Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 189 - Daddy, It Don't Fit You Must Acquit! 01

Chapter 189 - Daddy, It Don't Fit You Must Acquit! 01

A buzzer sounded, letting my daughter Heather into a long hallway with booths separated by glass. She hurried and sat down across from me, picking up the phone. I was in prison orange while she was in pedestrian white.

"Oh, daddy," she said, her warm pink lips pouting. "I've been so worried. Are you okay in there?"

"I'm all right, cupcake."

"Are they treating you well? Do you need more lube so it doesn't hurt so much?"

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Heather, I'm fine."

"Do you want me to get you anymore of that chafing powder?"

I glanced at the guard behind me. "I said I'm fine."

"But in your letter—"

"Heather, I'm fine!" I said, squirming in my seat. It was hard to sit comfortably. "More importantly, are you ready for tomorrow?"

She perked up with a big smile. "Yup, daddy. I'm ready to testify. I talked to Aunt Ginny and we went over everything."

"Good," I said. "With any luck, I'll be found not guilty and I'll get out of here."

"I hope so, daddy. I miss you."

"I miss you too, cupcake. Are you holding up all right?"

"Sorta. I had to move in with grandpa and grandma since our house got foreclosed on. The last few months of school were horrible since everyone thought you were having sexual relations with me, which you weren't! And no one can prove otherwise!" she said, looking at the guard.

I rubbed my forehead. "Yeah, cupcake."

"But other than that, it's been good. Now that I've finished school, I got a job. I'm working at a diner. And guess what? Me and my friend Lori think this other waitress is having sex with her son. We overheard her talking to her sister. And I think Lori is fucking her brother too."

"Jesus Christ."

"It's a crazy world out there, daddy. Everyone's doing it. Incest is the new gay. Not that we'd ever do something like that!" she said to the guard.

I sighed. "Of course not, honey."

"Yup. Oh, by the way, grandpa and grandma have disowned you."


"Yeah, they wanted me to tell you that you're a scumbag and, um, how did they put it? You're going to burn in hell for what you've done to me. Not that you did anything!" she said loudly.

"Geez. They could have waited until after the trial."

"They said even if you're found innocent, which you are!" she said, looking at the guard again. "You can't come to the house. They put me in therapy too. It was a condition for taking me in."

"How's therapy going?"

"Good. It turns out I'm, um, what did she call me? Oh, yes, an attention-seeking necrophiliac."

"A what?" I cried.

"Wait, sorry. Verbal typo. Nymphomaniac."

"Oh, that's much better than the other one."

"I don't think I'm a nympho though, daddy. I mean, you get accused of having sex with your father and suddenly everyone thinks you're obsessed with sex like some kind of deviant. Which I didn't even do!" she shouted at the guard behind me.

"Baby, you know that guard can't hear you through the glass, right?"

"Daddy," she said, winking at me, "anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

"Look, just do your best tomorrow, okay? A lot is riding on this."

"I know, daddy," she said cheerfully. "You can count on me... to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth!" she yelled at the guard.

"Oh, god, help me, I'm fucked."

The following morning, they took me out of my cell, put me in a van, and drove me to the courthouse. My lawyer, who was also my cousin Ginny Cockrin, met me in the holding room with a suit. She was my age, wearing a knee-length dress skirt. She had blond hair and dead serious eyes.

"Good morning, Bradley," she said.

"Hi, Ginny. Are we gonna win today?"

"We're going to nail these bastards to the wall. And then we'll sue the jerseys right off that fucking ballpark."

"That's why I like you, Ginny," I said, changing in front of her. She didn't bother to look away. "You almost make me believe I'm innocent."

"Bradley, you're far from innocent. You fucked the shit out of your daughter. But don't forget I'm working pro-bone-me." She swung her hand and grabbed my cock and balls. "You owe me one very good fuck for this. My husband has a small dick, and you're going to fulfill my fantasy of having a big one, and no one is ever going to know. Got that?" She squeezed.

"Ah, fuck! I got it, I got it! Just let go!"

She let go. "Good boy."

"You always were a daddy's girl, weren't you, Ginny?" I said, buttoning up my shirt.

"I was a tomboy. It doesn't mean I wanted to fuck my own father, you sick fuck."

"How is Uncle Ralph?"

"Good, thanks for asking. He thinks you're a sick fuck too. He's not happy I'm representing you. I heard your parents disowned you."

