Chereads / DIBAIN YŌSO / Chapter 1 - DIBAIN YŌSO


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Chapter 1 - DIBAIN YŌSO

chapter 1:

The end era of viking.

Deep into the woods where a viking king resides, there is a uproar as the berserkers tries to tranquil the situation. "without wasting time as we have all accumulated here. Shinseina ni Shunsui, my son, will not be executed but will be deported from ever stepping on this land for his actions and not following our rules."

forced to his knees besides a hole that was supposed to be his grave with his hands and feet chained together, face covered with his tunic.

"Do you have anything to say before you leave our land?" With a sword pointed at him. No response as everyone leaves him behind ,and his father falls behind ,and takes one last glance at his son and walks away.

Odin reach out to grab a knife on the ground and attempts to stab himself before he makes contact with his flesh he hears the voice of his mother, and takes off the tunic off his face to check but doesn't see anyone . "So you are really not coming..."

Slowly picks himself off the ground and begins to walk in the opposite direction "If I wasn't the king's son I wouldn't be walking like this but one day I will come back and deal with this matter." he calmly said.

After walking for hours barefooted he leans on a tree with his back. " measuring the distance I've traveled I'm not far from the Osborne's if I get spotted I will be In trouble again. Shit!" slams his hand on the ground.

"It's getting dark soon... what must I do? I didn't think that I will be caught this early. There will come a point whereby I will have to take a risk,maybe join the opponents." a herd of drank man passed on the other side of the brush and Odin checks them out.

"What the... how Is this possible." This is the first time he saw the size of the Shitto clan since the age of 6, man with big hands and thick necks ,people how are 2 time his size. He steps on a dry branch and immediately regrets it, one man stops and the whole group does the same.

"What is it."

"I thought I heard something."

"I blame the liquor in your hand." pats him on the back and they all laugh, leaving.

inhales deeply for air and exhales. " that was close! I should think fast about where I can go!" starting to get frustrated.

He passes out due to exhaustion and constant over thinking. Later that night he wakes up to a lighted fire with an animal skin ripped around him to shelter him from the cold. Without the energy to do anything he starts to stare at the fire and he remembers that he didn't start it.

He position himself well and face the fire, "As a son of a king it's my destiny to become a king... I will be one no matter what, I won't let anyone come before me and my goal." His stomach start to grumble.

"This is not hunger, this is the body releasing all the gasses." A voice comes from behind him.

"There is no need for you to be chasing a foolish dream of becoming a viking king, that era is coming to an end." He crawls near the fire, pulls a burning wool to light up and looks behind him, heart beating faster.

"Who is there?hello... come out now!" There's no movement nor sound. "I'm I hearing things? no no I heard something but what? or who?" Gains the strength to position himself like before again.

The next morning he wakes up just about sun rise " Ohh I made it through the night." remembers what he heard last night. Stands up and looks around. " I have decided that I'm going to try and join the shitto kingdom! it's only few minutes walk." Right on his way he runs into a group of men and tries to sneak back into the woods.

"Hey wait kid!"

"Damn, I'm caught again. " said it to himself, and stops with his hands up. " That clothing... well at least someone is dumb enough to take a stroll into the enemies land, you will die without making babies kid." Said the man approaching Shusui.

"Turn and face me young lad." Does as he's told. " What! the son of Lord Mizu... ohh how can I forget you were kicked out for your acts. You shouldn't be exposing yourself like this, it's time for them to be patrolling the area if we get spotted it will be bad news."

"we?so you too are not allowed here?"

"yep precisely!"With a wide smile. " If I and my men get spotted, what was supposed to be done to you will be done to us, and trust me it will done today." Shunsui lows his hands.

" So who are you guys?"

"we are the x10." attempt to shake his hand but Shunsui gives in after thinking about. " oh sure you already know who I am so what does the x stand for in x10?"

"It doesn't stand for anything really since we used to be 10 in the group that's why, but enough about that where will you go from here."

"I don't know joining the Shitto kingdom was my only option."

"You kid really have a death wish. Did you think that they will feel sorry for what happened to you? that's stupid they would turn you into breakfast." Feeling sorry for the kid.

"How about you join us for a while then you can decide after that"

"You already have your answer." annoyed and looks away. The guy and Shizen join us with the other guys. " How are you doing king?" asked one of the guys and Shizen just nod.

"Alright guys it's time to go home."

