Chereads / Blue Phantom: Game of Masks and Mirrors / Chapter 39 - A Familiar Voice part 2

Chapter 39 - A Familiar Voice part 2

There was a whistle in the wind and a twinkle in the dusk sky.

Felix looked upwards and saw the crescent moon above him and clutched the necklace under his shirt and smiled.

He smiled and pulled out a pale white mask from underneath his cloak. But as he put it on, there was a glint in the sky, and his body was tossed halfway across the roof.

He rolled near the edge just above the crowds, on his earpiece spoke the worried voices of the robins asking similar questions, "Sir! Sir! What happened? Are you alright?"

As he opened his eyes, in front of him lay the pale white mask, sizzling with smoke.

Felix grabbed it and got back up. His head, ringing after the blow. He took one step forward, and took a second wobbly step, almost toppling over.

"Wh-what… happened…" He weakly muttered.

On his earpiece spoke another, masculine voice, not in his command, "Felix."

Recognizing the voice, his eyes widened and began to radiate with an azure glow, before turning into a scowl.

"You were shot by a drone. I disabled it just now." He looked up and saw a small aircraft sinking through the sunlight.

"Who is this? How did you intercept this network?" The first robin asked.

"Robin Three, set your drone to North East, three kilometers from your current position." The interrupting voice spoke.

"S-sir, what do I do?" Robin three asked Felix, both nervous and mistrusting of the intruder's voice.

"Sigh, just do it." The blue-eyed agent reluctantly answered.

"Felix, he switched to a rifle." The unknown voice commanded.

"I don't need your help." Felix's voice simmered with annoyance.

"He's loading now as we speak, what else are you gonna do?"

"You could always tell me where he is."

"But where's the fun in that? Now, come on. Just like Luna taught you, use what you have."

Felix stood up and took off his black cloak before moving two meters to the left, just as the voice had instructed.

"Take a deep breath, he's about to fire. Incoming in three… two… one…"

He positioned it forward, like a shield. Felix's legs were pushed against the rooftop as a bullet struck against his cloak, tearing a small hole into it, but not quite powerful enough to pierce through.

"Good, can you handle the next?"

From within the stadium, the music began to rise as the Starry Sweethearts all stood on stage, starting their song. The crowds cheered intensely from within the stadium. His vision sharpens, his hearing heightens, and his heart begins to race. Inside his flesh coursed a current of blue electricity boiling his body.

"Felix, the next one is coming, move to the right."

The enemy sniper fired, one after the other, Felix waltzed around as he blocked the bullets using his bullet resistant coat.

"He is currently reloading. It's your turn."

With ragged breaths, Felix took a moment to collect himself. As soon as his breathing steadied, he headed to his rifle, one more round was fired.

"Oh wait, he's firing aga—" The unknown voice spoke once more just seconds after the trigger was pulled.

Felix turned his head as soon as he heard and saw a small flicker of light from the distance. A sharp metal clang could be heard as the bullet crashed against his gun's edge as bright yellow sparks flew over his bright, crisp blue eyes.

"Sir?!" All three robins yelled worriedly.

"My bad. He had one more bullet. Now he's reloading." The voice replied in a smug tone.

"…You did that on purpose." Felix grumbled.

"Perhaps… I wanted you to use it." The voice answered with a tone of high expectation.

"I can't…"

"Did you just… stop a bullet with your gun?" The first robin asked in disbelief.

"What of it?" Felix answered.

"Now I've seen everything."

"No wonder you're called the unfollowable Blue Phantom." The third robin commented in disbelief.

"Don't you start, too." Felix groaned.

"Sir. We've found the location of the sniper. It's as he said." The third robin added.

Felix put back on his damaged coat and rushed to his rifle and moved it accordingly, and through the scope he saw his target on the other end, positioned atop a building with large, lit signs.

He fired.

The bullet flew a meter over his target's head and struck one of the glowing neon signs standing behind, showering hot sparks over the unknown figure.

A glimmer of light then shined through the sparks, followed by a loud thud right behind him. The bullet was only a few feet shy of taking out the black-haired agent.

