When Mia goes outside with the Jones family, she looked at her hand where Maria hold. She didn't understand why Maria so fond at her even though she's not her biological daughter, only her daughter-in-law.
Even Caleb's mother didn't treat her like this when she was 'engagement' to him. Caleb's mother treated her like she was a trash.
She then squeeze Maria hand for comfort. Then Maria started to talked about how she want to go to the restaurant with her by using the same car.
Mia wanted to agreed when she saw Logan started to rebuked her mother.
When she saw the mother and son are bickering, she really couldn't believe this duo. 'Why are they fighting when we can just go with the same car though?' Mia stared at the duo and at her father-in-law.
Alastair saw Mia looked at him and 'understood' what she meant. He then try to stop the duo.
When her father-in-law interrupt, she thought that he will make a suggestion on going with the same car but who would have thought he misunderstood when she was looking at him earlier.
'urghhh....I thought he understood me earlier?' Mia screaming inside.
Then Maria asked her whether she comfortable or not with her. 'How could she answer that? it's true that I spend more time with Logan than her because I've just met her but I'm okay with it though...'
Back to the present....
Maria ask Mia,"are you more comfortable with my son than me?" Mia looked at her eyes don't know how to replied too her.
"ummm....it's true I spend more time with Logan when I first woke up but that doesn't me I'm not comfortable with you,m-mom." Mia carefully choose her word.
"Anyway...I'm okay with either of you. So..ummm." Mia racks her brain to settle this 'argument'. "Then how about we just go with the same car? The chauffeur can send the other car to your house, right?" Mia suggested this so there are no more argument.
'Please work, please work, please work...' she plead in her heart and her face are sweating and she's HUNGRY. 'Can I just have some food first????'
"Okay then." Maria agreed to her suggestion.
Mia sigh in relied. 'Thanks god...it's work."
"Then you both seat at the front. Mia and me can seat at the back." Maria said that while pointing at the father and son duo.
Logan nodded his head with disappointed face. 'I want to spend some time with my wife though.'
Inside the car, Maria ask Mia where she wants to eat. "So dear, where do you want to eat?"
"umm...I just followed what you want to eat mom." she said that while smiling.
Maria pouting and said, "But we're going to the place where YOU want to eat. Not me."
Mia silenced. She afraid that if she told her where she wants to eat, they're wouldn't like it. 'But she's different from Caleb's mom....' Mia ponder hard and then spoke.
"T-then, how about we go to the chinese restaurant in downtown. I heard that the chinese cuisine are astonishing and I wanted to try it ever since I heard it." Mia then looked at Maria to see her reaction.
"Then downtown we go....son you heard her. Don't let her starve or she doesn't have an energy for you tonight." Maria blurt it out.
Mia eyes widen. 'How could she be this shameless....' she blushed when she heard that statement.
"Oh dear, why are your face are red? do you have a fever, dear?" Maria concerned.
"N-n-no, mom. I'm don't have a fever, it's just umm...hot..." Mia flapped her hand to her face.
"Hey, my daughter feels hot right now. Don't turn the heater on." Maria said at the man outfront.
The two man pitied at Mia because she's embarrased at Maria statement.
Logan looked at the back and said, "Mom you shouldn't teased her. I would never do that to her because she's just got discharged. She need plenty of rest."
Mia grateful that Logan tried to help her but when she heard the next sentence, she glared at him.
"Maybe when she have plenty of rest then you will meet your grandchildren sooner." Logan said that while grinning ear to ear.
Mia glared at her husband and thought, 'his shameless got from his mother. This duo is terrifying.'
Logan looked at his wife and then chuckled.
The terrifying car trip soon ended when they reach the chinese restaurant.
Logan opened the door for his wife while Alastair opened for his wife. The four of them get inside the restaurant and seat at the empty table. Soon, there's a waiter came, gave the menu at them and take the order.
"Dear, what you want to eat?" Maria ask Mia.
Mia already knows what she wanted to eat because she's regular here at the restaurant when she was Elise Kendall. So she's ordered her usual.
"I want chicken spicy wontons, shrimp fried rice and black pepper beef tenderloin. For water, I just want plain water."
The three people stared at Mia. They thought this is her first time trying this restaurant but she's just ordered like she's regular here.
"ummm...you guys should order..." Mia talked as she scratch her cheeks when she noticed them stared at her.
"Oh...yeah, then we would like-"
They finished eating and pay for the foods and ready to go home.
"How about you stay with us at the Jones residence?" Maria suggest at Mia after they goes outside.
"No. I already call my assistant to pick the two of us here. We'll go back to OUR house." Logan can't let his mother take his wife attention.
"Sheesh...fine." Maria then agreed. "Dear, if my son upsetting you, you can just call me. I send a chauffeur to pick you up."
"Hehe...okay."Mia chuckled.
After that, Maria hugged Mia then goes inside the car to go home.