-In his dreams-
"Hahahahahaha son of Poseidon, how are you?" a voice boomed across the darkness of his dream. Even the space of the dream space trembled under its might and Percy felt as if the weight of the world was settling onto his mind.
Percy cowered in fear and then forced himself to stand straight. Even at such a young age, he had the courage of a hero, unwilling to fear anything. "y-you! w-who are you?!" Percy shouted back. His voice shook with fear but then held firm.
That mocking laughter boomed again. "my identity is of little consequence, my young hero. But how come you have come to visit me so soon? Do you not value your life? Training so hard will kill you, my young hero."
Percy glared into the darkness surrounding him "It's the only way I can train! I have no choice!"
"There is always a choice young hero. In the past, you made the wrong choice and hence you ended up here. Now all that's left to be seen is if you will repeat that same mistake." The voice grew softer and more indistinct and suddenly Percy woke up, surrounded by his family.
His mother had tears in her eyes as she hugged him. "You silly, silly boy! What drove you to this? That training is too much for you my dear! Give it up!" Trisha sobbed as she hugged him and patted his head to make sure he was fine.
She was shivering with shock and fear and Percy felt horrible to have made her so worried. Though he looked like a child, his temperament was one of a man much older.
"Don't worry Mum I'm fine now." he patted her head and she sobbed even more. His father gently helped her up and whispered a few words into her ear.
"We'll let you rest my boy. The family has given you a week off so take care to get enough rest!" He patted Trisha and led her out of the room his piercing gaze resting upon Percy for a moment as he nodded at him with a gentle smile before exiting.
Percy frowned with displeasure. He hated worrying about his mother, but what could he do? He had no other choice than to work harder than others to achieve the same results.
He sighed then sat cross-legged and started to revolve the power in his body according to the manual provided.
The battle qi surged and ebbed as it ran across his body. Percy decided to use this one week to its full potential. He began to revolve the power, then froze in horror.
He tried again and felt sick with fear.
He'd just realized that when he revolved his power according to the level three formula, there was no problem.
But as soon as he tried to follow the level four formula, to try and breakthrough, his power seemed to drain out of his body, leaving him helpless and absolutely dry and drained of even a drop of battle qi.
He tried the entire day to no avail. He again tried it the next day, hoping the night's rest had healed him.
But there was no change in his condition. He tried every idea he could think of, frantic with worry. He consulted both his parents and they told him they had no idea what was wrong.
They consoled him and told him that he could ask to meet the family doctor. He was experienced and might be able to help. On the last day of his week off, Percy went to visit him. When he left the building half an hour later, he felt sick.
Absolutely sick to the core.
There was no cure. That was what he had told him. He had permanently damaged his body and now it no longer could host any more power within it.
He would forever remain a level 3 warrior.
He would remain a level three forever because he was crippled.
A pathetic cripple who had no cure.
Even his mother was a level 4 father was a level 5 and would soon be a level 6. But he was crippled for the rest of his life.
The doctor advised rest and gave him a note exempting him from work for another five days.
But what did this leave matter anymore? He soon headed out of the family compound. Many people greeted him as they passed by.
They had cruel smiles on their lips and immediately Percy understood. They already knew. His parents had been asking around for help for quite some time.
A few people had seen him visit the doctor.
They must have gone and seen him after Percy left and asked what the reason was.
And so in an hour, the matter had spread out. The previous genius of the Jackson family's side branch, the one with hope to join the grand Battle Qi Institute was now a worthless trash.
He was a cripple doomed to be a weakling for the rest of his life. He would be the weakest of all in the grand aristocratic clan and he knew what it meant. Everyone would look down on him as if he were a needy beggar living off their scraps.
Percy stormed out of the family compound but couldn't bear heading into the general city area.
Soon he would have the same status as a commoner in the family. Most commoners only had a rank three cultivation after all. Usually, all family members were at least level five warriors.
He headed to the outside of the city, the exclusive area of his family. Every aristocratic family controlled one portion of land around the city which they defended with their own soldiers.
