Augustine: Song weaver, self-proclaimed Life Skiller. Will not get duped again!
I crack open my trusty recipe booklet, one that I have been gathering together for as long as I remember.
I clearly remember that the only reason behind me learning to read and write, was, so I can jolt down recipes. That is not to say I can't enjoy a good book, or didn't do my homework in school. It is just that, well, I enjoy cooking more.
My booklet has a system screen, and endless supply of pages. An extremely rare item. I remember that I tried to send Grandpa Thinker my letter for Yule one year, and it ended up in Dorian Serty's mail. Yes, I never got on the good list because I never listened to my parents.
But that tank sent me my booklet, and a pencil that never gets smaller. I sent him back cookies and milk, thinking that grandpa Thinker had died, and that Dorian replaced him.