Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!...
In the vast sea, streaks of white water shot out like arrows released from their bows, each vying for the lead without yielding to the others.
Among all the Water Clan, a red carp spirit, half-fish and half-human, nearly fifteen feet tall, surged ahead the fastest.
It wore a golden helmet that dazzled and shone, clad in golden armor reflecting rainbows; around its waist, a treasure belt encircled with pearls and jade, its feet shod in boots of a peculiar yellow smoke.
Its nose stood high and lofty like a ridge, its broad forehead as regal as a Dragon Lord's; its eyes sparkled fiercely and round, its teeth sharp and pointed like steel.
It held two nine-petaled reddish-copper hammers, riding the waves beneath its feet and leaving its kin far behind.
The instant it neared the Living Dragon Gate, it transformed into a large Turbid River carp, about a yard long.