Chereads / Boiling Gems (The Owl House x Steven Universe) / Chapter 122 - Chapter 111: Hands in the Air

Chapter 122 - Chapter 111: Hands in the Air


And slam them down!

Garnet was once more caught in an internal argument. On Ruby's point, it was true that they needed to do something and talk to Vee. On Sapphire's point, the way the red gem had in mind was blowing up at the girl in a violent manner. There was a compromise here … the three of them were just too afraid to admit it … or too stubborn to let up.

What was worse that Vee still lived with them … she still saw Vee every day … and Vee still called out to them … she still looked up to them like a child would to their parent … and that look … that childish … puppy dog look still gave Garnet a warm feeling deep down inside. They needed to do something, they couldn't afford to sit around and not hug her.

Homeworld was on the rise, and it was only a matter of time until [Arrival from the Sky] … until they showed. "They're here." Garnet spoke aloud.

"What was that G?" Amethyst said as she and the kids were up in Vee's room, playing video games. "Kinda busy giving these noobs a vital lesson in getting their virtual butt's whooped."

"Damn it, these controls are so impractical!" Hunter yelled as he mashed each button. "Get out of the way, just get moving, just-don't die-WHY WON'T YOU OBEY ME!?"

"Dude, relax. Just take it easy." Augustus was more relaxed, easily moving his thumbs on the control pad. "Don't overthink it and-Booyah! I'm in the lead! In your face!"

"Figures it takes a game in the human world to bring out Gus's competitive side." Willow snickered as she held onto a potted plant.

"Video games, they bring people together yet tear people apart." Luz nodded.

"Wait, I thought you were grounded." Hunter asked, before groaning. "Not again!"

"I snuck out. Mom can't get any more mad at me, or more disappointed, so why bother trying at this point." She responded. "I just have to get back before six."

"I could fill in if you need a body double." Vee offered.

"No, I've spent enough time lying to her. It's easier this way." Luz groaned. "Didn't Garnet say something?"

"I don't know, too busy enjoying my Lion Licker … or I would be if Spice didn't stop eyeing them." Lucci held out his arm away from the pink Lion. "No, this is mine, this belongs to me! You had three this morning, this one's mine!"


"It's my money buying them. If you want more, use those big kitty eyes on someone else." He responded.

The big cat instantly tried the trick on Vee. "Oh now you acknowledge I exist. Hmmph, I've grown beyond the need for baby kitty eyes." Spice instantly rolled on his side. "No, I'm gonna resist the belly rubs … I'm going to resist…" He licked her face. "..After I snuggle you to death!" She hopped on the lion.

"Such strong will power." Lucci rolled his eyes. "So I guess Gus is winning this match?"

"Lesson three kid." Amethyst grinned. "Always pay attention to your opponent's power ups … like blue shells."

"NOOOOOOOOOO! DAMN YOU PURPLE ONE, DAMN YOOOOOOUUUU!" Agustus shouted., "This is the greatest travesty that could have ever happened right now!"

"I could name fifteen worse scenarios." Pearl deadpanned from the kitchen.

She walked outside the door, seeing a shadow in the sky. "Homeworld, they've arrived!" Garnet repeated out to everyone in the temple. "Their ship is entering the atmosphere!"

"...Never mind, that is arguably the very worst scenario that I hadn't thought of." Pearl corrected herself as everyone reached out.

"So this is finally happening, we're dealing with an alien invasion?" Luz asked, staring up at the sky.

"Great, let's just get this over with. I'd rather not have to focus on people calling me Rose or Steven." Once again, Lucci downplayed the situation a lot more than necessary. The sky revealed the ship in question, a massive green hand falling down from the heavens.

"... A hand?" Hunter asked.

"Wow…that couldn't be less threatening if they tried." Lucci smirked. 

"Yeah, we totally got this." Vee grinned as Amethyst pulled out the Light Cannon. "Check this out … 'If every porkchop was perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs'!" The object began to charge …


As the laser blasted from the cannon, the sheer force caused gale winds to crack the wooden house as it flew high into the sky … and bounced off the ship like it was a nat.

"Did … did we just hit that thing with a Titan Crusher beam and get no reaction?" Luz asked.

"Yes, yes we did." Lucifer nodded. "Alright, game plan. Gus, you are going to be absolutely vital."

"I am?" The little boy said with glee.

"We need them to lower their guard and think our numbers are weak." Amity nodded.

"They'll come in and take prisoners rather than orbital bombardment." Luz agreed.

".... These children are already considering orbital bombardment." Pearl muttered.

"Duh, that's giant threat fighting 101. We're not amateurs." Boscha rolled their eyes.

"Now if they're as psychotic as Bismuth, they'll think I'm Rose Quartz as long as I flash them this." Lucci showed off his gem. "Vee, you're going to be my voice and visible body. I'll make a shield to keep up the act. After whoever comes out is close enough, Luz comes in and stabs her before Gus passes out. Following that, Golden Boy and Boscha sneak into the hand with their palisman and some teleportation."

"What about me?" Willow asked.

