They pulled up to a big mansion in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees of all types. Jade had heard of the vampire prince and how ruthless he could be. He was considered terrifying by all who were in his presence. It was even thought that he killed his father to obtain the throne. Mr. Robinson parked the car and got out to open her door. Jade gulped, hesitating to get out of the vehicle. "Miss Leone, please exit the video. I have been instructed not to use force on you so please don't make me have to go against my orders" he stated calmly. Not to use force? Who instructed that? Certainly not the ruthless prince of Rosewood? Jade thought to herself as she slowly exited the vehicle. The mansion was beautiful and so big compared to the little house Jade had grown up in. "Miss Leone, right this way," Mr. Robinson said as he led her towards the mansion's entrance. As she walked up the steps to the mansion the front door opened and there stood the most handsome man she had ever seen in her entire life. He had long black hair pulled back into a low ponytail and ice-blue eyes that pierced through her very being. He was covered in tattoos of vines and thorns and was dressed in a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans. He was also wearing a necklace that had a jewel as red as blood. "Sir, this is the girl you purchased from the village," Mr. Robinson said. "Thank you, James," he said with an iciness in his voice that could freeze Hell over. "Come," he said, motioning for her to follow him into the house. Jade hesitated at first, being in the presence of the vampire prince of Rosewood was overwhelming. "Come!" he demanded more sternly than before. Jade jumped and quickly followed him into the house. Without speaking, he led her upstairs and to an unoccupied bedroom. "This will be where you stay. You can come and go throughout the mansion as you please, but remember one thing," he said as he got closer to her. "You belong to me. If you try to escape this place, I will find you, and you will pay," he stated firmly. Jade gulped as she stared into his ice-cold eyes. "Do you understand?!" he firmly spat. "Y-yes" Jade stammered as she looked away. "Good. Get settled and dinner will be in an hour" he said as he turned around and walked off.Jade sat on her bed just staring out the window. She couldn't get the man she met out of her mind. The vampire prince of Rosewood, Kevin Moore. She had heard stories of him back in her village. The village elders had been telling vampire horror stories for decades. Stories of men and women with fangs that could pierce skin like butter and eyes that would hypnotize you into doing their bidding. There was something about Kevin though, he didn't seem like how the stories portrayed. He didn't seem bloodthirsty or evil. Sure, he was firm in how he spoke, but it wasn't as if he was ready to drain her dry right there on the spot, or at least it didn't seem that way to Jade. But what was with that necklace he had been wearing? The jewel was as red as blood and even looked as if it was moving as blood would move in a vial. Suddenly a knock on her door pulled Jade from her thoughts. She let out a quiet squeak and stood up quickly. "C-come in" she stammered. The door swung open and there stood an elderly woman with short silver hair a shade or two darker than her own, wearing a maid outfit and holding a cane in her hand. "Miss Leone, I am Miss Iris, and I am here to let you know that Mr. Moore is ready for you to join him for dinner" she stated in the sweetest voice Jade had ever heard. "Oh sweetheart, you can't go to dinner dressed in that, here Honey let me show you your clothes" the sweet lady stated as she hobbled her way over to Jade's closet. Iris opened Jade's closet revealing a wardrobe of different clothing from dresses to nightgowns. "Here sweetheart, let me help you get changed into this and then I'll take you to dinner," Iris said as she pulled out a powder blue floor-length dress. "Thank you, ma'am," Jade said quietly as she took the dress from her. Jade removed the clothes she had arrived in and started putting on the dress. "Here honey, let me help you get that tied up" she said as she started lacing up the back of the dress. "Thank you," Jade said quietly. "Now honey, when you are in the presence of the prince, you need to remember to do as he says, whatever he says" she said gently as she laced up the back of the dress. " he says?" she questioned. "Yes, when he asks you questions, you answer. When he tells you to do something or go somewhere you do it, no questions asked" she said as she finished lacing up the dress. "He is your master now. The most important thing you keep in the forefront of your mind..." she said as she came from behind her and touched her shoulder. "You are human...he is a vampire. He could end you with one swipe of his claws. In one singular motion, he could drain you dry. Mr. Moore and his brother are the strongest vampires in the region of Rosewood" she said sternly. Brother? "His brother? I didn't know he had a brother I had only ever heard of him" Jade said. "Alexander Moore is his identical twin brother and second in charge of the vampire kingdom of Rosewood. He and Kevin are nothing to take lightly. They have slaughtered villages and even slaughtered their father. That is how Kevin came to power" Iris said. "But...they're identical twins. Shouldn't they both be in power?" Jade asked curiously. "Kevin is the oldest of the two by a few minutes and so by the royal rules, he is the ruler. However, Alexander never had a desire to rule in his father's place. His only desire was to help his brother gain power" Iris said as she braided Jade's long white hair. "How do you know so much about them?" Jade asked curiously. "I practically raised those boys as my own," she said as her fingers weaved through Jade's hair effortlessly. "Iris" came a calm voice from the doorway.