The small butterfly moved through the dimly lit ally. Like a laser it fluster toward an inconspicuous crate that looked as if it has seen better days. I didn't double guess if my magics was out of whack. But it was something I had to trust.
I mean, might as well, creeping towards the crate. The red butterfly had landed into the corner of the splintered corner. So the little sucker was in there huh?
The punk was smart. The crate looked sealed and unassuming. Another even more broken one was stacked above it. Bottles and buckets all scattered around it. Making me wonder how the heck the kid had managed to get inside the wooden box. It was about three feet tall, the same inches wide. Pretty impressive if I wouldn't say so myself, tilting my head and inspecting it.
'Aha' Noting how the sneaky kid managed to get in.
The sharp intake of breath told me the punk knew I was already on to him. And I sure as hell wasn't going to allow him to get away too.