"Well it's a beach. Following if the initial stab fails, me and Amity will push the main force into the woods so the three of us will take them down."

"Or I can grab the ship with the water and smack it down to earth." Lapis suggested

"Negative, we don't know how many gems are coming, so some may remain inside the ship to activate defenses." Luz grumbled. "We need you on restraining duty to keep it still."

"Now for the rest of you …" Lucci trailed off. "Honestly, choose inside the ship or with the LAW trio. I have no clue what you guys can do."

"You would if you actually listened to anything we tell you." Pearl rolled her eyes.

"I listen to Amethyst, the smart one."

"He's got you there, P." Amethyst snickered. "I feel like that's a solid enough plan. G, got anything to comment on?"

She stared up at the ship. "... Do you really want to be this close to the danger?" She asked the Basilisk. "Even with all of us, there's no guarantee we'll make it out of this in one piece."

"It's my planet, I want to help defend it no matter what." Vee stated. "It's the first place where I learned happiness, I'd hate myself more if I didn't try to do something."

"... Then no comment." She sighed, already feeling the argument bubbling in her head. Put her on the warp pad and place her far, far from danger. She's old enough to handle herself!

"We need to evacuate the town." Pearl said. "There's no chance we're not going to have collateral damage, or worse, casualties."

"So start a citywide fire and chase everyone out, got it." Boscha noded. Every Gem, Vee, and Luz stared at the girl with very wide eyes. "... What?"

"Nothing, just … the irony of a 1600s reversal." Pearl shivered.

"No need for fires, I have special connections to the mayor as Steven." Vee smirked. 

"She passes out mayoral pins every election." Amethyst laughed.

"Just tell him that his polls will be down if he doesn't evacuate, and everything will be fine." Vee waved off.

Lucci rolled his eyes. "As someone who's dealt with authority, I doubt it'll be that easy."


Philip heard the shouts of the strange communication devices ring loud. "Everyone, evacuation now! One and two, we flee! Our homes may get broken, but our lovely people can never be replaced!" This man seemed to have an air of authority about him, although something in him told him he was more of a speaker than a man of action.

He had been traversing the lands since his arrival, taking in lifeforms, their years and knowledge, before moving on. And unlike Palisman and Gems, their souls didn't stick around, so that was a bonus. The downside is not only was this a short term solution, he couldn't acquire any information.

What Philip needed, as loathe as he was to admit it, was to take in a human. He never wanted to hurt one of his species, but he needed something to gain a better understanding of the modern world. 

The first most prominent problem was that people didn't actually care if animal carcasses showed up, assuming it to be a beast of sorts. But a human carcase? That was always going to be a problem. There would be investigation, searches, and then, hunts. He, a witch hunter, would be the hunted, he'd be the monster. What a cruel ironic fate life had for him. That combined with Luz and her friends likely being here as well, he needed to keep quiet until he restored enough power.

Keeping quiet, when you're a walking pile of sludge. Hah, I'd love to see you try. And unfortunately, he was still stuck with the Rainbow devil. Yeah, like you don't look like a demon with your decaying ass.  The Collector was right, the trade off of a more stable body at the time was NOT worth this long standing torture. You call it torture, I call it colorful commentry to enjoy for the road. I can be your conscience! You seem to be born without one, and your head has enough space.

If you've seen ANY of my memories, you'd know I simply follow the path of the church. You're dedicated to a cult, delusional. Be real, you're more angry at your brother shacking up with a witch than you are for any religious reasons. Furious at his betray-off topic. He needed to source a human that was so detached from society that no one would notice if they vanished, yet carry enough information for him to work with.

Now who among these people were the outsiders of the town, complete and utter nobodies he could use without trouble. "Rholnaldo, you're not staying to film it, we're moving right now!" A man with tall blonde hair and apron commanded a burly young man that appeared to his son.

"But the witches are finally coming in their space crafts! We must listen to the words of the mirror ghost and make peace with them as they talk with the snake people!" … Philip was just … gonna avoid that one with a ten foot pole. There's being desperate, and then there's THAT desperate. So there's a level of crazy that even you won't touch. I never thought I'd see the day.

Quiet you, I need to concentrate. Now, who else? It would be vital to have a mode of transportation, so maybe-agggggh! Why do this metal monsters keep running him over!? By the end of this, you're probably going to love the taste of pavement.

Shut up. I need to see if I'm allowed to kill the owner. "The Kevin will offer you ladies a ride." Given the disgust the women gave him, he would be ignored and not missed by anyone important, but the vehicle suggested enough money that would cause some issues ditching the body. Actually can we still kill this one, I feel like he has it coming. If we can't find anyone else, money is power … I can't believe we're agreeing, it's unnatural. That's just how the bismuth works. ….Please, I'd rather get run over again than deal with the puns.

"Everyone, come along now, we need to flee." An old woman shouted … too close to family … also the strangest of predator vibes.

Lets see, tight knit family, authority figures with strong bonds, those teens looked relatively easy … A little child looked to Belos, as they began to stare at him…with those eyes … those soulless … empty eyes … Belos … I don't think that one's human. I don't believe it either … but I'm too afraid to get close. Is it even breathing? I haven't seen it move once. I'm just going to … slowly move away. What kind of children…if that was even a child, gives off such a disturbing aura?

