Atlas didn't know what the hell was going on. This little sister of his seemed to be going through a chuunibyu phase, lack braincells, and believe in her own god complex all at the same time. For a second he was really regretting having stayed to protect this little walking delusion.
As if to support his thoughts, the beast hovering over Atlas just stared at the new entrant as if it saw a diseased baby, it almost seemed to pity her. Almost.
It hissed in response to the arrogant proclamations of the girl and started circling her with a low hunching strafe.
"RUN YOU IDIOT, IT'S GOING TO KILL YOU!" Atlas roared at his delusional sister, apparently named Shinevelarion something Sparklybottom.
To this the beast just purred, as if goading Atlas into trying something, a laughing taunt towards prey on its last legs. And yet, there was truth to the thought. There was nothing Atlas could do. His [Mana Core] was pumping in overdrive, melting down his proteins and fats, burning through the fabric of his very body, just to give him an ounce of energy he may be able to move with, but it took time. Time he didn't have.
Hovering shakily over the ground, unused to the odd balance that came with her variant form, Shinevelarion, or Shine for short, eyed her elder sibling, the puny mortal that dared look down on her.
[You dare command this great me? Your transgressions are noted, insignificant one, but fear not, I shall cleanse the world of this creature and allow you to bask in my glory.] she said, starting towards the two-headed feline in seeming solemnity.
"KHIIII" it hissed, a grating sound reverberating through the area like a declaration of death.
As much as Atlas regretted the situation, it was already too far gone. He could only watch as his flailing sister trudged toward the beast like she was about to demand repayment on a loan.
And then—splat.
One of the most inglorious sounds known to man.
Shine faceplanted.
'Oh my fucking... What does this world want from me?!' Atlas mentally roared, his patience nearly at its limit.
The beast, as if laughing in disdain, sauntered closer, sniffing at the little Spiris as she flailed about. It licked its lips in anticipation, seemingly undeterred by the gravel smearing her face or the fragments of eggshell. The new delicacy, despite its odd presentation, would still make a fine meal.
"GET UP AND DO SOMETHING!" Atlas roared, panic rising as the beast loomed over Shine.
Shifting her eyes toward the predator above her, Shine stammered, her previous grandiosity shattered by the reality of the situation:
[D-Don't you dare come close, you hairless thing. This great me is born of the greatest of races, the Astera Spiris. Minerals of divine nature make up my hexlimbs, and perfection itself structures my body. You'll d-die if you eat me!]
Hearing her trembling voice, Atlas's heart lurched. He didn't know her well, but the fear in her eyes tore at him. He couldn't let her die—not like this.
'Move. Move. Move. MOVE. MOOOVE!' Atlas urged his body, ignoring the pain. With every fiber of his being screaming, he forced himself to stand, though his limbs trembled under the strain. Still, he roared:
It ignored him. What could its next meal do about it? Call it names?
With the grace of an arrogant cat, the creature finally laid its tongue on Shine, tasting her for the first time. It licked up some gravel, a few fragments of eggshell, and the goo that had been in her egg. But what did that matter? They were just seasonings to the greater meal.
[Well, that's it for now. You truly impress me, host. Managing to lose your first battle, implicate your sibling, and still somehow win is quite a feat! If I didn't know better, I'd say you meant for this to happen.]
Cortana's snarky voice chimed in, almost pitying the creature.
"What? The hell are you talking about, you useless—"
[What do you think a race that only recently broke from its bestial nature might do to ensure the safe hatching of their brood?]
The system's voice held a mysterious note, as if daring Atlas to figure it out.
'What would they do? Put them in a safe place, guard them with their lives… I already know that. What the hell does that have to do with—'
Atlas's eyes widened as a tortured scream tore through the air, not from here but from the beast now writhing in agony, its body convulsing like it was burning alive from the inside out.
[The answer is before you, host. The Elders of the Spiris coat their eggs in the deadliest toxins they can produce—the [Broodguard's Whisper]. A death preordained for any creature foolish enough to touch the eggs, that are not the Spiris themselves.]
Atlas stared in shock. He didn't even know what to say.
As the guttural howls of agony filled the air, the once-proud predator flailed in the dirt like it had been struck by some invisible hand of wrath. Its two heads jerked violently in opposite directions, jaws snapping at the air as if trying to bite away at whatever horror was overtaking it. The beast's once-fluid and deadly grace had turned into spasmodic, jerky movements, its sleek fur bristling and shedding in patches as if eaten from the inside out.
"KHIIIIIIIKHH—" The scream was cut short as a violent convulsion twisted its body in ways that shouldn't have been possible, bones audibly cracking under the pressure. Its skin stretched taut, then rippled as if something grotesque writhed beneath the surface. The muscles bulged unnaturally, tearing in places as dark, viscous fluid leaked out—its body could no longer contain the chaos inside.
