The Violet Gym, located in the heart of Violet City, is one of the official gyms in the Johto Region, specializing in Flying-type Pokémon. Its current Gym Leader, Falkner, is a well-known figure in the Johto League.
Falkner is a Great Ball-level Trainer who has been active for six years. Two years ago, he successfully challenged the former Gym Leader, Violet, and earned the title for himself.
While Violet Gym was once dedicated to Grass-type Pokémon, Falkner's appointment marked a shift in its focus to Flying-types, which are his specialty.
Though not a household name, Falkner is highly respected among Flying Pokémon enthusiasts and is often referred to as the "Master of Aerial Contests" in Johto. His expertise in the field of Flying-types has garnered him a solid reputation.
After completing their morning exercises and breakfast, Ash and his companions made their way to the Violet Gym.
Unlike most gyms, Violet Gym's structure was unique—a spiraling tower that ascended into a wide, circular platform at the top.
The design resembled a giant purple mushroom, a remnant of the gym's history under its previous Grass-type specialist leader, who had a fondness for mushrooms.
While Falkner had made some modifications, such as transforming the top platform into a battlefield suitable for aerial duels, much of the original design remained intact.
When Ash and his friends arrived, they found a long queue of challengers waiting to register.
Ash was fifteenth in line, with Misty and Brock deciding to head to the top platform to observe the battles while Ash waited for his turn.
After a brief wait, Ash approached the registration desk. The staff member didn't immediately recognize him.
In recent years, many Trainers had taken to mimicking Ash's style—right down to carrying a Pikachu on their shoulder. This made Ash's resemblance to himself unsurprising to the staff.
"May I see your identification, please?" the staff member asked politely.
Ash smiled slightly and handed over his Pokédex. The staff's demeanor changed upon realizing they were speaking to Ash Ketchum.
Though surprised, the staff maintained their professionalism, quickly completing the registration process and respectfully returning the Pokédex to him.
With his registration complete, Ash sat in the waiting area, watching the ongoing gym battles displayed on a large screen.
The top platform of the gym was designed to showcase dynamic aerial battles, and the match currently on display was no exception.
Falkner, the Gym Leader, was a young man with short dark blue hair that partially covered one eye.
His outfit—a sleek kimono with arm guards—added to his aura of quiet confidence. His stoic expression gave the impression of a seasoned professional, and his skill in battle only reinforced this.
In the current match, Falkner was using a Pidgey, a Starter-level Pokémon, to face off against a Rookie Trainer.
Despite the even playing field in terms of strength, Falkner's tactical prowess gave him a clear advantage.
Ash observed Falkner's strategy carefully. The Gym Leader seemed to favor quick, relentless strikes, instructing Pidgey to use Quick Attack repeatedly.
The move left a dazzling trail of light behind the Pokémon, making the battle as visually impressive as it was effective.
While the challenger struggled to keep up, Ash noted the precision and fluidity of Falkner's tactics.
Though this battle didn't reveal Falkner's full potential, it gave Ash valuable insight into his style.
As Ash mulled over Falkner's strategies, a Trainer seated nearby struck up a conversation.
"Hey there! Are you a fan of Ash Ketchum too?" the Trainer asked, his eyes lighting up as he spotted Pikachu on Ash's shoulder.
Ash turned to the Trainer, surprised by his question. The boy was wearing an outfit that bore a striking resemblance to Ash's old attire from the Indigo League—though the materials and craftsmanship were clearly not the same.
"Uh…" Ash began, unsure how to respond.
"Pretty cool, right?" the Trainer continued, proudly showing off his denim jacket and adjusting his hat to mimic Ash's signature style.
"I've spent ages trying to recreate Mr. Ash's look! The only thing I'm missing is a Pikachu like yours."
Ash chuckled awkwardly, realizing the Trainer hadn't recognized him. Listening to the boy talk, Ash learned about the existence of a fan club dedicated to him.
These fans, inspired by Ash's journey, dressed like him and even tried to emulate his bond with Pikachu.
The boy lamented, "I've looked everywhere for clothes like Ash's, but they're impossible to find. I don't know where he gets them!"
Ash smiled knowingly. What the boy didn't realize was that most of Ash's outfits were handmade by his mother, Delia.
As the Trainer continued to chatter, an idea began forming in Ash's mind. If so many people wanted his style, why not turn it into a business opportunity?
By creating official replicas of his outfits, he could not only satisfy his fans but also secure additional income for his journey.
Ash resolved to pursue this idea. With his mother's designs, he could apply for copyright and partner with a manufacturer to produce the clothing.
Though the hats were copyrighted by the Pokémon League, the rest of the outfits could be marketed without issue.
The thought brought a small smile to Ash's face. His journey was about to take an unexpected entrepreneurial turn.
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