Everyone was surprised when the elf Isha appeared before us. She looked like a Night Elf, with dark skin and elegant black hair. Her green eyes gleamed like polished marble.
This was unexpected. Stink loaded an arrow into his bow, aiming it at Isha. She quickly pulled out her short sword.
-- Everyone, calm down -- Deo commanded.
-- So, Isha, we've been looking for you. The naughty elf who's allegedly been stealing, killing animals, and attacking civilians -- Deo continued.
-- That's why I hate humans. From your conversation, you've already figured out it wasn't me who stole or killed animals. As for attacking civilians, maybe. Most people in this village are dumb as hell. They attacked me the moment they saw I'm an elf. -- Isha explained, her voice cold.
-- Eavesdropping is not a good habit -- Lian remarked.
-- Never mind that. I'll kill the Goblin King myself. Humans are a bunch of idiots anyway. -- Isha said, slowly turning away.
Stink lowered his weapon.
-- Hold on, Isha. You mentioned you know the location of all the entrance tunnels -- Lili interrupted.
Isha glanced at Lili and seemed to notice for the first time that she was an elf. Without warning, she rushed over and hugged her.
-- Well, yeah... -- Isha responded, her voice softening.
Lili's face showed discomfort from the sudden embrace.
-- Oh, sorry. It's been a decade since I saw another elf in this human continent -- Isha explained.
-- Well, I'm half-elf, so... --
Isha's face turned disappointed, and she pushed Lili away. What a weird one. This must be racism; it seems like she really doesn't like humans at all.
-- I do know where the tunnels are. Two years ago, I met a dryad in the Great Eastern Forest. She warned me that a Goblin King was born. I'm a missionary of the Forest Goddess Maiden. My mission is to purify the forest from abnormalities, and a Goblin King is exactly that. I've been investigating the goblin tunnels, and a year ago, they reached this village -- Isha explained further.
How does a Goblin evolve to a Goblin King? - I asked.
-- There are specific conditions. First, a goblin becomes the "Forbidden One" if it's the last survivor of its colony. Second, the Forbidden One must eat a fellow goblin. Lastly, it must consume a creature with a large mana pool or be exposed to a mana-rich environment. If all conditions are met, the goblin evolves into a Goblin King -- Deo explained.
So, it doesn't follow a simple evolution path like goblin, hobgoblin, Goblin Lord, then Goblin King? - I asked.
-- No. Hobgoblins are a different variant, born that way. A Hobgoblin can become a Goblin Lord by killing 1,000 creatures, but the Goblin King is the top of the hierarchy -- Deo clarified.
Now I know why people call him the "Goblin Maniac."
-- Anyway, let's stick to the plan. Leon, Lili, Lian, and Lux will go with Isha to seal all the goblin tunnels. The rest of us will head to the forest to find the larger entrance and exterminate the goblins -- Deo instructed.
Everyone set off for their tasks. It was already past midnight. I hope Stella won't kill me for this. Gustav is on his own mission with Sario. It's been a busy and tiring day. I wish I could just sleep. Kids like me should be playing, eating, and sleeping, leaving the adults to handle all this.
The streets were dark and empty. No sign of electricity in this village. What if I introduced it? Could I be the Nikola Tesla of this world? Too bad I barely know how electricity works.
The cold wind nipped at me as I roamed the village at dawn for the first time.
We followed Isha to the location of the first goblin tunnel, in a dark alley where I'd first found her. We walked from the tool shop to the entrance. Lili sealed the tunnel, focusing her mana deep inside before using earth magic to close it, making it ten feet long so the goblins would struggle to dig it up again.
After that, we decided to split up. Isha marked all the tunnels on a map. Since Lux couldn't use earth magic, Lian went with her, while Lili chose to go solo. Isha and I teamed up.
There were sixteen tunnels in total. One was already sealed, so fifteen more to go. Each group had five to handle. Lux drew copies of the map, and we split up.