I tied my tie. "Yup. Let's see if they forgive me after I get away with it."

Once I was dressed, Ginny stepped outside and came back with a pair of officers. They led me into the courtroom. I sat on the defendant's side, going up against a mean-looking prosecutor for the state. Her name was Miranda Wright. She was tall, brunette, middle-aged, and very stern looking. I was sure if my crime had warranted a death sentence, she would have asked for the chair.

"All rise!" the clerk said.

We all rose. My daughter was in the front row of the gallery, smiling at me. She gave me a thumbs-up. I winked at her. A court reporter caught it and began jotting things down. I took a glance at the jury of my peers: five men and seven women. The deck was already stacked against me. If I could just get one sympathetic pervert in that crowd, I'd be home free.

"Be seated," the clerk said.

I looked at the judge. The old man had an icy, impassive look. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Court is now in session. Will the accused please rise."

What the hell? I was just standing. I stood up again. Ginny stood as well.

"I'll read the charges," the judge continued. "Bradley Cox, you stand accused of the following. The first count: misdemeanor public exhibition of a sex act. Count two: felony incest with a family member over 18 years old. Count three: felony rape in the 3rd degree. You have entered a plea of not guilty. Is that correct?"

Ginny answered for me. "That's correct, your honor."

"So be it. We'll now hear the opening arguments from prosecuting counsel. Attorney Miranda, go ahead."

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury," Miranda said, standing up and walking in front of the jury box, "today I'm going to prove to you that the defendant, Mr. Bradley Cox, did knowingly and willfully abuse his own daughter sexually in such a way that not only was she a participant, she actually came to view her own rape as her choice. You're going to hear some testimony from the defense that Mr. Cox is not guilty of these charges. But you're also going to see some shocking video that proves otherwise. After I've presented you with my evidence, I'm going to ask that you return a verdict of guilty on all three counts of public indecency, incest, and rape. Thank you."

"Defense, your opening statement," the judge said.

Ginny stood up, looking at the jury. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ginny Cockrin. Some of you may not know that the defendant is my cousin. But I'm not here to tell you what a great family man he is, or how he raised his daughter single-handedly after the tragic death of his wife, or how in my life he's been a caring and supportive member of my family. No, I'm not going to tell you all that. Instead, I'm going to focus on the facts, the facts that will state explicitly that my client did not commit any lewd acts in public, let alone with his own daughter, thereby eliminating any possibility of incest or rape. I ask you all to keep an open mind and to remember the directions of the judge: Mr. Cox is only guilty if you believe these acts occurred beyond a reasonable doubt. There's a lot of doubt here, ladies and gentleman."

Ginny sat down. I took a deep breath. Now, it was show time.

"Prosecution, your first witness," the judge said.

"Prosecution calls Officer Henry Mann to the stand," Miranda said.

The police officer who had caught me fucking my daughter in the bleachers took the stand. He was sworn in.

"Officer Mann, can you tell us what you witnessed on Saturday, April 19th?" Miranda said.

"Yes, ma'am," Mann said. "I was observing the upper section of the bleachers at the stadium when I heard someone cry out, taking my attention. When I looked, I noticed a woman sitting in a man's lap."

"Who was the woman?"

"I later identified her as Heather Cox."

"And who was the man?"

"I later identified him as Bradley Cox."

"Is he in the courtroom?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Can you point him out?"

He pointed to me. I leaned over to Ginny. "Aren't you gonna object to that?"

"On what grounds? They took you to the station. You haven't left custody since. I think he's got the right guy."

I grumbled and shot the officer a glare. He seemed to smirk. Bastard.

"Go on, officer," Miranda said. "What did you witness?"

"The woman was sitting in his lap. That's not uncommon, so I didn't think anything of it at first. But I watched her for several moments, and I realized she was gyrating."

"How so?"

"She appeared to be grinding her backside into the man's crotch."

"What did you do then?"

"I approached, and when I came up beside the couple, I realized the man's penis was erect, sticking out of the flap of his jeans, and fully inserted into the woman's vagina."

"So they were having sex?"

"Objection! Leading the witness," Ginny said.


"Rephrase," Miranda said. "Officer, what did it appear that they were doing?"

"They were having sex."

"What did you do then?"

"I broke them up and I asked for identification, at which point I asked if they were related because of their age difference and last names. They confirmed they were. I arrested Mr. Cox."

