Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 262 - Chapter 5

Chapter 262 - Chapter 5

Andy had gotten up early and left his mother a note. He said he was going to explore the road across the mountain again and would be back in several hours. When he reached the top of the mountain he paused and sat on a large rock overhang. He could see the road, the river, and houses with smoke coming from the chimney's. Inside those houses were people going about their daily routines. Yet here he was, thinking sexual thoughts about his mother. He was thinking about how his mother had taken his cock into her hand and stroked him until he climaxed. Most of the people out there would think that was so wrong. But who were they to judge him, he thought. Some of them might have dreamed of doing the same things, but never acted on them. Besides, who says it is so wrong ... he knew from history books that love between mother and son, father and daughter or siblings was not such a strange thing. It had happened since time began. How could it be so wrong if it felt so good? Then he put those thoughts aside. He wanted to get back to his mother.

When he returned his mother was up and outside, sitting on the porch.

He waived and hurried down to her. He had decided to tell her about the access road. The deceit was bothering him too much. He was breathless as he said, "The road leads to a second bridge over the river. I'm sure we can get out that way. I could see cabins and a few cars."

"Great, wonderful," Linda said with a broad smile.

Then Andy lost his smile. "Do we ... uh should we leave?" he asked.

Linda thought for a moment and said, "No, I don't see why. I think we can make due here for a few more days."

Andy's frown turned to a broad smile. He grabbed his mother and hugged her, nearly lifting her off the ground. His hands had slipped down to her ass as he held her tightly. Then, when he tried to kiss her she pulled her head back. His heart sank.

Linda whispered, "Behave." But she didn't pull away, keeping her chest pressed tightly to him. They stood hugging for several minutes.

Andy could feel his erection growing uncomfortably in his jeans. He was pretty sure his mother could feel it as well.

Linda had felt it and she knew she lingered within the hug for too long. She thought about how that same erection had felt in her hand. How it had squirted his hot juices and how she had played with it. She shook her head to try to remove those thoughts. Wrong, wrong, wrong, her brain screamed. When she finally pulled back she said, "Let's go to the falls again today."

"Great," Andy said. "We can take a picnic and sit on the overlook."

"Wonderful. Let me clean up the cabin and then I will fix us something to take.

Andy stacked some firewood on the porch before he went into the house. When he did he saw his mother bending over to get a top out of the dresser. She was topless and her shorts were stretched across her gorgeous ass. He stood quietly enjoying the view for a few moments. He was hoping she would turn around when she heard him. He pushed the door a bit and it creaked.

Suddenly Linda turned around. "Oh," she gasped, startled to see her son standing at the door. Her face turned red with embarrassment as she tried unsuccessfully to cover her breasts. They were much too large to be covered by her arms.

"Sorry, Mom, I didn't know you were still getting dressed," Andy said. He stared at his mother's breasts for several long moments before he said, "I'll wait outside."

A few minutes later Linda came outside. Her face was still red from Andy seeing her bare tits. She had a picnic basket and a blanket.

"I'll carry the basket," Andy said and took it from his mother. As they headed for the falls, Andy reached over and took his mother's hand. They walked to the falls holding hands and Andy helped his mother up the ladder, enjoying the view again of her gorgeous ass just inches from his face. They sat on the platform and had lunch. Then they relaxed, looking at the gorgeous falls and enjoying the day. Andy scooted over to his mother and took her into his arms, holding her against him.

"This is so wonderful. I'm glad we decided to stay," Linda said.

"Me too," Andy said. He was rubbing his hand up and down his mother's arms. "Mom, do you think you will ever marry again?" he asked.

Linda laughed. "Where did that come from?" she asked.

"I was just curious. I mean you never date."

"I have not been out with a man since your father died. I really don't have any desire to go out. Besides I have you," she said and snuggled into his arms.

Andy took a deep breath and blurted, "Can I kiss you again, Mom?" His heart was pounding in his chest.

Linda paused, surprised that he had actually asked her. How in the world could she answer that? She was his mother. "It's wrong, Andy. You know that, don't you? You also know what I did ... you know, in the morning, was wrong too." She looked up at him, her eyes searching his.

"No ... I mean, yes, but how can something that makes us ... I mean me, feel so good be wrong? Besides we love each other."

"Mother's and sons always love each other."

"But not like we do ... I mean at least not like I love you."

Linda sighed and didn't answer. She knew exactly what he was talking about and knew that if she denied it, it would be a lie.