The stronger the family, the bigger the portion. Hence, his family had the smallest portion, but that was meaningless now.
He wasn't even qualified to become a guard now. He headed into the barren land. It was usually deserted since the guards patrolled only the walls of the city. In case of a monster wave, they would be stranded if they were outside.
Percy sighed as night slowly fell and he reached the closest mountain. He felt like crying, screaming and cursing his luck, for forsaking him.
He punched the ground, hard, but it didn't make him feel any better, didn't get rid of that hot heavy feeling in his throat.
Didn't reduce the heavy weight in his chest. He screamed out loud in fury and tears spilled from his eyes as the truth of the future hit him. He collapsed onto the without any energy. He wished a monster wave would come and swallow him and end his misery.
He looked to the sky and suddenly the heavy blanket of clouds that usually covered the sky suddenly parted and Percy caught sight of the full bright silver and glowed with energy.
Percy felt a strange peace in his heart, calming his fury and pain.
Suddenly there was a sparkle over the moon and the clouds closed over it again. Percy went to look away, that peaceful feeling fading away once the moon had been covered but he caught sight of that sparkle and looked up in surprise as the sparkle grew larger, then turned into a flaming meteor as it crashed through the air, heading for the mountain.
Percy's eyes widened in surprise as the silver meteor smashed into the other side of the mountain and caused an avalanche.
He ran as fast as his tiny feet could carry him. Once he was at a safe distance he turned and observed the avalanche. But soon before long, it had stopped and all was silent and peaceful again.
Percy caught sight of a faint silver glow emanating from the site of the avalanche and ran towards that area. He had no idea what it might be but was certain that whatever it was, it wasn't ordinary.
Percy soon reached the site of the glowing object and began digging it out. Feeling a budding sense of excitement, he quickly rolled away heavy rocks and dug as hard as he could, digging down the rubble that was glowing almost eerily.
He first uncovered her hand. As he continued, he uncovered the rest of her arm, then her face and then her entire body.
Percy stared at what he had uncovered in surprise.
It was a person.
A girl to be exact.
She was a young girl, maybe twelve or thirteen. She had auburn hair gathered back in a ponytail and skin was silvery and glowing, emanating the light that had drawn Percy here. Despite his young age,
Percy caught his breath at the sight of her beautiful face, but it was stern and dangerous. She was dressed in a burnt and tattered silver gown.
Percy was surprised it was even held together after this fall but it was still very revealing.
Percy didn't care about any of that though.
He leant over the girl and went to shake her. The second his fingers touched her skin, he hissed and jumped back. His fingers had gone red.
She was burning hot. He looked at her carefully and held his hand over her.
No, she wasn't hot.
She was cold.
So cold, it had overloaded his nerves.
A soft voice, in the back of Percy's mind, suddenly piped up. It echoed through the seals on his memories, for this was the voice of his intuition.
"She didn't just suck out heat from your body. She sucked out life. She's been poisoned. This poison is draining away her very life. If this continues, soon she'll die. After that, if the poison is still active it may spread across the mountain and kill all the life there." Percy frowned. He had no idea how he knew all this, but he just realized and understood it all.
Then the only way to stop it from killing her would be…. Percy reached out with a tentative hand and touched hers. He immediately whipped it back, unable to bear the pain.
Then he remembered that he was in fact useless." I'm useless to my family and my city. At the very least I might be able to save her life or at least save the life of the creatures on this mountain. Since my life is useless, let me do something meaningful with it" Percy said out loud.
Then gritting his teeth, he gripped her hand.
The pain was horrendous. He felt like screaming. He felt like he was boiling till every piece of him had melted away.
His nerves were burning and breaking apart. He felt like his body was coming apart and his very soul was being cooked. But in all this pain one part of Percy's soul was silent. The part that had been sealed away.
"the pain of the Styx all over again" Percy mumbled through lips that were painted with coughed blood and more blood spurted from his eyes, ears and nose.
His body was shrivelling and his face was covered with blood. His brain was frazzled with pain and he had no idea what he was mumbling.
