As you leave, you hear the big guy explaining to the secretary, "Yeah, they come up along the bike trail or whatever, they panhandle here and go back down to buy drugs…"
You've already circled the building once, and you didn't see any obvious ways in. The side entrance is locked with a keypad, and the windows are all high and well-sealed. This is a brand new building and it's not likely you could use the air ducts, even in lupus form.
But around back there's a garage door that connects to a storage facility. And the whole structure is connected, so that might work. There's another keypad outside the garage entrance; you flip it up to see if any of the keys are worn away, but it's brand new.
You jump as someone shoves the door open: a maintenance worker.
"What are you doing here?"
You walk away as casually as you can as he shouts for you to stop, then run for it.
You don't think he'll call the cops, but you probably don't want to try breaking-and-entering any time this week. And you're probably not getting much more information from the physical building.
Still without shelter, you head back to the abandoned house, but then you spot a police SUV sitting with its lights off across the street. You fade back into the tangle of woods and fields that exist off the Map and hurry across town as the temperature drops until you reach a shipping container you noticed earlier. You repeat your trick with free newspapers and broken sticks. The fire this time gives off foul black smoke, and barely warms the metal container, but you're still able to get a few hours of sleep.
Freezing rain in the night: when you awaken in the morning, the world is frozen and sparkling. Shimmering little rills of melting water run past your tall boots. You can't stop shaking, even after a half-hour of moving around. This can't go on. You need shelter.