The guy puts his hand around Shunsui shoulders leans his head closer , and the two guys walks behind them. "You see king, everyone here have one thing in common..."

"And what's that?" Shunsui with his head turned to face this guy. " Damn, didn't think you will ask." laughs " We want to make a difference in this world. You actions were influenced by something greater than you and its not by mistake that we met."

"You love to speak in riddles... but you are right but what do you mean by influenced by something greater."

"Ohh seems like they haven't approached you yet. Tell me didn't anything that didn't make sense happen?"

"Now that you mentioned it, last night something happened let's say I got a treatment only my mother gave me from who?I don't know."

"A mother's treatment you say...I wonder what kind of a spirit chose you." Stand straight. "If I keep on asking you I will be more confused, I guess I have to be patient."

"Wait here. Sono open the door for us." Tetsu stand infront of them and pull out a painting brush from a huge bag on his back. "Open sokoku"

A wooden door appears with two guards kneeling down. "Welcome back master!" Shunsui is the first he saw he's been so amazed, everyone enters and he get left behind "You are falling behind Shunsui..." As soon as he sets both of his foot the door vanishes.

It's still night-time "What is this place?"Amazed. "Well this is Shusshōchi, everything in here is drawn including those guards and the person behind that is this guy called Sono geijutsuka." He turns his head...

"Welcome to my world. You are welcome and again, welcome to the family. " Shunsui who is left speechless bows his head to say thank you. He join them and they enter the palace and they sit on a royal table.

"As we all have settled down, I think it's time for me to reintroduce myself to you Shunsui. My name is Lodocial and I've been chosen by all these guys to lead the organization." Now he gets all serious.

"The mood just...just changed." Shunsui feeling the uneasness but everyone looks calm." So I have a question for you, shunsui. " asked Sono

"Do you still have the intentions of becoming a king and why?" Everyone listens attentively " Oh sorry for zoning out. I'm no longer sure anymore, the reason why I wanted to be a monarch it's because it part of my culture that the son of the king will eventually take over. But as time went by I started to have a different vision my type of rulling is leading my people to war not to set around and wait to the report.

I'm not sure if I gave you the answers you wanted but I'm sure you understand where I come from. fidgeting "Thank you for giving me an honest answer, I still have questions but I'm patient enough to get them by observing you." Shake Shunsui's hand.

"If I may ask... when I asked what does the x10 mean you said you used to be 10, what happened to other people?" The question is directed to Lodocial as the mood of everyone changes and seem down.

"OK I will tell you nothing but the truth. Remember when I told you that your actions we influenced by something greater... keep that one In mind.

"While we were on a mission to invide the search for the elixir of life we encountered something or some force in that cave. We were trapped in there and we were given condition on how to escape... but few people had to be left behind ,those were the conditions.

3 of our seniors who had taught us most of the things we know today offered themselves to this force ,and they got devoured right infront of us with their blood all over us. 3 glowing lights in fruit form appeared infront of us and we were given an instruction to consume them and the next thing we were back here, home" This left Shunsui surprised and filled with confusion

"Judging from your face this is not made up. A lot has happened here so that means that I've encountered one of this beings or forces?"

"That is what I think, I think they are particular, specific people that those beings choose to bless with supernatural power.

That leads to one conclusion its either you were born with this forces receding in you or you were chosen." Shunsui stand straight on the chair and look at everyone

"Then this means that they have more than one thing in common including..." Talking to himself. "So this means that all of you present here have certain abilities?"

"precisely, everyone here including you." This passage leaves Shunsui with his eyes wide open in disbelief. "Don't you wonder why you don't have your father's amazing physical form and his height? You were rejected from birth there was no way that you would have ruled that kingdom."

This angers Shunsui who stand up with a knife on his hand

"Don't talk like you know! how dare you ?" shouting. " This is the truth Shunsui just sit down" now Sono intervenes "So you too?" Slowly sitting with his face covered in anger.

"Everything Lodocial said its true. Due to lack of physicality your father never viewed you as his successor or a crown prince. The path you are destined to walk is very different from your father, this is time to establish your own." with a straight face.

"I'm not even sure if I'm following what has been said here. What makes both of you so sure?" With his head in his hands, facing down on the table.

"I know it is too much to take it in, but I will be happy to walk this path with you along with everyone." This makes him calm down. "OK... But what if you're manipulating me because I don't have any knowledge off all this"

"You can always change your mind. Everyone here says a say but just that in any group there was be a leader one's words must be valued more."

