Chereads / Fortress of the Last Dawn / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

A loud alarm echoed throughout the house, the sound deafening as it filled every corner with a sense of urgency. Alex jolted awake, his heart racing as he tried to process what was happening. He had never heard an alarm like this before, and that fact alone filled him with anxiety.

He quickly got out of bed, calling for Ariel. "Ariel! What's going on? Why all the noise?"

Ariel responded immediately, but her usual robotic tone did nothing to calm the situation. "A strange substance has been detected entering your body. The substance is not common in normal biological systems."

Alex froze. "What? What do you mean something is entering my body? What are you talking about?"

"My systems have detected a substance that does not belong to any known chemical compound in human organisms. The detection is recent, but it has been occurring at low levels for some time."

Alex raised a hand to his forehead, trying to stay calm. "I don't understand, Ariel. What substance? How is something entering my body without me knowing?"

Ariel projected a screen in front of Alex, displaying a graph with complex patterns and lines. "The substance in question has no apparent mass, no smell, and no physical characteristics that can be perceived. It is undetectable in small quantities, but it exhibits unusual electromagnetic activity, which allowed me to detect it."

"Electromagnetic..." Alex was trying to grasp what he was hearing. "You're saying there's something electromagnetic in my body?"

"Correct. The substance appears to be linked to a type of radiation or electromagnetic field. I've noticed that its presence has increased since the red suns appeared in the sky. However, I was unable to detect it properly until the levels began to accumulate."

Alex sat down at the nearest table, rubbing his temples. "So... this thing, whatever it is, has been in my body this whole time?"

"At very low levels," Ariel explained. "It was only after the recent events with the mutated squirrel that I realized my detection system was miscalibrated. I have now adjusted the parameters, and I can track the substance more accurately."

Alex frowned. "Wait, wait... are you telling me that whatever caused that squirrel to mutate is, somehow, inside me too?"

"It is a possibility," Ariel responded. "I detected the same substance in the body of the mutated squirrel. This suggests that the substance is present in the environment and, therefore, may be absorbed by other living organisms, including you."

Alex stood up and began pacing, trying to make sense of what was happening. "How is it possible that this thing is everywhere and no one has noticed? The news hasn't mentioned anything, let alone something this serious."

"Because the substance is practically undetectable by conventional means. It can only be detected through its electromagnetic activity, which goes unnoticed in small amounts. Organisms appear to absorb it gradually, and only when it accumulates in large quantities does it have a visible effect, as in the case of the squirrel mutation."

"This is insane," Alex said, feeling his head spinning. "And how did this stuff get to Earth? Does it have something to do with the red suns?"

"My analysis indicates that it does," Ariel said. "It is likely that the substance is the same as that which makes up the red suns. Its electromagnetic nature makes it extremely difficult to detect unless it accumulates in large quantities, like in the suns. However, it seems to be gradually released into Earth's atmosphere, and living beings are unknowingly absorbing it."

Alex collapsed into a chair, processing all the information. "So, what you're telling me is that we're basically surrounded by this stuff. It's in the air, in the ground... everywhere."

"Correct. The substance is present throughout the environment, though in low levels. It has been absorbed by animals and plants, and now it is entering human organisms as well. However, its long-term effects are still unclear."

"What kind of effects could it have?" Alex asked, worried. "Is this going to make me start mutating like that squirrel?"

"There is not enough information to make a precise prediction," Ariel responded. "However, I have detected that the substance interacts with biological tissues differently depending on the species. In animals, it seems to accelerate mutation and cell growth, leading to deformities and physical changes. In humans, I do not yet have sufficient data to determine its impact, but I do not rule out the possibility of similar effects."

Alex took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "And how do we know this isn't dangerous? What if this substance starts affecting me the same way?"

"I have begun monitoring your vital signs and your exposure levels to the substance," Ariel said. "So far, I have not detected significant changes in your physiology, but I will continue to monitor for any alterations."

Alex stood up, restless. "This can't be happening. It can't be as simple as something invisible entering our bodies and mutating everything."

