaze stayed behind.

"It's hard to tell given this place changing, but I assume this is 35th floor."

Rikuri managed to restore vision in three of her mini-drones. It was strangest of things, because all this time, she did not manage to find any of the people she was looking for. It frustrated her to no end.

"Are you alright? We will try to rejoin with you shortly... if we manage to get anywhere, that is" Touma's voice came over. Rikuri could not help but feel pleasant tingling all over her skin. His care was so precious and cute!

"Yes, I am fine. I am..." she paused, and thought about it.

Wasn't she a little too fine for someone who came from a dark tunnel made in the building?

And also, wasn't she feeling a little bit uncomfortable?


"Oh my stars!" Rikuri cried, getting up and revealing someone underneath her. In her deep thoughts, she didn't feel that she fell on someone. Not only that, but...

It was a girl with bleach blond hair being very similar to Rikuri's own, and now that Rikuri looked around and behind herself, she could see the gattling gun some distance away.

"Amazora?!" Rikuri cried out.

"What? Amazora is there?" Touma also shouted over the communicator" That's great news"

The girl's eyes opened up. What followed was what could only be described as a human equivalent of ship siren.


"A-Amazora, calm down, I will lose my hearing like this..."

"R-Riku nee-san crushed me with her gigantic butt!"

Rikuri's face exploded in red and she cried out

"D-Don't listen to her Kamijou-san! My butt is not that big!"

"I don't see anything wrong with your bu-"

Kamijou's reply was interrupted when he cried from pain and Kaibi's voice shouted over the conversation.

"Once again, can you have a decency to stop reviewing my sister's posterior while I am listening?! Amazora, how did you even find yourself that deep?"

"I was sucked into the ground. Then there were many weak solider guys, so I shot at them. Then everything got mixed up and I started to walk around, shoot stuff, and break walls. And I kind of... got here" Amazora explained in her usual straightforward fashion.

"Well, the most important thing is that you two are okay. We are near the lift, but I doubt reaching it will be easy. As soon as we manage to do so, we will rejoin you."

"Kamijou-san, I made contact with an esper responsible for what is happening with the building. She possesses some form of geokinesis, or at least it seems so" Rikuri took a deep breath. Withholding the truth, in retrospect, was not a good strategy in a long run" And in truth... Junko-san is..."