Isha and I headed to the next tunnel. Well, technically the second one for her, but the first for me.
I couldn't help but worry about being alone with this elf. What if goblins attacked and she abandoned me? Sure, I'm immortal, but dying hurts like hell, and I'd rather avoid it if possible.
Isha was as quiet as I'd expected, preferring not to talk, especially to humans. No wonder people suspected her of stealing.
-- Here we are -- Isha said, pointing at the tunnel.
At first, I didn't see it. The cover blended perfectly with the soil. I knelt down and touched it, feeling something off. The cover was made of wood. I lit it up with magic and focused my mana deep into the tunnel. Isha watched me closely, probably doubting my magic skills. After I reached the right depth, I stomped the ground, sealing the tunnel thirty feet deep.
-- So, you really know magic... -- Isha remarked.
Of course. I am a mage, after all. -- I answered.
Isha was a good-looking elf. I've played enough RPG games to know that elves are usually attractive, but there was something unique about her appearance. She looked almost innocent, like a teenager. Too bad her attitude didn't match. Looks are great, but a bad attitude ruins everything.
Suddenly, I sensed multiple vibrations underground. A huge number of footsteps were running across the village.
Then, a large explosion echoed nearby. Isha and I rushed to the scene, finding Lili fighting off a swarm of goblins. Isha drew her short sword and charged into the battle.
I focused my mana around us, sensing Lian and Lux fighting goblins as well. Another explosion rocked the village. Goblins with dynamite were sacrificing themselves, blowing up buildings.
Villagers panicked, running through the streets as the sun began to rise.
I expanded my detection magic across the village. Suddenly, the system opened.
/System: New Ability Unlocked: "Visualization"/
A map appeared, showing the area covered by my detection magic, including buildings and all living things within range. Red dots represented enemies, green were allies, yellow indicated other people, and blue marked unknown creatures.
We're screwed. A huge army of goblins was marching from the forest towards the village, while others were already running wild inside the village. They were using the tunnels to strike and retreat.
I should go home and get help from Stella. If only Gustav were here. But first, I need to help Lian and Lux.
Lili could handle herself.
I rushed to Lian and Lux. They were still fighting but clearly wounded.
Screams filled the air. Goblins attacked houses, slaughtering civilians. This was worse than I'd imagined.
I cast fireballs, clearing the area of goblins.
Sister Lian, Sister Lux, are you okay? - I asked.
-- We need to fall back and regroup. The goblins won't stop coming. If only Gustav were here -- Lian said.
The three of us ran toward Lili's location, i saw the local militia was fighting off the goblins, but the goblin number is too many for them.
As we ran, I heard a blood-curdling scream coming from a nearby house. Something inside me told me to stop and check, While Lux and Lian help the militia. I used wind magic to knock the door open, and the stench of blood hit me immediately.
The first thing I saw was a man's decapitated body sprawled out in a pool of blood. His head was nowhere to be seen. My eyes moved slowly across the room, and then I saw it—the woman. She was alive but barely. A group of goblins surrounded her, dismembering her limbs while taking turns violating her body. Her clothes were torn, and she was covered in blood and bruises.
Her eyes locked onto mine, wide with terror and desperation. Tears streaked down her face as she mouthed the words.
-- Please...help...me -- she whispered, her voice barely audible.
I could hardly hear her, but I knew exactly what she was asking for.
My stomach twisted in knots. I felt the bile rise in my throat, and before I could control it, I was bent over, vomiting on the floor. My knees buckled, shaking under me as the full horror of what I was seeing sank in.
I couldn't stay there. I couldn't say anything. Before the goblins noticed me, I turned and bolted out of the house, my legs carrying me as fast as they could. I took off into the sky, flying away from the carnage below.
This... this wasn't what I signed up for. This was far worse than anything I ever imagined. I thought we were fighting monsters, but what I just saw... those things were evil, pure evil...