"The phenomenon is not simple, but it is not entirely unknown either," Ariel said. "Electromagnetic radiation has had effects on biological systems for decades, though this substance seems to have more advanced and less understood properties. For now, my recommendation is to continue closely monitoring the levels in your body and the environment."

Alex started asking more questions, trying to gather as much information as he could about the substance and how it might be affecting him. Ariel explained that the electromagnetic radiation from the substance wasn't causing immediate harm, but its long-term effects were uncertain. The substance seemed to behave like a catalyst that could alter cellular behavior, but there wasn't enough data yet to know if this would happen in humans.

"And how were you able to detect it now, but not before?" Alex asked, trying to understand how something so dangerous had gone unnoticed.

"When I began analyzing the data from the squirrel, I discovered that my detection system was incorrectly calibrated to detect this substance in small quantities. I have adjusted the parameters to track its electromagnetic activity, which has allowed me to identify its presence in both your organism and the environment."

Alex stopped, taking deep breaths to calm himself. "So... what do we do now?"

"The priority is to continue monitoring your exposure levels and ensure there are no adverse effects. Additionally, it is crucial to further investigate the nature of this substance and how it interacts with living beings."

"Alright... so we're stuck waiting," Alex murmured, unable to shake a sense of helplessness.

Ariel, as always, responded with her robotic calm. "Correct. We will continue collecting data and adjusting safety measures as needed."

A week had passed since Alex and Ariel began experimenting with the strange substance floating in the air, the same one that had caused the animal mutations. Ariel, insistent on the need to investigate further, had convinced Alex to test whether he could interact with the substance somehow, rather than simply waiting for it to affect him uncontrollably.

The tipping point had been the sighting of another mutated squirrel on the outskirts of the farm. This time, Alex had watched as the creature sniffed the air, seemingly attracted to the food stored in the farm. Although Ariel had activated the defense systems and the creature was eliminated before causing problems, the message was clear: more animals could soon be drawn to the farm's resources.

Alex, seeing the increasingly tense situation, began training in the use of firearms. Ariel had acquired several low-caliber weapons through her connections on the network. Although they weren't extremely powerful, they would be useful for defending against minor threats for the time being. Alex spent hours in a specially equipped room, practicing his aim, learning how to handle the weapons, and physically training to be ready in case the mutations reached a critical point.

However, not all his training was physical. There was something much more complex at play: his ability to interact with the electromagnetic substance.

Alex was in a quiet room, his eyes closed, as if meditating. His breathing was slow and controlled, and his muscles were relaxed. After several days of practice, he had started to notice subtle changes in his body. He had learned to focus his mind and feel a slight vibration inside, a phenomenon that Ariel had identified as an interaction with the electromagnetic field surrounding him.

Alex sighed and opened his eyes. "Were you able to measure the data?" he asked, feeling the energy flowing through his body more controlled than it had been at the beginning of the week.

"Yes," Ariel responded. "During the experimentation period, we've discovered that it's possible to attract the substance using your own electromagnetism. Although it's an unusual phenomenon, it seems that your brain generates a slight electromagnetic field when you close your eyes and clear your mind."

"So… you mean by meditating?" Alex smiled slightly, though he knew this wasn't meditation in the conventional sense.

"Correct," confirmed Ariel. "What we could simply call meditation is actually a process in which your brain, by reducing external activity, generates an electromagnetic field that interacts with the substance floating in the air. The substance seems to be dispersed throughout the environment, but it's extremely difficult to detect unless it accumulates in large quantities. However, your body appears to be able to attract it in small amounts."

Alex nodded, recalling how, at first, he hadn't felt anything beyond the discomfort of sitting in silence. But over time, something had begun to change. By focusing his mind and clearing his thoughts, he had felt a subtle energy, as if something in his environment was responding to his internal calm. It was a strange experience, but not entirely unpleasant.

Ariel continued her explanation. "The electromagnetic field generated by your brain is weak enough not to be dangerous, but it seems capable of attracting small amounts of this substance. Over the last few days, we've noticed that your cells are responding to the presence of the substance, although to a lesser extent than in the animals we've analyzed."

