"Human-headed dogs?"
Su Ming rubbed his chin, first thinking about League of Legends and Dota, then recalling something he had seen on Earth-11.
While genetic experiments were often predictable, he didn't expect the British to dabble in such things.
Suddenly, the sound of rapid footsteps echoed down the corridor. It resembled the scuttling of giant spiders, as if many legs were hitting the ground simultaneously, reverberating through the narrow space.
It didn't sound like dogs. Dogs, while not as silent as cats, didn't lift their legs high enough to make such loud noises.
"Uh, I think they noticed me. I may have led them this way. Is that cool?" Wade asked sheepishly, hands behind his back, shifting nervously.
"No problem, just means a pay cut," Su Ming replied with a sly grin, pulling out Godkiller. In tight spaces like this hallway, a shape-shifting weapon was much more practical.
But instead of gene-spliced monstrosities, what appeared at the end of the hallway was a group of small, upright, lizard-like creatures. They were humanoid, wearing crude animal skins, wielding simple clubs and short spears, hissing as they rushed toward the group.
"That's not a human-headed dog; those are kobolds," Su Ming sighed in exasperation. "Completely different creatures."
One is a failed genetic experiment, the other a magical creature—they couldn't be more unrelated.
Deadpool scratched his head. "Oh right, that's the term. I couldn't remember it. So... should we fight them? They look pretty feral."
Monarch stepped forward, raising his staff high, casting a bright light that bathed the entire corridor in a blinding white glow.
"Kobolds are subterranean creatures. They shouldn't be here. Let me talk to them."
In the Marvel Universe, the underground world is filled with all sorts of things, a vast and unknown territory.
From what Su Ming knew, the underground had creatures like Mole Man and his kingdom, a whole array of fantasy beasts including dragons and minotaurs, various aliens hiding on Earth, and even the corpses of the First Celestials.
Handling these underground matters usually fell to the sorcerers, as many of the creatures weren't entirely uncommunicative.
For instance, the Goblin Black Market had its headquarters underground, providing magical items and materials from various dimensions to Earth through an intricate network of tunnels. They often held auctions for rare goods.
They traded Earth's unique resources and energy for off-world goods, profiting handsomely.
However, privacy wasn't their concern. Without significant power, attending their auctions could leave one with nothing but bones—if you even made it out alive. Competing against beings like humanoid dragons or Hell Lords wasn't a game anyone could afford to lose.
In the future, the dark elves under Malekith's command would also move underground after losing their leader, setting up another auction house known as "Hellfire Trading." There, one could exchange goods for nearly anything from the universe, from Kree battleships to Groot's gaming consoles.
For now, though, Monarch was fulfilling his duty as a sorcerer by sending the kobolds back underground. They shouldn't be seen by the public, especially in wartime London. The sight of such creatures on the surface could trigger uncontrollable chaos.
Rumors were already spreading about Hitler gaining powers from Hell, with legions of demons aiding the Third Reich, leaving people in a state of panic.
Kobolds, being creatures of the dark, were terrified of bright lights. Monarch was using a restraining spell borrowed from an unspeakable entity to emit an intense light from his staff, a spell deceptively warm and comforting but actually a form of black magic.
His village had once been lured by such a display, only to face a tragic downfall.
He didn't dwell on it now, focusing on the spell's limited duration. He stretched his staff forward, and as expected, the kobolds retreated, hissing and chattering nervously.
The others stood by, watching as Monarch communicated with the creatures in a language none of them understood.
"Is he... making friends with those little monsters?" Deadpool stowed his katana, crossing his arms as he stood next to Su Ming. "They look fierce, kinda like bulldogs with scales and sharp teeth."
Su Ming shrugged. "If you're thinking of keeping one as a pet, you should probably consider how to stop it from biting off your... sausage while you're sleeping."
"Uh, yeah, on second thought, maybe not." Wade immediately squeezed his legs together, his imagination vividly portraying the scene. Healing factor or not, he didn't want to risk his "sausage." "I think I'll stick with something safer, like a spider or a lizard."
No one knew if the "new sausage" would work as well as the original.
Meanwhile, Horowitz closed his eyes, trying to relax while Deadpool and Su Ming bantered. He massaged his temples, feeling his worldview shift with every bizarre encounter.
There was so much danger and mystery in the world he hadn't been aware of. Back in New York, helping a few people had made him feel like a hero—how naïve he had been.
He was grateful to Su Ming for showing him this dark side of the world. In his thirty years of life, he was finally beginning to see behind the veil.
There was still much to learn.
Monarch's negotiations with the kobolds didn't take long. They quickly abandoned their original intentions, recognizing the power of the human sorcerer. Soon, they were retreating back underground, disappearing from sight.
Monarch extinguished the light from his staff, letting out a sigh. He reached into his hat and pulled out two rabbits, which he slowly strangled, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Uh, your friend's kinda... sensitive, huh?" Deadpool muttered to Su Ming. He had seen all kinds of people—some laughed after a kill, some cried. But crying over killing rabbits? That seemed excessive.
Su Ming patted him on the shoulder. "Sorcerers are different. This is his choice, his freedom."
"I guess. I mean, I've seen Doctor Strange streaking naked down the street once, so... yeah, everyone's got their thing," Deadpool nodded sagely. "By the way, Su Ming, where did you get that magic cape? What's Doctor Strange going to do without it?"
The cape on Su Ming's back fluttered slightly, as if curious about the conversation.
"Who cares? There are other magic cloaks out there. If Strange is that capable, he can try stealing one from Doctor Doom," Su Ming replied, his tone dismissive.
Deadpool grinned mischievously and patted Su Ming on the back. The cloak's collar moved slightly, as though intrigued by the mention of Doctor Doom.