Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 259 - Chapter 2

Chapter 259 - Chapter 2

Andy had moved out of Linda's house when he was 20, but it had been difficult to make ends meet. He had scraped by for two years until he began to have serious financial problems. As a result he asked his mother if he could move back for a while, at least until he was on his feet again. Linda was ecstatic. She had missed him greatly and while he visited often, it wasn't the same. She said yes and he moved back in immediately. Things quickly slipped back into a routine and their relationship continued as it had before he had left. Andy was the love of her life and she would do anything for him. Yet, she saw the way he looked at her sometimes and it made her uncomfortable. There was a look in his eyes that she didn't understand ... or maybe she did and that was what bothered her. She would see him gazing at her when he didn't know she was looking.

After Andy had left home two years earlier, Linda had begun to wear less around the house ... more comfortable clothes. She did not dress for anyone to see her and therefore the clothes tended to revealed more of her mature curves. Now that Andy was returning she wondered if she should go back to her more modest way of dressing. But she had convinced herself that she was silly. She was twenty years older then him so why would he look at her other than as a mother. She remembered thinking when she was twenty that a man or woman at 40 was way too old to be attractive.

While Linda had put on some weight in the past couple of years since Andy left, she knew she was still attractive, in a full figured mature woman way. She had seen plenty of men give her a second glance. Now, since Andy had moved back in, he seemed to look at her much like those anonymous men. Linda tried to deny the feeling she got when she would catch him looking. But it harkened her back to that time many years ago when he had shared the story about his girlfriend. She had tried to put that out of her mind, but now it was coming back to her. She wished she had finished that conversation. She wondered if he had followed through on his girlfriend's request to use his mouth on her ... "eat" her as he said. Outwardly she still believed that it was nasty, but she could readily remembered her conversation with the doctor, she wondered if she had been wrong. And if it was wrong, why did the thought of it still make her tremble with an unwanted excitement?

There was a strange incident that occurred soon after Andy moved back in that was incredibly embarrassing. It was an unusually warm afternoon and Linda had been used to leaving the doors open all over the house to keep the air flowing, including the bathroom door. One afternoon she was using the bathroom and forgot to close the door. She was sitting on the toilet when she suddenly looked up and saw him standing in the doorway. He was staring between her legs and did not see her looking at him. Linda was too shocked to even say anything for a few moments. In that time she saw a very strange look in his eyes.

"Andy!" Linda almost screamed.

"Oh, sorry, Mom," Andy said with a red face and he hurried off.

Incredibly after Linda closed the door she sat back down on the toilet and masturbated.

After that Linda tried to keep a level of privacy by making sure the bathroom and the bedroom doors were closed at all times. Yet it was not the last time she masturbated thinking about the incident.

Then, something happened that changed everything. One afternoon Andy came home from work excited. He said a friend had a cabin in the mountains and said that he could use it whenever he wanted.

"Can we go up there for vacation, Mom, please," he begged.

"A cabin, in the woods? I don't know, Andy, I am not much for cabins, or the woods."

"He says it is rustic, but very nice. We could hike and swim in a nearby pond ... you know get back to nature. He said there was even a lagoon with a giant waterfall. It would be wonderful, just you and me."

Linda blushed at his enthusiasm at wanting to be with his mother. She started to say, why don't you find a friend to go with you, but then stopped. What if he had a female friend that would go with him? She didn't want him in the mountains with some hussy or slut. After a long and thoughtful pause she said, "I guess we could go for a few days."

Andy jumped up and hugged his mother. "Wonderful ... great. You will love it and it will be a time for just you and me to get to know each other again."

Suddenly Linda was a bit worried. Just she and him together? Was that a good idea, she wondered. Yet he was so excited and she had already said yes, so it was really too late to change her mind.


Two weeks later Andy and Linda were in a rented Jeep, driving along a winding trail toward the cabin. It was a warm summer day, the leaves shimmered in the gentle breeze and the sky was crystal blue. Linda felt refreshed. Just breathing the fresh mountain air gave her a sense of serenity, something she sorely needed. Maybe this was going to be fun after all, she thought. Yet, while she had tried to put all her concerns behind her, there was still the nagging doubt about being alone with Andy. It seemed crazy because she was alone at home with him all the time. But this seemed so much more intimate. She told herself that he was her son and she was his mother, and it would be good for them to share time together. What could go wrong?