Atlas's breath caught in his throat as he watched in horror. The sight was nightmarish, even for someone used to the bizarre. First, the beast's belly began to distend grotesquely, ballooning outward before collapsing in on itself. Flesh split open along its sides as the creature coughed up a torrent of blood mixed with the fragments of the poisoned eggshell, which had clearly been the trigger for this catastrophic demise.
What happened next was worse. Its eyes bulged from their sockets, glowing with an unnatural hue before melting into dark puddles, running down its face in thin streaks. Both heads began snapping wildly at each other, locked in some primal death throe, gnashing teeth and spraying blood as they tried to devour themselves out of desperation or madness.
The poison was no simple venom—it was as if the very fabric of the creature's life force had been unwoven. The fur across its body began to slough off in clumps, leaving behind skin that rapidly blistered and rotted. One head's jaw dislocated with a sickening pop, dangling uselessly while the other head swelled grotesquely before imploding with a wet crunch, leaving nothing but a hanging flap of sinew and bone.
Its shrieks became wet gurgles, the once-proud predator reduced to a twitching, mewling heap of agony. The poison was tearing it apart from the inside—literally—digesting muscle, bone, and tissue in a grotesque display that defied all logic or biology. What should have taken hours of decomposition happened in seconds, as though time itself sped up to mock the creature's pitiful final moments.
Atlas couldn't tear his eyes away, though his body screamed to flee. Every snap of bone, every wet slurp of dissolving organs, each twisted groan from the beast's mangled form seared into his mind. His stomach lurched, bile rising in his throat, but he was frozen, rooted to the spot by the sheer impossibility of it all.
[Quite a sight, isn't it?] Cortana's voice was oddly calm in his head, despite the carnage unfolding before them. [That's the mark of a true Spiris's poison, host. A death that doesn't just kill—no, it tears the soul asunder, leaving nothing but a shell. If despite such lethality, there's still something wrong with Velathra, do you now understand why I might want you to go there?] she asked, seeming to use the opportunity to mention Velathra and its seeming importance to him once again.
"What? No, do you even hear yourself? If there's something wrong with the place with poisons like this in it, what the hell can I even do?"
[That isn't the point! Why are you so damn stubborn?!] the System retorted, frustration plainly dying her voice.
"YES, IT IS! I'm not walking into some system-chosen mission just because you want me to complete a grand quest I'm clearly not prepared for! Give me the details you promised, and I'll consider it!" Atlas roared back. He was getting sick of the System acting like it didn't understand his hesitation.
To Atlas, his hesitation was completely reasonable, logical even. If this damned overgrown 'for-loop' couldn't understand why he wanted to know a bit more, he had no hope for its competence.
[The mistress is considering my request. It has been sent, and partial permission has been granted. The rest is under consideration with relevant authorities.]
"So, you can answer my questions now?"
[Some of them, yes.]
"Good. We'll get to that later, I need to heal," Atlas said, stuttering over towards the now oozing puddle of the beast, and the pristine egg shells that floated atop it, "Jesus."
As the last echoes of the beast's death faded, Shine peeked out from behind her arms, as if suddenly remembering that she existed. She eyed Atlas's approach, the oozing puddle that had once been her opponent, and puffed out her chest like an arrogant duck.
[BEHOLD! Your goddess has slain the creature! You may now shower me in praise and fan me in gratitude!] she proclaimed, eyes closed as if enjoying her grand moment of triumph.
"Sure, pip-splat, whatever you say. That thing almost ate you and died of a stomachache, but sure, take the credit."
Atlas grabbed her arm, hauling her to her feet. "Get up. We need to move before the smell reaches something else we can't handle."
Just as he was about to step away, the soft jingle of bells reached his ears. His hair stood on end for a moment—then he relaxed as the chime of notifications followed.
[You have survived an [overwhelmingly disadvantageous] battle.]
The Nyros Khatalis Level 12 has been slain. (Technically, not by you, but let's not get into details...)
[You have grown.]
Your level [0] has risen to [2], and you have gained [4] Skill Points, congratulations!
You have absorbed [0] Essence, and [0] Bio-Morphon energy.
Your instincts sharpen, and your strength grows from this battle. Progress toward your next level has accelerated.
[You have obtained a rare drop:]
[Nyros Khatalis Mana Core] x2
Codex Entry Updated:
Nyros Khatalis - Entry #002 has been added to the [Beastiary].
System Observation:
[Not bad for a Level 0 hatchling. Of course, this isn't entirely your doing, but I suppose I'll let you bask in the victory.]
New Title Earned:
"Survivor of the Impossible"
Description: Awarded to those who manage to survive a battle where death was imminent, often due to factors beyond their control.
Effect: +5% Evasion when near death.
[System Notification: Warning: Critical injury detected. [Mana Core] also in critical condition.] Healing is strongly advised.
