[Welcome contractor, enjoy your experience at The Company!]
That's what the notification that appeared across the screen said, I blinked slightly before fiddling with the phone once more, The Company, Waifu Catalog, was the app installed on the phone, I didn't remember when I had agreed to become a contractor but I did remember filling out the build I was looking at, it made sense that I had replaced the old Serena before her sixth year, it was something I had specified in the build, I really didn't want to be 13 years old again as was the norm for substitutes, and there was a huge difference between 13 and 17 years old, I felt more comfortable.
But yes, I was 17 now, Hogwarts started a year later according to my memories, at 12, so despite being of legal age, I had just finished my fifth year, even so, everything happened exactly the same, little to no difference from canon.
Starting World: Harry Potter [1970-1981 (The First Wizarding War)]
Starting budget 225
Intensity [6.25]
Legacy Difficulty 0
You as Serena Snape (Substitute) of T5 -20 [205]
Company Stamp free [205]
Sticky Fingers -5 [200]
Faerie Feast -10 [190]
Home Perks
Pocket Space -5 [185]
Template Stacking I x2 [You as Serena Snape has Lord Ruler/Rashek (Cosmere), Roy Mustang/Flame Alchemist (Fullmetal Alchemist)] -60 [125]
Body Tune-Up -5 [120]
Performance -10 [110]
Soul -10 [100]
Athletic -5 [95]
Martial -10 [85]
Aesthetic -10 [75]
Added Potential x2 [You as Serena Snape has Ancient Magic (Hogwarts Legacy), Parsel (Harry Potter)] -10 [65]
Body -5 [60]
Stress x2 -10 [50]
Defenses discounted for retinue members +4 [54]
Misc Perks
Universal Calibration -10 [44]
Sexual Calibration -2 [42]
I narrowed my eyes slightly as I saw an option to accept the bonuses, I tapped the screen accepting without hesitation and felt a tingle all over my body before memories hit me, first, they were Snape's memories, not mine, but Severus Snape's, from his birth to his death, everything he had done in his life I now remembered as if I had been present, as if it had happened to me.
Next up were the templates, I had chosen Roy Mustang's template, he was an alchemy specialist even by the standards of elite state alchemists so there was a lot to unpack there. But worse was that I had chosen Rashek's template, better known as Lord Ruler, a virtually immortal bastard who had lived a little over a millennium, a long life, though templates didn't exactly come with memories, knowledge was power, and Lord Ruler acquired a lot of it in his lifetime. Still, I used my poor occlumency and pushed all of that down and left only the important things for now, my memories and experience of Allomancy, Feruchemy, and Hemalurgy. I blinked lightly as I got used to my new body, or rather my older, healthier body, I no longer felt any headaches or pain anywhere else, I quickly went back to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror once more.
My body had changed, I looked a bit plumper, I still had angular figures but not as marked from lack of proper nutrition, instead I looked healthier, just like my skin, it was still pale but had a much healthier color that even looks slightly shiny, it would seem that merging with the templates or the Body Tune-up had made me healthier, I didn't have super strength obviously but I quickly noticed that my arms gained a bit more flesh and definition, even my breasts grew half a cup size, they went from being hopelessly flat to having a small mound, I huffed but I wouldn't be complaining, breasts were breasts, they were better than nothing before. The other change was my muscles, I went from being malnourished with a sunken stomach to having a nice well defined 6 pack and muscles on the rest of my body, I didn't know if it came from Rashek, Roy Mustang or Body Tune-up once again but it was a welcome advantage.
Returning to the room I grabbed my phone once more, browsing through the app I found what I was looking for, my Pocket Space inventory, my eyes widened at the amount of items in it and quickly hit remove, with that a large amount of jewelry began to fall in front of me, there were several dozen of them, rings, bracelets, piercings, hoops, I could see several spikes falling around before a blue uniform and a small briefcase fell on top of them, when my pocket space finished emptying, I blinked a couple of times as I put my phone away and went through things.
The first thing was the briefcase, I opened it with ease and couldn't help but a wide smile grow on my face, almost reverently I took Roy Mustang's gloves, ignition cloth, I didn't know what they were made of and the memories of the alchemist's template didn't give me any results either, so the 6 pairs that were in the briefcase would be the only pairs I would possibly have in the short term. Still, I put them on with ease and they fit like well... a good pair of gloves, they were completely adapted to my hand, they weren't big or loose, they were perfectly tailored, I couldn't help but snap my fingers, I smiled at the spark that blossomed from the fabric, I really wanted to try out the transmutation circle on the glove, but doing it inside a room for the first time, was a very bad idea, so reluctantly I sent them once again to the inventory to avoid the temptation .
Leaving the gloves back in the briefcase, I grabbed the blue State Alchemist uniform, it really wasn't something I could see myself wearing, it was an army uniform and would look horribly bad in any situation I could think of, still, I couldn't help but notice that it was too small for Roy Mustang's build, so I figured it was tailored to my physique as well, I would try it on later just to see how it looked, nothing more, nothing less, for no other reason obviously.
