Chereads / Serena Snape: Love of Magic / Chapter 61 - Serena Snape: Love of Magic - chapter 61

Chapter 61 - Serena Snape: Love of Magic - chapter 61

January 1, 2008 –Draconic Deus – Serena Pov

Mission: Extra Devilish

Scope: Grand


Highschool DxD, the world of Harems, Tits, Angels, Devils, Gods, Dragons and copious amounts of murder, despair and callous butchery hidden behind the mask of ecchi and comedy.


This world is a staple that every contractor chooses to enter sooner or later but the repetitive choices they make as well as the fact that they die more quickly than a self-proclaimed King in Game of Thrones have started to grate on the entertainment focused members of the upper echelons of the Company and for this reason, this mission was commissioned.


By accepting this mission you will be transported to Draconic Deus before canon, and your race will be changed to pureblood devil. You cannot choose which house you will be from, if you are from a Pillar house it is decided at random. If you have the Infernal heritage perks, you can take an additional power and be the heir of 2 houses.


Prove yourself to the Powers that Be of the World and become someone to be feared and/or respected as you achieve a position in one of the Top 10 Strongest Beings.


Main objective: Bring your House to Prominence in Devil Society by reaching influence equal to Houses like the Gremory, Sitri or Bael. Whether this is done through martial might, wealth or political power it doesn't matter.


Becomes one of the 10 strongest beings in Draconic Deus.



You can't buy any Heritage Perks.


You can't have any relation to the Houses of Gremory, Sitri, Belial, Phenex or Bael


You can't become a member of Rias', Sona's or a Satan's Peerage


Don't reincarnate Issei Hyoudou, steal the Boosted Gear or prevent Rias Gremory from reincarnating him directly or indirectly.


Don't die until the release of Trihexa or live 500 years in DxD


You can't bind a Sacred Gear to your soul.


Rias, Sona, their Peerages and all their Family members are immune to Bindings aside from Love Confessions and Contractual Agreement.


Sweet Home and all the following Perks of Personal Dimension/Demiplane are locked to you unless you acquire them as a reward of THIS Mission. You can still buy Pocket Space. If you already have any of these perks acquired, once you obtain a title of nobility, you will obtain a territory in the underworld where your Sweet Home, and the land equivalent to the Life's A Beach perk, will be placed.


You can't buy Warranty Plan or is inactive (if already bought) as long as this Mission is active.

When reincarnating someone in your peerage, they can not be higher than T7. You can not cheat though Used Goods.


You can recruit 2 T7, 3 T6 and as many T5 as you want as long as you recruit at least one member lower than T5.


You can only buy 2 waifus with Credits unless you use Companion Tickets or earn them through Missions.


While traveling the Multiverse the World of DxD will pause as long as you are off world but in order to travel to any new world you must first complete either a Standard Mission.


Reward [ Other ] :1 Demonic Template for yourself, Grayfia Lucifuge with an Esdeath T5 Template, 2 IMG tickets


Additional objectives:

Objective 1: Acquire an Evil Pieces Set and use all your Evil Pieces.

Reward [ Perks ] : 1 (same) Added Potential Choice for all of your Peerage Members.


Objective 2: Reincarnate Peerage Members from as many different Worlds of Origin as you can.

Reward [ Other ] : 20 Credits x Number of Different Worlds


Objective 3: Create a Harem of at least 3 Members.

Reward [ Perks ] : Sexual Calibration and Fertility Calibration


Objective 4: Have at least 3 Pureblood Devil offspring that possess a Devil House Trait (either yours or the mother's)

Reward [ Perks ] : Fertility CalibrationII and Designer Babies III


Objective 5: Capture Rias Gremory.

Reward [ Perks ] : Destiny Defense I and 40 Credits


Objective 6: Usurp Riser Phenex's position as Rias' fiance

Reward [ Other ] : Free (or refund) Template (non Extra) with a focus for Fire for one member of your peerage members


Objective 7: Protect Rias, Sona, their peerages and the Church's Exorcists from Kokabiel.

Reward [ Other ] : Zenryoku Zenkai and Martial Talent


Objective 8: Defeat or Kill Kokabiel in single combat.