"Strange …" Belos turned to see a man with glasses gazing at the sky. "A massive hand shape … but why. What function could it serve? Flexibility?" At least this one seemed to have a brain. "Invaders…could the Martians finally be getting ready to enact their time travel plot?! I must warn the town to brush their teeth!" The dude has something … a brain is not one of them … Maybe he should double back to the rich kid.

What was wrong with this town? The inhabitants seemed so…bizzare. Nothing like it was back four hundred years ago. Don't look at me. I haven't been on earth for five thousand years.

Well … he needed a human. Looks like this was his chance.


Vee stared up at the giant flying ship, feeling her familiar Steven disguise take hold. "Are you guys sure we can handle this?" She asked the cloaked Lucci.

"We dealt with a giant ship before, we've got this." He answered. "Trust me when I say that this is nothing on the scale of a city ending problem when you have the support of the League Against Witchunters."

"League Against Witchhunters … you call yourselves Law?" Pearl raised an eyebrow. "That's an ironic statement; right?"

"Pretty much. It used to stand for Lucci, Amity and Willow." Amity sounded amused. "We shout it out as we beat the coven scouts into submission."

"The looks on their faces …" Lucci trailed off. "So, are we dealing with more Amethysts?"

"There's a possibility, but it could be more than that." Pearl explained. "There are more Quartz types than just Amethysts, and each one has their own type of weapon."

"You think they'll throw in a Bismuth?" Luz's voice growled out with hate.

"No, those guys are construction workers, not fighters." Lapis said, twirling a ball of water with a look of apprehension. "Homeworld tends to keep gem types in their own lane. Part of the Crystal gems advantage in the war back then I Imagine had to be because gems not made for fighting fought. Caught homeworld by surprise a ton of times probably."

"Wait, so the woman that almost killed us all wasn't meant for combat, but the ones that were couldn't do much?" Hunter questioned.

"That's part of the reason why we rebelled in the first place. Out of Homeworld's grasp, we were able to think, to be creative, to finally be free to truly express ourselves." Garnet said, though she seemed to go back to that weird shaking she usually did now.

"Homeworld kind of sounds like the coven system when you put it like that." Gus said.

"Idiots in charge making everyone weak, what else is new?" Boscha questioned as they waited. "Different works, but stupidity is multiversal apparently."

"That doesn't mean we should underestimate them. When they land, whatever comes out, we fight them with everything we have." Luz said with hate. "No holding back for a second."

"After we get them here. Don't forget this is an ambush Luz." Lucci's voice spoke. "How's the invisibility holding up Gus?"

"Better than it normally goes, headache is only half as strong now." The kid stated. "Got the prism on standby just in case."


"… What crazy gem thing did that come from?" Boscha asked.

"For once I'm at a loss myself." Pearl muttered, before shushing them. "They're here."

The ship got closer, as the hand began to open up. After a second of no activity, a green lady walked to the top, along with a large, buff, orange woman. "… Really? This is what's left of the Crystal Gems?" She asked. "An overcooked Amethyst, a Pearl, their pet organic…and that thing ?" Why did she refer to Garnet like that?

"…Is that really what they were telling us to be afraid of?" Lucci snickered. "The green nerd and a giant orange puffball? Get real."

Vee strengthened herself, lifting her shirt to reveal the gem she grew. "I am Rose Quartz! Leave here or face the consequences!"

That got wide eyes out of the orange one, and a look of horror from the green one. "Rose Quartz!? Oh great, as if we needed more reasons to-"

"Bombard the Area." The orange one immediately spoke.

"What?" Everyone immediately asked, including the green gem.

"Rose is many things, but she's not a moron. Parading herself in such a miniscule and pathetic body…" Now that was just needlessly hurtful… "With so few soldiers in such an open area with no tactical advantage … there's a trap or two hidden in the ground. So I repeat, bombard the area with a wide barrage to snuff out the trap."

"Great; just what we needed; a gem with an actual brain." Boscha groaned as the fingers of the ship began to light up. 

"Lucci, tell me you can make a shield that big." Lapis asked, reaching her hands to the ocean as it began to rise.

"I made shields that once covered the whole owl house, so we should be relatively safe." He said. "Vee, make the motions, Gus, light up her stomach."

"I'm warning you! Fire on us and you'll regret it!" Vee went along with the bluff, already feeling like this plan was going off the rails.

"Threatening me twice …" The orange gem smirked wickedly. "That means I'm right. Peridot; aim it at the ground behind them." 

" What!?"

"As you wish." Everyone yelled out as the finger finally fired up a laser, shooting up dust in the air that dissipated the illusions hiding the others.

"Alright, first you had my annoyance." Lucci spoke, faintly glowing pink. "Now you have my aggravation!" He blurred in the air, zig zagging around like a pink Comet as he slammed into the orange gem, using a shield as a battering ram and smashing her against the ground..

