"I know," Heila said, closing her eyes and snuggling into Ashlynn's warm, comforting embrace. "I used healing magic to kill a man," she said, opening her eyes and looking briefly at her petite, delicate hands. "I filled him so full of healing magic that his body failed him, and I just, I just wanted to…"
"It's all right," Ashlynn said softly as sobs shook her friend's petite figure. "I understand wanting to use your hands to do something good after doing something that felt so bad."
"It wasn't like in the visions," Heila sniffed. "In the visions, no matter how real it felt, I knew it wasn't real. So I just, I just wanted to do whatever it would take to make the visions stop. But this time I felt… I felt like I was connected to him while he died. I could feel the energy flowing through him, destroying him bit by bit. Because of me. Because I was doing it to him."