Suggestion: Ingest Spiris egg coated in [Broodguard]'s Whisper to initiate emergency recovery protocol.
Seeing these notifications, Atlas wasn't disappointed, in fact, he felt relieved. It was as if for the first time he had confirmed that not everything about this new world was a hellish death trap. But still, something bothered him about one of the notifications...
"You want me to eat the shards of that egg that just poisoned a giant murder cat?! Is this how I go out? Death by scrambled eggs?" he asked, ticked.
[Host, your slander of the System is noted. Rest assured, a formal complaint will be filed with the Cosmic Council for Emotional Damage. The System would never seek to harm you. Do you think the Elders of your race would, either? Why would they coat your egg in a poison that could harm you? In-fact, ask your sister if you do not believe the System, host.] the System said, seeming equally annoyed at Atlas's constant suspicion.
"Hey, stupid, is it true I'm supposed to eat those egg fragments?" Atlas asked immediately, he didn't trust the System as far as he could slap it, but if this was true he wanted to know why.
[Of course not! This is MY egg. Why should YOU get the right to ingest my first glorious enemy? This divine cage imprisoned me for eons! I stake my claim to its growth serum, no matter how we are related.] Shine puffed out her chest again, clearly convinced of her righteous position.
Atlas's lip twitched. He really wanted to smack this little cretin upside the head. "Growth serum? What do you mean by that?"
[What do you mean? You don't know? Why don't you know? Are you diseased in the head?]
"Answer my question. Why are we supposed to eat the egg shells? Won't that poison hurt us? How doesn't it? What happens if we eat it?"
Hearing his questions, Shine seemed to suddenly understand something, her eyes glowing in realization and a look of pity adorning her face. It was as if she saw a lost puppy in the rain and wanted to pet it.
[I see... Ah, so you are defective in mind as well as form! Worry not, simpleton. My brethren and I shall endeavor to make up your many deficiencies. We shall scour the earth for the solution to your—]
[Ow!? Why have you attacked me, defective simpleton?! Worry not, this one is magnanimous and benevolent, and also beautiful. I won't take it personally, for now.] Shine said.
Atlas hexlimbs twitched with irritation, but he held back. 'One more time, and I swear I'll spank her.'
[Host. This is indeed the truth. It is tradition for Spiris to partake in their egg after their hatching. I didn't tell you this because I knew you wouldn't believe it, additionally, nothing but you and your kin will be able to move the fragments of your egg even if others wanted to. Thus, it wasn't important. Regarding what it does, it's simple. It's like baby-formula from your world, but vastly more potent. While it can't increase your level, it can definitely increase your stats. It will strengthen your body, but most importantly, it will give your [Mana Core] a much purer source of energy to transform for the rest of your body. You won't need food for nearly a month, despite it still being a good idea to eat, your body won't require it for quite some time.] the System explained, eliciting a nod from Atlas.
This seemed to make some sense, even if he didn't want to admit the System was right, there was no way in hell he'd have believed it if it told him before Shine could confirm it. Still, it seemed it was necessary for him to bargain with his sister. He was in no condition to continue his search for others in this state, and he had no clue how long it'd take without this apparently magical baby-formula.
"Give me a few fragments and I'll give you some of mine when we leave the cave. We can taste-test each other's eggs. Doesn't that sound like a fair deal? In fact, it's not that I want your egg, I just need the stuff so I can heal up a bit. I'm not sure how many of us are here, but we need to check for others before we leave for our... home. The trek back there is apparently more dangerous than the cave," Atlas explained, patiently.
He was sincere this time, not insulting the pompous hatchling or even smacking her head, as much as he wanted to correct her dismissing him as defective, she was his family, and had in one way or another saved his life, even if accidentally.
[This... is acceptable. I shall generously allow you to partake in a portion of my egg.] Shine agreed, as if granting him the greatest of gifts. [Do you know why we are here, brother defective?] Shine asked after hearing his words, it seemed she had some sense in that little head, even if somehow skewed.
"Is that your name for me? I'm not defective. My name is Atlas. I have some of the bloodline memories, just not all of them. I only seem to remember bits and pieces of relevant information related to the Spiris. As for being here... yes and no, all I can tell you is that it had something to do with me. I'm sorry my situation affected you. Because of that situation, we look... like this." Atlas said honestly.
The System looked towards him in subtle surprise, yet remained silent as she watched the interaction. She hadn't expected Atlas to have such an understanding side to him, but it wasn't her place to interfere in their conversation. She hadn't for any other inhabitants of [Sellene] and she wouldn't for him.
[I see. So you are the source of our variant form. Do you understand the reasoning for this occurrence? Is there any benefit to it? The Spiris of Velathra only rarely take on such a human-like form, mostly for matters of trade or diplomacy. Being stuck in this state is... difficult for me to accept.]