"That shield…that strength…there's no doubt about it!" The orange gem laughed almost maniacally as she pushed herself back up to the ground. "The rumors don't disappoint…you are the Rose Quartz!" Summoning a bulky helmet on her head and doing a spin dash similar to Amethyst, knocking Lucci across the beach.

"Well I'm about to be the Amethyst that kicked your butt!" Amethyst laughed as she summoned her whip and wrapped the bigger gem around her.

"I'm a Jasper. A fully developed Quartz compared to an overbaked runt like you." Grabbing the whip; Jasper pulled Amethyst in close and used her helmet to knock her into the sand…


….Where all that remained was Amethyst's gem. "Amethyst!" Vee cried out

"No more playing around!" Amity sent forth abomination goo along with flames from Boscha, of which were ignored as Jasper reared back her head, slamming against Lucci's shield. "Peridot, get rid of the others; Rose Quartz is mine!"

"Gladly." Peridot turned to them … gazing at her in particular. "You look like the Lucci creature, thus you annoy me the most." The finger lasers began firing up again.

"I've got you!" Hunter rushed forward, grabbing onto Vee and teleporting out of the way … as the finger instantly moved to follow. "Oh come on!" He began to rapidly move around as the finger stayed dead set on the two of them.

"My species has been using lightspeed travel for eons, tracking movements as slow as yours is childsplay." Peridot smirked. "Target locked."


The laser was coming at them, it was going to hit them; and no one was fast enough to get them out of the way-" Look out!" Garnet jumped in the way, holding out her gauntlets in an attempt to hold it back.

"Garnet!" Vee shouted.

"I'm … I'm so-" Their body glowed brightly as they were enveloped in the blast.

" Garnet! " She and Pearl shouted at the same time as the dust cleared up…and instead wasn't the singular strong gem she knew…but smaller…blue gem holding onto a red gemstone.

"Ga-garnet?" Vee questioned, confused.

", I…I didn't want to tell you like this.." The blue gem stuttered. "I thought we would have more time to tell you.." 

There was a click of the tongue from Jasper as she headbutted Lucci into the ground. "Fusion … a cheap tactic to make weaklings stronger."

"If that's the case.." Lucci got back up and slammed two spikey bubbles into Jasper's torso. "Then why don't you have one!?" And slammed her across the beach, right into the side of the ship.

 "…They were a fusion?" Luz asked. "But they looked so put together and single minded."

"Long story for after we survi-" Pearl couldn't say anything, as a rod was placed inside of her, yellow lightning radiating from her body … before she poofed.

"Two down …" They turned to the two gems. "Three left-"

An array of hexagons launched into Jasper's side, sending her back. "Focus on your own problems!" Lucci shouted as he ran back into the fight. "You guys take care of the green corn chip! Amity, call Willow and tell her to get ready!

"On it!" Amity began flying off as Luz jumped onto Hunter's back, the two of them flying up to Peridot with Boscha.

"Come on you greenie, fight me like you're ready to die!" Luz shouted.

"No." With the deapan response, the gem instantly went inside of the ship, which closed up behind her.

Vee stared at the situation, before slowly turning to the blue gem. "What …"

"It's better explained when we're out of harm's way, Vee. Let us make haste for now." The smaller gem took her by the hand, and Vee could recognize the monotone..this gem…she was Garnet..,part of her at least. "My name is Sapphire…I'm sorry we couldn't meet under better circumstances."

"It's fine …" She was just glad they could meet at all.


Jasper once more spun into the shield, pushing through as she struck with the destabilizer. "That tickles!" Rose shouted, before knocking her back once more.

"I see … that form weakens you, but it prevents your form from fading …" She smirked, tossing away the tool. Even if it was a fast way of dealing with her problems, it wouldn't matter if it didn't function on the only targets left.

" Wow, you're actually the first gem to be halfway smart on the first meeting. For once I feel like I'm not dealing with an idiot … well a big idiot anyways." Rose laughed, twisting their neck to the point a snapping sound could be heard. "Let's see if that brain translates to actual skill!" Forming a bubble covered in spikes around themselves, they spun rapidly like a cannon and shot themselves right at Jasper.

Jasper responded by hitting the bubble head on with her helmet, before pulling back her fists and slamming them into the stalled warrior. "Skill … I've spent the last six thousand years working on my way to removing you." She growled out, delivering a series of blows as she exchanged hits with the rebel. "All to take revenge for EVERYTHING you did!"

" Of course, guess it was dumb of me to think you were actually using ALL of your brain. What outrageous and terrible thing did 'Rose Quartz' do to you?" They asked in a sarcastic manner.

"You dare to say that … after shattering Pink Diamond?" She asked. "For something as stupid as the worthless lives on this planet that won't live past a hundred years? You thought that anything alive held actual value compared to her!?" Jasper spun once more into the disgrace to her kind. "Their only purpose is to die!"

The traitor held out a shield and stopped them in their place, with the audacity to look bored . "And just like that you go down two cool points. You hooked me for a minute, but then you lost me with the motivation." They slammed Jasper into the ground. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to poof you now." They formed a drill on their arm, rotating it and hitting Jasper's chest, creating sparks.