Andy was lost in his own thoughts. He was incredibly excited to be going away with his mother. While he didn't know anything about how his mother was feeling, he had his own illicit feelings. He of course loved his mother, but it was so much more than that. While he had dated enough, no girl had ever really compared to her. They were always too immature, and way to skinny. His view of beauty in a woman was more ... well was more like how his mother looked. He glanced over as he drove. He loved her gorgeous blue eyes and her shoulder length blond hair, which was tied in two pony tails for the trip, and framed her round face creating the image of a much younger woman. He loved how her large breasts bounced as the Jeep hit bumps in the road. He loved the way they jutted out and curved maturely downward without sagging.

It had been a surprise to Andy when his mother came out of the house wearing short shorts, and a tank top without a bra underneath. Not that she needed one. He had also eyed her tight jean short shorts, loving the way they lifted and shaped her well rounded buttocks. One of his many fantasies about his mother was to bury his face between those cheeks and lick and kiss every inch of her. And those nipples, which were as hard as two pearls in a mature oyster, were incredible and made for sucking. He pushed the thought from his mind as he began to get erect. Unlike his mother, however, he had no hang ups about sex. He had enjoyed it with a number of girls since high school, but invariable as he was making love to them, he pictured his mother. He no longer thought about if it was right or wrong to think about his mother this way. As long as no one knew, especially his mother, then what was the harm.

As they moved further into the wilderness, the road turned from pavement to dirt/gravel and the climb grew steeper. They drove across a rickety bridge spanning a rushing river. The rapidly moving water was only a few feet below the surface of the bridge. It was a bit frightening, but invigorating and exciting as well.

"That must be the water fall that my friend talked about," Andy said, pointing to a large water fall to their left and upward toward the mountain. "So we must be close."

"Good, my butt is getting sore," Linda said with a laugh.

I'll massage it for you Andy thought but did not say.

Linda had not seen a house in several hours and the desolation made her a bit more concerned about what they had gotten themselves into. She had never been camping, nor had she ever wanted to go. Yet she could not refuse Andy, especially since he seemed so excited about the trip. Now, as they moved further and further from civilization she began to feel a bit of regret. But the desolation was not all that was bothering her. She could feel Andy's eyes on her and regretted that she had not put on a bra. She could feel her breasts bouncing even more as they traveled along the rutted path. The chafing of her top on her nipples made them as hard as rocks ... and the stimulation kept sending unwanted tremors down her spine ... not to mention the effect his eyes were having on her. It almost felt like he could see through her top.

Not too far from the bridge they arrived at the cabin ... if you could call it that. It was quite a bit more rustic then either of them had expected. It looked solid enough, and was in relatively good repair, at least from the outside view, but it certainly has seen better days. They got out of the Jeep and looked at their surroundings. The cabin was situated on the side of the mountain, overlooking incredible vistas as far as the eye could see.

"This is beautiful, Andy, but it looks really crude," Linda said.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. But it will be fun, wait and see. It will be our chance to get back to nature." Andy took his mother's hand in his.

"I am not sure how much nature I can stand," Linda said without a smile looking at the rustic cabin.

"All right, we can try it, and always leave if it is too much nature for us," he returned.

"Well, it certainly is beautiful," Linda said. "You think there are wild animals around here?" she asked looking around nervously.

"Maybe, but I am sure if we leave them alone they won't bother us," Andy responded.

"I hope you're right about that."

"Let's check out the cabin."

As they walked in, Linda said, "Oh, my."

The cabin was but one room, with an old bed, wood stove, and a small table and several chairs representing the kitchen. "Look how small it is ... and a wood stove, my God. There is only one bed too. And where is the bathroom?" Linda asked.

Andy went over and opened a small door. "Over here, I think."

Linda walked over and stopped in her tracks with a look of shock on her face. In the tiny room was an old toilet with a broken seat. Linda saw an old sink in the corner and turned on the faucet. A trickle of water came out but nothing more. "Andy, I'm not sure about this," she said.

"Me either," he returned. "I thought it was a more modern cabin then this. We should probably go back."

"I'm afraid so."

"Well, it will be dark in an hour or two, and we are too far from civilization to leave tonight. We can stay tonight and head home tomorrow," Andy said with clear disappointment.

"That might be a good idea. I'm sorry, sweetheart, I know you were looking forward to this."

"It's okay, Mom, I guess Tom is more of an outdoor guy then I thought."

"Not your fault," Linda said. Then trying to cheer Andy up she said, "We have plenty of food in the car and I am sure we can get the stove working. So we can act like we are on an overnight camping trip."

"Okay," Andy said with a smile. "Let's unpack and then explore the area."

They unloaded a minimum of clothes and food and stored it in the cabin. Then the two of them set off to explore the surrounding area. They hiked for an hour or so, circling around the cabin, but not going too far in fear of getting lost. When the sun started to slip behind the mountain they headed back.

