Melloyern: 13 Land under Holy crystal Blessings

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Chapter 0: The History


Melloyern, December 1628.

The sun shines bright in the day. People in the Hadralmaot main Harbour was doing their works normally. Ships going in and out from the harbour as the business going so smoothly. Nothing seems to be odd in the day.

But then, a strong wind started to blow after a strong magic waves blown around the land. Poeple start looking up at the sky just to realise that the sky already dark and the sea start to raging. High tides starts to flooding the harbour on count of minutes.

At the moment, all people start to panic as the disaster starts to hits hard. People get swallowed by the tides and many already drowned. Ships start crashing into the harbour and the situation is uncontrollable there.

The tide starts getting higher and higher as the time moved. Area near the sea already been flooded but none of the residents nearby had the chance to react due to how sudden all of this happened.

Meanwhile, At the area inland of Melloyern Mainland, earthquakes and heavy storms hits. Brings people's residence, trees and living beings flying to the sky and also sinks some of them in the quake. The mountain start changing and earth cracks into deep ravine in almost all the place. Peoples were all confused on how to run since there is nowhere safe from this.

As the same time, In the east and west of the Melloyern Mainland, There is Tsunami getting closer from both side and destroying the land from both side. Leaving nothing behind. All people in the way were all washed away into inland of the Mainland.

None of them know the reason of the disaster and what caused them. Or else, no one would have time to comprehend such matter since they should be thinking of their life more than the cause.

Melloyern, February 1633.

It has been around five years since the disaster hits and Melloyern Mainland starts to slowly rebuilding into once most glorious land in the whole continent.

In the disaster record, there is almost 70% of the Mainland residents were found dead. Roughly around 5 million were died and lost. Since then, Melloyern Mainland becoming one of the least amount of people in the continent and the whole Mainland's economy were paralyzed.

Even after 5 years, only capitals start to grow while other still in paralyzed state. In whole Mainland, It's around 57 capitals economy starting to rebuild from the nightmare of the people who lived to remember the disaster.

In this phase, Many survived people migrated to these capitals to get job and also starts a new life.

Melloyern, March 1633

At the time, Melloyern Mainland were build in 13 main country. As the time goes, Cuizine Derek, The ruler of Fallidom(country) summons all 13 country ruler into a meeting at his castle. As Cuizine ownes more resources in his country making him one of the most important person in terms of rebuilding the whole Mainland to it's old glory.

In the meeting, Cuizine suggested that all the country works together as one. He implying that all 13 country need to merge into one big country. He offers to lower the price of the recourses to the country who agree to be on of the big country of Melloyern.

As a result, every single ruler founds Cuizine suggestion were all reasonable and they could all take advantage in terms of rebuilding the land. So, in the end, All of them signed the contract and agreed to be in the Big country of Melloyern. Cuizine were nominated by all the rulers as the king of the whole Melloyern Mainland. The main capital of Melloyern is Risidom, which is used to be a country under Cuizine's leadership.

Melloyern, January 1636

Even before the disaster, magic already existed in Melloyern but it was forbidden. Now, King Cuizine formed a Congress that supports used of magic in Melloyern after monster that known as Magical beast started to appear in Melloyern Mainland since the disaster and in this time getting out of control.

King Cuizine realised that normal weapon such as swords and spears barely enough to beat one of the Magical beast. He knows that only magic would be effective against them. So, King Cuizine attempted to release all the magician and let them be free as long as they follow the rules sets by himself.

King Cuizine gets a lot of objectionsd from many side as he introduced the Congress but he proves that magical beast could be effectively killed with magic that finally open the eyes of the people that magician is indeed needed. Cuizine make all people realise that magician could promise the better future for Melloyern.

As a result, around 2000 magician that was under many kingdoms suppression were freed and swore to be loyal to Melloyern and their kings. After that, Some of the magician working as royal Magician and some of them living as normal person does.

Melloyern, March - October 1642

In this time, population of magician starts to increase and some institute that training the magician were developed for keep more skillful magician after generations.

These magician then started to formed a few organisation not under government or N.G.O(Non-Goverment Organisation). Some of the famous that well known across the Mainland was Dark Magician Association (D.M.A), Melloyern United Magician (M.U.M) and Anti-Magical Beast Force (AmBeaf). All of them were mostly specialised in exterminating magical beast and hunt down dangerous beast.

As the Congress under Cuizine's leadership were successful, it brings more justice to those who were born bearing magic with then and no longer being discriminated. Even so, there are still some of magician started to wanted more than what they already having and wanted to overthrow the king and rule the land.

This kind of thing would be called cliche but the King get the situation in control. With the help of Royal Magician, this problem get to be resolved easily.

Melloyern, June - July 1651,

Now, Melloyern Mainland were facing new threat to it's harmony. Is was the discovery of The Holy Crystal Shard. This shard contains high level purity of mana. In the early discovery of the shard, A team of researchers specialised in examining the crystal and the shard were formed.

The team discovered that the destruction of the Holy Crystal were the cause of the disaster that happens in Melloyern before. Deeper research has been made and they discovered that the crystal were originated from a mana crystallization in a country known as Yakuni. But, the cause of destruction of the crystal still unknown.

After the fact about the crystal contains high level purity of mana, many individuals and parties started to find and collecting the holy crystal shards either it was for power, wealth or even fame. But this situation has brought chaos across the Melloyern Mainland.

King Cuizine tried to stop all this commotion but all his efforts were brought to D.M.A to take action and sending assassin to kill him. At 2nd of July 1651, Cuizine were found dead in the midnight.

As that happens, it cause Melloyern to face politics instability. A man step up to settle down the instability. He was former General of Fallidom (state) and nominated himself as a temporary king for the land. But, King Cuizine's son, Tenrzuin Cuizine step up to be the new king of the Melloyern with a testament leaved by his father. The testament stated that after king Cuizine's death, the reign of the government were given to his first son.

The Former General forfeited from keep wanting to fix the issue and in 27th of July the same year, Tenrzuin Cuizine holds the title of the second king of Melloyern. After his ascension as a king, he issue an order to collect all the holy crystal shard and he promised to reward the party who gives the crystal to him handsomely.

This causing more people involved in the search of the crystal. It brings more tragedy, fights and death in the chase of the crystal. It all just because the amount of wealth that these people could get from giving the holy crystal shards to the king. Who would refuse a reward from the king anyway.

This tragedy and incident keep happening days by days and getting worse day by day in Melloyern.