Allan: Healer hopeful, kitchen helper. Knows that he should have spoken up sooner, but didn't want to ruin the peace.
We are in the guild master's tent again. There is a crib in the corner. I look to see that Junior is asleep. He has grown a little in the past month. No longer does he look like a baby. Now, he looks about two years of age.
"I should kick you out of the guild," guild master Warren says in a drawl. "You don't have a single successful quest."
"What about that stable quest?" Dean asks, nodding towards the crib. "The proof is napping over there."
"You call bringing a demon into the guild a successful turn in?" Warren asks, leveling us all with a hard stare. Junior wakes up then and begins to wail. "One of you better take care of the baby. He is sucking the life out of me."
"That is a horrible thing to say," Dean says, as he moves closer to the crib. "Come now, Dean Junior, up you go."