"I'll gather up some wood for the stove," Andy said.

"Okay, I can at least whip up some soup and salad," Linda said.

A few minutes later Andy came back with wood for the stove. "I found a generator out back. It looks like there is some fuel so I will see if I can get it started. Maybe it will be enough power for some lights, and to run that thing that looks like a refrigerator. And maybe even enough power to run the well pump."

"Great. I will start dinner."

Andy was successful in getting the generator started, and checked that it ran the few lights in the cabin and the well pump, but he was concerned that they did not have a lot of fuel to keep things running. So after he got it started he shut it off.

When he went back into the house Linda said, "The lights came on for a minute but then they went off again."

"I got the generator started, but there is not a lot of fuel so figured I would not run it until we need electricity."

"Okay. We don't need it for dinner. I can light the oil lamps for now. Dinner by lamp light will be nice."

Andy smiled and hugged his mother. Linda hugged him back, but pulled away when she felt an un-motherly like chill run down her spine. She put that out of her mind and hurried over to the stove. A few minutes later dinner was ready. They had canned soup and a salad with Italian bread.

After dinner, Andy cleaned up and Linda made the bed with a set of sheets they had brought with them. When Andy saw her making the bed, he said, "Mom, I can sleep in the rocker for tonight."

"Nonsense, you would never be able to sleep in that. We can share a bed for one night."

"Okay, if you're sure." Andy did his best to hide a smile.

"Yes, I am sure. But I need to wash up."

"I saw a well pump out back. I tried it and got water out. I'll bring some in.

"Maybe I can heat enough hot water for that thing that looks like a wash tub," she said, pointing to a large metal tub sitting in the corner.

"I'll get the generator going for the lights and the refrigerator."

Linda got enough water heated to fill half the tub. But since there was no privacy she asked Andy to go outside while she took a quick wash. He said sure and went outside. Then Linda realized that she needed to use the toilet. She looked at the old toilet and wondered if it worked. There was water in the tank, but none in the bowl. Yet her only other alternative was to go outside and she wasn't about to do that. It was already dark and she could see lightning and hear thunder. So she squatted over the toilet and did her business. She was able to flush the toilet, thankfully.

She called Andy back inside after she bathed. He was stoking the fire in the stove when a huge crack of lightning seemed to hit right outside the house. The blast lit up the room like daylight and a tremendous bang rocked the house. The lights went out. Linda practically jumped into Andy's arms. "What was that?" she screamed.

"It must have been a lightening strike. I see smoke outside. Let me check," Andy said and ran outside. A few minutes later he came back inside, and he was soaked. "Lightening hit the generator and fried it. We don't have any electricity. Fortunately the rain put out the fire the lightning strike started."

"Oh God," Linda whispered.

"It will be okay, Mom," Andy said, hugging his mother again. Then he lit the oil lamps so they at least had a little light. "I'm sorry I can't take a bath," Andy added sheepishly.

"I suppose we will survive that," she said with a slight smile. Linda's face turned red again. She wasn't against going natural, meaning no bath, no deodorant, but she preferred to do it when Andy wasn't around.

"Let's go to bed and we will head out in the morning," Andy said.

Linda nodded and said, "Turn your back, so I can change into my night clothes."

"Okay," Andy said, turning away. He waited until his mother said he could turn around again. He saw that she was wearing a camisole and panties. The top was relatively thin and he could see her large breasts in the lamp light silhouetted under the gauzy material.

Linda was embarrassed again. She had thought they would have separate rooms and had not thought to bring night gowns and such. She hurried over and got under the covers. Andy stripped down to his underwear and came over and slid under the covers, a respectable distance from her. He turned out the oil lamp and lay quietly in bed, so close to his mother he could almost feel her heat, yet not touching. The room was quiet enough that they could hear the pouring rain on the roof and the room glowed with each bolt of lightning. Under the right circumstances it would have been quite romantic.

When a strong crack of lightning hit near the house again Linda jumped and turned over to her son with a frightened look on her face. "It's okay, I think it hit on top of the mountain," he said. Then he stretched his arm out and was pleased when his mother snuggled into it. He could feel that she was trembling and squeezed her tighter. In spite of trying to act like a normal son, the closeness of his mother, and her sweet smell gave him an erection. The fact that one large breast was pressed to his chest didn't help either. He gently rubbed her shoulder until he heard her gentle snoring. A contented smile came to his face.

The storm lasted most of the night. The rain continued unabated and pounded the roof loudly. At one point Andy had to get up and put the metal tub under a leak in the roof. The drip, drip of the water and the torrential rain on the roof kept him awake most of the night. He finally fell into an exhausted sleep just before dawn.

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