"Tsk…" Felix clicked his tongue and drew in a sharp breath. The flickering rain was distracting, but his mismatched eyes adjusted quickly. Not even five seconds past before he fired another round at the figure in the distance. This time, it struck against the edge of his target's rifle and ricocheted to his shoulder.

Before he could even breathe a sigh of relief, the voice then instructed, "You got him. Now fire again." 

"I can't…" He replied.

"He's getting up, what are you going to do?"

The agent let out a sharp, irritated noise between his teeth as he watched as his target ran into the building. "Khh!"

"No one else is playing by your rules, Felix. To them, killing you will always be necessary." The voice uttered callous words that criticized Felix's beliefs.

From the case, Felix pulled out a grappling hook, as well as a featureless white mask that hid his vicious snarl.

He fired it, and it shot out an iron cord that coiled unto the closest building.

Without hesitation, Felix ran to the very edge of the roof's round slope and leapt off at the tail end as he left the stadium and swung across the skyline.

The winds persistently tugged at the tail end of his coat, while the rest of his body was left to the mercy of gravity.

Beneath him were the crowded streets littered with countless vehicles, which made his heart skip a beat. He dropped and rolled on the next rooftop. He slid his mask to the side and tried to still thumping in his chest, but noticed the burst of thick concrete that was no less than five feet away.

The assailant was still after him. There was no time to rest.

Felix ran to the very edge of the building, and repeated the cycle.

An icy sensation ran through the veins of his feet as he was swung among the rooftops. But he had no other option but to continue in his pursuit. To go higher. To run faster.

The only thing that kept him from falling into the busy streets was a metal wire and his tight grip on it. 

A repetition of swinging across the buildings and running through their roofs. On the steady footing, his ears filled his the sound of his own heartbeat. Soaring across the skyline, his ears filled with the rushing winds and the blaring horns on the busy streets.

"You're almost there… one hundred meters forty meters…one hundred twenty..." The voice remarked.

As soon as he dropped to the next roof, Felix noticed the figure atop a distant building. His enemy was in sight, and he began to rush through, going from one rooftop to the next in under five seconds each, the line between him and certain death was a thin metal cord, straightened out by the weight of his own being. 

He could not afford to take a misstep in the morbid midair dance he trapped himself in, as he refused to kill. Not if he did not have to.

"Your target is ready to fire again." The voice spoke once again in the agent's earpiece.

Trapped in the air, the agent had no idea what he was supposed to do. But a smile flashed in his mind, and a memory resurfaced. One where a silver-haired woman was producing a crystalline amber flame from her hands.

Both of his eyes focused, and lit up with a radiant azure.

"Now! Use it!"

An azure light outlined his body as he was about to raise his palm — but he was too late. A bullet struck him straight in the mask, and the blue glow exploded into wisps as he was shot out of the sky.

"What happened? What was that sound?! Felix, come in!" The voice in his earpiece yelled loudly while he spiraled out of control.

Felix opened his eyes, and expression filled with terror as he was helplessly descending straight to the streets. The sounds of the vehicles grew louder as he came ever closer.


"Shut! Up!" He growled and scowled and acted before he could turn into a puddle of red paste.

He quickly grabbed his mask that was falling right beside him, and tightly gripped the grappling hook. His body lit up once again, and from his arm flowed out a blue haze that enveloped the wire, causing it to contract like a spring coil, and shooting him across one more time.

The agent continued onward from the pace he started.

"Felix, the target is about to shoot again!"

His expression changed from panic, but just as quickly composed himself and pulled out his cobalt gun from his hip.

As soon as there was a minuscule glint in the distance, the agent swung his broken arm upward, striking the bullet, golden sparks scattered across the azure haze trailing out of his glowing eyes.

"Forty meters, twenty-five, fifteen—"

Felix whipped himself upward once more and stared down at the lone figure from above, masked and draped in all black.

Their glances met, and his blue eyes locked on to his target and took aim, but he noticed that the target's gaze was still moving, following his trajectory. He realized too late that he was on a collision course with an unlit billboard of Obsidian Industries.

Felix slapped into it like a bug on a windshield.

He whimpered as he slipped down and fell. The giant character collapsed on him. "Bollocks…"

