"He's in a small city called Holyoke, a few miles south of here," Elton says. "Finding Patrick might be tricky, but we should—"
You both get a text. It's Daphne Clear.
CrestFolder180IQ Elton you have left a trail that a blind chihuahua could follow.
CrestFolder180IQ Cease all activities.
Elton spends several minutes thumbing in a response, angrily writing and then deleting. Finally he settles on—
BridesheadReloaded No
An immediate response from Ms. Clear:
CrestFolder180IQ The men you two killed were Brian Lannery, USAF (killed by Cale Falck X in New York State) and Doug Nguyen, a Holyoke police officer, killed by Elton yesterday. Electrocuted!
CrestFolder180IQ Those were citizens!!
"I shouldn't have used a levinbolt, she's got me there," Elton says.
Elton can shoot lightning. You file away that unusual and alarming fact.
CrestFolder180IQ I'll be spending all month cleaning this up.
"Tell her how much we've learned already. We already figured out that Banicki was making the horse monsters."
"This lady hasn't done shit and now she's ordering us around? Should I text 'fuck off' or do you want to?"
This is above my pay grade—Elton is my elder and Daphne is probably his. I stay out of it.
"We need help if we're tangling with legitimate citizens. Can we get Daphne on board with us?"