"I have a question. " wipping tears with his bare hands and giggles a bit. "Yes... go on." Shunsui looks up at everyone with a face of mixture of emotions sad but happy with a creepy smile. "Will you help me walk this path? Can I relay on you and have faith like a blind person has on he or her stick?"

"Shunsui... You have our support the organization was still missing a piece and it was worth waiting for." Shunsui gives

a genuine slime.

"I would love to apologize to everyone present here for my actions it's my first being cornered. I'm not good at expressing my feelings excuse me but I have to be accountable for my doings. I don't want lie it's too much to digest what has happened today but thank you for your honest truths, it's much appreciated."

" Welcome to the family again. My name is Taiyō and I'm the person who's in charge of few things here like planning missions but mostly a spiritualist." Everyone is standing up.

"Come this way... ain't you eager to know what types of abilities can you use?"

"I don't know what to say I guess we will see." With a smiling face and everyone around walking away they pause at a dead end in a passage of plain white walls. " I. Taiyō connect the words and open this door." A bright light only Taiyō can look at appears for a few seconds and disappears. The passage in now turned into hot springs and caves with a lot of vegetations.

"It's been a while since we came here Shunsui , the only time we came here is when we have a new member so it's been ages." All standing between the hot spring and the caves.

"Goodluck Shunsui." Said Lodocial and everyone besides Shunsui and Taiyō walks in the direction of the hot spring all looking worried.

"Why is everyone not coming?" Looking at them. "They are not allowed besides only two people can enter unless if we are instructed otherwise. Lets walk."

They all walk in opposite directions. After few minutes of walking the reach the opening of the cave. "If I may ask what can go wrong in here" It's pitch black. "I might not return... take this." hands him a lamp.

"Thank you." They walk inside the narrow cave and Shunsui steps on something and picks it up and holds it close to his face. "Wait! This is..." throws the human skull away and gets closure to Taiyō. " Sorry I should have warned you about picking up anything or even looking down."

"Can I ask you something?" . Voice cracking.

"It's better if you don't know." Continues moving after several minutes the cave changes shape to a dome shape with candles around with water flowing on the walls. "We have arrived."

"Wow. This is such a beautiful place you can't expect such a place here." They both feel a presence that force them to knee because it doesn't like to be looked at by strangers.

"It's nice to see you Taiyō. It's been a while and I see you are not alone. You both can stand up." After having a glance at what was infront of him Shunsui involuntary steps back and starts shaking in fear.

He sees water in a human form with water facial features. "Oh he looks young and I have a good feeling about this kid, something is different about him. Hey kid!" Shunsui fear evaporate. "Welcome back. You fear is understandable I guess that I'm just that scary or ugly scary." laughs

"I'm known as elder. My jobs is very simple I just check in which elemental you fall under and limitations." Shunsui nods but just before elder can talk he finds the courage to talk. "Hello elder. You mentioned limitations right?"

"yes young one." calmly said " I can already tell you both have a connection it means you know the rest of the members who is the strongest amongst them?" This shocks everyone.

"You question is very vast because all of them are very strong but one individual stands on top of all of us even if we were to gang up on him we can never scratch him. You will get your answer on your next visit." laughs again but Shunsui looks very disappointed but eager to know this individual.

"OK. Thank you elder."

"You can step forward King." said Taiyō quietly.

A drop of water comes out of his middle fingertip and floats Shunsui's way. "What is this?" Talking to himself. The drop of water infiltrate his skin though his forehead and every organ including his tissues get sliced with invisible knifes.

Shunsui screams in agony, standing up, clanging onto his clothes ,with blood coming out of his eyes, movement all over the place fighting to keep himself up.

"Forgive me, Shunsui. It's against the rules to prepare you for all this... If you don't get chosen, all we talked about would have been a waste of time." Looking aside remembering his experience.

"To all spiritual guides! I'm here to bring you a potential vessel for you all to invest all your powers and abilities." No response and Taiyō get even more worried.

"Come on king, please don't let our dreams die." A bright light is produced , resulting in a big exposion with massive air pressure and disturbs everyone's vision.

"Shunsui!" shouts at the top of his lungs

When it is visible enough to see Shunsui he is on his knees with steam coming out of his skin.

"Are you ok Shunsui?" Taiyō asks. Shunsui itsnt answering and evene Leader is confused. "There is something wrong about your friend Taiyō! don't approach him!"