"Thank you, officer. No further questions."

"Defense, your witness," the judge said.

Ginny stood up. "Officer Mann, isn't it true you have a history of alcohol abuse?"

The officer shifted in his seat. "I have been disciplined for drinking on the job before, yes."

"And isn't it true you were assigned to the stadium as part of that disciplinary action?"

He paused. "Yes."

"What led to this alcohol abuse?"

"I, uh, I once found a girl locked in a basement with her brother. She had been tied up and raped. Seeing it didn't sit right with me. But I've been in counseling and I've dealt with it."

"Do you feel you're more sensitive to the issue of incest after that day?"

"Yes, definitely."

"Do you drink now?"


"And were you drunk on April 19th?"


"Are you sure? Because I have a vendor who positively identified you as ordering an alcoholic beverage."

"I wasn't drunk."

"But had you been drinking?"

"I... I had one, I guess. Maybe two. I don't remember."

"Was it one or was it two, Officer Mann? A sober person could remember."

"It was two."

"You don't sound convinced."

"Objection!" Miranda called.

"Withdrawn," Ginny said. "Defense asks for exhibit A as a full exhibit."


"No objection."

Ginny went to the table where the evidence was, opening a brown paper bag. She reached in and withdrew a long dildo, 11 inches, hard, with balls. It was bouncing around as she passed the jury box and brought it to the witness stand. She set it down.

"Are you familiar with this, officer?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Looks like a dildo."

"Yes. It is a dildo. Does it look familiar?"


"You've never seen this dildo before?"


"Does it resemble the penis you identified as inside Miss Cox's vagina in your earlier statement?"

"Uh, no. I mean, a little, but that was Mr. Cox's penis, not a dildo."

"Are you certain?"


"Well, how can you be so certain? Did you view Mr. Cox's penis up close? Did you physically inspect it? Did you touch it?"

"No, I didn't do any of that."

"Then how do you know this dildo was not what appeared to be Mr. Cox's penis?"

"I just, I know it wasn't a dildo."

"I see. How many drinks did you have again that day, Officer Mann?"

"Objection! Asked and answered."


"No further questions," Ginny said, taking her dildo back and putting it in the evidence bag. She sat down next to me. I gave her a thankful smile.

"Prosecution, please call your next witness," the judge said.

"Prosecution calls Kimberly Bana to the stand."

Kim entered the courtroom. My daughter hissed at her as she passed. Kim took the stand and swore an oath.

"Miss Bana," Miranda said, "do you know the defendant's daughter, Heather Cox?"

"Yes, I do. We went to high school together."

"You and Miss Cox had a bet, didn't you?"

"Yes, we did."

"Can you tell us about that bet?"

"I told Heather I was better in bed than she was. All our friends argued they were the best. So I said let's make a video of sucking cock, and whoever's video is the hottest wins bragging rights. We all did videos and it spread through the school. Then everyone wanted to make one."

"Did Miss Cox make one?"

"Yeah, with her dad, the freak."

"Objection," Ginny said. "Not asked."

"Sustained," the judge said. "Jury is to disregard. Miss Bana, please answer only the questions asked."

"Whatever," she said.

"Miss Bana," Miranda said, "how many videos did Heather make?"

"Let's see, there was the blow job, then the straight sex, then the anal sex, and then the live show."

"Do you have copies of these recordings?" Miranda asked.

"Duh, yes. I gave them to you."

Miranda shook her head. "Your honor, I'd like to show exhibits B through E, as provided by Miss Bana, with no objection from defense."

"No objection," Ginny said.

The judge nodded. "All right. Members of the jury, we remind you, these videos are pornographic. Members in the gallery, viewer discretion is advised."

The videos began. I watched them with a new perspective. The blowjob made Heather look like an amateur, the straight sex looked fake, the anal sex looked brutal, and the live video was damning. I watched as Heather stood between my legs and lowered herself down on my cock. When she dropped the camera, the recording was only of her feet as she squirmed on my cock, along with her whimpers and moans.

"Miss Bana, can you identify the man in the video?" Miranda asked.

"Yeah, it's totally Mr. Cox."

"Why do you believe it's Mr. Cox?"

"I guess you can't tell it's him in the blowjob video or in the straight sex video because it's from the side, but in the anal he's wearing the ski-mask and later he's blurred out, but you can see his chest. I've been around him during the summer and stuff, and I can recognize his frame. And at the ballpark, there's a couple of shots that show his face. It's definitely him."

