Zelretch is a mage that research and specialized on jewelcraft. He is often called the father of jewelcraft.
Jewelcraft: is using gems... *not creative will try to expand
His origin is refraction.
The man who did found a truth from it a spell on a Jewel that can be both a arrow made of water a shield of water and heal you
He found that things are not soo similar the jewels has refraction like a kieldoscope all different but similar
And made it so that it can become 100 different spells all on one lapis
He learned that a small difference can make a spell into something different but are still similar if you change it a little
He reach the root from that truth and going to the max on that craft. Making a complex spell that has 1000 spells on a jewel
He found a truth of the world making him able to go to the root. Might remove the root as now I'm reading it I'm starting to not like it. I mean going to try to reach a path through your research when you can push the limits of your craft pretty much I want there hard work to be rewarded
He master a word. Refraction. That spell is perfect and he is able to use it to ridiculously insane stuff like breaking dimension and seeing ahhhh this is complicated
He is the pinnacle of master of jewelcraft none can reach him as just one diamond is able to be 10 or 20 spells at the same time. A lot of people tried but could only put mana and inscribe spells on it. They didn't know how 1 spells is soo similar but different with each other how you can turn it into 100 spells. How 1 spells can be refracted soo perfectly where each sides and inside has a spell on it
He has a big jewel that is powerful when used it refracted the dimensional space around them and weakens the barriers between it
No one can help you as you will fall through dimension and go to somewhere that is different