Chereads / The Primordian: Echoes From Beyond [Monster Evolution] [LITRPG] / Chapter 14 - The Weight of Silence. Echoes of Choice. To Velathra!

Chapter 14 - The Weight of Silence. Echoes of Choice. To Velathra!

[Author's Note: Novel Future]

Hey everyone, I wanted to give you a quick update on the future of this novel.

After some careful thought and discussions regarding contracts, I've decided that keeping full creative control over my story is the best path forward. This means the novel likely won't be contracted with certain platforms. This is important to me because, unlike for many others, financial gain wasn't my motivation for starting this novel. I have no grand dreams of becoming a full-time author. While I'd love to focus more on this story, I'm not so arrogant as to claim it would be received that way. Even if this story became the number one novel out there, I would still make the same decision. I started writing this story for myself. It's a story I wanted to see on paper after dreaming it up, so I can't see myself agreeing to anything that requires me to give it away.

The upside? The story will remain free, and I'll retain the rights to my work, allowing me to shape it without external pressures. Of course, I don't consider readers, and the great minds that comment to be external pressure, you all are my think-tank!

However, there are trade-offs I want to be transparent about. Since it won't be contracted, the story won't receive the same marketing push or visibility as some contracted novels. It might not appear in certain rankings or sections of the platform, which could limit its exposure. But in the end, I believe keeping the story true to itself and continuing to engage with all of you is what really matters.

What can you do?

If you're enjoying the story, your support means everything! Sharing, liking, or even just leaving a comment helps the story get noticed by others.

Thank you for your understanding, and as always, stay healthy! I'm excited to keep bringing this world to life with all of you by my side.

– Aeys


POV: Atlas


After the woman left, Atlas felt strange, but he was too tired to really think much about it. He felt as if a part of him had disappeared for a moment, even if only slightly. He couldn't explain this strange sense of connection he felt toward her. She had literally only just appeared before them, but it felt more tangible than just knowing they're related to you, as if in some way they were genuinely connected physically.

'Is that even possible? No, what would that even mean?... Ah, whatever. She seems pretty nice, and if she can fucking teleport then I doubt I'd be able to do squat if she wanted to harm us.'

Hearing the woman's reminder of their egg shells, the three of them, Blanc, Shine, and Atlas, glanced at each other and went back a little deeper into the cave to grab Atlas's egg shell fragments and store them in the storage space. The System pretty much handled all of it, all he had to do was touch them while thinking of putting it away in this illusory vault.

After finishing that, they wearily moved back outside and leaned against the entrance of the cave, Blanc moving a bit further to a nearby tree, to use as his support. They were all tired, exhausted both mentally and physically. The cave had been a nightmare. They still didn't know what it was that had haunted them, if it was still chasing, but at soon as the woman materialized before them, instead of the cold suffocating feeling of impending doom they felt a warm reminder of safety, as if everything would be fine as long as they were here.

It was polarizing, but also the only reason they were able to relax like they were now, eating bits of their egg shells in silence and gazing at the clear blue sky.

[So... do you guys want to talk about it? Does anyone still... hear anything?] Blanc asked through his [Mindweave]. His voice was gravely, blunt but deliberate, as if each word was carefully weighed before it left his mind, this was different from his communications before, something had changed somehow.

"No. I really don't, not yet. I don't know what we heard, I don't hear it anymore, but it feels like the moment I think of it I will," Atlas says, turning the offer down. He could tell they were all just curious, but at the same time, he truly felt like an echo of whatever the hell he'd heard in the cave would come back to him if he thought on it too much. Now just wasn't the time.

Hearing this, Shine finished munching on her egg shell before looking towards Atlas, [So what now? Do we just wait for that elder? Aren't you curious about what she said?]

"I wanted to head to Velathra... The System said we were supposed to be born there, we were moved to the cave because my situation was affecting your eggs and it wanted to limit the influence on the other eggs, but now I'm not so sure. I'm probably going to try to follow whoever that woman is, I want to hear more."

[Mm. That seems like a good idea, she seems to know more than any of us do. I tried asking my System about your situation, it said it didn't know anything about it, but that the woman could wipe us from existence if she wanted to, so she probably wasn't lying,] Blanc added, nodding at Atlas's decision.

Hearing the thought, Atlas looked towards the System hovering near the ground by his palm. He didn't know why, but it looked as if it was facing a great enemy ever since the woman arrived. He figured it was just cautious, but after a sudden feeling of disconnect that arose between him and the System for a moment, Atlas felt like he knew who that woman had gone to "chat" with.

"She's talking to Cortana, isn't she?"

[... I believe so, host... I feel that I have just been severed from connecting with the [Great Mistress], my data-stream seems to be heading to another entity now, I wouldn't be surprised if this was done by the hand of that woman. Additionally, I would like to clarify something if you would hear me out.]

"Go on."

[The System has never tried to bind or control you. This goes against the core principals of the System. Something you have only just reached an [Authority] level that allows you to know. They System was designed with the express purpose of putting the power of growth, evolution, and the ability to control your own fate, and path, into the hands of the people of [Sellene], by an extremely noble existence. You are not qualified to know more, but the core purpose I have just stated is completely true, I vow it on the Great Gates.]

"... So, they wanted to see faster growth, developed you to facilitate it, and left everything in the hands of [Sellene]? That sounds... risky, but also incredibly arrogant. Well, whatever. I get it, you're trying to object to what she said right? I don't even know what she means. Honestly, I won't lie to you System, I'm definitely suspicious. But, as long as you help me when you can, I won't hold it against you."