"Mom, please," Andy said, turning his mother's face to him. Then he brought his lips to hers. She didn't resist as his mouth covered hers.

A little moan escaped Linda's throat as she felt her son's tongue enter her mouth. When she pulled away several long minutes later she was breathing heavily. "Andy, we can kiss while we are here, at the cabin, but when we get back home, we will have to stop. Do you understand?"

Andy nodded, ready to agree to anything as long as he could kiss his mother.

"I mean it, it ends when we leave here. Tell me you understand that," she said, staring into his eyes.

"Yes, I do," he said.

With a look which said, I am not sure about that, she went back into his arms. This time it was her tongue that went into Andy's mouth and his turn to moan. Linda gasped into his mouth when she felt his hand come up and grasp her breast.

"Andy, no, we can't," she gasped as she pulled her lips from his.

He pulled her lips back to his and continued to caress her breast.

Linda knew she should stop him. She knew how wrong it was, but somehow she could not find the strength to pull his hand away. Her body was betraying her. Her pussy was suddenly on fire like she had not felt in years. Then she felt Andy's other hand working its way toward her pussy. His fingers crept closer and closer until she could feel them on the crotch of her shorts. She knew that he could feel her swollen pussy lips and that the crotch of her shorts was wet. Breath hissed from her lips as his middle finger pressed between her lips and moved up and down. When he touched her clit she almost climaxed. It took all her power to reach down and grab his hand. "Stop," she said, as firmly as she could muster considering her excitement.

Then fait intervened. It started to rain. Totally flustered, but feeling relieved, Linda pulled away from her son and stood up. "It's raining," she said. She held her hands out with palms up, and turned her face upward. "Have you ever tried to catch raindrops on your tongue," she said with a laugh and stuck her tongue out.

Then she spun around like a teenage girl, giggling and moving her head back and forth letting the drops soak her face.

What she didn't realize was that the rain was quickly soaking through her shirt, making it all but transparent. For several moments Andy didn't notice. Then he glanced down and saw that his mother's breasts were almost totally exposed. He couldn't help himself and said, "God, Mom, you have the most gorgeous breasts I have ever seen."

Linda suddenly looked down and her face flushed. "Oh my," she gasped. "My top is getting soaked," she said.

"Too late now," Andy said, with a broad smile, still staring at his mother's large breasts under her wet top. Her nipples were threatening to poke through her shirt. "Mom, take your top off. Please. I can see everything anyway." When Linda didn't say anything Andy quickly stripped off his shirt. "See, I am taking mine off. No one is around to see us."

"I ... I can't ... I'm your mother," she protested weakly. Then when Andy grew bold and reached for her shirt and began to pull it upward, she stood silent. She closed her eyes as she felt the wet shirt move above her breasts and then over her head. She trembled as she now stood topless in front of her son. It was no accident this time. When Andy suddenly pulled her to him and she felt his strong chest against her breasts her knees grew weak. The two of them slid to their knees on the platform, their lips locked together.

The rain continued to soak them as their passionate kiss went on for a long, long time. Then Andy broke the kiss and pulled back. He stared at her breasts for a long moment before he reached out and placed his hands on them. When his mother didn't protest he moved his hands around, squeezing and kneading the warm flesh, pinching the nipples.

He heard his mother moan and he grew bolder, lifting them and pulling the nipples. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open. She was breathing hard and trembling. Andy took a big risk and bent his head, taking a nipple into his mouth. He heard his mother's intake of breath as he sucked one and the then other. One hand slipped between her legs again and found her cloth covered, throbbing pussy. He found her clit. A moment later he felt her begin to tremble. A steady moan slipped from her mouth. As Andy continued to suck his mother's breasts he realized that she was climaxing. His mother was actually climaxing from me sucking her breasts and rubbing her pussy, he thought. His cock was throbbing so much he feared he might climax in his jeans.

When Linda finally opened her eyes and realized what happened she quickly stood up. "We had better back before we get cold," Linda said as she started to put on her shirt.

"Don't," Andy said, almost pleading.

"Well we are soaked anyway," Linda said as she looked up at the rain still falling on them. Without a word she dropped her shirt into the picnic basket. Then they packed the basket and went carefully down the ladder.

Andy took his mother's hand as they walked back. He couldn't help glancing over and watching his mother's gorgeous breasts bounce with each step.

