The head nurse, though one in a million chosen for her mental quality and ability to handle affairs—both of which were top-notch—still, how could she not go crazy at such a nightmarish scene?
Now, seeing the familiar nurse Xiao Ying lying on the ground, with no sign of life, and then looking at the once imposing elder, as well as the blood oozing from his mouth, she had just screamed before she immediately and subconsciously covered her mouth, which already showed great self-control.
No need for further examination, He Qing knew that Lin Zai Fang's vital signs had already completely disappeared at this point. Seeing the grey-white long hair densely covering his exposed hands and neck, the whole person looked like a gorilla with a human face. He wasn't avoiding anyone at the moment, just squatting to one side, eagerly surveying around, unsure of where to start biting.