"You've certainly gotten more crafty than I've expected you to be…but I was made to endure more than the average gem!" Jasper yelled, grabbing the drill with her hands even if it burned her. "You stayed on earth, you chose to be weaker! I served homeworld, I traveled the universe; I went through every obstacle imaginable to make myself stronger!"

" Oh yeah, here's a trick I learned off earth!" Rose shouted; pulling out a strange looking staff from their hair and whacking it across her face like it was a war hammer, sending her sliding into some sand. "You are definitely more dangerous than Bismuth, I'll give you that."

"Comparing me to a Bismuth?" She asked, spinning into a ball. "I'm a Jasper! A gem crafted for battle. I have spent the last six thousand years preparing to take you down, Rose." She rushed forward.

"Of course, what was I expecting, something simple?" They asked, moving out of the way. "Amity, move her to the forest for a LAW rush!"

"On it!" One of those organics from earlier rushed from the back, placing what felt like mud from behind her.

"You think simple mud is going to stop me!?" 

"Simple mud, no, magic mud combined with a brand new friend I made, yes." Rose laughed. "Spinel, time to play toss the giant orange into the forest!"

"Oooh! My sixty-fifth favorite game!" A pink arm wrapped around her, spinning Jasper around. "A one and and a two and a three we go!" A Spinel, in combat? How ridiculous-she was flying into the air! How did a toy become so effective in combat!?

"No matter; I'm still going to-aaaggggh!" The mud that was placed on her back restrained her arms; and somehow forced her straight down at blazing speeds into a heavily forested area. "Ohhh … you think you're cute." She growled.

"Bitch, we're adorable!" A tree slammed into Jasper, sending her into the ground. "Okay everyone, relentless!" The tree came again, and again, and again, as the bonding of the mud increased. "We're not stupid enough to stop till you poof!"

"Then you're going to be fighting for eternity, because I have never been poofed before, and I'll be damned if I let something as pitiful as the earth's ecosystem defeat me!" She roared as she broke one of her bonds, and began breaking holes into the tree, ripping it to shreds

The broken stumps turned into vines, grabbing onto our legs. "Then it's a good thing I'm the support!"

Following that, Rose crashed into Jasper's head with a hammer, along with razor-covered shields being dragged along her sides. "I have to say, it was stupendously stupid of you to come here with only one other gem." He continuously whacked the hammer across her head.

"I've taken out three of your soldiers in the first few minutes and you haven't caused any lasting damage." Jasper glared as she ripped free, headbutting Rose away. "Remind me why that was idiocy?"

"Because those weren't my soldiers. In all honesty, those three were the add-on's/cannon fodder to my plan." They laughed.

"Rose Quartz admitting her own team is cannon fodder. I never thought I'd see the day." She smirked. "So what secret weapon do you have? A triple light cannon? A new sword to shatter me? An actual support instead of defective gems and organic meat shields?" She idly slapped away a fist of mud.

"Last I checked, those meat shields got you away from the beach into a forest where we have home field advantage." The purple haired organic stood next to Rose, along a third with weak looking facial modifiers. "So what are you going to go with this time, Lucci? Pudding and her inability to get hurt or Orchid and her ruthlessness?"

"We did agree to not take any chances…so I'll risk the headache and try something new." Rose grabbed the organic's hands.

"Oh like I'm letting you do anything!" Jasper growled, spinning straight at Rose.

"Brace yourselves, everyone!" The spectacled organic covered the other two, pulling them into a tight embrace as a bright glow over overtook her vision…and suddenly she felt herself being stopped by something that was incredibly horrifying to witness.

It stood over her, being twice her height, looking like it was held together by vines and pink looking mud, trees and rocks covering their entire hide as they looked down on her with three distinct eyes, each one filled with a glare that threatened to kill them on sight.

"Hello … and Goodbye ."


Hunter jumped down the hole Luz cut, landing in a green hallway. "Keep your eye out for any traps." The human spoke, instantly moving forward with immense tension. "We're on an alien spaceship, so who knows what advanced weapons they have in store."

"Yeah yeah, I know the drill." Boscha rolled her eyes, looking around with a click of the tongue. "Hey Hunter, you have a navigation spell memorized?"

"Sadly no, most of my spells are combat based." He admitted. "Anything else outside was helped because I had the artificial magic staff. With Flapjack, I've mainly remastered the elemental side of magic."

"Then I guess we're down to walking around until we find the green woman." Luz grumbled as she took a left. "How is it only now that I feel like my life has officially jumped the shark?"

"I don't remember you jumping any sharks here or the Boiling Isles." He said.

"Human idiom." Luz explained. "It's a phrase usually when suspension of disbelief is thrown out the window, like when something so ridiculous and obscure happens it feels like nothing can truely top it."

"Yeah, once a god tears apart your universe, nothing can really get much more crazy." Boscha agreed. "For a race of genocidal maniacs, I was expecting a bit more than a green coward."

