Chereads / A F**ked Up Reincarnation / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: Almost to the Capital

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: Almost to the Capital

*Satoshi's Diary: Things getting sus…*

With the brat in one hand and the shit bag in the other, I went a little further into the forest to make sure no one would hear us. When I ended up by a river, I tied the brat to a tree, put bag of shit near to river.

Meanwhile the brat kept talking nonstop, "Do you know who I am", "I won't let you get away with this", "Let me go, you barbaric bastard..." and so on. 

I whistled and continued to do my thing, without paying any attention to him.

I filled the bottle with water from the river and approached him, we looked at each other for a while and then he said,

"What d-" I slapped the water in his face before he could finish the sentence and I shouted,

"Answer my question, you spoiled brat!"

The boy spit out the water that filled his mouth,

"You haven't asked me anything yet'' *cough* ''You psycho!"

"I know, I just needed to get in the mood."

Kid sighed, "What do you want... Money??"

"You think I'm such a shallow man?"


"Indeed I am! But today I'm also generous. So I'm giving you a chance to crawl on your knees and apologize to Rosie in sincere tears and maybe u can give me the money you just mentioned... So are you going to do it or shall I continue?"

A look of contempt and disgust appeared on the brat's face,

"Ugh, Do you know who I am ?! I'm Alexander Leonheart, apologizing to a low-class peasant from the North?! Not even in your wildest dreams."

I started smiling without realizing it, because if he'd just go and apologize, all the trouble I'd gone through to get this shit would be for nothing.

"Those are the exact words I wanted to hear..."

The brat started to get unreasonably nervous after I smiled… I mean if you gonna talk big at least learn how to act cool brat, anyways… But hey, since I'm going out of curses here ill use that to fuck with him... And no, not the way you think.

I approached him saying "Aren't ya the cool kid? Huh!?" and the kid backed off averting his eyes. Man, that feels like I'm some cheap bandit villain. Fuck, that only proves Rosie's right, Fuck…

Hmm? Is that brat's red or I'm just delusional? Nah, that second one makes me fear more so I'd rather not. Is he sick or something?

I put my hand on his forehead just in case to check if he had a fever but when I did that, the kid made a ''Eek!!'' sound. God, why the fuck everybody makes that fucking sound? 

He slowly looked at me and asked in a lewd voice, "What are you going to do to me?" and began to avoid eye contact. [Now, Before going any further, this part specifically wrote down by a teenager(little brother, which is the one suggested this paragraph), we do not accept any accusation about the subject] hold the fuck up, there is definitely something wrong going on right now.

I backed off with a nervous smile, wait, why the fuck am I smiling??? "AND WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SAY IT LIKE THAT?!" 

The kid shouted back "CAN'T YOU JUST ANSWER THAT?" 





I backed off, I was devastated. Man, did I just lost a battle of curses to a brat? Well, lucky for me I still had the advantage, I reached out for the bag of shit standing next to the river and then I looked back at the kid and he gulped nervously,

"Why did you get so quiet? What is that bag? What are yo-" the kid stopped talking as I approached. When I got close enough, I untied the bag towards his face and made him feel the reek of the shit.

"You're not going to make me eat shit right?"

"Now thats a good idea" I thought it through, I mean, thats good one but simple…

"But I had something else in my mind" I reached out for the empty bag in my pocket. Then I gathered mana on my throat and I've filled the bag with the sleeping gas and tied the bag.

After I had the bags done and I've lifted them up and before I could say anything else the kid shouted,

"I chose the shit! Just give me the shit!" 

I smiled sweetly and with a calm tone I said "No worries pal, you're gonna choose one anyways"

I hung the shit bag on the kid's chin with his nose outside of the bag and with the other one, I put it over his head, covering his nose.

The kid held his breath, while I was next to him, I leaned close to his ear and whispered, 

''Now, brat, you have three options, first you can breathe through your nose and don't worry, it's not even poison, you'll just faint... But I don't guarantee what I'll do to you when you pass out hihihi''

When I laughed, the kid started sweating. I backed off little and started pacing while I was talking.

''Your second option, well… as you can see, it's just shit. And the last one, which is the one I highly recommend. That fat fu- I mean kid will get on your back and ride you like a horse through the streets to the tavern and you will apologize to Rosie, while crying and regretting what you've done.''

The kid looked at me with a frown and started breathing through his mouth.

"Wow really?! Your noble honor is so important that you would rather smell bison shit than apologize to a peasant?''

I relaxed and sat on the ground and started to observe the kid,

"How does it feel? Can you taste the shit through your mouth?!''

''You're enjoying this, aren't you, fucking psycho?''


''Hey, I hope you don't plan on throwing up or anything, that would be worse for you… and answer my question, I really want to know if you can taste it by smelling it through your mouth.''

The kid started crying "I fucking can, PLEASE TAKE THAT THING OUT OF MY MOUTH!''

I got goosebumps after hearing that, ''Hey, stop saying suspicious things!''

Lets test you one more time you noble shit.

I sighed and said ''Call me Your Majesty and I'll take that thing off… Noble Sir!''

Finally he looks like, he gave up, he said "Please let me go, Your Majes-'' 


He couldn't stand the strong smell no more and vomited, god damn what a disgusting scene Ugh! After watching this disgusting scene, I couldn't stand it, so I threw up too, I took out water from my backpack, to rinse out and spit.

The kid had passed out after vomiting... I picked up a stick from the ground and tried to poke the bag to make it fall… It eventually fell but all the shit was all over him... I decided to leave the place as if nothing had happened.

I made my way to tavern, by now they are probably ready to depart, I ran into his half-cat, half-human maid on the way, The fat brat was with him.