"Thank you, Miss Bana. No further questions."

"Defense, cross."

Ginny stood up. "Hello, Kim. How are you doing?"

"I'm okay."

"Good. Other than in these videos, have you ever seen Mr. Cox naked?"


"Do you think you could identify his penis if you saw it again?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Ginny went for the evidence bag. "Showing Exhibit A." She brought out the dildo again, waving it around. "Does this look familiar?"

"No. Should it?"

"You tell me. Does this resemble Mr. Cox's penis in the video?"

"I guess, like, length and size-wise. But that wasn't a dildo in the video. I can tell."

"You can tell?"


"Could your classmates tell?"

"Not all of them, no."

"Some of your classmates thought Mr. Cox's penis was a dildo, didn't they?"

"Yeah, but not me."

"I see. So you're an expert on the male penis?"

"Well, I know my way around one."

"Oh, I'm sure you do."


"Withdrawn," Ginny said. "Kim, you testified that in one of the videos, Mr. Cox's face was blurred out."


"Did you notice any other editing?"


"So you don't think any other editing took place to make these videos look more authentic?"

"I don't know. I wasn't there when they were editing them."

"That's right. You weren't there."

"Objection," Miranda said. "Is there a question?"

"Withdrawn," Ginny said. "Kim, since we're going to take you as an expert witness on the male penis, if I were to ask you to look at Mr. Cox's penis today, right now, in this courtroom, could you positively identify it as the penis in the videos?"


"You're certain?"


"Then with the court's permission, I'd like to ask Mr. Cox to stand up and demonstrate his penis for the witness, if the defense has no objection."

Miranda crossed her legs, looking around. "Well, I find this highly irregular, but no objection."

"Mr. Cox, if you would, please show the witness your cock," Ginny said.

I stood up, my back straight. Everyone in the courtroom was staring at me. The jury was slack jawed as I ran my hand down my pants, over the very large bulge. I blatantly stroked myself on top of my slacks, smirking at everyone who was looking. Then I unzipped my pants. I took my time slipping my fingers inside, moving aside my boxers, opening the flap. I felt it. It was already hard, ready to go, always was. I coiled my fist around it and tugged it out. The whole courtroom gasped as my long, fat, veiny cock sprung out. It curved downward heavily. I wrapped my fist around it and give it a long stroke from base to tip, staring at Kim.

Ginny looked from my cock to Kim. "Well, Kim. Is this the cock you saw in the video?"

Kim was grinning. She lifted her hand and pointed. "That's the cock!"

"Are you sure?" Ginny said.


"How positive?"

"100% certain."

Ginny walked across the courtroom, coming up beside me. I gasped as she reached down and grabbed my long shaft in her hand, lifting my cock up. "This is the cock in the video?"

"I said yes. That's it. I'd recognize it anywhere."

"You don't need a closer look?"


"Well, I'd like you to have one, just so you can be sure." Ginny began to pull on my cock. I groaned for effect, and then Ginny ripped my entire cock right out of my pants, holding it up. The room gasped. Ginny stalked to the witness stand and slammed the dildo down in front of Kim. "What about now? Are you still sure that's the same cock?"

"You tricked me!"

"Are you still sure about that cock?" Ginny demanded.

"Objection, you're honor!" Miranda called.


The entire courtroom was murmuring.

"Are you sure about that cock!" Ginny shouted.

The judge pounded his gavel. "Order in the court!"

"Are you sure about that cock, Miss Trumped-Up-Little-Bitch!"

"Objection!" Miranda shouted again. "Your honor!"

"Sustained! Order!" the judge shouted. "Mrs. Cockrin, you will refrain from insulting the witness! And, Miss Bana, you will answer the question with either a yes or a no!"

Kim was fuming. "No."

Ginny grinned. "No further questions for the cock expert, your honor."

Kim scoffed and left the stand. "Sick slut," she muttered as she passed Heather in the gallery.

"Attorney Miranda, your next witness," the judge said calmly, folding his hands together.

"Prosecution calls Jenna Wellby to the stand," Miranda said.

I looked at the doors as Jenna entered. This one was really going to cook me. She still looked so mousey and innocent. I almost felt bad for putting her through this. The clerk swore her in, and I prayed she would learn how to lie in the next five minutes.

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