Chereads / Transformers Prime: I am Allspark / Chapter 88 - The Touch Part 48

Chapter 88 - The Touch Part 48

Alpha Trion was a little excited to be greeted by Micronus, the progenitor of the Minicon race. Micronus floated above the water in his lotus position, grinning from ear to ear as his white and green armor glowed in the unusual setting.

Although Micronus was the smallest Prime of the Thirteen, standing only four meters tall, his power was not to be underestimated, as he was the Prime with the largest Energon reserve of them all, able to manipulate energy in ingenious ways.

"I see you've aged a bit... okay... you've aged like hell." Micronus couldn't help but analyze his clairvoyant brother's frail appearance.

"Thanks for the subtlety, brother." Alpha Trion whispered, knowing that Micronus was sometimes too sincere.

Alpha Trion looked around and couldn't help but wonder how the other deceased Primes were doing, searching for them in this dense fog.

"How are they?" Alpha Trion asked, a little nervous to see them again after literally millions of years without contact.

Micronus noticed the subtle fear in Alpha Trion's eyes and smiled, not maliciously, but compassionately, for no one was angry with him, many things had changed after all that had happened. All the Primes, including him, had a cup of humility after the Prime War, and everyone realized their mistakes.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Micronus floated a little higher and put his hands over his mouth. "IDIOTS! ALPHA TRION IS BACK! HE CAME TO VISIT US!" He shouted as loudly as he could, since some of the Primes would be too lazy to bother showing up on their own.

The fog, which was already thick, became even thicker, the clouds began to condense into a more solid shape, transforming into a slender and beautiful female figure.

The female Cybertronina that materialized ran towards Alpha Trion and embraced him, her small stature hiding the titanic strength she possessed, causing her action to drag Alpha Trion a few meters until she collided with a rock.

"Trion!!!! I missed you so much! How are you?" Solus Prime looked like an energetic child, jumping around happily, forgetting about her supernatural strength, creating slightly exaggerated waves with her movements.

Alpha Trion's face was pale, he was receiving a hug capable of crushing even a Predacon's spine with ease, and with his body fragile compared to his peak, it's a death sentence.

"It's good to see you're okay... Solus." Alpha Trion whispered, almost certain he was going to die.

Solus, noticing Alpha's weakened voice, quickly released him, a little embarrassed that she had crushed him like a hydraulic pressure. "Sorry, I forgot how strong I am."

Alpha Trion fell to the ground, taking a few seconds to recover. If a normal bot were to fall victim to the affectionate actions of the only female Prime in the group, there would surely be a funeral. "I'm glad you're still the same person you've always been... maybe a little more restless."

Solus crossed her arms, looking at Alpha Trion with a mocking and somewhat playful smile. "Of course, everyone here is a bunch of bores, someone has to be the fun one to keep this place from being a total bore."

"Hey!! Why insult?" Micronus was offended because he always helped whenever Solus wanted to have fun or play. To the point of creating new techniques just to keep the time bomb called Solus Prime calm and distracted.

"Sorry, Micronus, but if I didn't add a little emotion to this dimension, it would be very boring, so as master of the forge, creator of the greatest Cybertronian relics, I declare myself the goddess of pranks."

"Humph, if Amalgamous were here, you wouldn't have the audacity..." Micronus whispered to himself so she wouldn't hear.

Some heavy footsteps were heard, they looked in one direction and saw a large figure of 15 meters or more approaching quietly through the fog.

When the figure revealed itself, it was easy to notice its black armor with golden details, but its main characteristic was that a good part of its humanoid body had bestial and animalistic parts, such as claws or the most striking, imposing and grandiose wings.

"Looks like the sleepyhead decided to wake up." Solus scoffed, putting her hands on her hips.

"No one can stay awake with that screaming." Onyx Prime, the king of the beasts, commented as he yawned and showed the fangs in his mouth. He looked at Alpha Trion, unable to recognize him due to his aged appearance. "Who is this old man? Did someone forget to take him to the asylum?"

Alpha Trion felt a little humiliated to be called old by his brothers, he didn't mind being called that by other people, but when it came to his brothers, it wasn't the same.

"This old man with one foot in the grave to die is Alpha Trion! He came to visit us before he kicked the bucket." Solus couldn't help but scoff and jumped on top of Alpha, wrapping her arms around his neck and strangling him without realizing what she was doing, once again forgetting her natural physical strength.

Onyx opened one of his yellow eyes attentively, looking at Alpha Trion with a more analytical gaze, observing and studying his energy, recognizing him as a true Prime. "Oh... it really is you, but why do you look like you've aged a million years?"

"Because it's been millions of years, you idiot." Micronus tried to save Alpha Trion from being strangled by Solus, who was acting innocently. He used his powers to make her float like a balloon, causing her to flail in the air.

"Let go of me, Micronus! I hate it when you use your powers like that! It's cheating!" Solus shouted, she hated it when Micronus resorted to sweating his powers against her, because she had no chance against someone with such abilities.