Suddenly a memory, still sealed but still strong burned in his mind. A promise, to find a girl. The lost girl. Percy's mind reeled with pain but his thoughts were getting clearer.
"I've seen this girl somewhere before!" Percy thought fiercely. "and when I saw her, I swore…. I swore I would find….. would find….." the name of the girl Percy wanted to find was on the tip of his tongue but he couldn't bring it forth.
The pain intensified and Percy felt like his soul was being torn into two pieces.
The poison had spread into his soul now, and Percy knew his end was near, but he was bitter, he couldn't die, he absolutely couldn't, he had to find her… that girl, his girl…the pain blanked out Percy's mind and he roared out loud "Annabeth!"
The clouds parted again and moonlight slid over the two of them, both figures holding hands, Percy, bloodied and broken, the mysterious girl, pristine and perfect.
Percy was on the edge of his consciousness, feeling his life fade away and the world darken around him.
The girl slowly opened her own eyes, silvery yellowish colour pupils inside. Her eyes were cold and she seemed surprised to be alive.
She felt Percy's hand and looked at him in surprise. Her eyes blurred with tears as she saw him. "no… not again…" she whispered softly. "big brother….. why... why!" she hurriedly wiped her tears, blood staining her face and mixing with the tears.
"you fool" she shook Percy gently "Why did you sacrifice yourself for me?"
Percy's eyes fluttered open and his lips parted slightly "I-if…. M-my …. W-worth…less life…c-can save… yours… perhaps it would have been…..worth it….."
her tears dripped onto his face as she heard his words, words that mirrored the ones her brother had whispered while lying down in her arms, in the throes of his death. "no more… I…I can't take this…. Everyone wants to protect me… just let me die" she sobbed then steeled herself as she looked at Percy, fury in her eyes. "tell me your name, boy"
"p-Perseus…. Jackson…" Percy whispered, his breathing growing weaker.
"Perseus…. You said your life was worthless. Then I will give you a new life. A worthwhile life, and you must guard it because you just said that giving your life was worth saving. The life I give you is my life. Guard it well. This is the life of Artemis Sollunas, the divine-human with the powers of a god."
She bent and kissed Percy and her form sparkled with dazzling silver light then dispersed into tiny motes of moonlight that drifted into him, forming the symbol of a crescent moon upon his chest.
Perseus Jackson (profile)
Name:Perseus(Percy) Jackson
Age: Eight
Race: Divine Human
Attribute: Attributeless
Current status: Bond Of Blood With Artemis Sollunas
Current Cultivation: Rank Three Warrior
Divine Bloodlines: Nil
Divine Transformations: Celestial Moon Gods Transformation
Weapon: Nil
Artemis Sollunas(Profile)
Name:Artemis Sollunas
Age: Twelve
Race: Divine Human
Attribute: Moon God Attribute
Current status: Bond Of Blood With Percy Jackson/Poisoned by Essence of Styx
Current Cultivation: High-god level(half-step Olympian level)
Divine Bloodlines: Bloodline Of Fate(special power: Oracle's eye)
Divine Transformations: Celestial Moon Gods Transformation, Oracle's Serpent
Weapon: Violet Bamboo Celestial Bow/ twin black and purple divine daggers.
A.N: That took me a lot of time and planning. Hope you guys enjoyed it. sorry the if chapter was too short. I'm trying to figure out how to lengthen them. Hopefully the future chapters will be at least as long as this one was.
No artemis is not a god. She's been reborn human. A human with special powers, called a divine human. No she does not remember Percy or her past life. Just like Percy. And no not every god is reborn. Only a few are reborn. Depends on your reviews. Btw even demigods can be reborn as divine humans. For example Annabeth is being reborn. So review who you want reborn and in Percy's harem. Currently the reborn gods are: Artemis, Athena, Hestia, Aphrodite, Demeter, Persephone, Hera, Psyche, Nemesis Ares, Apollo. No zeus, Poseidon and hades are not gonna be reborn. And no artemis didn't die. She just kissed him so why would she die!?
What happened then you ask? Well reader, wait for the next chapter and you'll know.