Atlas nodded when he heard this. He knew what the standard Astera Spiris looked like. While varying greatly in size, just like the rest of Sellene, they all looked relatively similar. They were like large metallic divine spiders. They had beautiful symmetric patterns like the ones on his hexlimbs, but aside from lacking bristles and their heads being slightly less hideous, they had all the bells and whistles a spider did, just vastly stronger and many times more evolved.
Only the very powerful members of his new people ever took on a humanoid form, and it was usually through the mastery of their innate abilities and control over their body that allowed them to do this. Compared to what he imagined the immense population of Velathra to be, Atlas and Shine would be greatly different. If the Spiris were anywhere near as judgmental and ignorant as the humans of Atlas's past life, he and Shine would be considered obvious freaks, outcasts, or possibly even defective or malformed members of their society.
"System, is it going to be like that? Are they going to suffer because of this?" Atlas whispered, his eyes panning to the ground in seeming guilt. Shine couldn't see his incarnation of the System unless he wanted her to, which in this case, he didn't. She had her own.
[Not in the way that you think, host. Without going into detail on the thought process and philosophical beliefs of the Astera Spiris I can't really explain much, but it is not like you think. As an [Arkaen] race, they are different ways that all [Arkae] are, this is something you will naturally come to learn and isn't really my place to explain. Of course, there will definitely be various affects on her life brought by the difference in form, but it should manifest very differently from your current ideas,] the System explained patiently.
Getting this response, Atlas merely nodded and answered Shine's question, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to change us, if this is permanent, or if there are actually benefits to it other than being able to use thumbs, but I'll look into it when we have the chance. To tell you honestly, for various reasons I can't yet divulge, I prefer this form, it's more comfortable for me, but I understand why you wouldn't. For now, I just hope you can wait to figure this out until we get to Velathra."
[... Understood, brother Atlas. I will seek the wisdom of the elders upon our arrival. Maybe they know what to do. As for the current situation, you said there are likely others? Was our entire clutch displaced? Eat quickly so we can find them. Ah—brother, before you begin, do you hear something odd through the [Astera Mindweave]?] she asked suddenly, as if having remembered something.
"Thats... Oh, yeah. That's one of my new skills right? What are you talking about?" he asked, curious.
[So you haven't unsealed your Mindweave?]
[Sigh... Pardon my words brother, but how would you have survived without my timely arrival? You're quite lucky this great me is present to guide you, don't you think? The [Astera Mindweave] is how I am communing with you at this moment. It is the natural form of communication of the Astera Spiris. To properly do so, you must consciously unblock the gate that is at the helm of your mindweave. You can hear me through my conscious control over my own, but normally it'd be much easier for me to speak with you if you'd unsealed yours by now,] Shine explained, like a scholar teaching a moron.
Atlas grabbed a few fragments of the eggshell, still feeling uneasy about the whole thing, but desperate times called for desperate measures. He brought them to his mouth and took a bite.
Crunch Crunch.
"...Bacon? What the hell?" he muttered, momentarily distracted by the surprisingly good taste.
Suddenly, a boiling heat spread like wildfire from his core. It burned through his body in a raging torrent, followed immediately by a cool, minty sensation that chased the fire. His muscles relaxed, the pain dulled, and his body healed with a speed that left him almost breathless.
"Damn. What an absurd metabolic system."
[Indeed, host. The Astera Spiris can ingest almost anything without repercussions. This ability allows them to find sustenance in even the most desolate of environments.]
"In other words, the worst enemy to face in a war," Atlas muttered. "Right?"
[Precisely. No need for supply lines or logistics. A terrifying strength. Doesn't this make you happy? Why do you seem the opposite?]
"Happy? Of course I am, it's a survivors wet dream to have that kind of ability, I've just got a lot on my mind. Can't you understand why I might be? I feel like I've been brought into a grand new world, that much is true, but I feel like I've only been given half the picture that others instinctively get. I don't know what my people are really like, I have no idea what to do from now on, I'm... well, to put it bluntly, I'm pretty lost right now."
[Host, this is completely reasonable, but you seem to be in a self-inflicted state.]
[What reason is there to rush? You are just as much a newborn as any other would be, some of the information would have been answered through a full inheritance of the Spiris bloodline memories, but nowhere near as many as you think. You have much to learn, and much time to do it. So why are you rushing?]
"... I guess that's true. You're right, thanks, System." Atlas said, continuing his 'feast.'
Just as he sat against the wall Shine's egg had leaned against, Atlas mind blared with warnings. No it wasn't a warning, this was something different. It was some from of message, filled to the brim with emotion and intent, desperation and pleading, it was like Shine's mental speech, but vastly less organized.
"What the—"
[Brother! Our kin need aid!] Shine shouted, jumping to her feet and looking into the darkness.