"What do you mean?" Taiyō asks while still approaching Shunsui. Shunsui stands up and looks at Leader. "Long time Leader of should I say isaku." The mood in the cave changes as it gets filled with murderous intense and breathing became a struggle.

"This voice... Lord Lyrien." His face becomes pale and take the deepest breath. "Leader... "Who is this speaking though Shunsui." No response.

"Isaku your boyfriend asked you a question. Save me some energy I don't want to introduce myself because it will come at a cost." Gives them a rectus smile.

"Taiyō. This is the strongest spirit that can use all the elementals, basically this is where all the elementals where born from." The man who is in position of Shunsui's body opens his arms after the introduction.

"What does this mean, Leader?" Lyrien looks at Taiyō. "You must be Taiyō... I have access to Shunsui's memory dont be surprised, I'm going to erase everything, after that I will create a scene where you all kill his family." This sends chills down their spine.

"Lossen up a bit I'm joking but... Isaku you have to punishment for what you were about to do Shunsui. I treasure this young boy so much and I will wipe anyone from existence for who put his life in danger. I get to experience life through this young one and it's amazing that his body is able to accommodate both of us, isn't that amazing guys!" clapping his hands.

"OK lessen I can't take control for long it might result in complications in the future. Taiyō, can you please guys take care of him show him the right way, lastly..." Taiyō agrees to what he was told. Shunsui gains his conscious back feeling light headed and everyone still has their guards up.

"What happened here? why do you look at me like you see a ghost?" They start to breathe regularly. "OK... sorry for zoning out. I don't know how to put it I have never seen anything like this how can I put it." Rubbing His head.

"Only 10 people came here and 7 died Taiyō was one of those who survived and was chosen by the spirit of dimension and water. When you are chosen you instantly heal and you are blessed with powers but with you it's different, all I can say it that only he knows you limitations and abilities."

The "he" part goes over Shunsui's head. "I've never encountered that spirit but somehow I know it's name and all that... that was scary, I hope this kid doesn't go against us in the future but I think Sono can stop him." Talking to himself.

"Well we must be on our way Leader...oh goodbye." he waves his hand with Shunsui walking beside him. "Bye Leader don't forget to tell MD next time right!" smiling.

"I told you! only if you came and visit" Shunsui and Taiyo disappears in the dark after considerable minutes they exist. "What happened when I lost conscious?"

"Nothing really. But you will know sooner or later. You are still here that means that you got chosen, now you are fully part of the family. " Walking out of the cave with nature all over, this is one of the places where it's always daytime.

"Should I be feeling any different?" flicking his fingers. "There is no definite answer for that the experience is different for all of us." Taiyō notice something as he looks at him frequently. "Stop Shunsui." he stops. Taiyō looks at him in the and stands beside him to measure his height.

"You pupil changed colour its now blueish and you benefit few centimeters." They laughs about it."really? well I'm already loving this but I thought what are my abilities honestly."

"You will know, it took time for some of us to even discover our powers so be patient and invist in yourself. There is everyone well that was fast." All enjoying the hot spring and they are not surprised to see them both.

"Well, well, welcome king. Ohh you changed a little bit those are good signs. I love it." Said Sono giving Lodocial a fist pump."Come in and join us."

"I don't really enjoy sitting in the water. This place is really beautifully." Looking around at the beautifully birds flying high in the sky and variety of flowers around. " There is more to what meets the eye here trust me. First thing pain doesn't exist here only in cave of life, secondly same as aging of the human body doesn't happen in this domain." Shunsui is not paying attention, he is still exploring the place with his eyes.

"Lessen. Shunsui..." He pays attention this time. " There is something we need to talk about."

"Well that came out of nowhere, what is it?" calmly said.

"There is something that we have already discussed on but that was before you joined and nothing has changed so we want to fill you in. This will be a very crucial event and a learning experience for you, the best way to understand something is by experiencing that particular thing." said Sono.

"I will leave everything to the captain to explain further." Everything is sitting in their comfortable places. "OK Sono already did the introduction of this task... there is this spirit on the world of the living that is causing deaths and forcing people to do things again their will.

Me, Taiyo and Alucard who isn't here yet we are going to search for this spirit we really don't know much about it."

"Do we have any plan?" commucating using his hands. "Yes the plan is to go." They all laugh. "But I'm serious that's the plan for now i will be able to come up with something once I get more information about this spirit. " Gets serious for a second.

