Ashlynn and Amahle spent several hours with the old, worn book that described the covens of Ashlynn's predecessors. The more she read, the more certain trends began to emerge.
"Oak seems like the most common choice," Ashlynn said as she leafed through her notes. Outside the window, insects droned with a high-pitched buzzing that made it hard to concentrate the way she was accustomed to in the quiet studies behind solid stone castle walls, but taking notes and keeping herself organized as they worked through the records helped her to stay on track even when the increasing heat and incessant droning conspired to sap her focus.
"Virtually every Mother of Trees has given birth to an Oak Witch at some point," Ashlynn said, looking at the tick marks she'd made on the page to note how often this particular tree had come up. "And it seems like those witches wield considerable strength."