Reward [ Other ] : Soul Defense I, and either a Tier 6 Companion Ticket or 50 Credits.


Objective 9: Show Vali Lucifer his place without killing him.

Reward [ Other ] : 1 Added Potential of Lucifer Bloodline or Dragon Tamer for a non-peerage member of your retinue.


Objective 10: Win the Devil Youth Rating Games Competition and be recognized as the Strongest Youth.

Reward [ Other ] : 1 of your Evil Pieces becomes Mutated.


Objective 11: Become the Number 1 Rating Games Champion.

Reward [ Other ] : 3 Evil Pieces of your choice become Mutated and 50 Credits


Objective 12: Acquire a Longinus Sacred Gear for your Retinue. (Repeatable)

Reward [ Other ] : 1 Talent of your choice becomes free for the whole retinue through Talent Sharing or 10 Credits


Objective 13: Destroy the Hero Faction

Reward [ Other ] : 2 High Tier Sacred Gears for your retinue or 50 Credits.


Objective 14: From Hero to Zero: Defeat Cao Cao and steal his Longinus

Reward [ Other ] : Removal of Light Weakness for whole retinue


Objective 15: Kill Rizevim Livan Lucifer in a one on one fight

Reward [ Other ] : Weakening of Trihexa by 40% and Added Potential: Denial of the Divine (for you)


Objective 16: Become a Satan.

Reward [ Other ] : 200 Credits or an Extra Template for yourself and one member of your peerage.


Objective 17: Usurp Ajuka Beelzebub's seat in the Top 10 Strongest Ranking.

Reward [ Other ] : 50 Credits and Added Potential of Thought Partition for yourself and any member of your retinue


Objective 18: Surpass Sirzech Lucifer's power and usurp his seat in the 10 Strongest Ranking.

Reward [ Other ] : T5 Template of Sirzechs Lucifer for a Devil Member of your retinue.


Objective 19: Reach the Top 5 Rank in the 10 Strongest Ranking.

Reward [ Other ] : Home Security, All Demiplane Perks until Warehouse District and 100 Credits


Objective 20: Reach the Top 3 Rank in the 10 Strongest Ranking

Reward [ Other ] : Demiplane, Sweet Home Expansion Lv3 and 100 Credits


Objective 21: Usurp Shiva's place as the Strongest Being in the World.

Reward [ Perks ] : Sweet Home Expansion Lv10


Objective 22: Capture Ophis

Reward [ Other ] : 1 IMG Ticket and Medusa Gorgon Template T5 for one of your Peerage Members


Objective 23: Deal with Trihexa once and for all.

Reward [ Other ] : 1 IMG Ticket, 1 Extra Template for all peerage members and the Erasure of the ExE World.



"I don't feel any different." I shrugged as I lowered my information defense to let Lucius finish analyzing me. We were inside the mansion, in my pocket dimension, it really should be locked down for the moment, but we were… in some sort of limbo still.

We were definitely in DxD, but until we left our pocket dimension, the time of the DxD universe would not start running, so we had time to prepare.

"No noticeable change from my power" Lucius muttered and I hummed, I really didn't expect the part about turning into a devil to change me in any visible way, but I couldn't be on guard enough.

"Releasing La Verità." I warned the shot in front of me, and I stopped suppressing my La Verità, the ocean of dark magic began to pour out of me, outwards, Lucius and Narcissa grimaced slightly while Bellatrix seemed unfazed, in fact, she frowned and wrinkled her nose.

"Your… magic changed, it feels different, it smells different." Bellatrix said as she approached, I hummed and began to check my magic. At first I didn't feel anything different, I could feel my abnormal wells of magic inside me, corrupted by Baiser, turning them into dark magic for the most part, everything seemed normal, yet I kept looking and-

There. Further down I could feel it, the magic felt… demonic? Devilish? It was the only word that came to mind when I tried to describe it, I brought it to the surface, it was little, definitely less than my regular magic, at least…

Without hesitation I pushed both pools of magic into each other, I gritted my teeth as both magics began to clash against each other inside me, fortunately, my defenses began to work and just as quickly they began to quickly stabilize.

