Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 243 - Chapter 9

Chapter 243 - Chapter 9

Becky called Vicki and said that Andrew had reminded her that they had not gotten together for a long, long time. After a fun conversation about old times they confirmed dinner. She told Vicki to dress casual for a relaxing evening. Later John spoke to Andrew and he said that his mother didn't seem suspicious but she did wonder why she had received a call from Becky after such a long time. Andrew told her that he and John had talked and decided that the two families had not gotten together for a long time and that he thought they had a lot in common. He hadn't said how much in common, however.

On Saturday Becky fixed a roast with all the fixings. She had a nice bottle of wine chilling in the refrigerator and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket in the family room. The plan was for Becky and Vicki to have a conversation with Becky revealing that she and John were lovers. She would act like she was not aware that Vicki and Andrew were also lovers. She would say she just had to confide in someone and since she had known Vicki for so long she thought she might be the best person. She realized it might be a weak story, but once Vicki learned about them she would most likely forget the rest of the conversation.

When they arrived Saturday evening, Becky opened the door to find her old friend dressed in a nice white pants suit. Andrew was more casual with jeans and sleeveless tee shirt. Becky kissed Vicki and then Andrew and invited them in.

"You look nice," Becky said.

"I told her it was casual," Andrew said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Oh, this is an old outfit," she returned.

"I like it. You look very nice," Becky said. "Andrew, John is in his room why don't you boys talk, or do whatever boys do. Vicki, let's have a glass of wine and catch up on things."

Andrew smiled slyly at Becky and then hurried to John's room. He would stay there until Becky called them to dinner.

"So, how long has it been?" Becky asked as she led Vicki to the kitchen where she had wine glasses ready.

"At least five years," Vicki said.

"Let's see, yes, I think the boys were in the tenth grade."

"You're right," Vicki said.

Becky handed Vicki the first of several glasses of wine she would ply her with. Then with the bottle of wine in her hand she led her into the living room where they sat next to each other on the sofa.

When they were comfortably seated Becky said, "Time really seems to fly by."

"It does. Becky, John tells me that you are divorced."

"Yes, the bastard ran off with some young slut. I think she was eighteen or nineteen."

Vicki shook her head. "I know what you mean. My Edward did almost the same thing. She was a little older, but not by much. Men can be real bastards."

"Yes, but I think your Andrew and my John are exceptions."

"They certainly are."

Becky held up her glass and toasted their shared situation. Then she poured Vicki and another full glass.

"Better slow down on that, wine goes right to my head. Two glasses and I will be tipsy," Vicki said.

Good, Becky thought as she held her glass up and said, "I am the same way, but sometimes that is a good thing. Here's too two divorced women trying to get by ... and not doing too bad."

"Here, here," Vicki said.

Soon the two women were giggling like schoolgirls.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Vicki asked.

Becky paused and looked serious for a moment. "Yes, kinda."

"Kinda?" Vicki laughed, "You either do or you don't."

"Well ... I probably shouldn't tell you this. But ... uh ... I need someone to talk to. My boyfriend is John," she said and paused for a second, then added, "I guess you could call him my boyfriend."

Vicki laughed and said, "I am sure he would be if he were not your son."

Becky paused and looked into Vicki's eyes. "No, I mean really, he is my boyfriend ... actually my lover."

Vicki opened her mouth but nothing came out.

"I ... I have been dying to tell someone. I mean, who in the world can one trust nowadays. Since we were such good friends for years and shared so much, and I was looking for someone to confide in ... well, it is hard and I mean, the thing between John and I just happened." Becky hurried her words, as if they were not planned. When Vicki just sat there with her mouth open, Becky continued, "I shouldn't have told you ... it is wrong, but John is the best thing that has ever happened to me. We have been making love for over a month now."

"Oh my God!" Vicki said.

"Don't hate me. I mean ... oh, damn, I have messed this up," Becky said and acted as if she was close to tears.

Vicki reached over and grabbed Becky's hand. "No, no, I'm not judging you. I'm just flabbergasted. I mean, you and John ... I can't believe this."

"I know. Please, don't say anything to Andrew ... you know, he and John are such good friends."

"Becky," Vicki said and paused. It took a moment before she spoke again. The wine had done the trick. "Becky, I have a confession as well."