I almost reluctantly put it aside when I noticed a chain on the uniform, as I pulled on it I almost squealed in joy, a pocket watch from the state alchemists!! I quickly pulled it off its chain and looked at it closely, it was beautiful, I put it away just as quickly in my inventory, it was something I would be using, but first I had to find ways to enchant it to keep it from breaking, even though I could repair it if the damage was minor, I didn't want to risk it.
With a happy smile I continued looking at the uniform, before putting it away I patted all of its pockets in case there were any other surprises. I only found a lighter and that inside the uniform there was a shirt, I hummed lightly before taking it out, I also separated the pants and boots and placed them on my bed, they were better than any clothes I had at the moment, the ones I had were either too old or too torn or both, I quickly changed and as I thought, it fit me perfectly, I left the black coat without insignia to the side and put the rest in the inventory, which was only the top part of the uniform and the half skirt of the bottom part.
I hummed before turning back to the rest of the pile, now much happier with some clothes in decent condition, the first thing in the pile was a wooden flute, I blinked before remembering that it was something Lord Ruler kept as one of his relics, I wasn't really a fan of flutes but I did like music even though I was very bad at any kind of musical discipline, which was why I had chosen, and did choose in most of my builds, Performance Talent, if I was building a CYOA I would build one that I actually enjoyed and music was one of those things, as was Aesthetic Talent.
I put the flute away before looking at the rest of the pile, there was no article of clothing or any weapons that I remembered, did Lord Ruler use spears? Or was he pierced by spears? It didn't matter at the moment, I analyzed the jewelry quickly, rings, bracelets and earrings, all of metals, with a simple glance I could tell they were a reasonable combination of the 16 base metals, I wasn't worried about the ones made of iron, steel, tin and the others, but the rarer ones like cadmium, bendalloy, electrum, chromium, nicrosil and duralumin did catch my attention, I was almost certain that cadmium and bendalloy were not available during the time Lord Ruler was alive, as were chromium and nicrosil, Rashek's memories did not give me any answers, but you certainly wouldn't hear me complain, all metal was good.
I quickly began to sort through my new acquisitions by their metals, among them I also found hemalurgy spikes, or rather just metals in the shape of spikes, as far as I recall Lord Ruler didn't have any hemalurgy spikes on his body, but he did practice it on his Inquisitors , so I was surprised to find them in the pile, but like all the jewelry, they had no investiture on them, the jewelry had no feruchemical charge and the spikes no stolen spirit grid, so despite having all the metals present and Lord Ruler's knowledge on my side, I couldn't even begin to buy from him.
There were 16 different metals suitable for metal arts, 8 base metals each with an alloy, 16 in total, each manifesting a specific ability depending on how it is used.
Iron, steel, tin, pewter, zinc, brass, copper, bronze, cadmium, bendalloy, gold, electrum, chromium, nicrosil, aluminum and duralumin.
Allomancy required ingesting any of the previous 16 metals and burning them from the inside, that would manifest different abilities, someone who could burn all 16 metals was known as a mistborn something that Rashek, and now I, was.
Iron allowed me to pull nearby metals and steel to push them. Tin heightened my senses and pewter increased my physical abilities. Zinc inflamed, ignited or stirred up the emotions of others while brass calmed them. Copper concealed Allomantic pulses and bronze allowed me to hear them, this would only work if there were others with these same powers so I wouldn't have to worry in the world of Harry Potter.
Moving on, cadmium allows me to slow down time and bendalloy to speed it up. Gold reveals my alternate past self and electrum my immediate future. Chromium nullifies the target's reserves of Allomantic metal and nicrosil enhances whatever Allomantic metal the target is burning. Aluminum removes all internal Allomantic reserves and Duralumin enhances whatever metals the Allomancer is burning internally for himself at the time.
Feruchemy on the other hand, allows one to store certain attributes in specific metals and then retrieve them from the same metal. A full Feruchemist was someone who could use all 16 metals to store attributes, again, something Rashek was. It was the reason I chose him as a template, he was one of the few people who was both a mistborn and a full Feruchemist and that made him extremely powerful.
When I am actively storing some attribute there is a substantial change in that attribute at that moment, for example, iron can store physical weight, that means that while I am actively storing my weight in iron, I become lighter and when I want to remove it, decant the metal, I become heavier, once I store an attribute in some metal, that metal becomes a metallic mind and was normally named with the "-mind" suffix, in this case an iron-mind.
Normally when I decant an attribute it happens at the same rate as I store it, if I store 50% of my weight for 1 hour, when I decant from ironmind I will have a weight of 150% for an hour, however, I can speed up the rate at which I decant, if I remove the attribute faster I can have my weight at 200% for half an hour or a little less due to the loss that exists when pressing the attribute.
As a side note, iron stores physical weight, steel stores physical speed, tin stores senses, pewter stores physical strength, zinc stores mental speed, brass stores heat, copper stores memories, bronze stores wakefulness, cadmium stores breath, bendalloy stores energy, gold stores health, electrum stores determination, chromium stores fortune, nicrosil stores investiture, aluminum stores identity, and duralumin stores connection.
Between both metal arts, there were a total of 32 skills I could take advantage of and there were a few combinations that could be played with, Hemalurgy was practically useless outside of the Cosmere, Mistborn's universe, or at least, more than half of them so it was unlikely I would use it since they couldn't give any substantial worthwhile advantage so I continued organizing the jewels.