It took only a few minutes for all the types of magic inside me to finish merging with each other and only a huge ocean of magic remained, which for some reason seemed like distilled lust. I opened my eyes that I hadn't realized I had closed and looked at the trio in front of me, Lucius and Narcissa had walked away slightly blushing, Bellatrix was in front of them as if protecting them.

"Are you done?" Bellatrix asked, her eyes wide, her teeth clenched and her breathing slightly ragged, I tilted my head in confusion but nodded.

"Yes, I'm fin-" Bellatrix lunged at my neck and bit me without hesitation, I let out a moan as I held Bellatrix, I wrinkled my nose before looking at Lucius and Narcissa "what happened?" I asked confused.

"Your magic, muto, somehow became extremely… aphrodisiac, Bella reacted quickly and took most of it, but even then it affected us a bit." Lucius explained, I paused momentarily and grimaced.

"My bad, I found my demonic magic and combined it with my other magic, I didn't think anything would happen" I said timidly in their direction, they both rolled their eyes but nodded. "Besides my magic, something else changed?" I asked as I used one hand to touch the rest of my body. The horns on my head are still present, still coming out from the front of my temple and rising upwards.

My tail was also still present and looked exactly the same as before.

"You have more stars." Narcissa told me as she pointed at her cheeks, my hands unconsciously went up to my face, I took a mirror out of my inventory and quickly looked at myself, my star pupils were still there, but the stars under my cheek, had multiplied, spreading all over my cheek, down my jaw and some above my eye, and not only that, they were moving, growing or shrinking in size, closing and new ones appearing, it was... weird.

"Y-your blood tastes different too." Bellatrix moaned as she finally pulled away from my neck, she still looked slightly unwell but she pulled away from me completely. "Whatever demonic magic did to your normal magic is different now." Bellatrix added and I nodded, I would have to find out if that changed anything later, for now, there were things to look at.

"Let's put that aside for now, first… papers!" I said happily as I began to look through my inventory. I found what I was looking for quickly and pulled them out without hesitation. The trio walked over and looked at the papers I dropped on the table we were surrounding.

"Backstory huh? Let's see what it says about me" Lucius said as he grabbed a stack of papers with his name on them, pulled out his reading glasses and flipped through the pages quickly. His expression fell the more he read. Once he was done he sighed tiredly.

"Is it bad Lucy?" Narcissa asked worriedly, Lucius smiled at her with misery.

"No, actually, it's quite easy, they didn't change a thing about my previous life at all." Lucius snorted bitterly, my eyebrows raised slightly, "I'm still Lucius Malfoy, a British 'wizarding' noble family, 19 years old, son of Abraxas Malfoy, deceased, engaged to Narcissa Black and other pretty basic stuff." He said simply, Bellatrix snorted in amusement.

"Boring Malfoy, give me those glasses, it's my turn." Bellatrix extended her hand in Lucius' direction, Lucius handed her the glasses without protest, Bellatrix began to read her backstory.

"Er… interesting, it seems we are princesses, Cissy." Bellatrix said while humming, Narcissa gasped.

"Really?!" Narcissa squealed happily, Bellatrix nodded.

"we are descendants of the royal family of Wallachia, direct descendants of Vlad III, and I, am the heir to the spirit of Vlad III, The Lord Impaler, and all of his powers, whatever that means." I frowned at that, we would be in the sights of the Hero Faction if they found out, Vlad III may not have the best of reputations, but he was still someone quite famous in human history "mmm, our parents passed away at a young age and we were raised by family friends so we moved to Britain, though they pretty much left us to live alone there. Vlad III's powers were dormant until I turned 16 and became a vampire, that's when I met Serena when I summoned her and we formed a long-term demonic contract, you allowed me to feed on your blood and blah blah blah, we fell in love and here we are."

Bellatrix lowered the papers as she finished reading them before tossing them onto the table once more.

"Nothing really interesting after that, a lot about mine and Cissy's daily life, Lucius joining in at some point, but you should read yours, Serena, you'll find it... interesting." Bellatrix smirked at me, and I bristled slightly, it wasn't good when Bellatrix smiled like that.