" I am NOT a coward, I'm simply too smart to engage you barbarians in hand to hand combat!" The voice of Peridot shouted from the speakers. "Grunts like Jasper have their place, but I'm more highly evolved than you lowly CLODS!"

"In other words you don't have the muscle strength or the confidence to use superior tactics and technology to compensate in the field." Hunter deadpanned. Something about her voice just scratched the back of his brain, but he didn't know why.

" I'm confident alright! Confident that none of you are fast enough to dodge my lasers!" The lady shouted as the weapons were aimed at them.

"Is it just me, or is Peridot giving you guys a Kikimora vibe?" Luz asked. "Talks a big game but can't do shit by herself?"

"Yes!" Hunter shouted. "Like, every time she talks my legs get that knee jerk reaction to kick where her face should be compared to my height." That suddenly gave him a thought. "Hey! Are you actually a really tiny person and you're compensating with your weapons and your ego?! Because I have a sixth sense when it comes to people like you!"

The weapons began firing solely on him as they all moved out of the way. "I think you hit a nerve." Boscha idly noted.

"You say stuff like that all the time." Luz pointed back, running around and using her sword as a makeshift shield, blocking the lasers as she began cutting down to sides. "Oh magic sword that cuts through anything, I love you." 

"Make out with your knife later, we still got a rock to crumble!" Boscha threw out her fireball. "Hey, Peri-dork! Mind telling if we're close to the control room?! I really, really want to kick your butt right now!"

" Hah! As if I'd let you fools anywhere near my postier! You Clods aren't anywhere near the control room! Then again, you're organics, you're feeble brains probably can't fathom the level of technology you're witnessing right now!"

"I fathom that the ceiling has a bunch of powerlines that all connect somewhere." Boscha pointed up to the ceiling. "Which means they lead somewhere important, which means you'll probably be there."

"Hah, proves how feeble your organic brains are! I'm nowhere near the ship's generator room!"

"Great, which means we can destroy the generator and bring down this whole ship before you catch up with us." Boscha smirked. "Thanks for the confirmation!"

"Like I need to wander out when I have robonoids!" Multiple marbles showed up. "Good luck getting through-"

"GAAA!!" Luz ran in headfirst, ignoring the lasers grazing her body as she struck the marbles head on. "YOU STUPID BALLS! WHY! CAN'T! YOU! JUST! DIIIIIIIIIEEEEE!" Wires and sparks were flown all around as she tore through them.

"Sometimes I have trouble deciding who's more crazy between Clawthorne and Luz … at the moment it's Luz by a solid mile." Hunter nodded.

"Like my Crystal ever had any sanity." Boscha smirked as she threw a few fireballs forward, dodging the lasers.

Luz continued to run forward, even when hit as she sliced and diced everything in her path. If she ever joined the emperor's coven, she'd probably give him a solid run for his money in the determination part. "Well, no point in standing on the sidelines. Flapjack, let's do our thing!" He grabbed his Palisman and began teleporting in-between firing, smashing the Marbles against each other. They continued to destroy and make their way through until they reached a giant glass orb containing green electricity. "Big, shiny, and glowing, that definitely looks important enough to destroy.

"YOU CLODS! You'll bring down the ship with you in it!"

"Actually we're fairly confident about escaping death traps by this point in our lives, so the real question is … are you prepared to escape a crashing and likely to explode spaceship?" Luz laughed as she ran forward and stabbed it.

Lightning began striking everywhere as alarms blared. "MANIACS! YOU ALL ARE MANIACS!"

"TELL ME SOMETHING NEW, YOU MARTIAN EXPY!" Luz cackled hysterically.

" DAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" The yelling got louder. " No matter, I have escape pods, I can leave you three to die at any time!" 

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Hunter focused his concentration. This place was made out of metal, out of materials he didn't have the faintest idea of understanding, but he used to be the Golden guard. It didn't matter what this place was made of, he could still tear it all apart. "GAAAAAAAHH!" Focusing everything he had, and ignoring the splitting headache, he teleported back into the hallways, through the walls, through places he couldn't see. Concentrate, find that annoying little…"FOUND YOU!" He popped right in front of the green enemy, slamming her into the ground.

"Gaaah …." She groaned. "So you feel superior, don't you?" The gem growled, holding out her arm to him.

"Enough to know you don't feel combat capable." Hunter grinned … which was quickly whipped off when the green enemy's arm shifted into a ball of energy. "Whoa!" He barely dodged it. "Energy weapon…." It felt vaguely similar to the artificial staff, but with a decreased power output. "Might want to watch where you point that!" He teleported again, using his staff to chop at the arm, breaking it and showing off more wires and sparks.

"My Limb Enhancer!"

"... You really are tiny." Hunter laughed. "Called it!"

"What about it!? You going to mock me as we fall to our deaths?!"

"No, I'm going to mock and beat you up as we fall to our deaths … trust me … I'm going to enjoy every second of this."


They knocked away the orange gem … as they tried to come to terms with themselves. Since when can you do triple fusions? Since Amuck played around at the Brawl. Isn't this an amazing experience? I am so going to suffer once this is all over. I don't think me and Amity have had a decent conversation before. I'm still mad at Orchid for the second veggie incident. Come one, don't be like that, we're all one big happy family here. As long as my organs don't get scrambled like this, I'll be cool with it.