Alex rubbed his forehead, trying to process what he was hearing. "And what does that mean? What kind of changes is it causing in my body?"

"So far, the changes have been subtle," explained Ariel. "Your cells have shown increased efficiency in their biological processes. In simple terms, they are functioning in a more optimized way. This includes better oxygen transport through your blood, more efficient toxin elimination, and a slight improvement in cellular regeneration."

"My muscles too?" Alex asked, recalling that he had felt more resilient during his training.

"Yes, your muscles have shown a slight improvement in density and strength," Ariel continued. "However, these changes are minimal compared to what we've observed in the mutated creatures. It's possible that your body is resisting more drastic changes due to the complexity of your biological system."

Alex remained silent for a moment. He had noticed that his physical exercises seemed less exhausting, and he had woken up several times feeling more rested than usual. But the strangest thing of all was the sensation in his mind. It felt like his brain was working at a different speed, as if he could process information faster and more clearly.

"We've also noticed a significant improvement in your brain activity," Ariel added. "The substance seems to be interacting more directly with your neurons, resulting in increased electrical activity in your brain. In practical terms, this has enhanced your cognitive abilities. You may have noticed greater mental clarity, better concentration, and faster information processing."

"It's funny you mention that," said Alex. "I've felt like… I don't know, like I'm smarter in some way. Like I can solve problems more easily."

Ariel displayed a graph on one of the nearby screens. "Your brain activity patterns show an increase in synchronization between different regions of your brain, which could be related to that feeling. Your ability to process information and make decisions has improved significantly."

Alex studied the graphs, though he didn't fully understand the technical details. He knew something had changed in him, but he wasn't sure to what extent that was good or bad. "And how far can we take this? Is there a limit?"

"It's hard to say at this point," Ariel replied. "Theorizing about the limits of the substance and its interaction with the human body is complex. We haven't seen any negative effects so far, but we haven't subjected your organism to extreme levels of exposure either."

Alex took a deep breath. He knew that experimenting with this substance was dangerous, but deep down, he also felt curious to see how far it could go. If this energy could enhance his body and mind, perhaps it could become a valuable tool for surviving what was to come.

"For now, it's important that you continue practicing," Ariel said. "Meditation, or the controlled generation of electromagnetic fields, seems to be the key to interacting with the substance. The more control you have over that process, the better the results will be."

Alex nodded slowly. He knew Ariel was right, but all of this was still uncharted territory. "So, meditate more and shoot less, huh?" he joked, though his tone was serious.

"A balance between both will be necessary," replied Ariel with her usual precision. "But it's crucial that you understand the magnitude of what you're facing. The substance is changing the world around you, and only those who understand how to interact with it will have an advantage in the future."

Alex pondered those words. He knew things would never return to normal, and now, more than ever, it was clear that his future depended on what he could do with this new and mysterious energy.

Alex stood in an improvised training room inside the farm, breathing deeply as he tried to focus. In front of him, a small lamp connected to a circuit waited for him to turn it on without using his hands. The tension in the air was palpable, and although Ariel observed him with clinical precision, Alex couldn't help but feel the pressure on his shoulders. He knew his ability was still weak, but any progress, no matter how small, would bring him closer to understanding the strange power that had begun to manifest within him.

"Focus on the source," said Ariel, her voice echoing calmly in the room. "Generate the electromagnetic field through the electrical activity in your brain."

Alex closed his eyes, feeling the flow of energy through his body. It was a familiar sensation, but always slightly unstable. With a conscious effort, he tried to control the energy and direct it toward his hands. When he opened his eyes, a small bluish spark flickered between his fingers. It wasn't much, but it was something.

"Come on… just a little more," he muttered to himself, his face furrowed in concentration. With one final push, a faint electrical discharge shot from his fingers and traveled through the air until it reached the lamp's circuit. The flash of light that followed was brief, but enough to light the bulb for a few seconds.

Alex exhaled deeply and lowered his hands, exhausted from the effort. Although the power he had generated was small, he was able to maintain it for a bit longer each time.