Linda could see his eyes looking at her breasts. She felt embarrassment, excitement, and but more than a little pride. She was a 40 something woman and a young man thought her breasts were beautiful. Unconsciously she stood straighter and forced her breasts outward. At one point Andy, not watching where he was walking, tripped over a tree root and fell flat on his face. Linda quickly knelt beside him. When she realized that he wasn't hurt she began to laugh, her breasts quivering with each gasp of breath. Andy pulled her down to him, their laughter becoming uncontrollable until they were in tears and rolling on the ground until she was on top of him.

As quickly as it started the laughter ceased when both realized that Linda's breasts were pressed to Andy's chest. Their faces were but inches apart. Andy quickly pulled his mother's lips to his and they kissed. He pushed his pelvis upward and knew that his mother could feel his incredible erection. He actually thought that she pressed back to him. Then his mother slipped to his side and he felt her hand sliding down his stomach to his hard cock under his pants. His eyes opened wide when he realized that she was unzipping his pants. "Ohhhhhh, Mom," he gasped when her warm hand wrapped around his now exposed cock. His mother lay her face on his chest as she began to stroke him. She teased him for a long time before he whispered that he was getting close. He was happy to find that his mother did not stop stroking him, but moved her hand faster.

"Ahhhhhhiiiiii," he screamed as his cock lurched and his cum spurted out. He felt it hit his stomach and vaguely wondered if it had reached his mother's face. He closed his eyes as pleasure rushed though him. He could feel each throb and each squeeze of his mother's fist until he was drained.

Linda pulled away from Andy and stood up. The trail is getting slippery," Linda said. She took her top out of the picnic basket and wiped her face. She helped Andy up and they heady back down the now muddy trail.

When they arrived home Linda went into the small toilet area where she had put the tin tub half filled with water. She washed up as best she could before taking off her wet shorts and putting on a night shirt and tiny panties. It was something she would never have worn just a few weeks ago, at least not with her son around. Yet it didn't seem so inappropriate as it did just a few days ago. She looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't look any different ... except that her cheeks seemed to have a perpetual flush. Is this what a woman who has sex with her own son looks like she wondered. Strangely she did not feel as ashamed as she thought she should. She shook here head and left the bathroom.

Andy started a fire in the stove and then he stripped down and put on a pair of under shorts. When Linda came out he was sitting on a chair that he had turned backward to cover his cock, which had "slipped" from his underwear.

"Come over here where it's warm," Andy said.

Linda came over; suddenly feeling embarrassed by her scanty attire, yet she had walked all the back to the cabin half naked just a few minutes ago. She sat on a chair near the fire across from Andy. "Mmmm, that feels good," she said. She could see Andy staring at her nearly naked breasts and her nipples grew harder.

Andy smiled as he stared at his mother's gorgeous breasts. Then he looked down at her panties. His cock throbbed against the back of the chair. "It sure gets cold up here in the mountains at night," Andy said thinking about getting up and putting more wood on the fire. Then realizing that he could not get up without his mother seeing his erection. Then he wondered why he cared since his mother had seen his cock hard already.

"I'm sorry I didn't bring my flannel nightgowns," Linda returned.

"I'm not," Andy said with a laugh. "Did I tell you how gorgeous your breasts are?" he said, staring at his mother's thinly covered breasts. "But I like them when they are bare better."

"Andy, stop," Linda said without admonishment. It was actually very flattering to her that such a young man thought her breasts were pretty. She felt her pussy getting wet and worried that it would be visible soon since her panties were so tiny and thin. To change the subject she said, "My feet are freezing."

"I can warm them up. Get on the bed and I'll rub them like they taught me in the Boy Scouts when people have frost bite."

"I don't think I have frost bite, or that the boy scouts taught you to rub feet," she laughed. "But I wouldn't mind a foot massage." Linda got up and went to the bed and lay down on her stomach.

Andy walked over, his hard cock swinging in front of him, almost sad that his mother couldn't see his excitement. He stared at his mother's gorgeous ass and thighs. He could see that the small string of her bikini panties had disappeared between her cheeks. He crawled onto the bed and took one foot in both hands and began to rub it vigorously, while still staring at her almost naked ass. Slowly, almost imperceptibly he moved her legs apart until he could actually see her pussy lips where the tiny panties did not cover. A little higher he could see the rosebud of her asshole hardly covered by the string of her panties.

It suddenly occurred to Linda that Andy could see between her legs. She could feel that the crotch of her panties were wet. There was nothing she could do about it at that moment. "Ohhh, that feels so good," Linda said, trying to push the thought from her mind.