Becky had to suppress a smile. With relief she realized that it was going to work. "What?" she asked.

"You are not going to believe this but ... but Andrew and I are lover's too."

"Are you kidding me? I mean are you just saying that to make me feel better?"

"No, I would never joke about such a thing. We have been making love for over a year. He is the love of my life and I never want another man."

It was Becky's turn to act surprised. "God, I don't know what to say. This is amazing. I mean how many women make love to their own sons and here are two."

"Well, probably more than we know," Vicki said.

"But for us to have known each other for so many years and then to find out that we are both making love to our sons ... that is incredible."

"I am shaking right now," Vicki said.

Becky pulled her into her arms. Vicki started to cry as Becky held her.

When she pulled away her eyes were wet but she was smiling. "This is so amazing. I have never shared this with anyone and now you ... I mean it couldn't be any more perfect," Vicki said.

"I agree," Becky said as she poured another glass of wine for Vicki. "Let's call the boys to dinner. Later we can tell them our secrets."

Vicki smiled. "You know, knowing boys, there is a strong possibility that they already know."

"I would not be at all surprised. This is so amazing," Becky said as she hugged her new confidant again.

At dinner they chatted about mundane things, but did not talk about their secret. Once dinner was over and the dishes cleared, Becky invited everyone into the family room. Vicki and Andrew sat side by side on a love seat and Becky and John did the same on the sofa.

"What's the champagne for?" Vicki asked.

"That's for another surprise I have ... but I will wait until later to reveal that."

"Another surprise?" John asked. "What was the first surprise?"

"Yeah, what was the first surprise?" Andrew chimed in.

"Should I tell them?" Becky asked.

"Please," Vicki said.

"Boys, in talking with Vicki, I realized that we have a lot more in common then we even thought. I revealed to Vicki that John and I are lovers and found out that Andrew and she are lovers as well. Isn't that incredible?"

John looked at Andrew and both boys acted shocked.

"John ... you already knew ... I can tell by the look on your face?" Becky said looking at John with pretend anger.

"Sorry, Mom, but sometimes guys just have to share that stuff."

"You know too, don't you Andrew? When did you learn this?" Vicki asked with a tone of admonishment.

"Just the other day, I swear. I mean ... we were talking and ... it just kind of came out. But I waited a year to tell anyone ... and John is my best friend and ... I'm sorry.

"Nothing to be sorry about," Becky said. "Your mom and I did the same thing a few moments ago, so we are even. I say we break out the champagne early."

"Okay. But when are you telling us the second secret?" Andrew asked.

"I'll wait a bit for that. Boys, you can have one glass and that is it."

"Yes," Vicki agreed.

"Mooooommmm," the boys said in unison.

Becky smiled and poured each of them a glass of champagne. "Here is too friends and lover's," she said as they all took a drink.

Vicki said, "To sons and lovers."

"To sons and lovers," Becky repeated. "Now that the ice is broken, I want a kiss," Becky said, turning to John. Immediately their lips went together and a mutual moan escaped their lips.

Not to be outdone, Andrew pulled his mother to him and they kissed. The first kiss grew into a second and then a third for both couples. Within seconds the room was filled with sexual tension. After a few minutes, Vicki heard rustling on the sofa. When she pulled away from Andrew she gasped and her hand went to her mouth. Becky was leaning back on the sofa and John had his hand between her legs. Even more incredible she had taken his cock out and was stroking it.

Becky smiled at her friend and then closed her eyes in pleasure as John's finger slipped into her already wet pussy. The fact that Andrew and Vicki were watching them made it incredibly exciting. She had never been an exhibitionist, but over the last few weeks she found that it was very exciting to know that people were watching. They had made quite a scene in the movie theater and if they hadn't left early they might have ended up on the nightly news.

Becky opened her eyes to see that Andrew had been busy too. She gasped when she saw that Andrew had stripped off his mother's top and her large tits were bare. Seeing that, Becky decided to take it further. She slipped to the floor between John's legs. Just before she took his cock into her mouth she glanced over and saw that Vicki had her right hand between her legs and Andrew's cock in her other hand. He was caressing her tit. Becky smiled and engulfed her son's swollen cock.

