Chapter 8 - 8


In the Avengers Tower, where the most powerful heroes on the planet were located, a meeting was being held to discuss the actions to be taken regarding the affairs of one of the former members of the team, which is accused of murder, assault and collusion with criminals.

´´Tony, we can't let that menace in a red and blue suit walk loose out there, we must catch him to interrogate him. You could see a Hawkeye enraged by the fact that his teammates can't decide what to do with the person he thinks is one of New York's biggest threats.

´´Clint, you know that we cannot act on impulse in a situation where it is not clear what the truth is. Steve Rogers did not agree with the method proposed by Clint.

''Steve, you know that Clint is right, because more than you want to wait for the results of the in-depth interrogation of the thieves, it is better to capture Spiderman directly, it would be better if we captured him in his civilian phase.'' In a tone that denoted arrogance, Tony agreed with what Clint proposed. 

´´Tony, perhaps it is impossible for you to stop your arrogance for a moment and look at what is at stake, we are talking about capturing Spiderman without his suit, your damn selfish desire for money and power does not allow you to realize what What that would mean for Peter! Jessica Drew's angry voice was heard.

Of course, Jessica wasn't the only one to react badly. Tony immediately said to interrogate Spiderman in the room, everyone present looked at him as if they were looking at a power madman, even Clint who didn't like the spider would not allow Tony to do such madness.

``Tony, Jessica is right, don't think we don't know why you want to reveal Peter's true identity, we're not stupid.'' Carol Danver's angry voice could be heard throughout the meeting room, but none of those present attempted to calm her anger with Tony. 

``I see why the spider lord stopped coming to our weekly meetings.'' Thor, standing up, prepared to leave, he couldn't be in the same room with someone he couldn't trust. 

``You know, let's leave the mission of capturing Spiderman for someone else.'' Natasha tried to change the subject to lighten the mood in the room, but was interrupted when the screen, which presented a map of all of New York, suddenly went static. 

``That shouldn't happen.'' In a worried tone, the Gwen of universe 65 asked. 

``Avengers prepare, Nat, we will continue talking about what you wanted to tell us later. For now, be prepared, we don't know what could be what interrupts the signal. Captain America, realizing that something like this should not happen with Tony's technology throughout the tower.

``I'll go prepare the transportation.'' Tony, with a very obvious tone of annoyance, went to prepare the transport. He knew that in these situations he was nothing more than a villain who wanted to prove his worth by destroying their firewalls to announce his plan to the team. 

The other people in the room listened to Steve and prepared for any inconvenience that could happen, since they are already used to situations where they announce their plans by interrupting the signal from the tower.

''Who are you''. Spiderman asked.

The sudden sound of the voice of one of their former members made everyone in the room even more tense. 

Everyone in the room knew that when one of their colleagues, no matter who it is, is recorded on audio it means they are in danger. 

''You came back spider, it seems that waiting a year to make a deal was not a waste of time.'' 

Just by hearing his voice, Gwen 65, Jessica Drew and Miles trembled to the bone in uncontrollable panic, especially Jessica Drew, who was trying with all her might to seal that uncontrollable scream in her head that was screaming at her to get away from that voice, was so bad that it began to affect her pregnancy immediately. 

The other Avengers present quickly realized the situation, Thor being the one who threw lightning at the screen, destroying it, and the others went to the aid of the spiders. 

After a moment of uncontrollable panic, the spiders came to, although they were still trembling. 

``Well, sorry for asking so abruptly, but WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED TO YOU!'' An angry Tony tried to speak as calmly as possible, failing at that, because despite his selfish way of being, deep down he cared about his teammates.

The others in the room didn't say anything, they just waited for the spiders' response. 

``We must save Spiderman.'' A pale Gwen said anxiously to the Avengers, being quickly supported in her decision by the two spiders in the room.


``I'm sorry I'm not empathetic, but if I remember correctly, Spiderman resigned from the team.'' spoke a carefree Wanda, who quickly arrived in the room after hearing the commotion. Being that said commotion had already calmed down at the time of his arrival.

``You don't understand, the person who spoke is one of the worst spider villains in the multiverse, he is one of the biggest spider killers that exist and at this moment he is with Spiderman. Gwen spoke as she headed to the door accompanied by Jessica and Miles. 

The other Avengers knew that Spiderman's situation was precarious the moment they heard Multiverse, so without a moment's hesitation all the Avengers available in the tower quickly went out to the quinjet, where Tony asked Jarvis to search for Spiderman's location being warned that he was in a place near the George Washington Bridge.