It hasn't been long since the failed assassination attempt at the Garden of Dahlia. Eight minutes, thirty-two seconds and counting, to be exact.
Our group, with the addition of the two guards escorting us, is on the way back to our chambers which is located in the higher floors of the castle.
The trek up the castle is mostly uneventful, save for some moments where we would pass by some servants or patrolling guards, thinking they would strike at an opportune moment but the moment never coming to pass.
Mother is walking at the front, acting as the vanguard. Whenever we'd walk past someone, they'd usually step to the side of the hallway to bow and greet her. The guards, who are walking at our sides, keeps their guard up in case something happens but nothing ever does and to some extent, I find it funny.
Beside me is our caretaker, Ms. Valentine who is carrying an asleep Luciana in her arms. The events that transpired earlier must have exhausted her though I don't think she managed to see the brutal spectacle that I saw considering that she made no mention of it. That's good news at least.
A lot has happened today but the thing that stuck with me the most was not the gorgeous view of the kingdom nor the brutal execution of our assailants but instead the apparent ban of magic in within the kingdom.
Usually in fantasy worlds that I've known in my previous life, magic has always been available for all to use. I can't believe I'm living in a kingdom that forbids the use of it. I guess I'll just ask on why that is.
We made it to our chambers safe and sound. Ms. Valentine tucked Luciana in bed as soon as we got in. As for the guards escorting us, they were made to wait outside for a moment. It seems their job isn't done yet.
Inside our room, Mother told us that she'll have to go meet back up with Mr. Armand. She didn't say the reason why but it was fairly obvious. She's going to interrogate the assassin.
And just like that, Mother and the guards made their way to the underground prison.
I ended up just sitting on a chair to let everything that happened sink in. I must have had a terrible look on my face because it ended up getting the attention of Ms. Valentine.
She stood beside me and put her hand on my back and started caressing it to comfort me. I looked up at her and noticed the bitter look on her face that was quickly replaced with a forced, tired smile as if to put me at ease.
"Are you doing okay, Lucien?" she asked with that forced smile on her face.
I'm never good in this kinds of situations. I want to reassure her that I'm not that bothered by the entire event but would it be a normal thing to say for a very young kid? I don't know. Should I keep up this act of being a kid or just embrace being a "genius" and be true to myself.
I feel more comfortable with the latter and either way, these assassin attacks will keep on coming regardless of what I do.
Alright! I'll live this life however I want to!
Looking up at Ms. Valentine, who is still wearing a weary expression, I decided to reassure her that everything is fine on my end.
"Yes, miss. I'm doing great!" I replied with a smile on my face.
There was a silence in the room after I replied to her. Huh, did I say the wrong thing?
"I feel so sorry for the both of you. I'm sure Queen Laine feels the same." she said with a worse look than what she had earlier.
"Why do you feel sorry for us?" I asked curiously.
"Because the both of you were born a Scheherazade." she answered while tears are streaming down her cheeks.
"If only I hadn't stopped Queen Laine before, then maybe…" she continues.
"Stopped her? What do you mean by that?" I inquired.
"I-it's not something for you to be concerned of." she retorted with a hint of irritation in her voice.
"Just know that because of it, the two of you will be living a life of hardship." she continued with sorrow in her voice.
Once again, the things that are happening in my life are way out of my hand. Am I truly that powerless against these unseen forces? I refuse to accept that.
I want to do things my way.
"It's okay Ms. Valentine. I'll get stronger!" I answered, trying to reassure her.
"H-huh?" she replied, puzzled.
"I'll get stronger! Then I can protect Luciana and Mother. I'll protect you too!" I said with full confidence.
It's a magnanimous task to uphold and it felt a bit pretentious to say but I'll make sure I get stronger. So strong that danger won't even attempt to go near me.
The old caretaker started chuckling, a welcome sight that has been missing for a while.
"And how do you suppose to do that?" she asked.
"Well…" honestly, my vision for my rise to power is Mother's promise to teach me and Luciana sword fighting then maybe somewhere along the way, I can convince Mr. Armand to teach me magic.
"Mother said she'll teach me sword fighting and I'll keep asking Mr. Armand to teach me magic." I said but to my surprise, Ms. Valentine's eyebrows were furrowed when I looked at her.
"Shh!" she silenced me instantly.
"Never mention learning magic again! We don't know who's listening." she whispered into my ear.
Now that she mentioned it, Mr. Armand did say that magic is banned in the kingdom. I wonder why that is.
"Ms. Valentine! Do you know anything about why magic is banned here?" I inquired.
Ms. Valentine took a seat beside me. It seems like a long story.
"I don't know much about the details but-" I guess not…
She continues.
"As the story goes, about a hundred years ago, during the reign of your great-grandfather, King Albert, a great war ensued between the Kingdom of Scheherazade and the Magic Nation of Magigentis."