"Me first!" Narcissa said as she grabbed her papers and glasses, she wrinkled her nose as she finished reading it "boring! There's nothing more interesting than what they already said" Narcissa lamented, Lucius wrapped his arms around her placatingly, she leaned into him.

"My turn," I said as I grabbed my papers, I didn't even have time to put my glasses back on when I read the first sentence and stopped stiffly, "I'm a Succubus!?" I exclaimed completely outraged. Bellatrix let out a laugh while the other pair suppressed a smile, "Give me the glasses!" I took Narcissa's glasses off of her and began to read quickly.

"Let's see... Succubi are considered the weakest devils in the underworld, and the most outcasts among the devils themselves... what the fuck." I muttered incredulously as I read more. "Succubi absorb life force to become stronger, no supernatural creature strong enough to help her gain strength would willingly sleep with them, and vice versa, strength is everything, having their life force absorbed, no matter how minuscule that energy is, was sacrilege, so either it never happened, or the succubus ended up being killed after the act. So succubi completely distrusted any more powerful entity that wanted to sleep with them."

"Moreover, they are extremely fertile, the problem is that the genetics of the succubi were dominant, even among the traits of the 72 pillars of devils, so they could not be used to increase numbers, they would be completely useless."

"Therefore, the succubi were relegated to the lowest level of devil society, and their only ability to survive is to sleep with unsuspecting humans, but the energy and quality of life force they can absorb from them is barely enough for the succubi to keep surviving and keep their numbers high enough so that they don't go extinct any time soon."

"What the hell is this backstory?!" I exclaimed in disbelief "Why am I part of the lowest rung of all?! It's fine that the quest is about forming a house on par with the 72 pillars, but I have to start in Hardcore mode! Any normal devil would have been better than this! I'm practically an outcast to the entire supernatural world!" I ranted in disbelief and looked at the trio, all of whom were frowning.

"This... is more complicated than it first appears, you may find yourself under scrutiny much sooner than expected, yes, succubi are as weak as you say, you'll stand out like a sore thumb again when you get a peerage." Lucius said solemnly and I groaned loudly.

"Great, great, great." I said sarcastically as I took the papers back "let's see, deceased mother, unknown father, raised in a brothel of other succubi in Lucifaad, what's next… here it is, interestingly I'm not an outcast to the other devils, in fact, the lower devils don't look down on succubi, really interesting, so there's no bad blood with any person."

"All devils are allowed to send their transportation circle to the human world when they manage to dominate it, so that they can make contracts with humans and increase their power, they are... regulated by time, no contracts of the devils are monitored, they are completely private, but an investigation will be started if the devil is out of the underworld for more than a week, since devils, for the most part, cannot travel freely to the human world."

"Interesting... let's see... my only contract was with Bellatrix, in exchange for blood for her, she- oh well, let's move on" I cleared my throat, Bellatrix had a huge smile on her face that I ignored. "Yes, we fell in love, engaged, and I'm at the level of a high class devil, I have an appointment for the high class promotion evaluation, obviously they gave me a six month waiting time and it will be fulfilled in... a month."

After the backstory of being a succubus, the rest of the backstory really wasn't too shocking, pretty normal, and the best thing was, I already had a date to be able to promote to upper class, if nothing went wrong, I would have my set of Evil Pieces within a month. I left the papers and glasses on the table, which Lucius immediately took.

"So, we have a month before we turn into devils?" Bellatrix asked, humming, and I nodded.

"If nothing goes wrong, yes, that means no access to our pocket dimension for a month." I grimaced, as did the other two, I still had Newt Scamander's suitcase, it would have to do until we found something better. "Besides… it might attract attention." I grimaced.

"Oh, you definitely will." Lucius said, looking at the papers, "and we will prepare for it, together, don't worry." I smiled slightly, good, I wasn't alone, it was a comforting fact. We had a lot to prepare for.

Author's notes: The mission, Extra Devilish, is posted on the main page of waifu-catalog neocities, by Klaus20. I just modified it to make it work in my novel.

If you liked the story, join my patreon,, there are up to 10 chapters in advance, thank you.

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