"We should get coming it's already evening in the world of the living we should go and rest too. First thing in the morning we go haunting."

"Yes!!" Everyone said.

Everyone has their own room and Taiyō wakes up Shunsui the next morning. "Hey king wake up" Pull his leg under the sheets and Shunsui falls on the mistress. "Hey! Taiyō that is not a way of waking someone who was having a beautiful dream! it was going to the good part!" Shouting with a bit of sadness.

"It's happens to us all." Turn his back on his."It's time for the haunt, King." get serious. "I'm coming..." Taiyō walks out. The x10 are having a regular morning conversation while waiting for Shunsui to get ready. After few minutes everyone hears footsteps and they stop and look at his direction. "Oh so this must be the new guy?" said with pride.

"Yes this is our future king." Said Lodocial. With a breakfast ready for Shunsui. "Good morning everyone."

"Morning new guy. Welcome to the family, are you ready for today?"

"Morning too. I guess so I will see..." Shunsui starts to eat as everyone is seated. "I believe everyone did as they were told..." Looking at Lodocial who just escaped Sono glance as he is feeling guilty. " It about time, no one dies. Lodocial I trust you with everyone's lives."

"I will do what ever it takes even if it results in my death." loudly said

"Didn't you hear me!" shouts and everyone smiles "You're hopeless, and Shunsui do your best no pressure." Gives him a smile.

Shunsui let's his nerves get the better of him "Th..tha..thank you." Now it's time and everyone have gathered out to say goodbyes to Taiyō, Lodocial, Shunsui and Alucard. "Your actions today will shape destiny forever. "said Sono to the members who are already walking away.

"Make me proud boy's. " Now the captain adds his words to get everyone fired up, the guards opens the door that leads to the world of the living and to the same forest of the shitto clan. Shunsui starts to recall all that has happened in the forest few days ago and everyone understandably looks at him in deep silence.

"What are we waiting for?" Thinking about all that annoyed him a bit. "OK we will be running from here its approximately 30 minutes away. Another thing if anyone of you starts to feel a disturbing presence on our way there alert us immediately."

"Wait you haven't filled me in fully about today's event."

"OK this will be short, I will be direct. There is a spirit called Eira that is responsible for delay progress in this world. Almost everyone you know is under her spell . Those who are under her spell shares the same ideals and become subjects to her evil ways so our job is to break this mind capture. Honestly we don't really know much about it but we know it's whereabouts."

Evil? I guess you refer to how it's survives?"Huge gaint trees proving cover for them. "Precisely right. Eira feeds on infants, there are stupid annually rituals that people unconsciously perform like sacrificing all the new residents of this land and babies who are under 9 months." This gets a react from the whole group.

"You didn't mention this to us." Said Alucard. "I know and I intentionally did it. I didn't want to disturb you as we all were assigned with tasks." Stand tall. "I have a question." Said Taiyō "Have you found a way to put an end to this spirit?"

"No that's why this is called a haunt we will be forced to adjust to different situations." This bothers everyone a bit. "Ok I'm sure of one thing that it reside in someone meaning it can lives without a host. Killing it becomes impossible because no human can withstand that kind of spirit I think I have a way to end all this but it's just a feeling."

The conversation ends and the haunt begins, they run disappearing into the woods some moving on top of the brands with Lodocial leading his squad. Only after 20 minutes Lodocial stops and everyone do the same. "Can everyone sense that" As the hair on the skin stands up and chills moves down the spine.

"There is no denying that what lies ahead is extremely dangerous. But this is q defensive mechanism that this type of spirit use." Said Taiyō do hands signs " light style vision bow."

Taiyō creates a lightning bow and pulls the lightning spring on the bow forming 5 lightning arrow and shoot them forward scattering in every direction. closes his eyes, Taiyō can sense and see from his arrows everything in it's 10 matres radius.

"We are not alone. There is a group of people further northeast." Shunsui is amazed after what he just saw. "Wow that was beautiful. If I can tell that that was the smartest way of using powers."Taking to himself. "Thanks you Taiyō. Said the captain and this gave the group boost in confidence. "We are very close I'm sure everyone can tell so be on guard and Alucard stay close to Shunsui. "

The runs begins again exactly after 10 minutes they run into huge statues fallen angel with there wings damaged in a circle formation and a cave further forward. "What is all this?" Everyone is astonished.

End of chapter 1.