Chapter 8 - A Deal with a Space Elf

The Nexus Prime colony was shaped like a circle—well, maybe more like a doughnut—and it was constantly rotating. The centrifugal force generated by the rotation helped create the artificial gravity that stabilized the colony, making the inside of the ring walkable.

"That's interesting," Von thought as he looked around. The ground seemed to stretch endlessly uphill, while above him loomed a faraway glass ceiling. Beyond that, the vastness of space swirled, broken only by the hub at the center of the ring. Elevators were placed at equal intervals along the ground, like spokes on a bicycle wheel, leading up to the central hub.

Perhaps it was more accurate to compare the colony to a bike tire, with all those spokes connecting the outer rim to the central hub.

"Here goes," Von muttered as he began to wander aimlessly, taking in the unfamiliar sights of the colony. Passersby noticed him, but he was too absorbed in the scenery to care. It was all so new, so different.

Despite the allure of the place, Von knew he couldn't spend his time like a country bumpkin gawking at the big city for the first time. The colony had a mediocre safety rating—a three out of five. Back on Earth, Japan had been a five out of five in terms of safety. Being in a place where a guy like him could openly carry a laser gun was a stark reminder that this place was far from that level of security.

Von's movement was also restricted. He was only allowed access to the Third Division, a part of the colony with a less-than-stellar reputation. He didn't plan on sticking around long but had no idea where to begin. At least he had his laser gun. When a group of thugs gave him nasty looks, flashing his weapon was enough to send them scurrying into an alley rather than confront him.

Unfortunately, that didn't prevent someone from sneaking up behind him.

"Hey, newbie. Nice gun ya got there," a voice purred.

Von spun around to face the speaker—a stunning, yellow-haired woman. She was drop-dead gorgeous, the kind of beauty you'd only see once in a lifetime.

Her yellow hair framed her face in a neat bob. She was on the small side, but it was clear she was also muscular and strong. What stood out most of all, though, were the pointed ears poking out from her hair.

Was she an elf? A high elf, to be precise. Did elves live in space? Was this actually a mix of sci-fi and high fantasy? Von couldn't help but wonder. Either way, he didn't remember seeing anyone like her in Astria Online.

Maybe science fiction did include pointy-eared demihumans from time to time. It was a staple of the genre, after all. Nothing too alarming. The best way to describe her outfit was "casual military."

Definitely not what one might expect from an elf. No fluttering sheer fabric here. She was dressed like Von: tough-looking pants, a plain shirt, and a sturdy jacket with a small laser holstered at her hip.

"What? You just gonna stare at me?" she demanded.

"Do you expect me not to be on guard when I'm approached by a stranger? Have some common sense," Von replied.

"Okay, fair enough. But I'm not suspicious. Can't you tell? I'm a mercenary, just like you!" The yellow-haired elf mercenary smirked and puffed out her chest.

Her breasts were… well, nothing to write home about. Not nonexistent, but still modest. Perhaps this world was stingy when it came to elf breast sizes? Too soon to judge based on one space elf, though.

"Excuse me? Where do you think you're looking, buddy?" Noticing his gaze, she glared and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Just looking at what you puffed out so proudly. Got a problem with it?" Von said bluntly.

"Don't give me that crap. You're a lively little newbie, aren't you?" Her grin turned fierce and predatory.

It might be a mistake to make this one mad. She was armed, after all.

"How do you know I'm a newbie, anyway? What, do I have a sign over my head or something?" Von asked.

"Okay, first off, can you stop being so intentionally annoying? It's giving me goosebumps—and not the good kind."

"Sure. So?"

"Well, your outfit and that laser gun make it pretty obvious you're a mercenary."

"True," Von agreed. Fair enough. On closer inspection, nobody else was dressed like them. The locals all wore lighter, thinner clothing. They really stood out among the crowd.

"Also, I saw you looking all around like you've never seen the colony before. That's something people do when they've never left their hometown in their entire life."

"Interesting. You're a smart one, poor little space elf."

"The hell'd you just call me?"

"Nooothing at all, relax. So, smart mercenary lady, what do you want from me?"

Her eyes narrowed with a flash of murderous intent. Von realized he needed to be more cautious about goading a small-chested woman like her.

"…Hmph, whatever. I'm just bored," she sulked.

"Come again?"

"I know the galactic police are up to something fishy, but I've got no details. So, I'm bored. I don't wanna make a fool of myself by rubbernecking outside the colony, but there's nothing going on inside, so I've got nothing to do. Sooo…I'm bored."


"And, I found a newbie while I was wandering around, so I decided to come and mess with you."

"I see," Von said, though he didn't really. But hey, if she wanted to mess with him, he might as well use the opportunity. He'd get information, and she would get to waste some time entertaining herself with the newbie.

A win for everyone.

"Okay, Miss. If you're bored, how about you take me somewhere I can buy food?"

She thought for a moment. "Hmm, I dunno. There aren't any places with booze around here, and that's just boring."

"Booze… So that's what you're after?" Von still had the alcohol he'd filched from the pirates in his cargo hold. It probably wouldn't sell for much, and he didn't partake. This was as good a use for it as any.

"I've got some alcohol containers I swiped from pirates back at my ship."

"Oh? And?"

"You can have it, as long as you show me where to get groceries. I could also use some advice. Maybe you could answer some questions, since you're my senior around here, y'know?"

"Hmm…" The space elf cocked her head in thought for a while before finally agreeing. "Sure, I've got time to waste. Getting some booze makes the deal even sweeter. Prepare to learn the basics of merc-hood from me, your senior!"

She immediately latched onto the word senior. Not that Von really cared. She was cute, her reactions were funny, and he'd probably get a lot of good information out of the arrangement.