You offer your condolences, of course, but then ask about the conditions and details of Clay's death. Maybe Scarper can tell you something useful that will reveal more about what David Banicki was doing.
But you can't wait for a response. Elton promised to investigate the barrows, and he should have answers soon.
To your irritation, Elton isn't home even after you hike all the way into town. You wanted answers—and maybe another burrito. Instead, you head to Epicycle and spend most of the day managing inventory. When Udolpho heads out, you ask him to pick up some lunch "for the two of us" and subsequently eat three-quarters of the Indian food he brings back. Elton sends a text late in the afternoon:
BridesheadReloaded Where are you?
rubblelandscape Epicycle bike shop
rubblelandscape I work here
BridesheadReloaded Wait there
He arrives an hour after close, wearing a tattered black parka, his hair streaked with dried blood. Katherine's pale ring flashes in the fluorescent light on his thumb.
"Are you hurt?" I check him for lasting wounds caused by silver or fire.
"I wish I could've been there to fight alongside you."
"I'm trying to work an honest job here! Get away from the windows before someone sees you."
"Did the meat fight back?"
"Let me get you some naan and then you can tell me what you've learned."