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Key Notes and Red

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Sonus is isolated in his home, stunted by trauma. His doctor suggests that he go outside and see the world for once.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Sonus watched the grandfather clock in silence, listening to it tic and toc. His less than real fingers, resting upon his lap. "Mr. Notare...?", a small voice called out to him. "It's time for your check up." Sonus's eyes shifted off to the side before he stood, and he took a few steps away from his seat. His posture was perfect, and his body was too, it all seemed too perfect. Especially for a man who never went outside to bask in the welcoming light of the sun.

His legs and feet carried him to his room. He was on autopilot as some would say. As he walked through the empty halls, the clicking of his heels were loud and pierced his ears. The lighting was dim, yet it perfectly lit his body, and the hall itself. He was lost in his own thoughts, the constant chatter with himself making him feel less alone. So much so, that it made him feel as if he made it to his room a little too quickly. Standing there, he looked at the knob that never seemed to change. The knob was shiny, brand new. It did change physically, but mentally, it didn't. He grabbed the knob and let himself in, taking in the familiar sight of his own room. He closed the door behind him, now beginning to undress.

He undid his cuffs that circled his wrists. The unbuttoning of his collar followed, then his shirt, belt, and pants. His heels were kicked off at the door, him not caring about putting them away properly at this very given moment. Sonus found himself moving toward his mirror, his feet moving until they planted himself in front of it.

He could see his body. His ever so perfectly sculpted and wooden body. He could see the many joints that were in his hands, knees, fingers, torso, and feet. He could see the unnervingly perfect replica of a groin that he had, that moved and functioned a little too realistically. But most of all, he could see his face. The only thing that looked real about him from the neck up. The main thing that reminded him of who he used to be before. The thing that he hated about himself, and that constantly reminded him of the horror and trauma of his past. He was alive and breathing, but the heart inside him wasn't beating. It was shriveled up and dry, the lungs inside of him were the same way. The brain that he had was inactive, all organs that were inside of him were inactive. All that was active was his own consciousness. His body was entirely made of wood but was colored and shaded and felt like human flesh. He grabbed his robe that hung beside the mirror and put it on, soon leaving the familiar space of his room.

The bright light from the flashlight illuminated his insides as he lay flat on the operation table. "Everything still looks the same. The few organs in your body continue to float and remain lifeless." His doctor, Icarus, spoke. The man's voice was smooth and low, and every now and then, Sonus swore that he could feel his legs tremble before going limp.

Icarus looked at him with pity. He was the only one who knew of his past. He couldn't relate or understand why it all happened to him. But out of the kindness of his own beating heart, he decided to take care of him.

Sonus closed the opening in his white robe. The quiet hum of the ventilation system filled the silence of the room. The blinding light that sat above the table, exposing any particles or dust that floated in the air. Icarus opened his mouth to speak, to break the lingering silence between them. "Sonus, I think you should- you should go out for a change. See the sunlight and maybe even make a few friends." The other, looked at him like he said something so insane. "Why would you suggest that? Doctor, you have seen the state I am in, you know why I can't go out there." Sonus's expression became animated within a matter of seconds. The idea of going into the world, a world that he was no longer familiar with. It frightened him more than anything, even more than 'her'. "I understand your worries, but you, you have been stuck in this home of yours for so many years. You lack any social skills aside from asking your servants to do things for you every now and again." Sonus wanted to argue, but who was he to say he was wrong.

Some time had passed before Sonus left the room. Icarus cleaning everything that he had used on him. Now he was alone once again. The living doll felt even more empty than he already had been for so many years.

The doll stood in front of his mirror once again, nearly fully clothed as he slowly buttoned up his shirt. Moving over to the window of his room, he peered through the draping and looked out at the world that was much different from what he thought he would see. There were no wagons or horses, no crowds of people roaming the streets.

The world that was in front of him now, was a world that Icarus would often tell him about. New four-wheeled contraptions called cars driven by the street, homes that were next to his own abode for many years, some still standing while some were replaced by new and more modern ones. People who owned pets walked down the sidewalk, while some who did not have one, often paused to take pictures in front of the seemingly baron home that was his own. Icarus owned his home, keeping it maintained and clean for Sonus to live comfortably in.

Sonus began to wonder where he would be now, had Icarus and his family not bought his home. Would he be rotting away, falling victim to termites and his body slowly being littered with holes? Turned to ash after his home was burned down? There were so many ifs and that was what he was afraid of.

He turned away from the window, looking to find nothing but his room, but instead, he saw the one who put him in this body and was using his original to walk the earth.

"Feel like going outside today?" Beelzebub spoke, her voice smooth and gentle. She was sitting on his bed provocatively. Her legs were parted, and her hands were planted in the bed, propping up her leaning frame. "What do you want Beelzebub?" For her- or them to suddenly appear, must've meant they wanted something from him, right? Her eyes were locked onto him, smiling. Her lips, painted with a black lipstick and glossy finish. Her locs flowing past her shoulders. "Well?!" Sonus started feeling antsy, afraid. Beelzebub tilted her head a little. He felt like he was being mocked, mocked by the very being that made him this way. She let out a huff as her smile faded. "I thought that maybe after a whole century, you'd be used to me by now." She scoffed. "I only wanted to check up on you." The doll before her paused. She wanted to check up on him. The demon Beelzebub, wanted to check up on him? "Don't make me laugh."

