Chereads / Barry Allen Flash in 2 worlds, Marvel / Chapter 65 - Chapter 63: Savitars Ploy

Chapter 65 - Chapter 63: Savitars Ploy


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Argus prison


It was only day two in the prison and Barry was already to the point where he was ready to give up. This was inhumane. This was cruel. This was-

"I'm not sure this is even edible," Barry told Logan as he stared this morning's breakfast. "How can you eat this stuff?"

"I've had around a year to get used to it," Logan shrugged as he took a bite of the gruel they had been served. "Trust me, they've served worse."

"What's your story anyway?" Barry asked and Logan gave him a blank look. "Come on, we're stuck in here together, might as well pass the time somehow."

"We've all got stories kid. You tell me yours, I'll tell you mine," Logan said and Barry shrugged.

"Okay, but it's a long one. When I was eleven, my mom was murdered…"

Star Labs

Same time

With a cry, Wanda sent a blast of energy at her target, blowing the cut out of The Dominator to pieces. Wanda breathed heavily, looking at the various cut outs she had destroyed this morning.

"What did those poor cut outs ever do to you?" Wanda tensed as she heard her brother's voice as he walked into the room. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

"What do you want Pietro?" Wanda asked stiffly without turning to face him and heard him sigh.

"I was wondering if we could talk? If you want," Pietro quickly added.

"If I want to talk, it certainly won't be with you," Wanda said in a clipped voice, turning and strutting passed him.

"Wanda," Pietro suddenly sped in front of her, blocking her path. "Please, I know I made a mistake-"

"A mistake," Wanda repeated, her hands trembling as they glowed red. "A mistake is forgetting to pick up dinner. You didn't make a mistake Pietro, you made a choice to ignore your own judgement and listen to someone else. Didn't it seem strange how he had you kidnap Cisco and tortured Vision!? You let Savitar out of his cage and now, Barry is in a prison designed to hold the worst of the worst, because of you!"

All the lights in the room suddenly shattered, plunging the room into darkness, the only light came from outside in the hall. Wanda breathed heavily, panting as Clint walked in.

"Everything okay in here?" Clint asked and neither Maximoff answered. "Wanda, you should go get ready."

Wanda gave a brisk nod before walking out of the room without another word to her brother.

"Ready for what?" Pietro asked in concern.

"Check-up for the baby. Since Barry's not here, I volunteered to take her," Clint explained and saw the look on Pietro's face. "Don't do that kid."

"Do what?" Pietro asked confused.

"Feel sorry for yourself. You don't get to crawl up inside your self-pity; you don't get to do that. Your sister is in hell right now because the guy she loves, a better man than either one of us, took himself away from all of us because he thought he was compromised. He made one of the most selfish decisions any one could have made because he trusted all us, including you, the guy who set all this in motion when you freed Savitar, to take that son of a bitch down. So you don't get to feel sorry for yourself," Clint said, getting in Pietro's face. "You wanna make it up to her? Then help us take down Savitar so Barry can come home to her."

Clint then turned and walked out of the room, leaving Pietro alone in the dark with only his thoughts for company.

Argus prison

Same time

"And that's how I ended up here," Barry finished after telling Logan a modified version of the truth that would protect his identity as well as removed the more complicated part of the story like time travel and the Multiverse.

"Interesting story but you're full of shit," Logan said bluntly, taking Barry back.

"I'm telling the truth Logan," Barry insisted and Logan smirked at him.

"For the most part. But you edited or lied about certain parts. I'm not sure why, but when you want to tell me the whole truth, then you'll get my story," Logan said as he walked over and laid down in his bed.

Barry stared at him, wondering how he was able to figure that out. For the first time, he began to get a sense of who Logan was. He reminded Barry of Oliver and not in a good way.

Star Labs


Cisco groaned as he tossed the chair aside, frustration and anger on his face.

"Cisco, you need to calm down," Caitlin told him.

"Calm down!? Our best friend put himself in jail to protect us, trusting us to stop Savitar and we can't even find the son of a bitch! How am I supposed to calm down Cait?!" Cisco exploded.