We looked at each other without expression for a while then I pointed with trembling finger to where the kid tied up.

The maid walked towards the forest, and the brat was about to follow her but I grabbed him by the shoulder and I thought,

'You're too young to see this, kid!'

I patted that chubby brat on the shoulder and waved my head as if I was saying 'don't go!'

Porky was confused, but he followed my advice and returned to join his friends.



The maid moved in the direction Satoshi had pointed, and after a few steps she saw a kid covered with shit and tied to a tree. Could this be the young master ? What had happened here, was that barbarian really so reckless as to lay a finger at the next heir ?! let alone laying a finger on him, it looked more like torture. 

The maid immediately rushed over to the young master and cast a combination of air and water magic, 

The kid's body got covered with a layer of water and the air penetrated inwards, drawing all the shit on him into the water, then she threw all the collected shit to the ground.

She leaned down and gently slapped his cheeks and said ''Young master, young master, are you all right?''

Since the young master did not wake up, she checked his pulse and breathing. It seemed to be fine, he must just be unconscious. She stood up and looked in the direction Satoshi had gone for a while.

She had a appearance of A strong and capable young woman, with golden hair and eyes, stands in her tidy maid uniform. Her piercing gaze reveals a hint of her cat-like heritage. It was really strange someone like her to be maid… 

She stood up and looked in the direction Satoshi had gone. She had failed in her duty to protect the young master. Now at the least now she must go and catch the person who had wronged the young master and make him pay with his life.

She looked down at the kid and said sarcastically with a sadistic smile on her face,

''I guess I don't know who did this to you young master… and I will not able to know until u wake up from your beauty sleep''

She picked him up roughly by the collar of his clothes and carried him to his room in the tavern. There was no trace of her politeness from a few minutes ago, it was like she was just pretending. After she threw him on the bed, she walked out of the tavern.

The merchants' wagons were leaving and Satoshi and Rosie could be seen in the back of the wagon. They were arguing about something again…

Satoshi, noticed the cat girl's stare, turned towards her and slowly waved with a nervous smile from back of the wagon. She sincerely smiled back then bowed her head and made a thumbs up. It was as if she was grateful for what he had done to brat...

Satoshi was surprised, he thought she was going to come after him and catch him, but I guess it was his lucky day. 

After they departed, Satoshi along the way in their stops for supplies and rest in villages, he used tricks to catch the people that talked badly about him and Rosie. He bullied them with different methods… actually it is hard to call it bullying anymore it was more like a torture at this point. In time his appearance became a myth among the villagers...

*One month later*

Finally, Arcadia City was only a few hours away… but a few meters away from here, there was the sound of battle, so the wagons slowed down... What was going on up ahead?

*Eleanore Victoria*

Hi, I'm Eleanore Victoria, I'm not going to go into detail about how we got here, the short version is that we got a report of a Wyvern flying near the city, and although it's not quite possible to see a Wyvern this close to the capital, just in case we're searching the area with 10 different groups and i am leading a force of 100 units.

*Her unit consisted of 50 sorcerers and 50 vanguards*

Honestly I don't understand what all this fuss about on a lizard with an average size of 1.5-3 meters.

After scouting around for hours, we decided to stop for the rest for a couple of minutes. While I was resting on the ground, I saw something in the sky, I narrowed my eyes and focused my mana on my eyes to have a clear vision on that thing. We finally found it! It's a Wyvern! I called out to the troops, 

"Wyvern is above us! move your lazy asses and get in position for battle!!''

The heavily armored vanguard surrounded the sorcerers troop and they formed a magic barrier around us by hitting once on the ground with their shields in synchronization.

*This barrier allows magic to be fired from inside to outside, but stops attacks from outside*

The Wyvern's attention wasn't on us, so I pointed to the three mages and said, 

"You three cast the taunt spell, the rest of you be ready to shoot an ice spear spell!''

After sorcerers drew the patterns for the taunt magic on the land and activated it, the Wyvern noticed our presence. It started diving down from the sky, and as the Wyvern got closer, I realized how big mistake I had made...

It was not an average-sized Wyvern, it was a Giant Wyvern that grew at least five times larger than normal ones.

We're doomed. I should have drawn a model for more powerful ice attacks. Ice spears won't even scratch his hard skin. Damn it! What are you doing this close to the capital? It doesn't make any sense!! Anyway, panic will not save our lives, 

"Wizards!! Be ready to throw ice spears when he opens his mouth to burn us with its breath!''

When he was close enough, he opened his mouth to burn us, I shouted with all my strength 


Each mage cast at least three one meter spears, Hundreds of ice spears were flying towards Wyvern, and it fired through its mouth, When its fire and ice spears met in the air, the spears instantly disappeared from the heat of the fire…

And people say ice strong against fire, What a bullshit!

The fire was still coming towards us, I called out to the mages,

''Reinforce the barrier with water element or we'll be burned alive!''

Even though barrier stopped its breath, we could still feel the heat of that fire, What a beast! I can't even imagine the power of a real dragon… Looks like I have to get in on the action, I drew my family treasured sword the Caliburn and gave my orders to the unit.

''Vanguards create barriers for attacks from my blind spots with your gears, mages enchant my body with water element''

Even though I have the highest level gear and hundred people helping me with their mana, I feel that my chance of winning this is really low…

The Wyvern circled around above us for a couple times and looked at us with contemptuous eyes. I guess it was checking our mana levels…

It landed a few meters in front of us, What a massive creature… but I have no time to be afraid, the fate of these hundred people depends on me…

I raised my shield and held my ground against that mighty beast.
