Chereads / Trackers (Reimaged) / Chapter 11 - Come Together Part 2

Chapter 11 - Come Together Part 2

Jason House

Brad: Jason where you been

Jason: Just hanging out with friends, formal friends.

Kate: What happened?

Jason: You wouldn't understand.

Brad: Jason, we want to know what's going on in your life. It's our job to protect you.

Jason: I know, but I don't understand what is happening in my life.

(Kate and Brad looking at each other with worried look)

(Brad pulling out a journal)

Brad: Maybe this would help.

Jason: What is that?

Brad: Is your great grandfather journal when he wrote in World War 2. My grandfather knew him and it may have the answers for your family.

Jason: Did my parents read this.

Brad: They knew about it but they never read it. I hope it help you.

(Jason taking the journal and takes it in the room)

(Jason reading his great grandfather writing in the journal)

Great Grandfather: I was chosen for one of the super hero experiments to fight the enemy but I worried how it would affect the baby. Few months later I'm starting feel faster, stronger and have evidence senses.

Jason: Like me.

Great Grandfather Few months later I starting to get angrier, I tried to tell the doctor and his assistant who created the experiment but they didn't listen. I told my closet friend and two others soldiers that I trusted. I have to stop them from doing to others and have to destroy the experiment. I may not survive but I have to trust my friend to take care of my family, because he just as much part of it.

(end of the journal)

Jason: Look like we have the problems great grandpa.

(Jason reflecting)

(Tony getting closer to Jason)

(Jason petting Tony shell for comfort)

(Jason leveling his room)

Kate: Are you ok.

Jason: I still have questions about what happening to me. I do know I can't let it affect my friends. And I'm sorry if never thank you for taking me in when my parents died I kept my emotions shut but that doesn't me I don't see you as parents.

(all three of them hugging)

Jason: But now I have make things up my friends.

Brad: We understand.

(Jason leaving)

Trackers secret lair

(Tom and Max walking in)

Max: You called us.

Jason: Yes, because I need apologize.

Tom: You mean apologize for almost attacking us and lying about it.

Jason: I didn't lie, I just don't now what's happening to me, I don't now how my powers work, I don't now why I show my emotions something bad happens, I don't why I survive the accent that kill my parents, but I do now you two are my best friends and even if Trackers end or you stop being heroes you can still help the world, because you guys are destined to do great things.

Tom: Wow, for a guy who doesn't show emotions you make good speeches.

Max: Jason all three of us don't know why or how are powers work but that's why we a team and great friends.

Tom: And together nothing can stop us.

Jason: I thought you only confident when you Power.

Tom: Kind of, is still me after all.

(Max alarm going of)

Max:Is Jacker his attacking Astro corp building outside of town.

Jason: Looks like we have a chance to make up for our mistake.

Max: Jason here.

(Max throwing a tiny device to Jason)

Jason: What is it.

Max: A late birthday present. Squeeze it with your super strength.

(Jason Squeezing the device)

(The device forming into a new Half suit)

Half: That's new.

Tom: Wow I knew you were smart but how did you make that.

Max: Well those collars those monster dogs have was some kind of stabilizer so with my modifications I made a suit that would you change with Half powers.

Half: Nice work Max now Trackers let's Track down evil.

Astro Corp laboratory outside of town

(Jacker connecting the portal device to machines)

(AA entering the building)

Alloy: Stop whatever you are doing.

Jacker: What's with this world and the number of costume fools it has.

Singularity: Give up you out numbered.

Jacker: Is that right.

(Jacker robots appearing and attacking the AA)

Root: There are two many of them.

Jacker: You fools almost make me miss the Trackers.

Power: Oh I didn't think evil robots parasites have hearts.

(The Trackers attacking the robots that are attacking AA)

Power: Looks like were even.

Alloy: Why are you three here.

Half: The same reason you are.

Jacker: Well you're too late.

(Jacker activating the portal device)

(portals opening up)

Mech: Oh no, that device is messing with space.

Power: What does that…

(Jacker blasts Power into the portal and dropping his staff)

Half and Mech: POWER!

Jacker: Ha Ha, I dreamed of doing that.

Half: Mech help power I'll hold of Jacker.

Alloy: Are crazy his probably dead.

Half: No, his too strong for that.

(Half attacking Jacker)

(portal getting smaller)

Mech: Singularity can you use your powers to keep the portal open.

Singularity: I'll try.

Flash Fire : your not thinking of going in there.

Mech: I'm afraid, yes.

(Mech flying into the portal)

(Mech flying in space looking for Power)

(Mech finding Power and flying him into the portal)

(Singularity leaning on Alloy out of exhaustion)

Alloy: May you ok.

Singularity: Yes, just tired, I probably won't be able to open to many portals for a while.

Power: That was awesome.

Mech: That's one way to express almost being lost in space.

Alloy: I fought you were the scared or timid one of the group.

Mech: Yes, but the scariest thing for me is letting someone die especially my friend.

Power: Thanks dude.

(Both of them fist bump)

The room with portal device

(Half fighting Jacker)

Jacker: You know when you went into a rage you remind me of my masters.

Half: I'm nothing like you or your masters.

Jacker: Obvious but I am wondering why you're not using it now. Is it fear or pride like your dead friend.

(Power throwing his staff at Jacker)

Power: You are not so lucky.

Half: I knew you weren't dead.

Power: Why would I.

Jacker: Get them

Half: Together.

(All of them fighting Jacker and the robots)

Mech: Quick destroy the machine that's powering the portal device.

Alloy: Root and Flash Fire hold off Jacker.

(Root shooting razor sharp leaves at Jacker)

(Flash Fire shoot fire at Jacker)

Half: Now hit all at once.

(Alloy turning into iron)

(Half, Power, Mech, and Alloy destroying the machine)

(the portals closing)

Singularity: We did it.

(Giant earthquake)

Power: What was that?

Jacker: (Laughing), You humans really do have one track mind you never fought that they were portals outside of the building or what I was calling.

(Flying through the roof)

(All of them looking outside of the window and seeing Ultra Droid)

(Ultra Droid about to fire at the building)

Mech: I think we need a plan B.

To Be Continued