Ariana POV
She held her breath, awaiting Valerie's answer.
The vampire woman's light chocolate brown eyes widened. "I have been waiting for this for a long time. So have many like minded people in this palace--and in this kingdom. Merak is crying out for freedom, whether our people know it or not. You have my support."
"Excellent," Dimitri murmured. "Then you'll be the one guarding the 'princess,' and you'll be the one to signal the start of the rebellion. Are you ready?"
"Never more so than now," Valerie answered. "But we'll need to move quickly. The ceremony could take place any minute now."
Dimitri's eyes darkened. "Clearly, they don't want to risk the princess escaping again."
Ariana felt a chill that had nothing to do with the oppressive cold in the dungeons. "Then we need to act soon. Let's go and find the others."