Caitlin sighed, understanding ho Cisco was feeling. In truth, she felt the same way, that she was letting Barry down. But she knew it was worse for Cisco. In addition to his guilt over not telling them about his Vibe, Barry had essentially named Cisco leader of the team. And Cisco was being crushed under the burden of leadership.

"I don't know how to do this Cait," Cisco said softly, leaning on the desk. "I don't know how to do this without him."

"I felt the same once," the pair jumped, turning up to see Steve leaning against the doorway. "When Bucky fell out of the train, when I thought he was dead, for a minute, I didn't know how to go on. I felt like I'd lost more than my best friend. I felt like I'd lost a part of myself."

"How did you do it? How did you go on?" Cisco asked softly.

"I realized the world hadn't stopped spinning just because Buck was gone. I needed to carry on; there were still enemies to fight and lives to save. And eventually, I got Bucky back. We'll get Barry back to, once we beat Savitar," Steve said confidently.

Before Cisco or Caitlin could respond, there was a beep from the computer. Cisco turned around, checking it.

"There's a break in at Mercury Labs. An armed man has entered the building and is firing off a gun. Think it's Alexei?" Cisco asked as he looked over at Steve.

"Good chance," Steve said grimly.

"Tell Wally to meet us there," Cisco told Caitlin before turning to Steve. "You ready to take this jackass down?"

Steve simply nodded grimly. It was time to settle things with Alexei.

Mercury Labs

Not long after

Cisco and Steve exited a breach and entered into chaos. A man in red leather was firing arrow after arrow, the arrows hitting their targets nearly every time. While Cisco stared in shock, Steve pulled out a pistol and fired. The archer jumped away, landing on the ground as the people ran.

"Roy?" Cisco finally found his voice. "Roy, what are you doing?"

"I must serve my master," Roy said, his eyes glowing unnaturally blue.

"Savitar's controlling him with the mind stone Cisco," Steve explained, quickly realizing that Cisco knew this man.

"How do we snap him out of it?!" Cisco demanded.

"Hit him in the head really hard," Steve said simply.

Roy fired, forcing the pair to doge. Steve fired off a few shots at Roy but Roy was easily able to evade the bullets. Roy fired off an arrow but Steve easily evaded it. However, the arrow exploded, throwing Steve back as Roy fired another at Cisco. It flashed, temporarily blinding Cisco as Roy threw down a small ball, which exploded in a flash of black smoke. When it cleared, Roy was gone.

"Damn, Oliver's is not gonna be happy about this," Cisco grumbled, his vision clearing as Steve got to his feet, Wally speeding in seconds after.

"What happened?" Wally asked, seeing them alone in the room.

"That's what I'd like to know. Who was that Cisco?" Steve demanded.

"Roy Harper. He was Oliver's partner until he had to fake his death," Cisco explained as he got two blank looks. "It's a long story, okay? But it doesn't make sense, why would Savitar send him here to attack innocent people then have him run? It doesn't make sense."

"Unless Roy was to keep us distracted," Steve realized.

"Yeah, but distracted from what?" Cisco asked confused.

Savitar's hideout

Later in the afternoon

"Dr. McGee. It's good to see you again," Savitar said sitting on a make shift chair as Alexei threw Dr. McGee on her knees.

"Mr. Allen?" Dr. McGee said as she looked up at Savitar, shocked.

"Yes, I am Barry, just not the one you know," Savitar got to his feet and walked over to her. "You're going to help me Dr. McGee, whether you like it or not."

Savitar put the head of the scepter to her chest and Dr. McGee stiffened. She gasped, in pain, as her veins seemed to glow blue before it faded. Her eyes then glowed blue, the same as Roy's.

"How may I help you Mr. Allen?" Dr. McGee said as she got to her feet.

"First, call me Savitar. Second, I need you to do something for me. You see, I need you to help me…convince an old friend of mine to help us," Savitar said with a cruel smirk.


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