"I wasn't trying to be funny Sonus; I was being genuine." Even though it sounded absurd, after many years of watching over him, she had taken a liking to him. That was something she vowed to never tell. "Right... Sure you were, what do you want." Of course, that didn't mean that she didn't want anything. He watched as she stood up, taking steps to get close to him. He began to back away, eventually getting trapped between her and the window. Closing the gap between them, she looked him up and down. Her hands grabbed his face, a warm feeling rushing over his face. For a moment, there was a faint glow coming from her tattoo, but it was gone just like that. Beelzebub pulled away, now smiling once more. "There. All done!"

Sonus was confused, what did she just do? "I forgot to do this when I first made you switch with me, but now some organs and such within that husk of yours are now functional." She spoke like she was some sort of miracle worker. He didn't really see the point in doing such a thing, nor did he think there was a purpose either. Though, he did always wonder why there were floating organs and parts inside of him, maybe she did need functional parts to keep herself alive. If that were the case though, how was he able to live for so long without them functioning? He didn't ponder on the idea for too long as Beelzebub turned on her heels and sat back down on his bed.

"But back to my first question. Are you planning on stepping outside today?" Sonus shifted in place for a second, his hands moving to grab at his arms, hugging himself as he looked off to the side. "I don't know... maybe? I don't really know if I want to. The world is so much different from what it used to be and- "Why was he telling her any of this? He stopped talking as he remembered that she wasn't welcome, never will be either. He looked at her, seeing that she was still there. "Can you leave... please?" She shrugged, feeling that she had done everything that she came to do. She got up again, now leaving his room. There were no footsteps on the other side of the door, just silence.

Sonus began to breathe again, but for real this time. He was always breathing, but now his 'body' was working. He could feel it, started feeling it not too long after she stepped away from him. It felt good, to have this feeling back. To know that your heart was beating and the brain that wasn't yours... was functioning. To know that you could finally process different tastes and smell different scents. It was like heaven. He felt good, so damn good. Sonus began to smile, basking in his newfound and familiar senses.

But it was cut short, remembering who gave this to him. Remembering the pain that came with getting it taken away in the first place.

A chill ran down his 'spine'. His body trembling momentarily. Maybe he should tell Icarus about this… He WILL tell Icarus about it. And maybe, just maybe, he will even go out. Just not today. Icarus knows more about the current world than he does and who knows what he'll need to officially start his new life.

Sonus began to think, how was he going to come to him about this? Should he tell him that Beelzebub came today? He pondered on the idea, trying to figure out what to say and what to do. Maybe he was thinking about this too hard.

Sonus left his bedroom, now walking past every maid and butler he came across. He felt alive... like he was human again. But of course, that wasn't it. He was quick with his steps, and he almost felt like he was growing tired. "Icarus!" Sonus called to him, hoping for a response that he never got. If he didn't respond then, there were only two possible reasons why. Icarus was either working, or he was resting in his bedroom. And luckily enough, he was in his bedroom.

Upon reaching his bedroom, he knocked, the sound of quiet music could be heard. It sounded like the chords that he would play but with a twist. He slowly twisted the knob to the door, pushing it and prying it open. The man was getting dressed into his daily attire. The upper half of his body, exposed to the cool air of his room. His back was illuminated by the light from the window. Icarus was like a man that was carved by God. His muscles that were finely carved, rippled and flexed. His hands were rough but were used for something that required focus. Sonus shifted a bit before knocking again, but louder this time. "Icarus." The man in front of him stopped the music, turning his way. "Yes, Sonus?" He spoke, this time... Sonus could feel it. He could feel every inch of his being reacting to this man. Every twitch, every ache, and so on; he could feel it. Sonus shook his head, speaking with a clearness that he didn't think was possible.

"She came to visit- Beelzebub I mean…" The man in front of him looked at him with a look of genuine worry. "Are you alright? She didn't harm or touch you? She didn't say anything to you, did she?" Sonus was a little shocked by his reaction, he never thought that he actually cared. "Yes but- she claimed to be checking up on me? Which… Which I find is strange. She touched me… not like that this time-"He froze momentarily, realizing what he admitted to.

Icarus walked up to him, trapping him in a firm embrace. The doctor hugged him for the first time. He touched him in a way that wasn't intimate, but full of empathy. Sonus wanted to cry but he didn't know how, or... at least he couldn't for the time being. He pulled away, with a look on his face, hoping that he would change the subject.

It seemed like Icarus understood. "Sonus, so about going out. I could go with you. If that is something that you'd like- "Yes! Yes… yes please." The other spoke, losing his composure for a moment. "Come with me, I think, you would be a great help when introducing me to the world again."

Icarus stood there, smiling a little. He was content with his response. "Alright, I'll go with you, but first... you need to establish your citizenship and so on. We can't exactly put when you were born, or else it would come off as odd." He pointed out. "You know what...? I'll worry about that for you. Other than that, we can start with a walk down the road. So, you can get used to the air outside." Icarus held Sonus's forearms, squeezing them lightly.

Sonus pulled the man into a hug, a tight one, but not too tight. Silence filled the room as the man in front of him returned that affection. The soft sound of birds chirping and the minor chatter of individuals that passed by the home.

He let out a heavy sigh as he let go of him. Everything was happening so suddenly that he couldn't even process it, and if he had to be honest with himself, he was terrified. He was scared that something could go wrong, that someone would find out about what he truly was. Or that he couldn't adjust to the new world that was outside.

Icarus looked into the man's eyes, seeing his thoughts, but ultimately chose to say nothing. The other turned away, still in his own head and worrying about it all.

Icarus was only thirty-five, a successful doctor with a loving set of parents. He was attractive and had a girlfriend. A normal man that took care of Sonus, a soul who was handed a poor set of cards.

The man was soon left alone to finish getting dressed, and Sonus to ponder on his own future, and what awaited him.