"Were you able to measure it?" he asked, rubbing his temples as he tried to recover from the fatigue.

"Yes," Ariel replied, her voice as calm as ever. "You generated an electrical current of 30 volts, with an approximate intensity of 0.1 amperes. It's a small amount, but enough to activate the circuit in front of you."

Alex let out a tired laugh. "Thirty volts… barely enough to light a small lamp. Not much."

"Nevertheless, it's progress," Ariel replied. "You're directly manipulating electricity through your own body. Producing an electrical current in a human organism is an extremely rare phenomenon. For comparison, an electric eel generates between 600 and 800 volts, but its biological structure is optimized for it."

Alex nodded, leaning against a nearby table as he tried to calm his breathing. "Explain to me again how this works. I need to understand it."

Ariel projected a graphic on a nearby screen, showing a diagram of the human nervous system, with an emphasis on brain activity and the electrical impulses running through it.

"The electricity you're generating comes from the natural electrical activity of your brain and nervous system," Ariel began. "In humans, the brain already uses electrical impulses to transmit information between neurons, but what you've developed is the ability to amplify those impulses and direct them in a controlled manner outward. By concentrating, you manage to generate a small electromagnetic field that allows you to accumulate electrical charges and release them under your control."

Alex watched the graphic as Ariel continued. "The phenomenon is similar to that of an electric eel, which has specialized cells called 'electrocytes.' Although your body doesn't have electrocytes, you've learned to harness the electrical activity that already exists in your nervous system to produce an external electrical discharge. However, the amount of electricity you can generate is limited by both your biology and the amount of energy you can accumulate in a short period of time."

Alex let out a sigh. "That explains why I get so tired every time I try it. It's like my whole body gets drained."

"Exactly," confirmed Ariel. "Your brain and nervous system aren't designed to generate large amounts of electricity, so your body needs time to recover between each use. Additionally, the amount of electricity you can generate depends on your

 concentration and the energy available in your system."

Alex nodded, grateful for the explanation, but knowing he still had a long way to go to perfect his ability. "So basically, I'm like a weak battery that needs constant recharging."

"In simple terms, yes," Ariel responded. "Over time, as you continue practicing and improving your control, it's possible you'll increase the amount of electricity you can generate and extend the duration of the process."

Before Alex could respond, one of the room's screens displayed an alert. A group of exterior cameras captured real-time images of several animals roaming near the farm's wall. They were more squirrels, similar to the ones he had seen before, but something about them had changed. They were larger, more aggressive, and their movements were more organized.

Alex clenched his fists. "Again…"

In the past week, attacks from mutated animals had become more frequent. At first, they were just squirrels, rats, and other small animals, but they were becoming larger and more dangerous. Ariel had reinforced the farm's defenses, but Alex knew he couldn't rely solely on the current automated systems. The animals seemed to be learning how to avoid the defenses and attacked with more ferocity each time.

"Their size has increased by 15% since the last attack," Ariel pointed out. "They're also showing signs of more aggressive and coordinated behavior."

Alex rubbed his face, physically and mentally exhausted. "This is getting worse... every day they get bigger, smarter. I can't keep doing this."

"The level of stress you're experiencing is understandable," Ariel responded. "However, it's important that you remain calm. The farm's defense systems are active and can neutralize these threats."

Alex nodded, though he couldn't shake the pressure. He was constantly watching the cameras, making sure the animals didn't breach the walls. There were nights when he barely slept, fearing something might happen while he rested.

He moved toward a window, watching the snow slowly falling outside. The red suns dimly lit the sky, but they offered no sense of security. The outside world had become a hostile place, and while he was protected within the farm, he knew the defenses wouldn't hold forever.

"I need to get better," he said quietly. "If this keeps getting worse, I won't be able to rely on just the automated defenses. I have to be able to defend this place myself."

Ariel didn't respond immediately, but then said, "You have the tools to improve. We will continue working on your ability, and in time, you may be able to generate enough electricity to defend yourself more effectively. For now, focus on strengthening your control and reducing the physical strain you're experiencing."