As Andy continued to rub he slowly pulled his mother's leg even further away from the other. The view grew even more exciting. He had to fight to keep from shooting his load on the bed. When that foot felt warm he moved to the other, rubbing it vigorously until it was warm as well. Then, instead of stopping he began to work his hands up his mother's calves, rubbing and massaging them with his strong hands.

"Oh, wow, that feels sooo good," Linda said dreamily. In the back of her mind she knew that she was exposing much more than a mother should show to a son. In spite of her embarrassment she didn't try to close her legs. As she felt his hands moving higher her legs, warning bells began to go off, yet she didn't stop him. She knew she should, she knew she should put an end to this, but she couldn't seem to move. Another moan escaped her lips as his hands reached the top of her thighs. Then incredibly she felt his breath on her ass cheeks. She felt a huge rush of excitement, while at the same time, she was incredibly embarrassed. Her son was inches from her ass. Then she felt his lips touching her. "Andy, please ... don't ... Andy please," she said, yet she made no move to stop him. What is wrong with me, she wondered. "Andy, no, you can't. It's not ... not right." Her protest was weak and Andy paid no attention.

He kissed her across one cheek and to the other, leaving a trail of wetness. He then put his nose between her cheeks and drew in her scent. His cock was throbbing almost uncontrollably.

Linda buried her face in the pillow. She wanted him to stop, but hoped he wouldn't. She felt him move even closer.

Her face was so hot it was burning. Before she even realized it, she felt her son opening her ass cheeks and burying his nose there. She felt him prying her cheeks apart and before she could stop him she felt his tongue ... "Nooooo!!! she gasped. Suddenly she closed her legs, blocking further progress. With some relief she felt her son move around until his knees were between her legs. Then she felt him press his chest to her back.

"God Mom, I loved that. I love your smell."

Linda shivered and whispered, "No, no, oh God."

"I love you, Mom," Andy said as he pressed himself to her.

Then Linda realized that her son's erection was pressed between her legs. Her mind was screaming, STOP THIS!, but she was totally incapable of moving.

Andy was ecstatic that his mother was not pushing him away. He could feel his cock throbbing between her legs. He pushed his hips forward and was amazed to feel his mother lift her hips slightly.

"No, Andy, no, please don't," Linda begged, but she opened her legs just a little wider.

Suddenly Andy felt his cock touch his mother's pussy. The head was pressing on the crease where her underwear had sunk into her pussy. His heart was pounding so hard and his head spinning so much he thought he might pass out. He pushed his hips forward and felt his cock slip to the side of his mother's panties. Suddenly the head was warm and wet. Could he be in his mother's pussy, he wondered? Oh my God, I am. He heard his mother moan as he pushed a little harder and felt several inches of his cock go into her.

"Andy, oh God, Andy, this is wrong, please, don't. I can't stop ... I can't stop you, please. Oh my God, oh my God." Suddenly Linda began to shake. She could feel her son's cock sliding into her pussy. Her own son was fucking her. She was allowing him inside her ... inside where only his father had ever been ... only the second cock she had ever had and it belonged to her son. She wanted to stop him, she had to, but her body would not listen. Instead her hips lifted from the bed, making it easier for his cock to go deeper. She had not had a cock in her for years, and the last time she did, it was quite small. She couldn't believe how large her son felt in her. He was stretching her. "Slow, slow, easy, oh God," she said, hearing her words, but not believing they were coming from her mouth. Then she was climaxing. "Ahhhh, oh Andy, noooooo!!!" she gasped as her body betrayed her mind and sent her into spasms of pleasure. She lifted her hips, taking his cock deeply into her pussy as her inner walls contracted squeezing him in a vise like grip, milking his cock.

"Oh God, Mom, oh God," Andy gasped as his cock went deeper and deeper into his mother's body. He wanted it to last, maybe forever, but he was also worried that she would stop him before he climaxed. When her pussy began to squeeze his cock he couldn't hold back. "Ahhhhhiiiiieeee!!!" he screamed as he balls released his pent up sperm deep into his mother's body.

It poured out of him in blast after blast. He could feel his mother's inner walls grasping the pulsing head, caressing it and draining him. His cum kept pouring out of him until his balls were totally drained. I came in my mother's pussy ... I fucked my mother," he thought. He collapsed onto his mother's back, both of them gasping for breath. Finally he rolled to the side and onto his back. He threw his arm over his eyes as the reality of what he had done sunk in.

On one hand he had fucked his mother and it was totally wrong ... even after she told him to stop, but on the other hand his heart was about to burst with love for her. He wondered if she was going to hate him now. He felt like crying and screaming with joy at the same time.

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