Onyx was completely unaware of Solus' situation, or just choosing to ignore her screams, he seemed to be contemplating the information Micronus was giving him. "Millions of years? I don't feel like all that time has passed."

Micronus sighed, he knows Onyx is an intelligent person, but since his death he spends a good part of his days sleeping dozens of hours a day, waking only when Solus decides to play a trick on him, to make him do something other than sleep.

"Inside the Allspark, its energy and mass make the concept of time very different for us here. Its energy crushes space-time, making what seems like a few seconds to us here seem like hours outside the Allspark." Micronus explained, as he was the one who best understood how the Allspark's powers worked, since its power source came directly from it. "The few years we spent here seemed like thousands of years to others."

"Ahhh... that's black hole logic." Onyx pounded his fist into the palm of his hand, as if he had solved a complex puzzle with a somewhat silly and stupid face for someone of his imposing appearance.

"That's it in a nutshell." Micronus agreed.

"MICRONUS!! LET ME GO!! PUT ME DOWN!" Solus yelled, she hated being ignored like that.

Onyx Prime approached Alpha, who was pathetically catching his breath, and extended his hand in greeting. "It's been a long time, you idiot, I'm glad you're well."

Alpha Trion looked at his brother, seeing for a moment the imposing presence worthy of a Prime of that caliber. He smiled and accepted the greeting, reassured that his brother seemed to have regained his original composure and, most importantly, did not seem to be irritated. "I say the same."

"Apart from the fact that you've aged more than Primus himself, I feel you're weaker, have you forgotten to train all this time?"

"I didn't have time for that. I had too many priorities, so I didn't have time to take care of myself." Alpha Trion admitted, knowing that his power was too weak compared to his peak.

"I understand." Onyx crossed his arms and looked a bit thoughtful. As was well known among the Primes, each one could become even more powerful and skilled in their powers if they used them at a certain frequency, and none of them had an exact limit to their powers, the limit being how determined we were to develop them.

The Predacon looked earnestly at one of the rocks, his yellow eyes shining imposingly. "Are you going to stand there and spy?" He said, feeling the subtle presence of the other Prime listening to the discussion.

On one of the rocks, a Cybertronian in red and black armor with two horns in front of his head lay with his back to the ground and his hands behind his head. He had listened to the conversation with disinterest, but he couldn't help but open his eyes and roll them when he heard Onyx teasing him.

"Damn dragon..." Liege Maximo whispered, stretching out his arm and snapping his fingers, creating a shrill and mystical sound that echoed through the air, causing the most sensitive Primes to stand on alert.

An illusory materialization of Liege Maximo's appearance manifested in front of Alpha Trion, his arms crossed in a smug pose.

"Wow, you look like you are rotten, now we have to create an asylum for Primes, do you want me to bring you some medicine with a cup of Energon?" Liege Maximo's illusionary clone is an offshoot of the original's real personality, so even though he is an illusion, when it comes to insulting people, he is very honest.

Alpha Trion rolled his eyes, not surprised by Maximo's attitude, he had thousands of years of experience not to be affected by his comments. " It's good that you're still the same asshole you've always been."

"I say the same." The real Liege Maximo whispered, causing his clone to say the same.

More heavy footsteps could be heard approaching, though less heavy than Onyx's, their approach could be felt.

A Cybertronian in black armor, with some silver details, resembling the figure of a knight, revealed himself to everyone, with a neutral expression and a serious look. This Prime has had several titles, the most famous being his Guardian nickname, Zeta Prime.

"As much as I am happy to see another Prime, his arrival is not something to be celebrated so innocently." Zeta Prime declared, causing the friendly atmosphere to be brutally shattered.

"Oh crap, the buzzkill has arrived." Solus whispered, crossing her arms while still floating like a balloon.

Zeta Prime heard Solus' words well, but preferred not to comment, but later he would have a conversation with her about authority.

"Micronus, stop playing around and put Solus down." Zeta ordered, keeping his serious and suspicious gaze on Alpha Trion.

Onyx Prime and Liege Maximo rolled their eyes at the same time, making no effort to show any respect for Zeta's orders, which in their eyes were an unnecessary effort to obey, no matter how simple they were.

"Alpha Trion, I assume you came back here after such a long time because of a problem that will affect the fate of Cybertron, right?" Zeta acted this way because he knew very well how his brother's clairvoyance worked, which allowed him to see distant futures predestined in a random manner.

Alpha Trion nodded, as much as he wanted to have time to talk to each of his brothers, even Liege Maximo, the situation was too serious to waste time.

Micronus finally let Solus fall to the ground, made her look at him seriously, and silently promised to take revenge later with some prank, and since she was the master of the forge, this was not a promise, but a fact.

Zeta looked at his brothers and at the largest mountain in this dimension. "Let's go to a more appropriate place to talk."