As Becky sucked she realized that everything was working out even better than she could have imagined. She wasn't sure where this was going to end, but up to this point it had been incredibly exciting. After a few minutes of enjoying John's cock she stood up. Vicki was in the process of sucking Andrew's cock now. "Let's get our clothes off," Becky said to John rather loudly.

Vicki looked up from her son's cock and watched as mother and son stripped. Her face was a mask of lust. She turned to Andrew and began to pull his pants down. He helped and then stripped his shirt. Vicki then dropped her slacks. "I can't believe we are doing this," she whispered. But Andrew hushed her with a passionate kiss.

"I need this cock," Becky said. She pushed John back on the sofa and turned around and sat on his lap, taking his cock into her very wet pussy in one quick movement. "Ahhhh," she gasped as his big cock hit bottom. She looked over at Vicki and smiled. "Join me," she said.

Vicki stood up and turned around. She reached between her legs and found her son's cock. "Oh fuck," she gasped as she sat on his cock. Suddenly the room was filled with the moans and groans of the four lovers. Becky bounced on her son's cock as she watched Vicki do the same.

"Wait, I have another toast," Becky said. "I want to reveal our second secret." With that she handed Vicki another glass of champagne, without releasing her John's cock from her pussy, and picked up one for herself. With both women sitting on their son's cocks, Becky said, "Vicki, I want to announce that ... that ... I am pregnant with John's baby."

"Oh my God," Vicki gasped. Suddenly her eyes glazed over and she began to tremble. To everyone's amazement she began to climax. She fell back onto Andrew's chest as her body convulsed in pleasure. John and Becky stared in amazement as her climax absolutely consumed her.

After some time, when she finally stopped trembling, she looked up with embarrassment. "Sorry," she said shyly.

"There is nothing for you to be sorry for. That was some climax. It seems that the pregnancy announcement had quite an impact on you. I bet you would love the same thing ... I mean to be pregnant with Andrew's baby," Becky said.

Vicki nodded and said, "I ... uh ... well, Andrew and I never talked about it. I mean I am forty and having a baby ... well you know ... it ... oh shit, I think it is incredible for you two."

"Mom, can we?" Andrew asked with his best pout.

"Oh God, Andrew, if I had known you would approve I would have done it a year ago. I mean ... I have not been entirely honest with you. I ... I have let you cum in me at risky times, but nothing has happened yet. Do you want me to have your baby?"

"Are you kidding? I would love it."

"Okay, you two lover's, this was supposed to be a toast to my pregnancy. But let's make it a double toast," Becky said. "To my pregnancy, and to Vicki's future pregnancy."

The two women lifted their glasses. "To our son's and our lover's, their big cocks and the beautiful babies they are going to give us," Vicki said. "Oops, already given you and will soon give me."

The two women emptied their glasses and sat them down. It was time to fuck. Becky watched Vicki as she watched her. They moved up and down on their son's cock in unison, their eyes locked together. "God, this is so good ... I mean ... you here ... and us fucking ... and our sons as lovers," Becky said.

"Yes ... uh ... it ... is ... good," Vicki agreed as she continued to take her son's cock. She could see Becky's pussy literally pouring juice onto John's cock and knew that she had to be close to a climax.

"Oh yes, oh yes, God that cock is so good," Becky gasped as she began to tremble. "I'm going to cummmmmmm," she almost screamed. She pushed down on John's cock and froze. Waves of pleasure began to creep up her legs and made her pussy pulse. Then the pleasure exploded in her brain. She fell back on John and shook like a leaf in a hurricane.

"Mom, I'm going to ... oh fuck," John moaned as his cock began to spasm. A moment later he was sending his potent sperm deep into his mother's willing pussy.

Vicki began to bounce up and down on her son rapidly now. She wanted him to climax in her.

Andrew moaned that he was getting close.

"Yes, cum in me. Cum in your mother's cunt," she screamed as her own climax grew near.

Andrew threw his hips into the air, nearly throwing his mother off. His cock began to pump hot cream into her. "Oh fuck, Mom, take my cum, take my baby making sperm into your pussy."

With those words Vicki began to climax again.

It was some time before the four lover's breathing returned to normal. Becky offered Vicki and Andrew to stay the night. However, she declined saying that she would arrange it at her house in a week or so instead. She said she and Andrew had some catching up to do if she was going to get pregnant. They all laughed. It had been an amazing night for everyone.

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