Atha: Dungeon core, dual sword wielder. Is a good grandson.
As the rest are helping Tine build the new guild house, I make my way to Dru's place. I wonder what she and Ariknol are up to. It takes me two hours to exit the town, and to find my way before her cave.
Only, where once there was a cave, there is now a castle. It even has walls, and battlements on it. I blink. A draw bridge, just why does Dru need a draw bridge? The bridge is not down. I slither as far as the tar pit allows, and cup my hands before my mouth.
"Dru! Ariknol! It is me, Atha. Your grandson," I yell. The bridge falls down, the gates open. Dru is on the other side of the door, with Ariknol by her side.
"Do you see this?" She asks, making a wide sweeping motion with her arms. "Ari made me a castle!"
I blink at that. Wait, how did he...?