There were so many components of themselves. Earth, muddy, sludgey, forestry, they were like one giant, bulky, walking swamp. "It's just like the legends said." Oh right, enemy. "Despite the strength, you always relied on dirty tactics. Ambushes, assassinations … and fusion."

" Dirty? Pfft, this isn't a magic duel, or wrestling. You came down here, trying to uproot our lives, and looking for a fight. There is no 'dirty' anything. There's just what you do to survive and win." They planted their feet on the ground. "There's no playing it safe. We're beating you, right here, right now."

"In your dreams … today is the day you lose, Rose." They spun once more, driving forward at them.

"I am not Rose…."  Quick, we need a cool and catchy name that perfectly represents us!We only ever needed one. "We….are… Law." The fusion sent forward moss with enough force to launch Jasper across the forest. Nailed it. They sunk themselves into the ground, traveling through it, flowing through the mud and through the roots, being connected to nature, being at one. So peaceful…is this what it's like for you to use plant magic? All the time, and this bitch wants to take it all away. So let's show her what happens when nature feels like fighting back! They sprung up from the ground, and punched her in the back of the neck.

"Law… can't help but be a sick joke, can't you?" Jasper laughed, trying to head butt them, only to be sent flying back with a rock hard headbutt back.

"It's meant to be ironic, but whatever floats your boat." They formed a massive hammer. "Or whatever your species has instead!" And slammed the gem into the ground. Oh, hold on, I wanna pull out something we did as Cherry. "Sugar, Ghost, Clover." They held out their hands. Three palisman at once? How come we didn't do this as Amuck? We did it as Orchid, right? But you guys never fused them. We can do that to the palisman!? Huh, new voice. I think that one only occurs if me and Amity have the same thought, since we don't fuse together. But yeah, watch and learn.

They watched as Clover landed on top of Ghost, coiled around by Sugar as they began to glow and meld, a long staff end forming, which was grabbed by LAW. With it forming into a longer, slender looking purple skinned creature with black and yellow stripes, and a cat like face with multiple tiny arms. "Huh, a tatzelwurm. Neat." They commented, spinning them around before slamming them into the ground. "Hey Jasper!" The ground itself began to pulse and emanate from their Palisman. "How about we show you how to REALLY change the playing field." 

"What are you going on about–" The ground shifted as mountains began to spring up, shooting the gem upward, beforing being slammed down by a giant wounded tree hand, making her sink into a pit of quicksand.

" I've picked up on the fact gems like you don't have that high opinion of other plants, like the forest, the ecosystem, all that. You just want to build your empire and turn it all to decay. Well this is the full power of that same ecosystem you love to destroy so much!" Vines grow and cuff the orange gem. "It's at MY full command, and you're powerless against it!"

"I am NEVER POWERLESS!" They tried to spin out of their trap, only to get even more stuck.

"Can't you admit for one second just how screwed you are?" They laughed, sinking her back in only to spit her back out. " What can you conceivably do here that can possibly hurt me?"

They screamed, breaking out by grabbing onto the ledge, only for a tree to shove them back in. "I will END YOU!" I enjoy humiliating enemies as much as the next gal, but shouldn't we finish this off? Good point. Kind of wish I did this with Bismuth though, this is catharsis like you wouldn't believe.

Law created several spikes made from rock and trees. " Any last words you'd like to say before going into a bubble for the next milenia?"

The orange freak stared at the fusion, before their eyes widened just a smidge. "You should have coordinated better with your team." She said as a shadow fell over them.

" What are you talking….oooh." They noticed that hand ship…falling down…. on top of them . Huh….honestly expected us to be the the ones that created the giant fiery explosion during the fight. Don't be too mad at Luz, she's working through a lot at the moment. Well this was the team with Luz, Hunter, and Boscha, so I actually figured this would happen.



The ONLY reason Luz trusted herself to be so reckless today is because she trusted Lucci to heal both her and her clothes before mom got back home … although considering the evacuation … she was gonna be double grounded when this whole thing was over, wasn't she? Damn it, she didn't think this through at all. Oh well, given that they were saving the world, she could at least take pride in that. "Everyone okay..?" Luz asked, turning to Boscha and Hunter as they sat down in the fiery pit that was the broken spaceship.

"I'm going to have sunspots for days." Boscha groaned, constantly blinking. "Gah, I hate bright lights."

"I survived … but I lost … what was she called, Pericot?" Hunter asked.

"I think it was Peri-snot."

"No, I heard it better, it was Peri-jot."

"IT'S PERIDOT, YOU CLODS!" Said gem shouted as she crawled out of some smelting metal…looking remarkably shorter than Luz recalled her being.

"...How did a little twirp like you survive that crash!?" Luz couldn't help but scream.

"I'm a highly evolved non-organic organism, my facet of gem is much more dense then the average type!" The green weirdo shouted back.

"Would have figured you'd at least get a crack." Boscha groaned. "Okay, just point me in her general direction and I'll start blasting Maya." She pulled out her staff.