"Magigentis's wizards were few compared to the fighters of this kingdom and yet, they were able to push back our armies."
"At the height of the war, as the kingdom was close to defeat, King Albert sought out powerful magic users to help with the war effort, and help they did."
"Battle after battle, Scheherazade's armies, alongside the magician mercenaries were able to slaughter their enemies. But at the last battle, just outside the capital city of Magigentis, the mercenaries disappeared, never to be seen again."
"The battle was hard fought but in the end, it was a victory for our kingdom. Despite the disappearance of the mercenaries, the soldiers were able to fight the enemy with the newly invented anti-magic weaponry ranging from swords and spears that can shoot off powerful magic to shields that can absorb the enemies' spells.
"As defeat was imminent for Magigentis, in a last ditch effort to save themselves, they casted a spell that lifted their entire city off the ground all the way above the clouds."
"The war took two decades to conclude with a Scheherazade victory but as the army made it back to Schera, the royal treasury was plundered. Supposedly, the mercenaries left the frontlines and went back to Schera to steal all it's wealth."
"Ever since then, hatred towards magic and magic users in this kingdom, especially within the royal family became normal and in some cases, lead the kingdom to attack nearby kingdoms and integrate them into its territory… or so I've heard."
Woah! To think that such a thing had happened. No wonder there is distrust towards magic in the kingdom.
It seems like magic is going to be a no-go. Argh! I really wanted to learn it too but I guess I'll have to make do. Maybe I can learn in secret?
"What if I try to learn it in secret?" I asked half-heartedly.
"Don't even try. Even if you're a prince, you're not above the law. The people around you will suffer as well. It's not worth it." she answered with a stern look on her face.
Jeez. I better just drop it then. I can only hope somewhere down the line, I can learn magic in this world. Maybe at another kingdom.
"Well then..." I whispered to myself as I knelt on one knee in front of our caretaker.
"What are you doing now?!" she uttered with a hint of surprise but mostly annoyance in her voice.
"I, Lucien Scheherazade, hereby promise to learn the ways of the sword so that someday, I can protect those who are dear to me." I pledged while putting my right hand on my heart.
Instantaneously, I got my head smacked by Ms. Valentine.
"What are you even talking about? And where did you even learn those words? I swear, you're really one weird kid." she said, a bit flustered then letting out a slight chuckle.
"Thank you though. I'll look forward to it!" she followed-up.
I became flustered as well. All I could do is scratch my head where she smacked me at and let out a chuckle.
In the Castle's Underground Prison.
The queen has arrived along with her two escorts. The prison looked just like any other prison; dark, damp and void of all beauty that the outside world possess. It's a place no soul would like to be at.
The queen seemed so out of place there, with her elegant dress, well-kept hair and makeup but it didn't seem to matter at all. She was there for something. Yes. She is there to interrogate an assassin who tried to attack them earlier but failed.
The court mage was also there. He brought the assassin inside one of the cells and locked them up as he stood at a distance to keep watch.
Yet, before the Queen even arrived there, the assassin seemed to have mysteriously died. Nobody else entered the underground prison and the mage, Armand Gallagher, has not seen any movement inside the cell.
A couple of guards are entering and exiting the prison, checking if there are suspicious people in the area but to no avail.
Queen Laine approached Armand to ask him about what just happened.
"Armand, report!" the queen said with a commanding tone.
"My Queen! Forgive me. The assassin passed in my supervision." the mage apologized in a defeated tone.
He continues.
"I'm not sure myself as to what happened but the assassin passed away shortly after I put them in their cell. There are no visible wounds so I could only think of poison."
"Damn it!" she muttered under her breath!
"Were you not able to get anything out of them?" she asked.
"I'm afraid not, my Queen." he replied
Silence filled the dark prison room. Queen Laine and Armand entered the prison cell containing the now dead assassin. One of the escort guards stood by the entrance to keep watch while the other followed the two with a lamp in hand.
The previously dark room is now illuminated by a light allowing all three of them to see most of the contents in the room.
As Armand have said, the assassin lies lifeless on the ground with no signs of wounds on their body. The only thing we were able to discern is the man's eyes. It was pure white.
"Armand. You say this could be the work of poison?" the Queen asks.
"It could be. Nobody just dies in complete silence." he quickly answers.
"I see. I want you to look into this matter further and to not speak of this to anybody else, even the King. Do you understand?" Queen Laine whispered, making eye contact not only to the mage but also to the guard with them.
"Understood, your Highness." replied the two in unison.
"What will you do now, my Queen?" asks Armand.
"I shall pay a visit to the other Queens. I suspect one of them have something to do with this." she replied with a determined look on her face.
And with that, the Queen left the underground prison in search of the other Queens in the upper floors of the castle leaving Armand and his two guards behind to conduct tests on the dead body.