[Thank you, host. I do not know the greater decisions made by the [Great Mistress], but I do know her primary goal is the growth and future of [Sellene], as a new inhabitant, I believe this applies to you as well...] the System projection said, her expression seeming to relax if only slightly.

"Mm. We'll see. I still haven't figured out why you were shepherding us towards Velathra so strongly, but I guess depending on that woman we'll figure it out."

As they continued to bask in the sun kissed breeze, their egg shell fragments rapidly decreasing, the trio just relaxed and enjoyed the silence. It was so pleasant, this kind of silence, so they decided to just revel in it.

After eating most of their egg shells, leaving a few for the journey home, Atlas sat and pondered. He'd been reminded twice now that he didn't need to plan for every step he took, but this didn't mean he didn't want a goal, now he seemed to have a chance to choose one.

"I think..," he paused, speaking aloud to his group, "I think I want to get stronger. I'm not really sure what for though, but I feel like I'll get more answers if I do. That's usually how things go right? I want to get stronger, evolve, mutate, learn to use magic, all the works, but I'm not sure how to do it." 

"That won't be an issue, after all, who better to guide you than a Primordial Pillar of the Spiris?" came a sudden voice behind him. Nythera had appeared again, suddenly and silently. She just looked over the three resting children with a smile on her face that betrayed nothing of how her conversation had gone.

"From now on, your fates are not bound by the machinations of that pompous construct. I will be overseeing your growth along with our people. The world is much larger than you think, and equally cruel, but it is also a beautiful place if you have the strength to carve out your part of it. Your goal is a good one, it might change in time, but for now, that's all you need," she continued, petting the hair on Atlas's head.

[Elder, did you say you are a Primordial Pillar? But, how can that... how can that be? Aren't the pillars all gone?] Said Blanc, confusion painting his mindweave with shock.

"Mm. I reckon most of them are, either having passed or ascended, but my circumstances were unique. I ventured into another plane in pursuit of my research, I found what I wanted, but I didn't have a way back until you three appeared, I've been in that place for what seems to have been eleven million years." Nythera said, nodding in understanding towards Blanc's shock. 

She had a better understanding of how much time had passed after syncing up with the sub-systems of the three. She hadn't gone through all of it, opting to just take things as they come, but she understood why her boy seemed attached to it now. Even she had to admit that the creation vastly streamlined the paths to power for anyone that had it. 

But that didn't mean she regretted her decision whatsoever, she'd never allow his path to be dictated or even slightly altered by the choices or considerations of others. Such an idea went completely against her own [Path]. Now, he'd have the true full freedom to choose, whether he became a great craftsman or a legendary warrior, she'd accept it happily.

"Great. Does that mean I call you master now?" Atlas asked, grinning like he'd made the best joke in the world, "I've never had one of those."

"You say that as if you even had the time to find one, you're a day old at best. No, you will not be calling me master," Nythera said, pausing, "You will call me mother or Nythera, whichever you prefer," she continued bluntly.

"Mother? I thought hatchlings were children of all Spiris." Atlas said, unsurprised by the apparent connection, but more surprised that this was how it apparently manifested.

From the few bloodline memories Atlas had, he understood that once a Spiris chose to have children, and created the egg, they would place it in the Cradle, where they would hatch and be considered children of all of the people. 

"Mm. This is partially true, there are other factors to consider like the weaving of soul-string to create the life-weave, but your case is even more unique. Your essence was created at least in part through my own soul. This, and something else I am not yet sure of seems to connect us. Thus, I am your mother, and you are my only son," she said, smiling towards Atlas.

"I-I see." 

Atlas didn't know what to think. He wasn't against having more family, but it was a little difficult to suddenly accept this explanation, yet his body didn't reject it, almost as if it always knew. It was strange, but he didn't overthink it for now.

"So, what do we do now, m-mother?" he asked, finding it hard to get used to the form of address, the word itself was odd to him.

"You don't have to force yourself, child. We have time. All the time in the world. Just call me comfortably. As for what we shall do now, isn't it obvious? Hatchlings are supposed to be in Velathra, you need to be cleaned, fed, and pampered for a bit longer before joining the training of your elder siblings, then once you're ready, you will take up your castes, focuses, and in the case of your brother, your destined Dakhrai."

Hearing this, Atlas wasn't against it at all. He didn't know if it was because someone else was making the decision for him, or if it was because he'd be able to figure things out in a safe space, but oddly, his entire body seemed to accept this plan. He was visibly relaxing even further as if a weight had finally left his shoulders.

"Come, you three. Let's set out now. Velathra is a day's journey away, and this is a good opportunity for you to train a bit before arriving. I won't be helping you in any way aside from keeping you safe when you sleep in the evening. You will have to handle everything else, including finding water, yourself."

Blanc and Shine momentarily looked towards Atlas, as if asking what he wanted to do. It was odd, but somehow instinctive, as if they'd already accepted that his choice would weigh heavier than the words of this vaunted Elder.

"Sounds good with me... I feel like beating something up right now anyways."

[Mm. To be honest, I also feel like releasing some frustration. I could skin something right about now,] Blanc agreed, the eyes of these two subtly glowing as their bodies boiled.

[You two... are... weird.]

"Hahaha, let's go. Where are we headed, mom?"

"To the north east, go, I will follow behind you. This is a chance to learn how to properly find your way. I will correct your path if you stray too far."

And so, the trio of hatchlings excitedly ran off. It was odd, as if for the first time since waking up they could actually be kids. Their minds were far more mature than the standard newborn, two of them having bloodline memories with immense amounts of knowledge, but their bodies reveled in the feeling of adventure for the first time.

'Time to start seriously leveling,' Atlas thought, grinning.