"Gaaah! Get away from me!" She started crawling away. "I don't know what unnatural powers you possess, and frankly, I don't care! I'm done with earth! I'm leaving this planet and will see immense satisfaction in seeing it destroyed!"

"Destroyed? But..we destroyed your ship." Hunter pointed out.

"Oh you naive simpletons." She chuckled. "Once I'm done here I'll-"

There was an explosion of water slamming into her. "We can interrogate her later. For now, let's just stop something from letting her leave." Lapis spoke, marching forward, alongside Vee and a new, shorter blue gem. "I've seen enough media to know if we just let her ramble on a dues Ex machine let's her get away." Not the word, but Luz understood the meaning, raising her sword.

"So….is that a new friend of yours then or…" Hunter pointed to the smaller gem.

"No, you've already met her…kind of." Vee chuckled. "Guys, this is Sapphire. She's one half of Garnet."

"It was kind of a surprise to see her pop up, but again, discussion for after-" An orange blur slammed in front of Luz.

"I don't know … how you crashed my ship … but I'll be DAMNED if I let a bunch of organics get the best of me!

"What happened to LAW!?" Luz shouted. A swamp thing rushed into the area … before glowing, separating into Amity, Willow, and a passed out Lucci. "Guys!"

"We're okay … the triple fusion … took a lot out of Lucci though." Willow explained. "You still can't win this, Jasper. You're surrounded, and it's YOU that hasn't been able to make a dent in any of us!" 

"She's right." Amity explained. "Your ship is down, you're surrounded, and we have a gem that controls the freaking ocean." She waved her Palisman. "You have nothing."

"Would you people stop taunting and just attack!?" Lapis shouted as she blast a couple of water spikes at them.

Jasper rolled out of the way, and jumped, grabbing Peridot out of the hold Lapis had her in."You organics and your cheap tricks! You only had the upper hand because you fused with Rose!"

"Or because you suck." Boscha muttered.

"Well I'm going to do the same! I'm not taking any chances!" Jasper yelled, looking at Peridot. "You, we're fusing right now!"

"WHAT!?" Everyone shouted.

"Hypocrite!" Willow shouted.

"Wait a moment, I'm not fusing!" Peridot screamed.

"I don't remember giving you a choice!" Jasper grabbed ahold of Peridot very violently and brought her close.


"IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!" Jasper yelled as the green one failed to escape, a bright white glow overtaking all of them as the figure began to form. 

"How are they doing that?" Gus asked, having caught up and looked at the glowing and shifting form. "I thought you had to be in sync?"

"You do…doing it otherwise, in a manner where one personality dominates the other, creates an unhealthy, unstable fusion that you can't easily break out of." Sapphire brought up.

"So they're going to be so uncooperative it'll make for an easy win?" Hunter asked as the fusion grew to about fifteen feet.

"Maybe…or it could be so mentally unstable they carelessly unleash their powers all at once without a single hint of control."

"This is why we don't gloat with our opponents, kids!" Lapis shouted in frustration.

They watched as the glow finally died down, revealing … well in all honesty, it was just Jasper with green lines around her body, four eyes, a bit of a pointed head, and the extra gems on her body. "Ugh, not as impressive as I thought in appearance, but it'll do."

"Impress this!" Boscha threw a fireball at the gem….who blocked it with a floating piece of metal.

"That's new…I wonder…." The fusion cackled, making the burning metal that was surrounding them float all around them in a shiny silvery tornado. " Metal bends to my whims…now that's what I'm talking about!"

"Great, they just made the gem version of Mageneto. Just great." Luz slapped her head.

"Now let's try to revert that earlier loss- disgusting disgusting disgusting." They were cut off, clawing at themselves. " It's so wrong and unclean and it feels horrid! Get me out of here!" The metal began to construct itself into a limb, attaching itself onto the main body and squeezing the head. "Stop that, just let me do my job - LET ME OUT!" Multiple limbs of metal began to build themselves around the fusion.

"I feel very uncomfortable watching this." Amity noted as they saw the two in one being fight between themselves. "Do we do something-?"

"No." Sapphire raised a hand in the air. "The last thing you want to do is be in the middle of that."

"Shut it!" The fusion began choking itself in a way Luz had seen in some … domestic dramas. "If you just listen to me- listening to you is what got us in this predicament; i am neverlistening to you again!" The metal lifted the fusion upward, shooting her in the sky, disapearing without a trace.

After a few seconds, Luz turned to Sapphire. "So … was that a win by Earth Standards or …"

"We're all still alive. That was the best case scenario I foresaw." The gem admitted.

Murmuring could be heard from Lucci: "Aggh, my head…what happened here?"

"We just watched the reason I'm never dating." Gus deadpanned in muted horror.

"Huh, neat." Lucci noted. "So nap time?"

"I need you to heal me and my clothes first Lucci." Luz said. "You know, so I can make mom think I was in the house."

"... Wouldn't she have already checked during the evacuation?" Hunter asked

"….Damn it." Big win, small loss. Of Course that's how it worked.