The behemoth saw the small fry behind him and considered him nothing more than an insect.
However, that didn't change the fact that this insect packed a punch.
Yeah, the wound on its side did next to no damage that it couldn't sustain. Yet, that small injury went deep and really stung.
It hadn't felt this much pain for hundreds of years—not since it fought the kingpins that brought it to defeat.
The four kingpins, currently the ones who ruled the underworld, were stronger than it had thought when they fought.
It could stand against one, but four were just too much.
Well, like a prize won from their battle, the one who delivered the finishing blow made it their slave for eternity—or at least until its death—which was the Shadow Hunters' Queen.
It may have had a low level of intelligence, but it had lived long enough to gain some wisdom about its situation over the last three hundred years of its existence.